/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.app.itemimport; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.dspace.app.itemimport.factory.ItemImportServiceFactory; import org.dspace.app.itemimport.service.ItemImportService; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.content.factory.ContentServiceFactory; import org.dspace.content.service.CollectionService; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.eperson.factory.EPersonServiceFactory; import org.dspace.eperson.service.EPersonService; import org.dspace.handle.factory.HandleServiceFactory; import org.dspace.handle.service.HandleService; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Import items into DSpace. The conventional use is upload files by copying * them. DSpace writes the item's bitstreams into its assetstore. Metadata is * also loaded to the DSpace database. * <P> * A second use assumes the bitstream files already exist in a storage * resource accessible to DSpace. In this case the bitstreams are 'registered'. * That is, the metadata is loaded to the DSpace database and DSpace is given * the location of the file which is subsumed into DSpace. * <P> * The distinction is controlled by the format of lines in the 'contents' file. * See comments in processContentsFile() below. * <P> * Modified by David Little, UCSD Libraries 12/21/04 to * allow the registration of files (bitstreams) into DSpace. */ public class ItemImportCLITool { private static boolean template = false; private static final CollectionService collectionService = ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getCollectionService(); private static final EPersonService epersonService = EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getEPersonService(); private static final HandleService handleService = HandleServiceFactory.getInstance().getHandleService(); public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { Date startTime = new Date(); int status = 0; try { // create an options object and populate it CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("a", "add", false, "add items to DSpace"); options.addOption("b", "add-bte", false, "add items to DSpace via Biblio-Transformation-Engine (BTE)"); options.addOption("r", "replace", false, "replace items in mapfile"); options.addOption("d", "delete", false, "delete items listed in mapfile"); options.addOption("i", "inputtype", true, "input type in case of BTE import"); options.addOption("s", "source", true, "source of items (directory)"); options.addOption("z", "zip", true, "name of zip file"); options.addOption("c", "collection", true, "destination collection(s) Handle or database ID"); options.addOption("m", "mapfile", true, "mapfile items in mapfile"); options.addOption("e", "eperson", true, "email of eperson doing importing"); options.addOption("w", "workflow", false, "send submission through collection's workflow"); options.addOption("n", "notify", false, "if sending submissions through the workflow, send notification emails"); options.addOption("t", "test", false, "test run - do not actually import items"); options.addOption("p", "template", false, "apply template"); options.addOption("R", "resume", false, "resume a failed import (add only)"); options.addOption("q", "quiet", false, "don't display metadata"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "help"); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, argv); String command = null; // add replace remove, etc String bteInputType = null; //ris, endnote, tsv, csv, bibtex String sourcedir = null; String mapfile = null; String eperson = null; // db ID or email String[] collections = null; // db ID or handles boolean isTest = false; boolean isResume = false; boolean useWorkflow = false; boolean useWorkflowSendEmail = false; boolean isQuiet = false; if (line.hasOption('h')) { HelpFormatter myhelp = new HelpFormatter(); myhelp.printHelp("ItemImport\n", options); System.out .println("\nadding items: ItemImport -a -e eperson -c collection -s sourcedir -m mapfile"); System.out .println("\nadding items from zip file: ItemImport -a -e eperson -c collection -s sourcedir -z filename.zip -m mapfile"); System.out .println("replacing items: ItemImport -r -e eperson -c collection -s sourcedir -m mapfile"); System.out .println("deleting items: ItemImport -d -e eperson -m mapfile"); System.out .println("If multiple collections are specified, the first collection will be the one that owns the item."); System.exit(0); } if (line.hasOption('a')) { command = "add"; } if (line.hasOption('r')) { command = "replace"; } if (line.hasOption('d')) { command = "delete"; } if (line.hasOption('b')) { command = "add-bte"; } if (line.hasOption('i')) { bteInputType = line.getOptionValue('i'); } if (line.hasOption('w')) { useWorkflow = true; if (line.hasOption('n')) { useWorkflowSendEmail = true; } } if (line.hasOption('t')) { isTest = true; System.out.println("**Test Run** - not actually importing items."); } if (line.hasOption('p')) { template = true; } if (line.hasOption('s')) // source { sourcedir = line.getOptionValue('s'); } if (line.hasOption('m')) // mapfile { mapfile = line.getOptionValue('m'); } if (line.hasOption('e')) // eperson { eperson = line.getOptionValue('e'); } if (line.hasOption('c')) // collections { collections = line.getOptionValues('c'); } if (line.hasOption('R')) { isResume = true; System.out .println("**Resume import** - attempting to import items not already imported"); } if (line.hasOption('q')) { isQuiet = true; } boolean zip = false; String zipfilename = ""; if (line.hasOption('z')) { zip = true; zipfilename = line.getOptionValue('z'); } //By default assume collections will be given on the command line boolean commandLineCollections = true; // now validate // must have a command set if (command == null) { System.out .println("Error - must run with either add, replace, or remove (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } else if ("add".equals(command) || "replace".equals(command)) { if (sourcedir == null) { System.out .println("Error - a source directory containing items must be set"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } if (mapfile == null) { System.out .println("Error - a map file to hold importing results must be specified"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } if (eperson == null) { System.out .println("Error - an eperson to do the importing must be specified"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } if (collections == null) { System.out.println("No collections given. Assuming 'collections' file inside item directory"); commandLineCollections = false; } } else if ("add-bte".equals(command)) { //Source dir can be null, the user can specify the parameters for his loader in the Spring XML configuration file if (mapfile == null) { System.out .println("Error - a map file to hold importing results must be specified"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } if (eperson == null) { System.out .println("Error - an eperson to do the importing must be specified"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } if (collections == null) { System.out.println("No collections given. Assuming 'collections' file inside item directory"); commandLineCollections = false; } if (bteInputType == null) { System.out .println("Error - an input type (tsv, csv, ris, endnote, bibtex or any other type you have specified in BTE Spring XML configuration file) must be specified"); System.out.println(" (run with -h flag for details)"); System.exit(1); } } else if ("delete".equals(command)) { if (eperson == null) { System.out .println("Error - an eperson to do the importing must be specified"); System.exit(1); } if (mapfile == null) { System.out.println("Error - a map file must be specified"); System.exit(1); } } // can only resume for adds if (isResume && !"add".equals(command) && !"add-bte".equals(command)) { System.out .println("Error - resume option only works with the --add or the --add-bte commands"); System.exit(1); } // do checks around mapfile - if mapfile exists and 'add' is selected, // resume must be chosen File myFile = new File(mapfile); if (!isResume && "add".equals(command) && myFile.exists()) { System.out.println("Error - the mapfile " + mapfile + " already exists."); System.out .println("Either delete it or use --resume if attempting to resume an aborted import."); System.exit(1); } ItemImportService myloader = ItemImportServiceFactory.getInstance().getItemImportService(); myloader.setTest(isTest); myloader.setResume(isResume); myloader.setUseWorkflow(useWorkflow); myloader.setUseWorkflowSendEmail(useWorkflowSendEmail); myloader.setQuiet(isQuiet); // create a context Context c = new Context(); // find the EPerson, assign to context EPerson myEPerson = null; if (eperson.indexOf('@') != -1) { // @ sign, must be an email myEPerson = epersonService.findByEmail(c, eperson); } else { myEPerson = epersonService.find(c, UUID.fromString(eperson)); } if (myEPerson == null) { System.out.println("Error, eperson cannot be found: " + eperson); System.exit(1); } c.setCurrentUser(myEPerson); // find collections List<Collection> mycollections = null; // don't need to validate collections set if command is "delete" // also if no collections are given in the command line if (!"delete".equals(command) && commandLineCollections) { System.out.println("Destination collections:"); mycollections = new ArrayList<>(); // validate each collection arg to see if it's a real collection for (int i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) { // is the ID a handle? if (collections[i].indexOf('/') != -1) { // string has a / so it must be a handle - try and resolve // it mycollections.add((Collection) handleService .resolveToObject(c, collections[i])); // resolved, now make sure it's a collection if ((mycollections.get(i) == null) || (mycollections.get(i).getType() != Constants.COLLECTION)) { mycollections.set(i, null); } } // not a handle, try and treat it as an integer collection // database ID else if (collections[i] != null) { mycollections.set(i, collectionService.find(c, UUID.fromString(collections[i]))); } // was the collection valid? if (mycollections.get(i) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot resolve " + collections[i] + " to collection"); } // print progress info String owningPrefix = ""; if (i == 0) { owningPrefix = "Owning "; } System.out.println(owningPrefix + " Collection: " + mycollections.get(i).getName()); } } // end of validating collections try { // If this is a zip archive, unzip it first if (zip) { sourcedir = myloader.unzip(sourcedir, zipfilename); } c.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); if ("add".equals(command)) { myloader.addItems(c, mycollections, sourcedir, mapfile, template); } else if ("replace".equals(command)) { myloader.replaceItems(c, mycollections, sourcedir, mapfile, template); } else if ("delete".equals(command)) { myloader.deleteItems(c, mapfile); } else if ("add-bte".equals(command)) { myloader.addBTEItems(c, mycollections, sourcedir, mapfile, template, bteInputType, null); } // complete all transactions c.complete(); } catch (Exception e) { c.abort(); e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e); status = 1; } // Delete the unzipped file try { if (zip) { System.gc(); System.out.println("Deleting temporary zip directory: " + myloader.getTempWorkDirFile().getAbsolutePath()); myloader.cleanupZipTemp(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to delete temporary zip archive location: " + myloader.getTempWorkDirFile().getAbsolutePath()); } if (isTest) { System.out.println("***End of Test Run***"); } } finally { Date endTime = new Date(); System.out.println("Started: " + startTime.getTime()); System.out.println("Ended: " + endTime.getTime()); System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + ((endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000) + " secs (" + (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) + " msecs)"); } System.exit(status); } }