/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.core; /** * Simple lightweight "framework" for managing plugins. * <p> * This is a superclass of all classes which are managed as self-named * plugins. They must extend <code>SelfNamedPlugin</code> or its * subclass. * <p> * Unfortunately, this has to be an <code>abstract class</code> because * an <code>interface</code> may not have static methods. The * <code>pluginAliases</code> method is static so it can be invoked * without creating an instance, and thus let the aliases live in the * class itself so there is no need for name mapping in a separate * configuration file. * <p> * See the documentation in the * <code>PluginService</code> class for more details. * * @author Larry Stone * @version $Revision$ * @see org.dspace.core.service.PluginService */ public abstract class SelfNamedPlugin { // the specific alias used to find the class that created this instance. private String myName = null; /** * Get the names of this plugin implementation. * Returns all names to which this plugin answers. * <p> * A name should be a short generic name illustrative of the * service, e.g. <code>"PDF"</code>, <code>"JPEG"</code>, <code>"GIF"</code> * for media filters. * <p> * Each name must be unique among all the plugins implementing any * given interface, but it can be the same as a name of * a plugin for a different interface. For example, two classes * may each have a <code>"default"</code> name if they do not * implement any of the same interfaces. * * @return array of names of this plugin */ public static String[] getPluginNames() { return null; } /** * Get an instance's particular name. * Returns the name by which the class was chosen when * this instance was created. Only works for instances created * by <code>PluginService</code>, or if someone remembers to call <code>setPluginName.</code> * <p> * Useful when the implementation class wants to be configured differently * when it is invoked under different names. * * @return name or null if not available. */ public String getPluginInstanceName() { return myName; } /** * Set the name under which this plugin was instantiated. * Not to be invoked by application code, it is * called automatically by <code>PluginService.getNamedPlugin()</code> * when the plugin is instantiated. * * @param name -- name used to select this class. */ protected void setPluginInstanceName(String name) { myName = name; } }