/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.content.packager; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.content.Community; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.Item; import org.dspace.content.ItemIterator; import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkException; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * An abstract implementation of a DSpace Package Disseminator, which * implements a few helper/utility methods that most (all?) PackageDisseminators * may find useful. * <P> * First, implements recursive functionality in the disseminateAll() * method of the PackageIngester interface. This method is setup to * recursively call disseminate() method. * <P> * All Package disseminators should either extend this abstract class * or implement <code>PackageDisseminator</code> to better suit their needs. * * @author Tim Donohue * @see PackageDisseminator */ public abstract class AbstractPackageDisseminator implements PackageDisseminator { /** List of all successfully disseminated package files */ private List<File> packageFileList = new ArrayList<File>(); /** * Recursively export one or more DSpace Objects as a series of packages. * This method will export the given DSpace Object as well as all referenced * DSpaceObjects (e.g. child objects) into a series of packages. The * initial object is exported to the location specified by the OutputStream. * All other packages are exported to the same directory location. * <p> * Package is any serialized representation of the item, at the discretion * of the implementing class. It does not have to include content bitstreams. * <br> * Use the <code>params</code> parameter list to adjust the way the * package is made, e.g. including a "<code>metadataOnly</code>" * parameter might make the package a bare manifest in XML * instead of a Zip file including manifest and contents. * <br> * Throws an exception of the initial object is not acceptable or there is * a failure creating the package. * * @param context DSpace context. * @param dso initial DSpace object * @param params Properties-style list of options specific to this packager * @param pkgFile File where initial package should be written. All other * packages will be written to the same directory as this File. * @throws PackageValidationException if package cannot be created or there is * a fatal error in creating it. */ @Override public List<File> disseminateAll(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, PackageParameters params, File pkgFile) throws PackageException, CrosswalkException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, IOException { //If unset, make sure the Parameters specifies this is a recursive dissemination if(!params.recursiveModeEnabled()) { params.setRecursiveModeEnabled(true); } //try to disseminate the first object using provided PackageDisseminator disseminate(context, dso, params, pkgFile); //check if package was disseminated if(pkgFile.exists()) { //add to list of successfully disseminated packages addToPackageList(pkgFile); //We can only recursively disseminate non-Items //(NOTE: Items have no children, as Bitstreams/Bundles are created from Item packages) if(dso.getType()!=Constants.ITEM) { //Determine where first file package was disseminated to, as all //others will be written to same directory String pkgDirectory = pkgFile.getCanonicalFile().getParent(); if(!pkgDirectory.endsWith(File.separator)) { pkgDirectory += File.separator; } String fileExtension = PackageUtils.getFileExtension(pkgFile.getName()); //recursively disseminate content, based on object type switch (dso.getType()) { case Constants.COLLECTION : //Also find all Items in this Collection and disseminate Collection collection = (Collection) dso; ItemIterator iterator = collection.getItems(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { Item item = iterator.next(); //disseminate all items (recursively!) String childFileName = pkgDirectory + PackageUtils.getPackageName(item, fileExtension); disseminateAll(context, item, params, new File(childFileName)); } break; case Constants.COMMUNITY : //Also find all SubCommunities in this Community and disseminate Community community = (Community) dso; Community[] subcommunities = community.getSubcommunities(); for(int i=0; i<subcommunities.length; i++) { //disseminate all sub-communities (recursively!) String childFileName = pkgDirectory + PackageUtils.getPackageName(subcommunities[i], fileExtension); disseminateAll(context, subcommunities[i], params, new File(childFileName)); } //Also find all Collections in this Community and disseminate Collection[] collections = community.getCollections(); for(int i=0; i<collections.length; i++) { //disseminate all collections (recursively!) String childFileName = pkgDirectory + PackageUtils.getPackageName(collections[i], fileExtension); disseminateAll(context, collections[i], params, new File(childFileName)); } break; case Constants.SITE : //Also find all top-level Communities and disseminate Community[] topCommunities = Community.findAllTop(context); for(int i=0; i<topCommunities.length; i++) { //disseminate all top-level communities (recursively!) String childFileName = pkgDirectory + PackageUtils.getPackageName(topCommunities[i], fileExtension); disseminateAll(context, topCommunities[i], params, new File(childFileName)); } break; }//end switch }//end if not an Item }//end if pkgFile exists //return list of all successfully disseminated packages return getPackageList(); } /** * Add File to list of successfully disseminated package files * @param file File */ protected void addToPackageList(File f) { //add to list of successfully disseminated packages if(!packageFileList.contains(f)) { packageFileList.add(f); } } /** * Return List of all package Files which have been disseminated * this instance of the Disseminator. * <P> * This list can be useful in reporting back to the user what content has * been disseminated as packages. It's used by disseminateAll() to report * what packages were created. * * @return List of Files which correspond to the disseminated packages */ protected List<File> getPackageList() { return packageFileList; } }