/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.app.xmlui.aspect.administrative; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.utils.RequestUtils; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.utils.UIException; import org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.Message; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat; import org.dspace.content.MetadataField; import org.dspace.content.MetadataSchema; import org.dspace.content.NonUniqueMetadataException; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; /** * */ public class FlowRegistryUtils { /** Language Strings */ private static final Message T_add_metadata_schema_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.add_metadata_schema_success_notice"); private static final Message T_delete_metadata_schema_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.delete_metadata_schema_success_notice"); private static final Message T_add_metadata_field_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.add_metadata_field_success_notice"); private static final Message T_edit_metadata_field_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.edit_metadata_field_success_notice"); private static final Message T_move_metadata_field_sucess_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.move_metadata_field_success_notice"); private static final Message T_delete_metadata_field_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.delete_metadata_field_success_notice"); private static final Message T_edit_bitstream_format_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.edit_bitstream_format_success_notice"); private static final Message T_delete_bitstream_format_success_notice = new Message("default","xmlui.administrative.FlowRegistryUtils.delete_bitstream_format_success_notice"); /** * Add a new metadata schema. The ID of the new schema will be added * as the "schemaID" parameter on the results object. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param namespace The new schema's namespace * @param name The new schema's name. * @return A flow result */ public static FlowResult processAddMetadataSchema(Context context, String namespace, String name) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, NonUniqueMetadataException, UIException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); result.setContinue(false); // Decode the namespace and name try { namespace = URLDecoder.decode(namespace, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); name = URLDecoder.decode(name,Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new UIException(uee); } if (namespace == null || namespace.length() <= 0) { result.addError("namespace"); } if (name == null || name.length() <= 0 || name.indexOf('.') != -1 || name.indexOf('_') != -1 || name.indexOf(' ') != -1) { // The name must not be empty nor contain dot, underscore or spaces. result.addError("name"); } if (result.getErrors() == null) { MetadataSchema schema = new MetadataSchema(); schema.setNamespace(namespace); schema.setName(name); schema.create(context); context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_add_metadata_schema_success_notice); result.setParameter("schemaID", schema.getSchemaID()); } return result; } /** * Delete the given schemas. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param schemaIDs A list of schema IDs to be deleted. * @return A flow result */ public static FlowResult processDeleteMetadataSchemas(Context context, String[] schemaIDs) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, NonUniqueMetadataException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); int count = 0; for (String id : schemaIDs) { MetadataSchema schema = MetadataSchema.find(context, Integer.valueOf(id)); // First remove and fields in the schema MetadataField[] fields = MetadataField.findAllInSchema(context, schema.getSchemaID()); for (MetadataField field : fields) { field.delete(context); } // Once all the fields are gone, then delete the schema. schema.delete(context); count++; } if (count > 0) { context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_delete_metadata_schema_success_notice); } return result; } /** * Add a new metadata field. The newly created field's ID will be added as * the "fieldID" parameter on the results object. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param schemaID The id of the schema where this new field should be added. * @param element The field's element. * @param qualifier The field's qualifier. * @param note A scope not about the field. * @return A results object */ public static FlowResult processAddMetadataField(Context context, int schemaID, String element, String qualifier, String note) throws IOException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, UIException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); result.setContinue(false); // Decode the element, qualifier, and note. try { element = URLDecoder.decode(element, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); qualifier = URLDecoder.decode(qualifier,Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); note = URLDecoder.decode(note,Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new UIException(uee); } // Check if the field name is good. result.setErrors(checkMetadataFieldName(element, qualifier)); // Make sure qualifier is null if blank. if ("".equals(qualifier)) { qualifier = null; } if (result.getErrors() == null) { try { MetadataField field = new MetadataField(); field.setSchemaID(schemaID); field.setElement(element); field.setQualifier(qualifier); field.setScopeNote(note); field.create(context); context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_add_metadata_field_success_notice); result.setParameter("fieldID", field.getFieldID()); } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException nume) { result.addError("duplicate_field"); } } return result; } /** * Edit a metadata field. * * @param context The DSpace context. * @param schemaID The ID of the schema for this field. * @param fieldID The id of this field. * @param element A new element value * @param qualifier A new qualifier value * @param note A new note value. * @return A results object. */ public static FlowResult processEditMetadataField(Context context, int schemaID, int fieldID, String element, String qualifier, String note) throws IOException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, UIException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); result.setContinue(false); // Decode the element, qualifier, and note. try { element = URLDecoder.decode(element, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); qualifier = URLDecoder.decode(qualifier,Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); note = URLDecoder.decode(note,Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new UIException(uee); } // Check if the field name is good. result.setErrors(checkMetadataFieldName(element, qualifier)); // Make sure qualifier is null if blank. if ("".equals(qualifier)) { qualifier = null; } // Check to make sure the field is unique, sometimes the NonUniqueMetadataException is not thrown. MetadataField possibleDuplicate = MetadataField.findByElement(context, schemaID, element, qualifier); if (possibleDuplicate != null && possibleDuplicate.getFieldID() != fieldID) { result.addError("duplicate_field"); } if (result.getErrors() == null) { try { // Update the metadata for a DC type MetadataField field = MetadataField.find(context, fieldID); field.setElement(element); field.setQualifier(qualifier); field.setScopeNote(note); field.update(context); context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_edit_metadata_field_success_notice); } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException nume) { // This shouldn't ever occure. result.addError("duplicate_field"); } } return result; } /** * Simple method to check the a metadata field's name: element and qualifier. * * @param element The field's element. * @param qualifier The field's qualifier * @return A list of errors found, null if none are found. */ private static List<String> checkMetadataFieldName(String element, String qualifier) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); // Is the element empty? if (element == null || element.length() <= 0) { element = ""; // so that the rest of the checks don't fail. errors.add("element_empty"); } // Is there a bad character in the element? if (element.indexOf('.') != -1 || element.indexOf('_') != -1 || element.indexOf(' ') != -1) { errors.add("element_badchar"); } // Is the element too long? if (element.length() > 64) { errors.add("element_tolong"); } // The qualifier can be empty. if (qualifier != null && qualifier.length() > 0) { if (qualifier.length() > 64) { errors.add("qualifier_tolong"); } if (qualifier.indexOf('.') != -1 || qualifier.indexOf('_') != -1 || qualifier.indexOf(' ') != -1) { errors.add("qualifier_badchar"); } } // If there were no errors then just return null. if (errors.size() == 0) { return null; } return errors; } /** * Move the specified metadata fields to the target schema. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param schemaID The target schema ID * @param fieldIDs The fields to be moved. * @return A results object. */ public static FlowResult processMoveMetadataField(Context context, int schemaID, String[] fieldIDs) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, AuthorizeException, NonUniqueMetadataException, IOException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); int count = 0; for (String id : fieldIDs) { MetadataField field = MetadataField.find(context, Integer.valueOf(id)); field.setSchemaID(schemaID); field.update(context); count++; } if (count > 0) { context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_move_metadata_field_sucess_notice); } return result; } /** * Delete the specified metadata fields. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param fieldIDs The fields to be deleted. * @return A results object */ public static FlowResult processDeleteMetadataField(Context context, String[] fieldIDs) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); int count = 0; for (String id : fieldIDs) { MetadataField field = MetadataField.find(context, Integer.valueOf(id)); field.delete(context); count++; } if (count > 0) { context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_delete_metadata_field_success_notice); } return result; } /** * Edit a bitstream format. If the formatID is -1 then a new format is created. * The formatID of the new format is added as a parameter to the results object. * * FIXME: the reason we accept a request object is so that we can use the * RequestUtils.getFieldvalues() to get the multivalue field values. * * @param context The dspace context * @param formatID The id of the format being updated. * @param request The request object, for all the field entries. * @return A results object */ public static FlowResult processEditBitstreamFormat(Context context, int formatID, Request request) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); result.setContinue(false); // Get the values String mimeType = request.getParameter("mimetype"); String shortDescription = request.getParameter("short_description"); String description = request.getParameter("description"); String supportLevel = request.getParameter("support_level"); String internal = request.getParameter("internal"); List<String> extensionsList = RequestUtils.getFieldValues(request, "extensions"); String[] extensions = extensionsList.toArray(new String[extensionsList.size()]); // The format must at least have a name. if (formatID != 1 && (shortDescription == null || shortDescription.length() == 0)) { result.addError("short_description"); return result; } // Remove leading periods from file extensions. for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { if (extensions[i].startsWith(".")) { extensions[i] = extensions[i].substring(1); } } // Get or create the format BitstreamFormat format; if (formatID >= 0) { format = BitstreamFormat.find(context, formatID); } else { format = BitstreamFormat.create(context); } // Update values format.setMIMEType(mimeType); if (formatID != 1) // don't change the unknow format. { format.setShortDescription(shortDescription); } format.setDescription(description); format.setSupportLevel(Integer.valueOf(supportLevel)); if (internal == null) { format.setInternal(false); } else { format.setInternal(true); } format.setExtensions(extensions); // Commit the change format.update(); context.commit(); // Return status result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_edit_bitstream_format_success_notice); result.setParameter("formatID",format.getID()); return result; } /** * Delete the specified bitstream formats. * * @param context The DSpace context * @param formatIDs The formats-to-be-deleted. * @return A results object. */ public static FlowResult processDeleteBitstreamFormats(Context context, String[] formatIDs) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { FlowResult result = new FlowResult(); int count = 0; for (String id : formatIDs) { BitstreamFormat format = BitstreamFormat.find(context,Integer.valueOf(id)); format.delete(); count++; } if (count > 0) { context.commit(); result.setContinue(true); result.setOutcome(true); result.setMessage(T_delete_bitstream_format_success_notice); } return result; } }