/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.sword2; import org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri.IRI; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.Community; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.content.MetadataValue; import org.dspace.content.factory.ContentServiceFactory; import org.dspace.content.service.CommunityService; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.handle.HandleServiceImpl; import org.dspace.handle.factory.HandleServiceFactory; import org.dspace.handle.service.HandleService; import org.swordapp.server.SwordCollection; import java.util.List; public class CommunityCollectionGenerator implements AtomCollectionGenerator { private static Logger log = Logger .getLogger(CommunityCollectionGenerator.class); protected HandleService handleService = HandleServiceFactory.getInstance() .getHandleService(); protected CommunityService communityService = ContentServiceFactory .getInstance().getCommunityService(); public SwordCollection buildCollection(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, SwordConfigurationDSpace swordConfig) throws DSpaceSwordException { if (!(dso instanceof Community)) { log.error( "buildCollection passed something other than a Community object"); throw new DSpaceSwordException( "Incorrect ATOMCollectionGenerator instantiated"); } // get the things we need out of the service SwordUrlManager urlManager = swordConfig .getUrlManager(context, swordConfig); Community com = (Community) dso; SwordCollection scol = new SwordCollection(); // prepare the parameters to be put in the sword collection String location = urlManager.getDepositLocation(com); if (location == null) { location = handleService.getCanonicalForm(com.getHandle()); } scol.setLocation(location); // collection title is just the community name String title = communityService.getName(com); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) { scol.setTitle(title); } // FIXME: the community has no obvious licence // the collection policy is the licence to which the collection adheres // String collectionPolicy = col.getLicense(); // abstract is the short description of the collection List<MetadataValue> abstracts = communityService .getMetadataByMetadataString(com, "short_description"); if (abstracts != null && !abstracts.isEmpty()) { String firstValue = abstracts.get(0).getValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstValue)) { scol.setAbstract(firstValue); } } // do we support mediated deposit scol.setMediation(swordConfig.isMediated()); // NOTE: for communities, there are no MIME types that it accepts. // the list of mime types that we accept // offer up the collections from this item as deposit targets String subService = urlManager.constructSubServiceUrl(com); scol.addSubService(new IRI(subService)); log.debug("Created ATOM Collection for DSpace Community"); return scol; } }