package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static*; /** * Client for managing datasets in MCS. */ public class DataSetServiceClient extends MCSClient { private final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSetServiceClient.class); //data-providers/{DATAPROVIDER}/data-sets private static final String dataSetsPath; // = ParamConstants.PROVIDERS + "/{" + ParamConstants.P_PROVIDER + "}/" + ParamConstants.DATASETS; //data-providers/{DATAPROVIDER}/data-sets/{DATASET} private static final String dataSetPath; // = dataSetsPath + "/{" + ParamConstants.P_DATASET + "}"; //data-providers/{DATAPROVIDER}/data-sets/{DATASET}/assignments private static final String assignmentsPath; // = dataSetPath + "/" + ParamConstants.ASSIGNMENTS; //data-providers/{DATAPROVIDER}/data-sets/{DATASET}/representations/{REPRESENTATIONNAME}/revisions/{REVISIONID}" private static final String dataSetRevisionsPath; //data-providers/{DATAPROVIDER}/data-sets/{DATASET}/representations/{REPRESENTATIONNAME} private static final String representationsPath; // = dataSetPath + "/representations/{" + ParamConstants.P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}"; private static final String latelyTaggedRecordsPath; private static final String revisionAndRepresentationPath; static { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(ParamConstants.PROVIDERS); builder.append("/"); builder.append("{"); builder.append(P_PROVIDER); builder.append("}/"); builder.append(ParamConstants.DATASETS); dataSetsPath = builder.toString(); builder.append("/"); builder.append("{"); builder.append(ParamConstants.P_DATASET); builder.append("}"); dataSetPath = builder.toString(); builder.append("/"); builder.append(ParamConstants.ASSIGNMENTS); assignmentsPath = builder.toString(); final StringBuilder dataSetRevisionsPathBuilder = new StringBuilder(dataSetPath); dataSetRevisionsPathBuilder .append("/") .append(ParamConstants.REPRESENTATIONS) .append("/{") .append(ParamConstants.P_REPRESENTATIONNAME) .append("}/") .append(ParamConstants.REVISIONS) .append("/{") .append(ParamConstants.P_REVISION_NAME) .append("}/") .append(ParamConstants.REVISION_PROVIDER) .append("/{") .append(ParamConstants.P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID) .append("}"); dataSetRevisionsPath = dataSetRevisionsPathBuilder.toString(); representationsPath = dataSetPath + "/" + ParamConstants.REPRESENTATIONS + "/{" + ParamConstants.P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}"; latelyTaggedRecordsPath = dataSetPath + "/latelyRevisionedVersion"; revisionAndRepresentationPath = dataSetPath + "/revision" + "/{" + P_REVISION_NAME + "}/" + REVISION_PROVIDER + "/{" + P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID + "}/" + REPRESENTATIONS + "/{" + P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}"; } /** * Creates instance of DataSetServiceClient. * * @param baseUrl URL of the MCS Rest Service */ public DataSetServiceClient(String baseUrl) { super(baseUrl); } /** * Creates instance of DataSetServiceClient. Same as {@link #DataSetServiceClient(String)} * but includes username and password to perform authenticated requests. * * @param baseUrl URL of the MCS Rest Service */ public DataSetServiceClient(String baseUrl, final String username, final String password) { this(baseUrl); client .register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basicBuilder().credentials(username, password).build()); } /** * Returns chunk of data sets list of specified provider. * <p/> * This method returns the chunk specified by <code>startFrom</code> * parameter. If parameter is <code>null</code>, the first chunk is * returned. You can use {@link ResultSlice#getNextSlice()} of returned * result to obtain <code>startFrom</code> value to get the next chunk, etc; * if * {@link}<code>==null</code> * in returned result it means it is the last slice. * <p/> * If you just need all representations, you can use * {@link #getDataSetRepresentations} method, which encapsulates this * method. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param startFrom code pointing to the requested result slice (if equal to * null, first slice is returned) * @return chunk of data sets list of specified provider (empty if provider * does not exist) * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public ResultSlice<DataSet> getDataSetsForProviderChunk(String providerId, String startFrom) throws MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId); if (startFrom != null) { target = target.queryParam(ParamConstants.F_START_FROM, startFrom); } return prepareResultSliceResponse(target); } /** * Lists all data sets of specified provider. * <p/> * If provider does not exist, the empty list is returned. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @return list of all data sets of specified provider (empty if provider * does not exist) * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public List<DataSet> getDataSetsForProvider(String providerId) throws MCSException { List<DataSet> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSlice resultSlice; String startFrom = null; do { resultSlice = getDataSetsForProviderChunk(providerId, startFrom); if (resultSlice == null || resultSlice.getResults() == null) { throw new DriverException("Getting DataSet: result chunk obtained but is empty."); } resultList.addAll(resultSlice.getResults()); startFrom = resultSlice.getNextSlice(); } while (resultSlice.getNextSlice() != null); return resultList; } /** * Returns iterator to the list of all data sets of specified provider. * <p/> * If provider does not exist, the iterator returned will be empty. Iterator * is not initialised with data on creation, calls to MCS server are * performed in iterator methods. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @return iterator to the list of all data sets of specified provider * (empty if provider does not exist) */ public DataSetIterator getDataSetIteratorForProvider(String providerId) { return new DataSetIterator(this, providerId); } /** * Creates a new data set. