/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.content.dao; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.content.Bitstream; import org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager; import org.dspace.storage.rdbms.TableRowIterator; import org.dspace.storage.rdbms.TableRow; import java.sql.SQLException; public class ItemDAOPostgres extends ItemDAO { private static final String selectPrimaryBitstreamID = "SELECT bundle.primary_bitstream_id FROM item2bundle, bundle " + "WHERE item2bundle.item_id=? AND item2bundle.bundle_id=bundle.bundle_id AND bundle.name=? LIMIT 1"; private static final String selectFirstBitstreamID = "SELECT bundle2bitstream.bitstream_id FROM item2bundle, bundle, bundle2bitstream " + "WHERE item2bundle.item_id=? AND item2bundle.bundle_id=bundle.bundle_id AND bundle.name=? " + "AND bundle.bundle_id=bundle2bitstream.bundle_id LIMIT 1"; // private final String selectFirstBitstreamID = // "SELECT bitstream.bitstream_id FROM item2bundle, bundle, bundle2bitstream, bitstream " + // "WHERE item2bundle.item_id=? AND item2bundle.bundle_id=bundle.bundle_id AND bundle.name=? " + // "AND bundle.bundle_id=bundle2bitstream.bundle_id AND bundle2bitstream.bitstream_id=bitstream.bitstream_id " + // " LIMIT 1"; // private final String selectFirstBitstreamID = // "SELECT bitstream_id FROM (" + // "SELECT bitstream.bitstream_id FROM item2bundle, bundle, bundle2bitstream, bitstream " + // "WHERE item2bundle.item_id=? AND item2bundle.bundle_id=bundle.bundle_id AND bundle.name=? " + // "AND bundle.bundle_id=bundle2bitstream.bundle_id AND bundle2bitstream.bitstream_id=bitstream.bitstream_id " + // "ORDER BY bitstream.sequence_id" + // ") allstreams LIMIT 1"; private static final String selectNamedBitstreamID = "SELECT bitstream.bitstream_id FROM item2bundle, bundle, bundle2bitstream, bitstream " + "WHERE item2bundle.item_id=? AND item2bundle.bundle_id=bundle.bundle_id AND bundle.name=? " + "AND bundle.bundle_id=bundle2bitstream.bundle_id AND bundle2bitstream.bitstream_id=bitstream.bitstream_id " + "AND bitstream.name=?"; ItemDAOPostgres(Context ctx) { super(ctx); } public Bitstream getPrimaryBitstream(int itemId, String bundleName) throws SQLException { TableRowIterator tri = null; try { tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, selectPrimaryBitstreamID, itemId, bundleName); if (tri.hasNext()) { TableRow row = tri.next(); int bid = row.getIntColumn("primary_bitstream_id"); return Bitstream.find(context, bid); } } finally { if (tri != null) { tri.close(); } } return null; } public Bitstream getFirstBitstream(int itemId, String bundleName) throws SQLException { TableRowIterator tri = null; try { tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, selectFirstBitstreamID, itemId, bundleName); if (tri.hasNext()) { TableRow row = tri.next(); int bid = row.getIntColumn("bitstream_id"); return Bitstream.find(context, bid); } } finally { if (tri != null) { tri.close(); } } return null; } public Bitstream getNamedBitstream(int itemId, String bundleName, String fileName) throws SQLException { TableRowIterator tri = null; try { tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, selectNamedBitstreamID, itemId, bundleName, fileName); if (tri.hasNext()) { TableRow row = tri.next(); int bid = row.getIntColumn("bitstream_id"); return Bitstream.find(context, bid); } } finally { if (tri != null) { tri.close(); } } return null; } }