/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.statistics; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import com.google.common.io.Resources; import com.maxmind.geoip.Location; import com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.content.*; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.statistics.service.ElasticSearchLoggerService; import org.dspace.statistics.util.DnsLookup; import org.dspace.statistics.util.LocationUtils; import org.dspace.statistics.util.SpiderDetector; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.health.ClusterHealthResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.health.ClusterHealthStatus; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory; import org.elasticsearch.node.Node; import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; /* * @deprecated As of DSpace 6.0, ElasticSearch statistics are replaced by Solr statistics * @see org.dspace.statistics.SolrLoggerServiceImpl#SolrLoggerServiceImpl */ public class ElasticSearchLoggerServiceImpl implements ElasticSearchLoggerService, InitializingBean { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ElasticSearchLoggerServiceImpl.class); protected boolean useProxies; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_8601 = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_DCDATE = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"; protected static LookupService locationService; protected String clusterName = "dspacestatslogging"; protected String indexName = "dspaceindex"; protected String indexType = "stats"; protected String address = ""; protected int port = 9300; protected Client client; protected ElasticSearchLoggerServiceImpl() { // nobody should be instantiating this... } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { log.info("DSpace ElasticSearchLogger Initializing"); try { LookupService service = null; // Get the db file for the location String dbfile = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("usage-statistics", "dbfile"); if (dbfile != null) { try { service = new LookupService(dbfile, LookupService.GEOIP_STANDARD); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { log.error("The GeoLite Database file is missing (" + dbfile + ")! Usage Statistics cannot generate location based reports! Please see the DSpace installation instructions for instructions to install this file.", fe); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to load GeoLite Database file (" + dbfile + ")! You may need to reinstall it. See the DSpace installation instructions for more details.", e); } } else { log.error("The required 'dbfile' configuration is missing in usage-statistics.cfg!"); } locationService = service; if ("true".equals(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("useProxies"))) { useProxies = true; } else { useProxies = false; } log.info("useProxies=" + useProxies); // Configurable values for all elasticsearch connection constants clusterName = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "clusterName", clusterName); indexName = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "indexName", indexName); indexType = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "indexType", indexType); address = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "address", address); port = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("elastic-search-statistics", "port", port); //Initialize the connection to Elastic Search, and ensure our index is available. client = getClient(); boolean hasIndex = false; try { log.info("Checking Elastic Search cluster health..."); ClusterHealthResponse healthResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth(indexName).setWaitForYellowStatus() .setTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(30)).execute() .actionGet(); if (healthResponse.isTimedOut() || healthResponse.getStatus() == ClusterHealthStatus.RED) { throw new IllegalStateException("cluster not ready due to health: " + healthResponse.toString()); } log.info("DS ES Checking if index exists"); hasIndex = client.admin().indices().prepareExists(indexName).execute().actionGet().isExists(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception during health check, likely have to create index and put mapping still. Exception:" + e.getMessage()); hasIndex = false; } if(! hasIndex) { //If elastic search index exists, then we are good to go, otherwise, we need to create that index. Should only need to happen once ever. log.info("DS ES index didn't exist, we need to create it."); String mappingPath = ElasticSearchLoggerServiceImpl.class.getPackage().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") ; URL url = Resources.getResource(mappingPath + "/elasticsearch-statistics-mapping.json"); String stringMappingJSON = Resources.toString(url, Charsets.UTF_8); stringMappingJSON = stringMappingJSON.replace("stats", indexType); //Necessary to post, in order for index/type to be created. client.prepareIndex(indexName, indexType, "1") .setSource(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder() .startObject() .field("user", "kimchy") .field("postDate", new Date()) .field("message", "trying out Elastic Search") .endObject() ) .execute() .actionGet(); log.info("Create INDEX ["+indexName+"]/["+indexType+"]"); // Wait for create to be finished. client.admin().indices().prepareRefresh(indexName).execute().actionGet(); //Put the schema/mapping log.info("Put Mapping for ["+indexName+"]/["+indexType+"]="+stringMappingJSON); PutMappingRequestBuilder putMappingRequestBuilder = client.admin().indices().preparePutMapping(indexName).setType(indexType); putMappingRequestBuilder.setSource(stringMappingJSON); PutMappingResponse response = putMappingRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); if(!response.isAcknowledged()) { log.info("Could not define mapping for type ["+indexName+"]/["+indexType+"]"); } else { log.info("Successfully put mapping for ["+indexName+"]/["+indexType+"]"); } log.info("DS ES index didn't exist, but we created it."); } else { log.info("DS ES index already exists"); } log.info("DSpace ElasticSearchLogger Initialized Successfully (I suppose)"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Elastic Search crashed during init. " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void post(DSpaceObject dspaceObject, HttpServletRequest request, EPerson currentUser) { //log.info("DS-ES post for type:"+dspaceObject.getType() + " -- " + dspaceObject.getName()); client = getClient(); boolean isSpiderBot = SpiderDetector.isSpider(request); try { if (isSpiderBot && !ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("usage-statistics", "logBots", true)) { return; } // Save our basic info that we already have String ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); if (isUseProxies() && request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For") != null) { /* This header is a comma delimited list */ for (String xfip : request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For").split(",")) { /* proxy itself will sometime populate this header with the same value in remote address. ordering in spec is vague, we'll just take the last not equal to the proxy */ if (!request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For").contains(ip)) { ip = xfip.trim(); } } } if (!isUseProxies() && request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For") != null){ log.warn("X-Forwarded-For header detected but useProxies is not enabled. If your dspace is behind a proxy set it to true"); } XContentBuilder docBuilder = null; docBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject(); docBuilder.field("ip", ip); docBuilder.field("id", dspaceObject.getID()); // The numerical constant that represents the DSpaceObject TYPE. i.e. 0=bitstream, 2=item, ... docBuilder.field("typeIndex", dspaceObject.getType()); // The text that represent the DSpaceObject TYPE. i.e. BITSTREAM, ITEM, COLLECTION, COMMUNITY docBuilder.field("type", Constants.typeText[dspaceObject.getType()]); // Save the current time docBuilder.field("time", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT_8601)); if (currentUser != null) { docBuilder.field("epersonid", currentUser.getID()); } try { String dns = DnsLookup.reverseDns(ip); docBuilder.field("dns", dns.toLowerCase()); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Failed DNS Lookup for IP:" + ip); log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } // Save the location information if valid, save the event without // location information if not valid Location location = locationService.getLocation(ip); if (location != null && !("--".equals(location.countryCode) && location.latitude == -180 && location.longitude == -180)) { try { docBuilder.field("continent", LocationUtils .getContinentCode(location.countryCode)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("COUNTRY ERROR: " + location.countryCode); } docBuilder.field("countryCode", location.countryCode); docBuilder.field("city", location.city); docBuilder.field("latitude", location.latitude); docBuilder.field("longitude", location.longitude); docBuilder.field("isBot", isSpiderBot); if (request.getHeader("User-Agent") != null) { docBuilder.field("userAgent", request.getHeader("User-Agent")); } } if (dspaceObject instanceof Bitstream) { Bitstream bit = (Bitstream) dspaceObject; List<Bundle> bundles = bit.getBundles(); docBuilder.field("bundleName").startArray(); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { docBuilder.value(bundle.getName()); } docBuilder.endArray(); } storeParents(docBuilder, getParents(dspaceObject)); docBuilder.endObject(); if (docBuilder != null) { IndexRequestBuilder irb = client.prepareIndex(indexName, indexType) .setSource(docBuilder); //log.info("Executing document insert into index"); if(client == null) { log.error("Hey, client is null"); } irb.execute().actionGet(); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.error("RunTimer in ESL:\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(re)); throw re; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { client.close(); } } @Override public void post(DSpaceObject dspaceObject, String ip, String userAgent, String xforwardedfor, EPerson currentUser) { //log.info("DS-ES post for type:"+dspaceObject.getType() + " -- " + dspaceObject.getName()); client = getClient(); boolean isSpiderBot = SpiderDetector.isSpider(ip); try { if (isSpiderBot && !ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("usage-statistics", "logBots", true)) { return; } // Save our basic info that we already have if (isUseProxies() && xforwardedfor != null) { /* This header is a comma delimited list */ for (String xfip : xforwardedfor.split(",")) { /* proxy itself will sometime populate this header with the same value in remote address. ordering in spec is vague, we'll just take the last not equal to the proxy */ if (!xforwardedfor.contains(ip)) { ip = xfip.trim(); } } } if (!isUseProxies() && xforwardedfor != null){ log.warn("X-Forwarded-For header detected but useProxies is not enabled. If your dspace is behind a proxy set it to true"); } XContentBuilder docBuilder = null; docBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject(); docBuilder.field("ip", ip); docBuilder.field("id", dspaceObject.getID()); // The numerical constant that represents the DSpaceObject TYPE. i.e. 0=bitstream, 2=item, ... docBuilder.field("typeIndex", dspaceObject.getType()); // The text that represent the DSpaceObject TYPE. i.e. BITSTREAM, ITEM, COLLECTION, COMMUNITY docBuilder.field("type", Constants.typeText[dspaceObject.getType()]); // Save the current time docBuilder.field("time", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT_8601)); if (currentUser != null) { docBuilder.field("epersonid", currentUser.getID()); } try { String dns = DnsLookup.reverseDns(ip); docBuilder.field("dns", dns.toLowerCase()); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Failed DNS Lookup for IP:" + ip); log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } // Save the location information if valid, save the event without // location information if not valid Location location = locationService.getLocation(ip); if (location != null && !