package; import*; public class SMSCommand extends SMSTransportProtocolDataUnit{ /* ETSI TS 123 040 (2004-09) TP-Command-Type (TP-CT) Value (bit 7 .. 0) | Command Description | Status Report Request Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00000000 | Enquiry relating to previously submitted short message | 1 00000001 | Cancel Status Report Request relating to previously | 0 | submitted short message | 00000010 | Delete previously submitted Short Message | 0 00000011 | Enable Status Report Request relating to previously | 0 | submitted short message | 00000100..00011111 | Reserved unspecified | 11100000..11111111 | Values specific for each SC 1 or 0 | */ public SMSCommand(int mr,String da,int ct,int mn){ this(mr,da,ct,mn,new byte[0]); } public SMSCommand(int mr,String da,int ct,int mn,byte[] cd){ put("TP-MTI",new Integer(0x02)); // bit 0,1 TP-Message-Type-Indicator (TP-MTI) put("TP-SRR",new Boolean(ct==0)); // bit 5 TP-Status-Report-Request (TP-SRR) put("TP-UDHI",new Boolean(false)); // bit 6 TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator (TP-UDHI) put("TP-MR",new Integer(mr)); // TP-Message-Reference (TP-MR) put("TP-PID",new Integer(0)); // TP-Protocol-Identifier (TP-PID) put("TP-CT",new Integer(ct)); // TP-Command-Type (TP-CT) put("TP-MN",new Integer(mn)); // TP-Message-Number (TP-MN) in SC to operate on put("TP-DA",new SMSAddress(da)); // TP-Destination-Address (TP-DA) setUserData(cd); } public SMSCommand(InputStream in)throws IOException{ readFrom(in); } public void readFrom(InputStream in)throws IOException{ int flags = read(in); put("TP-MTI",new Integer(flags&0x03)); // bit 0,1 TP-Message-Type-Indicator (TP-MTI) put("TP-SRR",new Boolean(((flags >> 5)&0x01)==0)); // bit 5 TP-Status-Report-Request (TP-SRR) put("TP-UDHI",new Boolean(((flags >> 6)&0x01)!=0)); // bit 6 TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator (TP-UDHI) put("TP-MR",new Integer(readInt(in))); // TP-Message-Reference (TP-MR) put("TP-PID",new Integer(readOctet(in))); // TP-Protocol-Identifier (TP-PID) put("TP-CT",new Integer(readOctet(in))); // TP-Command-Type (TP-CT) put("TP-MN",new Integer(readInt(in))); // TP-Message-Number (TP-MN) in SC to operate on put("TP-DA",new SMSAddress(in)); // TP-Destination-Address (TP-DA) readUserDataFrom(in); // TP-CDL, TP-CD } public void writeTo(OutputStream out)throws IOException{ int flags = 0x02; // bit 0,1 TP-Message-Type-Indicator (TP-MTI) if(getBoolean("TP-SRR")){flags|=(1<<5);} // bit 5 TP-Status-Report-Request (TP-SRR) out.write(SMS_DLL_DATA); out.write(flags); out.write(getInt("TP-MR")); // TP-Message-Reference (TP-MR) out.write(getOctet("TP-PID")); // TP-Protocol-Identifier (TP-PID) out.write(getOctet("TP-CT")); // TP-Command-Type (TP-CT) out.write(getInt("TP-MN")); // TP-Message-Number (TP-MN) ((SMSAddress)get("TP-DA")).writeTo(out); // TP-Destination-Address (TP-DA) writeUserDataTo(out); // max 157 bytes out.flush(); // send data unit } } // [1] ETSI TS 123 040 (2004-09)