/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.element; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.AttributeMap; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.ObjectManager; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.WingConstants; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.WingContext; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.WingException; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport; /** * A class representing a set of all referenced repositories in the DRI document. * * @author Scott Phillips */ public class RepositoryMeta extends AbstractWingElement implements WingMergeableElement, MetadataElement { /** The name of the ObjectMeta element */ public static final String E_REPOSITORY_META = "repositoryMeta"; /** The name of the repository element */ public static final String E_REPOSITORY = "repository"; /** The name of this repository identifier attribute*/ public static final String A_REPOSITORY_ID = "repositoryID"; /** The unique url of this repository */ public static final String A_REPOSITORY_URL = "url"; /** Has this repositoryMeta element been merged? */ private boolean merged = false; /** The registered repositories on this page */ private Map<String,String> repositories = new HashMap<String,String>(); /** * Construct a new RepositoryMeta * * @param context * (Required) The context this element is contained in, such as * where to route SAX events and what i18n catalogue to use. */ protected RepositoryMeta(WingContext context) throws WingException { super(context); ObjectManager objectManager = context.getObjectManager(); if (!(objectManager == null)) { this.repositories = objectManager.getAllManagedRepositories(); } } /** * Determine if the given SAX event is a ObjectMeta element. * * @param namespace * The element's name space * @param localName * The local, unqualified, name for this element * @param qName * The qualified name for this element * @param attributes * The element's attributes * @return True if this WingElement is equivalent to the given SAX Event. */ public boolean mergeEqual(String namespace, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException, WingException { if (!WingConstants.DRI.URI.equals(namespace)) { return false; } if (!E_REPOSITORY_META.equals(localName)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Since we will only add to the object set and never modify an existing * object we do not merge any child elements. * * However we will notify the object manager of each identifier we * encounter. * * @param namespace * The element's name space * @param localName * The local, unqualified, name for this element * * @param qName * The qualified name for this element * @param attributes * The element's attributes * @return The child element */ public WingMergeableElement mergeChild(String namespace, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException, WingException { // Check if it's in our name space and an options element. if (!WingConstants.DRI.URI.equals(namespace)) { return null; } if (!E_REPOSITORY.equals(localName)) { return null; } // Get the repositoryIdentefier String repositoryIdentifier = attributes.getValue(A_REPOSITORY_ID); if (repositories.containsKey(repositoryIdentifier)) { repositories.remove(repositoryIdentifier); } return null; } /** * Inform this element that it is being merged with an existing element. */ public Attributes merge(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException, WingException { this.merged = true; return attributes; } /** * Translate this element into SAX events. * * @param contentHandler * (Required) The registered contentHandler where SAX events * should be routed too. * @param lexicalHandler * (Required) The registered lexicalHandler where lexical * events (such as CDATA, DTD, etc) should be routed too. * @param namespaces * (Required) SAX Helper class to keep track of namespaces able * to determine the correct prefix for a given namespace URI. */ public void toSAX(ContentHandler contentHandler, LexicalHandler lexicalHandler, NamespaceSupport namespaces) throws SAXException { if (!merged) { startElement(contentHandler, namespaces, E_REPOSITORY_META, null); } for (String identifier : repositories.keySet()) { // add the repository XML AttributeMap attributes = new AttributeMap(); attributes.put(A_REPOSITORY_ID, identifier); attributes.put(A_REPOSITORY_URL, repositories.get(identifier)); startElement(contentHandler,namespaces,E_REPOSITORY,attributes); endElement(contentHandler,namespaces,E_REPOSITORY); } if (!merged) { endElement(contentHandler, namespaces, E_REPOSITORY_META); } } }