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param description data set description (not required) * @return URI to created data set * @throws DataSetAlreadyExistsException when data set with given id (for * given provider) already exists * @throws ProviderNotExistsException when provider with given id does not * exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public URI createDataSet(String providerId, String dataSetId, String description) throws ProviderNotExistsException, DataSetAlreadyExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId); Form form = new Form(); form.param(ParamConstants.F_DATASET, dataSetId); form.param(ParamConstants.F_DESCRIPTION, description); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().post(Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)); if (response.getStatus() == Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()) { return response.getLocation(); } //TODO this does not function correctly, //details are filled with "MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/html; //charset=utf-8, type=class, //genericType=class" //simple strings like 'adsfd' get entitised correctly ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Returns chunk of representation versions list from data set. * <p/> * If specific version of representation is assigned to data set, this * version is returned. If a whole representation is assigned to data set, * the latest persistent representation version is returned. * <p/> * This method returns the chunk specified by <code>startFrom</code> * parameter. If parameter is empty, the first chunk is returned. You can * use {@link ResultSlice#getNextSlice()} of returned result to obtain * <code>startFrom</code> value to get the next chunk, etc. If you just need * all representations, you can use {@link #getDataSetRepresentations} * method, which encapsulates this method. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param startFrom code pointing to the requested result slice (if equal to * null, first slice is returned) * @return chunk of representation versions list from data set * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public ResultSlice<Representation> getDataSetRepresentationsChunk(String providerId, String dataSetId, String startFrom) throws DataSetNotExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId); if (startFrom != null) { target = target.queryParam(ParamConstants.F_START_FROM, startFrom); } Response response = null; try { response = target.request().get(); if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { return response.readEntity(ResultSlice.class); } ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Lists all representation versions from data set. * <p/> * If specific version of representation is assigned to data set, this * version is returned. If a whole representation is assigned to data set, * the latest persistent representation version is returned. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @return list of representation versions from data set * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public List<Representation> getDataSetRepresentations(String providerId, String dataSetId) throws DataSetNotExistsException, MCSException { List<Representation> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSlice resultSlice; String startFrom = null; do { resultSlice = getDataSetRepresentationsChunk(providerId, dataSetId, startFrom); if (resultSlice == null || resultSlice.getResults() == null) { throw new DriverException("Getting DataSet: result chunk obtained but is empty."); } resultList.addAll(resultSlice.getResults()); startFrom = resultSlice.getNextSlice(); } while (resultSlice.getNextSlice() != null); return resultList; } /** * Returns iterator to list of representation versions of data set. * <p/> * Iterator is not initialised with data on creation, calls to MCS server * are performed in iterator methods. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @return iterator to the list of all data sets of specified provider * (empty if provider does not exist) */ public RepresentationIterator getRepresentationIterator(String providerId, String dataSetId) { return new RepresentationIterator(this, providerId, dataSetId); } /** * Updates description of data set. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param description new description of data set (if <code>""</code> will * be set to <code>""</code>, if <code>null</code> will be set to * <code>null</code>) * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public void updateDescriptionOfDataSet(String providerId, String dataSetId, String description) throws DataSetNotExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId); Form form = new Form(); form.param(ParamConstants.F_DESCRIPTION, description); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().put(Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)); if (response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Deletes data set. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public void deleteDataSet(String providerId, String dataSetId) throws DataSetNotExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().delete(); if (response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Assigns representation into data set. * <p/> * If specific version is assigned, and then other version of the same * representation name assigned again, the old version is overridden. You * can also assign the representation without version in this case the old * version will also be overridden. Note that the version number will be * then set to null in Cassandra, but * {@link #getDataSetRepresentations(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} * method will return the last persistent version with * {@link Representation#version} filled. