package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Service for search similar and duplicate documents. * @author Pavel Kefurt <> */ public class SimilarityService { private final float duplicationThreshold = (float)0.98; //1 = 100% private final Indexer client; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimilarityService.class); private Map<String, List<String>> fields; /** * Construct object with default fields. * @param indexer name of indexer ({@link SupportedIndexers}) * @param index index name * @param type type name ({@link Solr} indexer ignore this parameter) * @param addresses indexer servers addresses (separated by semicolon) * @throws IndexerException */ public SimilarityService(String indexer, String index, String type, String addresses) throws IndexerException { this(new IndexerInformations(indexer, index, type, addresses)); } /** * Construct object with custom fields. * @param indexer name of indexer ({@link SupportedIndexers}) * @param index index name * @param type type name ({@link Solr} indexer ignore this parameter) * @param addresses indexer servers addresses (separated by semicolon) * @param fields selected fields for every representation. This fields will be used for search similarity and duplicity * Map structure: <"representation name", List<"field name">> (null means all possible fields) * @throws IndexerException */ public SimilarityService(String indexer, String index, String type, String addresses, Map<String, List<String>> fields) throws IndexerException { this(new IndexerInformations(indexer, index, type, addresses), fields); } /** * Construct object with default fields. * @param ii instance of IndexerInformations * @throws IndexerException */ public SimilarityService(IndexerInformations ii) throws IndexerException { Indexer tmp = IndexerFactory.getIndexer(ii); if(tmp == null) { LOGGER.warn("No indexer."); throw new IndexerException("Unsupported indexer."); } client = tmp; initFields(); } /** * Construct object with custom fields. * @param ii instance of IndexerInformations * @param fields selected fields for every representation. This fields will be used for search similarity and duplicity * Map structure: <"representation name", List<"field name">> (null means all possible fields) * @throws IndexerException */ public SimilarityService(IndexerInformations ii, Map<String, List<String>> fields) throws IndexerException { Indexer tmp = IndexerFactory.getIndexer(ii); if(tmp == null) { LOGGER.warn("No indexer."); throw new IndexerException("Unsupported indexer."); } client = tmp; this.fields = fields; } /** * Retrieve similar documents for reference document. * @param documentId unique identifier of reference document * @return instance of SearchResult or null if documentId is not set * @throws IndexerException */ public SearchResult getSimilarDocuments(String documentId) throws IndexerException { if(documentId == null) { return null; } List<String> tmp = getFields(documentId); String[] _fields = tmp != null ? tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()]) : null; return client.getMoreLikeThis(documentId, _fields); } /** * Retrieve similar documents for reference document. * @param documentId unique identifier of reference document * @param limit maximum number of results * @return instance of SearchResult or null if documentId is not set * @throws IndexerException */ public SearchResult getSimilarDocuments(String documentId, int limit) throws IndexerException { if(documentId == null || limit <= 0) { return null; } List<String> tmp = getFields(documentId); String[] _fields = tmp != null ? tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()]) : null; return client.getMoreLikeThis(documentId, _fields, limit, 0); } /** * Retrieve duplicate documents for reference document. * @param documentId unique identifier of reference document * @return list of SearchHits or null if documentId is not set * @throws IndexerException */ public List<SearchHit> calcDuplicateDocuments(String documentId) throws IndexerException { if(documentId == null) { return null; } List<String> tmp = getFields(documentId); String[] _fields = tmp != null ? tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()]) : null; SearchResult result = client.getMoreLikeThis(documentId, _fields, 50, 2, Indexer.MIN_DOC_FREQ, Indexer.MAX_DOC_FREQ, Indexer.MIN_WORD_LENGTH, Indexer.MAX_WORD_LENGTH, Indexer.PAGE_SIZE, 0, true); SearchHit reference = null; for(SearchHit sh: result.getHits()) { if(documentId.equals(sh.getId())) { reference = sh; result.getHits().remove(sh); break; } } if(reference == null) { return new ArrayList(); } float threshold = reference.getScore() * duplicationThreshold; List<SearchHit> res = new ArrayList(); for(SearchHit sh: result.getHits()) { if(sh.getScore() >= threshold) { res.add(sh); } } return res; } private List<String> getFields(String url) { if(fields == null || fields.isEmpty() || url == null) { return null; } Map<String, String> parsed = FileServiceClient.parseFileUri(url); String repName = parsed.get(ParamConstants.P_REPRESENTATIONNAME); return fields.get(repName.toUpperCase()); } /** * Fields initializer. * Structure: Map<"representation name", List<"field name">> (null means all possible fields) */ protected void initFields() { List<String> pdf = new ArrayList(); pdf.add(IndexFields.RAW_TEXT.toString()); pdf.add("another_field"); String[] oai = { "description", "title" }; Map<String, List<String>> _fields = new HashMap<>(); _fields.put("PDF", pdf); _fields.put("TXT", null); _fields.put("OAI", Arrays.asList(oai)); } }