package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * InMemoryContentServiceImpl */ @Service public class InMemoryRecordService implements RecordService { @Autowired private InMemoryRecordDAO recordDAO; @Autowired private InMemoryContentDAO contentDAO; @Autowired private InMemoryDataSetDAO dataSetDAO; @Autowired private UISClientHandler uisHandler; /** * Constuctor. */ public InMemoryRecordService() { super(); } /** * Constructs service instance using given DAOs. * * @param recordDAO * @param contentDAO * @param dataSetDAO * @param uisHandler */ public InMemoryRecordService(InMemoryRecordDAO recordDAO, InMemoryContentDAO contentDAO, InMemoryDataSetDAO dataSetDAO, UISClientHandler uisHandler) { super(); this.recordDAO = recordDAO; this.contentDAO = contentDAO; this.dataSetDAO = dataSetDAO; this.uisHandler = uisHandler; } @Override public Record getRecord(String globalId) throws RecordNotExistsException { return recordDAO.getRecord(globalId); } @Override public void deleteRecord(String globalId) throws RecordNotExistsException { Record r = recordDAO.getRecord(globalId); for (Representation rep : r.getRepresentations()) { try { for (Representation repVersion : recordDAO.listRepresentationVersions(globalId, rep.getRepresentationName())) { for (File f : repVersion.getFiles()) { contentDAO.deleteContent(globalId, repVersion.getRepresentationName(), repVersion.getVersion(), f.getFileName()); } } } catch (RepresentationNotExistsException | FileNotExistsException ex) { // should not happen } } recordDAO.deleteRecord(globalId); } @Override public void deleteRepresentation(String globalId, String schema) throws RepresentationNotExistsException { for (Representation rep : recordDAO.listRepresentationVersions(globalId, schema)) { for (File f : rep.getFiles()) { try { contentDAO.deleteContent(globalId, schema, rep.getVersion(), f.getFileName()); } catch (FileNotExistsException ex) { // should not happen } } } recordDAO.deleteRepresentation(globalId, schema); } @Override public Representation createRepresentation(String globalId, String representationName, String providerId) throws RecordNotExistsException, ProviderNotExistsException { if (!uisHandler.existsProvider(providerId)) { throw new ProviderNotExistsException((String.format("Provider %s does not exist.", providerId))); } return recordDAO.createRepresentation(globalId, representationName, providerId); } @Override public Representation getRepresentation(String globalId, String schema) throws RepresentationNotExistsException { return recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, null); } @Override public Representation getRepresentation(String globalId, String schema, String version) throws RepresentationNotExistsException { return recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); } @Override public void deleteRepresentation(String globalId, String schema, String version) throws RepresentationNotExistsException, CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException { Representation rep = recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); for (File f : rep.getFiles()) { try { contentDAO.deleteContent(globalId, schema, version, f.getFileName()); } catch (FileNotExistsException ex) { // should not happen } } recordDAO.deleteRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); } @Override public Representation persistRepresentation(String globalId, String schema, String version) throws RepresentationNotExistsException, CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException { Representation representation = recordDAO.persistRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); for (File file : representation.getFiles()) { try { contentDAO.copyContent(globalId, schema, version, file.getFileName(), globalId, schema, representation.getVersion(), file.getFileName()); } catch (FileNotExistsException e) { throw new CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException("Could not persist representation!", e); } } return representation; } @Override public List<Representation> listRepresentationVersions(String globalId, String schema) throws RepresentationNotExistsException { return recordDAO.listRepresentationVersions(globalId, schema); } @Override public boolean putContent(String globalId, String schema, String version, File file, InputStream content) throws RepresentationNotExistsException, CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException { Representation representation = recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); if (representation.isPersistent()) { throw new CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException(); } boolean isCreate = true; // if it is create file operation or update content if (file.getFileName() == null) { file.setFileName(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } else { for (File f : representation.getFiles()) { if (f.getFileName().equals(file.getFileName())) { isCreate = false; break; } } } try { contentDAO.putContent(globalId, schema, version, file, content); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } recordDAO.addOrReplaceFileInRepresentation(globalId, schema, version, file); return isCreate; } @Override public void getContent(String globalId, String schema, String version, String fileName, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd, OutputStream os) throws FileNotExistsException, WrongContentRangeException { try { contentDAO.getContent(globalId, schema, version, fileName, rangeStart, rangeEnd, os); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } @Override public String getContent(String globalId, String schema, String version, String fileName, OutputStream os) throws FileNotExistsException, RepresentationNotExistsException { Representation rep = getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); String md5 = null; for (File f : rep.getFiles()) { if (fileName.equals(f.getFileName())) { md5 = f.getMd5(); } } if (md5 == null) { throw new FileNotExistsException(); } try { contentDAO.getContent(globalId, schema, version, fileName, -1, -1, os); } catch (IOException | WrongContentRangeException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return md5; } @Override public void deleteContent(String globalId, String schema, String version, String fileName) throws FileNotExistsException, RepresentationNotExistsException, CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException { recordDAO.removeFileFromRepresentation(globalId, schema, version, fileName); contentDAO.deleteContent(globalId, schema, version, fileName); } @Override public Representation copyRepresentation(String globalId, String schema, String version) throws RepresentationNotExistsException, VersionNotExistsException { Representation srcRep = recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); Representation copiedRep = recordDAO.createRepresentation(globalId, schema, srcRep.getDataProvider()); for (File srcFile : srcRep.getFiles()) { File copiedFile = new File(srcFile); try { contentDAO.copyContent(globalId, schema, version, srcFile.getFileName(), globalId, schema, copiedRep.getVersion(), copiedFile.getFileName()); recordDAO.addOrReplaceFileInRepresentation(globalId, schema, copiedRep.getVersion(), copiedFile); } catch (FileNotExistsException | CannotModifyPersistentRepresentationException ex) { // should not happen } } // get version after all modifications return recordDAO.getRepresentation(globalId, schema, copiedRep.getVersion()); } // @Override public ResultSlice<Representation> search(RepresentationSearchParams searchParams, String thresholdParam, int limit) { int threshold = 0; if (thresholdParam != null) { threshold = parseInteger(thresholdParam); } String providerId = searchParams.getDataProvider(); String schema = searchParams.getSchema(); String dataSetId = searchParams.getDataSetId(); List<Representation> allRecords; if (providerId != null && dataSetId != null) { // get all for dataset then filter for schema List<Representation> toReturn = new ArrayList<>(); try { List<Representation> representationStubs = dataSetDAO.listDataSet(providerId, dataSetId); for (Representation stub : representationStubs) { if (schema == null || schema.equals(stub.getRepresentationName())) { Representation realContent; try { realContent = recordDAO.getRepresentation(stub.getCloudId(), stub.getRepresentationName(), stub.getVersion()); toReturn.add(realContent); } catch (RepresentationNotExistsException ex) { // ignore } } } } catch (DataSetNotExistsException ex) { allRecords = Collections.emptyList(); } allRecords = toReturn; } else { allRecords = recordDAO.findRepresentations(providerId, schema); } if (allRecords.size() != 0 && threshold >= allRecords.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal threshold param value: '" + thresholdParam + "'."); } return prepareResultSlice(limit, threshold, allRecords); } private ResultSlice<Representation> prepareResultSlice(int limit, int threshold, List<Representation> allRecords) { List<Representation> result = allRecords; String nextSlice = null; if (limit > 0) { int offset = threshold + limit; result = allRecords.subList(threshold, Math.min(offset, allRecords.size())); if (offset < allRecords.size()) { nextSlice = Integer.toString(offset); } } return new ResultSlice<>(nextSlice, result); } private int parseInteger(String thresholdParam) { int offset = 0; try { offset = Integer.parseInt(thresholdParam); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value of threshold. It should be integer, but was '" + thresholdParam + "'. "); } return offset; } @Override public File getFile(String globalId, String schema, String version, String fileName) throws RepresentationNotExistsException, FileNotExistsException { final Representation rep = getRepresentation(globalId, schema, version); for (File f : rep.getFiles()) { if (f.getFileName().equals(fileName)) { return f; } } throw new FileNotExistsException(); } }