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param cloudId cloudId of the record (required) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @param versionId version of representation; if not provided, latest * persistent version will be assigned to data set * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws RepresentationNotExistsException if no such representation exists * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public void assignRepresentationToDataSet(String providerId, String dataSetId, String cloudId, String representationName, String versionId) throws DataSetNotExistsException, RepresentationNotExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId); Form form = new Form(); form.param(ParamConstants.F_CLOUDID, cloudId); form.param(ParamConstants.F_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName); form.param(ParamConstants.F_VER, versionId); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().post(Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)); if (response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Unassigns representation from data set. * <p/> * If representation was not assigned to data set, nothing happens. If * representation does not exist, nothing happens. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param cloudId cloudId of the record (required) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @throws DataSetNotExistsException if data set does not exist * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public void unassignRepresentationFromDataSet(String providerId, String dataSetId, String cloudId, String representationName, String representationVersion) throws DataSetNotExistsException, MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId).queryParam(ParamConstants.F_CLOUDID, cloudId) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_VER, representationVersion); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().delete(); if (response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { closeResponse(response); } } /** * Retrieve chunk of cloudIds and tags from data set for specific revision. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (requred) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @param revisionName revision naem (required) * @param revisionProviderId revision provider id (required) * @param revisionTimestamp timestamp of the searched revision which is part of the revision identifier * @param startFrom code pointing to the requested result slice (if equal to * null, first slice is returned) * @return chunk of representation cloud identifier list from data set together with tags of the revision * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public ResultSlice<CloudTagsResponse> getDataSetRevisionsChunk(String providerId, String dataSetId, String representationName, String revisionName, String revisionProviderId, String revisionTimestamp, String startFrom, Integer limit) throws MCSException { WebTarget target = .path(dataSetRevisionsPath) .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(P_DATASET, dataSetId) .resolveTemplate(P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_NAME, revisionName) .resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID, revisionProviderId) .queryParam(F_REVISION_TIMESTAMP, revisionTimestamp) .queryParam(F_START_FROM, startFrom); if (limit != null) { target.queryParam(F_LIMIT, limit); } Response response = null; try { response = target.request().get(); if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { return response.readEntity(ResultSlice.class); } ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } finally { closeResponse(response); } } /** * Lists cloudIds and tags from data set for specific revision. * * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param dataSetId data set identifier (requred) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @param revisionName revision naem (required) * @param revisionProviderId revision provider id (required) * @param revisionTimestamp timestamp of the searched revision which is part of the revision identifier * @return chunk of representation cloud identifier list from data set together with revision tags * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public List<CloudTagsResponse> getDataSetRevisions(String providerId, String dataSetId, String representationName, String revisionName, String revisionProviderId, String revisionTimestamp) throws MCSException { List<CloudTagsResponse> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSlice<CloudTagsResponse> resultSlice; String startFrom = null; do { resultSlice = getDataSetRevisionsChunk(providerId, dataSetId, representationName, revisionName, revisionProviderId, revisionTimestamp, startFrom, null); if (resultSlice == null || resultSlice.getResults() == null) { throw new DriverException("Getting cloud ids and revision tags: result chunk obtained but is empty."); } resultList.addAll(resultSlice.getResults()); startFrom = resultSlice.getNextSlice(); } while (resultSlice.getNextSlice() != null); return resultList; } private void closeResponse(Response response) { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } public void useAuthorizationHeader(final String headerValue) { client.register(new ECloudBasicAuthFilter(headerValue)); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { client.close(); } /** * Returns chunk of cloud identifiers list of specified provider in specified data set having specific representation name * and published revision created after the specified date. * <p/> * This method returns the chunk specified by <code>startFrom</code> * parameter. If parameter is <code>null</code>, the first chunk is * returned. You can use {@link ResultSlice#getNextSlice()} of returned * result to obtain <code>startFrom</code> value to get the next chunk, etc; * if * {@link}<code>==null</code> * in returned result it means it is the last slice. * <p/> * * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @param dateFrom starting date (required) * @param tag tag of revision, must be published, other are not supported yet (required) * @param startFrom code pointing to the requested result slice (if equal to * null, first slice is returned) * @return chunk of cloud identifiers list of specified provider in specified data set having specific representation name * and published revision created after the specified date * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public ResultSlice<CloudVersionRevisionResponse> getDataSetCloudIdsByRepresentationChunk(String dataSetId, String providerId, String representationName, String dateFrom, String