package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * Provides DAO operations for Solr. */ @Repository public class SolrDAO { @Autowired private SolrConnectionProvider connector; private SolrServer server; // separator between provider id and dataset id in serialized compund dataset id protected static final String CDSID_SEPARATOR = "\n"; /** * Initialize Solr connection after bean is constructed. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { this.server = connector.getSolrServer(); } /** * Inserts or updates a representation (update might mean only setting persistent to true and changing date). If * representation is inserted, it will be assigned to provided list of data sets. If representation is updated, its * prevoiusly assigned data set will remain and provided list of data sets will be also added. * * @param rep * representation to be added or updated * @param dataSetIds * list of dataset ids * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred */ public void insertRepresentation(Representation rep, Collection<CompoundDataSetId> dataSetIds) throws IOException, SolrServerException { // collect list of previously assigned data sets Collection<String> existingDataSets = new HashSet<>(); try { existingDataSets.addAll(getDocumentById(rep.getVersion()).getDataSets()); } catch (SolrDocumentNotFoundException ex) { //document does not exist - so insert it } if (dataSetIds != null) { for (CompoundDataSetId compoundDataSetId : dataSetIds) { existingDataSets.add(serialize(compoundDataSetId)); } } RepresentationSolrDocument document = new RepresentationSolrDocument(rep.getCloudId(), rep.getVersion(), rep.getRepresentationName(), rep.getDataProvider(), rep.getCreationDate(), rep.isPersistent(), existingDataSets); server.addBean(document); server.commit(); } /** * Return document with given version_id from Solr. * * @param versionId * @return retrieved document * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred * @throws SolrDocumentNotFoundException * if document can't be found in Solr index */ public RepresentationSolrDocument getDocumentById(String versionId) throws SolrServerException, SolrDocumentNotFoundException { SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery(SolrFields.VERSION + ":" + versionId); List<RepresentationSolrDocument> result = server.query(q).getBeans(RepresentationSolrDocument.class); if (result.isEmpty()) { throw new SolrDocumentNotFoundException(q.toString()); } return result.get(0); } /** * Adds data set to representation. * * @param versionId * representation version id * @param dataSetId * compound data set id * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred * @throws SolrDocumentNotFoundException * if document can't be found in Solr index */ public void addAssignment(String versionId, CompoundDataSetId dataSetId) throws SolrServerException, IOException, SolrDocumentNotFoundException { RepresentationSolrDocument document = getDocumentById(versionId); Collection<String> dataSets = document.getDataSets(); String assigment = serialize(dataSetId); if (!dataSets.contains(assigment)) { dataSets.add(assigment); } server.addBean(document); server.commit(); } /** * Removes representation version. * * @param versionId * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred */ public void removeRepresentationVersion(String versionId) throws SolrServerException, IOException { server.deleteById(versionId); server.commit(); } /** * Removes representation with all history (all versions) * * @param cloudId * @param schema * @throws SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred * @throws IOException * if there is a I/O error in Solr server */ public void removeRepresentation(String cloudId, String schema) throws SolrServerException, IOException { server.deleteByQuery(SolrFields.CLOUD_ID + ":" + cloudId + " AND " + SolrFields.SCHEMA + ":" + schema); server.commit(); } /** * Removes all record representations with all history (all versions). * * @param cloudId * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ public void removeRecordRepresentation(String cloudId) throws SolrServerException, IOException { server.deleteByQuery(SolrFields.CLOUD_ID + ":" + cloudId); server.commit(); } /** * Removes data set from representation. * * @param recordId * record id * @param schema * representation schema * @param dataSetIds * list of data sets to be removed from representation * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred * @throws SolrDocumentNotFoundException * if document can't be found in Solr index */ public void removeAssignment(String recordId, String schema, Collection<CompoundDataSetId> dataSetIds) throws SolrServerException, IOException, SolrDocumentNotFoundException { RepresentationSearchParams params = RepresentationSearchParams.builder().setRecordId(recordId) .setSchema(schema).build(); String queryString = generateQueryString(params); SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(queryString); QueryResponse response = server.query(query); Collection<String> serializedDataSetIds = Collections2.transform(dataSetIds, new Function<CompoundDataSetId, String>() { @Override public String apply(CompoundDataSetId input) { return serialize(input); } }); List<RepresentationSolrDocument> foundDocuments = response.getBeans(RepresentationSolrDocument.class); for (RepresentationSolrDocument document : foundDocuments) { if (document.getDataSets().removeAll(serializedDataSetIds)) { server.addBean(document); } } server.commit(); } /** * Removes data set assignments from ALL representation. This method is to be used if whole data set is removed. * * @param dataSetId * data set id * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred */ public void removeAssignmentFromDataSet(CompoundDataSetId dataSetId) throws SolrServerException, IOException { RepresentationSearchParams params = RepresentationSearchParams.builder() .setDataSetProviderId(dataSetId.getDataSetProviderId()).setDataSetId(dataSetId.getDataSetId()).build(); String queryString = generateQueryString(params); SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(queryString); QueryResponse response = server.query(query); String serializedDataSetId = serialize(dataSetId); List<RepresentationSolrDocument> foundDocuments = response.getBeans(RepresentationSolrDocument.class); for (RepresentationSolrDocument document : foundDocuments) { if (document.getDataSets().remove(serializedDataSetId)) { server.addBean(document); } } server.commit(); } /** * Removes data set assignment from representation version. * * @param versionId * version of representation * @param dataSetId * data set id * @throws * if there is a I/O error in Solr server * @throws org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException * if Solr server error occurred * @throws SolrDocumentNotFoundException * if document can't be found in Solr index */ public void removeAssignment(String versionId, CompoundDataSetId dataSetId) throws SolrServerException, IOException, SolrDocumentNotFoundException { RepresentationSolrDocument document = getDocumentById(versionId); document.getDataSets().remove(serialize(dataSetId)); server.addBean(document); server.commit(); } /** * Searches for representation versions that satisfy query parameters. Generates Solr query from passed parameters * and runs it on Solr server. Number of results can be limited. Offset can be specified. * * @param searchParams * parameters of representation versions to be found. * @param startIndex * offset of returned list of representations. * @param limit * maximum length of returned list. * @return list of representations matching parameters */ public List<Representation> search(RepresentationSearchParams searchParams, int startIndex, int limit) { String queryString = generateQueryString(searchParams); SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(queryString); query.setRows(limit).setStart(startIndex); try { QueryResponse response = server.query(query); List<RepresentationSolrDocument> foundDocuments = response.getBeans(RepresentationSolrDocument.class); List<Representation> representations = new ArrayList<>(foundDocuments.size()); for (RepresentationSolrDocument document : foundDocuments) { representations.add(map(document)); } return representations; } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw new SystemException(ex); } } /** * Generates solr query string from parameters. * * @param params * query parameters. * @return */ private String generateQueryString(RepresentationSearchParams params) { List<Param> queryParams = new ArrayList<>(); if (params.getSchema() != null) { String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(params.getSchema()); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.SCHEMA, encodedValue)); } if (params.getRecordId() != null) { String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(params.getRecordId()); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.CLOUD_ID, encodedValue)); } if (params.getDataProvider() != null) { String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(params.getDataProvider()); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.PROVIDER_ID, encodedValue)); } if (params.getDataSetId() != null && params.getDataSetProviderId() != null) { CompoundDataSetId compoundDataSetId = new CompoundDataSetId(params.getDataSetProviderId(), params.getDataSetId()); String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(serialize(compoundDataSetId)); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.DATA_SETS, encodedValue)); } else if (params.getDataSetId() != null) { String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(CDSID_SEPARATOR + params.getDataSetId()); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.DATA_SETS, "*" + encodedValue)); } else if (params.getDataSetProviderId() != null) { String encodedValue = ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(params.getDataSetProviderId() + CDSID_SEPARATOR); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.DATA_SETS, encodedValue + "*")); } if (params.isPersistent() != null) { queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.PERSISTENT, params.isPersistent().toString())); } // if start of end of creation date range is specified - add range parameter boolean anyDateIsSpecified = params.getFromDate() != null || params.getToDate() != null; if (anyDateIsSpecified) { DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime(); String fromDate; if (params.getFromDate() == null) { fromDate = "*"; } else { fromDate = new DateTime(params.getFromDate()).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString(fmt); } String toDate; if (params.getToDate() == null) { toDate = "*"; } else { toDate = new DateTime(params.getToDate()).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString(fmt); } String dateRangeParam = String.format("[%s TO %s]", fromDate, toDate); queryParams.add(new Param(SolrFields.CREATION_DATE, dateRangeParam)); } return Joiner.on(" AND ").join(queryParams); } /** * Maps solr document bean into representation class object. * * @param document * @return */ private Representation map(RepresentationSolrDocument document) { return new Representation(document.getCloudId(), document.getSchema(), document.getVersion(), null, null, document.getProviderId(), new ArrayList<File>(),new ArrayList<Revision>(), document.isPersistent(), document.getCreationDate()); } protected CompoundDataSetId deserialize(String serializedValue) { String[] values = serializedValue.split(CDSID_SEPARATOR); if (values.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot construct proper compound data set id from value: " + serializedValue); } return new CompoundDataSetId(values[0], values[1]); } protected String serialize(CompoundDataSetId dataSetId) { return dataSetId.getDataSetProviderId() + CDSID_SEPARATOR + dataSetId.getDataSetId(); } /** * Represents solr query parameter: field name and expected value. */ private static final class Param { private final String field, value; @Override public String toString() { return field + ":(" + value + ")"; } Param(String field, String value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; } } }