("--".equals(location.countryCode) && location.latitude == -180 && location.longitude == -180)) { try { docBuilder.field("continent", LocationUtils .getContinentCode(location.countryCode)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("COUNTRY ERROR: " + location.countryCode); } docBuilder.field("countryCode", location.countryCode); docBuilder.field("city", location.city); docBuilder.field("latitude", location.latitude); docBuilder.field("longitude", location.longitude); docBuilder.field("isBot", isSpiderBot); if (userAgent != null) { docBuilder.field("userAgent", userAgent); } } if (dspaceObject instanceof Bitstream) { Bitstream bit = (Bitstream) dspaceObject; List<Bundle> bundles = bit.getBundles(); docBuilder.field("bundleName").startArray(); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { docBuilder.value(bundle.getName()); } docBuilder.endArray(); } storeParents(docBuilder, getParents(dspaceObject)); docBuilder.endObject(); if (docBuilder != null) { IndexRequestBuilder irb = client.prepareIndex(indexName, indexType) .setSource(docBuilder); //log.info("Executing document insert into index"); if(client == null) { log.error("Hey, client is null"); } irb.execute().actionGet(); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.error("RunTimer in ESL:\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(re)); throw re; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { client.close(); } } @Override public String getClusterName() { return clusterName; } @Override public void setClusterName(String clusterName) { this.clusterName = clusterName; } @Override public String getIndexName() { return indexName; } @Override public void setIndexName(String indexName) { this.indexName = indexName; } @Override public String getIndexType() { return indexType; } @Override public void setIndexType(String indexType) { this.indexType = indexType; } @Override public String getAddress() { return address; } @Override public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } @Override public int getPort() { return port; } @Override public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } @Override public void buildParents(DSpaceObject dso, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> parents) throws SQLException { if (dso instanceof Community) { Community comm = (Community) dso; while (comm != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(comm.getParentCommunities())) { comm = comm.getParentCommunities().get(0); parents.get("owningComm").add(comm.getID().toString()); } } else if (dso instanceof Collection) { Collection coll = (Collection) dso; for (Community community : coll.getCommunities()) { parents.get("owningComm").add(community.getID().toString()); buildParents(community, parents); } } else if (dso instanceof Item) { Item item = (Item) dso; for (Collection collection : item.getCollections()) { parents.get("owningColl").add(collection.getID().toString()); buildParents(collection, parents); } } else if (dso instanceof Bitstream) { Bitstream bitstream = (Bitstream) dso; for (Bundle bundle : bitstream.getBundles()) { for (Item item : bundle.getItems()) { parents.get("owningItem").add(item.getID().toString()); buildParents(item, parents); } } } } @Override public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getParents(DSpaceObject dso) throws SQLException { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> parents = new HashMap<>(); parents.put("owningComm", new ArrayList<String>()); parents.put("owningColl", new ArrayList<String>()); parents.put("owningItem", new ArrayList<String>()); buildParents(dso, parents); return parents; } @Override public void storeParents(XContentBuilder docBuilder, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> parents) throws IOException { Iterator it = parents.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String) it.next(); ArrayList<String> ids = parents.get(key); if (ids.size() > 0) { docBuilder.field(key).startArray(); for (String i : ids) { docBuilder.value(i); } docBuilder.endArray(); } } } @Override public boolean isUseProxies() { return useProxies; } // Transport Client will talk to server on 9300 @Override public void createTransportClient() { // Configurable values for all elasticsearch connection constants // Can't guarantee that these values are already loaded, since this can be called by a different JVM clusterName = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "clusterName", clusterName); indexName = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "indexName", indexName); indexType = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "indexType", indexType); address = getConfigurationStringWithFallBack("elastic-search-statistics", "address", address); port = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("elastic-search-statistics", "port", port); log.info("Creating TransportClient to [Address:" + address + "] [Port:" + port + "] [cluster.name:" + clusterName + "]"); Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("cluster.name", clusterName).build(); client = new TransportClient(settings).addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(address, port)); } @Override public Client getClient() { //Get an available client, otherwise new default is NODE. return getClient(ClientType.NODE); } // Get the already available client, otherwise we will create a new client. // TODO Allow for config to determine which architecture / topology to use. // - Local Node, store Data // - Node Client, must discover a master within ES cluster // - Transport Client, specify IP address of server running ES. @Override public Client getClient(ClientType clientType) { if(client == null) { log.error("getClient reports null client"); if(clientType == ClientType.TRANSPORT) { createTransportClient(); } else { createNodeClient(clientType); } } return client; } @Override public Client createNodeClient(ClientType clientType) { String dspaceDir = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.dir"); Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("path.data", dspaceDir + "/elasticsearch/").build(); NodeBuilder nodeBuilder = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().clusterName(clusterName).data(true).settings(settings); if(clientType == ClientType.LOCAL) { log.info("Create a Local Node."); nodeBuilder = nodeBuilder.local(true); } else if(clientType == ClientType.NODE) { log.info("Create a nodeClient, allows transport clients to connect"); nodeBuilder = nodeBuilder.local(false); } Node node = nodeBuilder.node(); log.info("Got node"); client = node.client(); log.info("Created new node client"); return client; } @Override public String getConfigurationStringWithFallBack(String module, String configurationKey, String defaultFallbackValue) { String configDrivenValue = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(module, configurationKey); if(configDrivenValue == null || configDrivenValue.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return defaultFallbackValue; } else { return configDrivenValue; } } }