tag, String startFrom) throws MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_DATE_FROM, dateFrom) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_TAG, tag); if (startFrom != null) { target = target.queryParam(ParamConstants.F_START_FROM, startFrom); } return prepareResultSliceResponse(target); } /** * Lists all cloud identifiers from data provider's data set having representation name and published revision added after specified date. * <p/> * * @param dataSetId data set identifier (required) * @param providerId provider identifier (required) * @param representationName name of the representation (required) * @param dateFrom starting date (required) * @param tag tag of revision, must be published, other are not supported yet (required) * @return list of all data sets of specified provider (empty if provider * does not exist) * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public List<CloudVersionRevisionResponse> getDataSetCloudIdsByRepresentation(String dataSetId, String providerId, String representationName, String dateFrom, String tag) throws MCSException { List<CloudVersionRevisionResponse> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSlice resultSlice; String startFrom = null; do { resultSlice = getDataSetCloudIdsByRepresentationChunk(dataSetId, providerId, representationName, dateFrom, tag, startFrom); if (resultSlice == null || resultSlice.getResults() == null) { throw new DriverException("Getting cloud identifiers from data set: result chunk obtained but is empty."); } resultList.addAll(resultSlice.getResults()); startFrom = resultSlice.getNextSlice(); } while (resultSlice.getNextSlice() != null); return resultList; } /** * Returns chunk of the latest cloud identifier,revision timestamp that belong to data set of a specified provider for a specific representation and revision. * * @param dataSetId data set identifier * @param providerId provider identifier * @param revisionProvider revision provider * @param revisionName revision name * @param representationName representation name * @param startFrom identifier to the requested result slice (cloudId) (if equal to * null, first slice is returned) * @return chunk of the latest cloud identifier,revision timestamp that belong to data set of a specified provider for a specific representation and revision. * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public ResultSlice<CloudIdAndTimestampResponse> getLatestDataSetCloudIdByRepresentationAndRevisionChunk(String dataSetId, String providerId, String revisionProvider, String revisionName, String representationName, Boolean isDeleted, String startFrom) throws MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_NAME, revisionName) .resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID, revisionProvider) .resolveTemplate(P_DATASET, dataSetId) .resolveTemplate(P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName); if (startFrom != null) { target = target.queryParam(F_START_FROM, startFrom); } if (isDeleted != null) { target = target.queryParam(IS_DELETED, isDeleted); } return prepareResultSliceResponse(target); } private ResultSlice prepareResultSliceResponse(WebTarget target) throws MCSException { Response response = null; try { response = target.request().get(); if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { return response.readEntity(ResultSlice.class); } else { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } /** * Returns list of the latest cloud identifier,revision timestamp that belong to data set of a specified provider for a specific representation and revision * <p> * <p/> * * @param dataSetId data set identifier * @param providerId provider identifier * @param revisionProvider revision provider * @param revisionName revision name * @param representationName representation name * @param isDeleted marked deleted * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations */ public List<CloudIdAndTimestampResponse> getLatestDataSetCloudIdByRepresentationAndRevision(String dataSetId, String providerId, String revisionProvider, String revisionName, String representationName, Boolean isDeleted) throws MCSException { List<CloudIdAndTimestampResponse> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSlice resultSlice; String startFrom = null; do { resultSlice = getLatestDataSetCloudIdByRepresentationAndRevisionChunk(dataSetId, providerId, revisionProvider, revisionName, representationName, isDeleted, startFrom); if (resultSlice == null || resultSlice.getResults() == null) { throw new DriverException("Getting cloud identifiers from data set: result chunk obtained but is empty."); } resultList.addAll(resultSlice.getResults()); startFrom = resultSlice.getNextSlice(); } while (resultSlice.getNextSlice() != null); return resultList; } /** * Gives the versionId of specified representation that has the newest revision (by revision timestamp) with given name. * * @param dataSetId dataset identifier * @param providerId dataset owner * @param cloudId representation cloud identifier * @param representationName representation name * @param revisionName revision name * @param revisionProviderId revision owner * @return version identifier of representation * @throws DataSetNotExistsException */ public String getLatelyTaggedRecords(String dataSetId, String providerId, String cloudId, String representationName, String revisionName, String revisionProviderId) throws MCSException { WebTarget target = .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_PROVIDER, providerId) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_DATASET, dataSetId) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_CLOUDID, cloudId) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_REVISION_NAME, revisionName) .queryParam(ParamConstants.F_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID, revisionProviderId); Response response = null; try { response = target.request().get(); if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { return response.readEntity(String.class); } else if (response.getStatus() == Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { return null; } else { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } }