package; import*; public class TwainTransfer implements TwainConstants, TwainITransfer { TwainSource source; boolean isCancelled; public TwainTransfer(TwainSource source){ this.source = source; isCancelled = false; } public void initiate()throws TwainIOException{ commitCancel(); } public void setCancel(boolean isCancelled){ // program cancelled next scan this.isCancelled=isCancelled; } protected void commitCancel()throws TwainIOException{ // use before transfer setup if( isCancelled && (source.getState()==STATE_TRANSFERREADY)){ // state 6 throw new TwainUserCancelException(); // state 6 -> 5 } } public void finish()throws TwainIOException{} // state 7 -> 6 called when image available public void cancel()throws TwainIOException{} // state 7 -> 5 called when source (gui) cancelled public void cleanup()throws TwainIOException{} // called once at end of acquisition loop public static class NativeTransfer extends TwainTransfer{ private byte[] imageHandle=new byte[jtwain.getPtrSize()]; // 32 bit ptr size: 4; 64 bit ptr size: 8 public NativeTransfer(TwainSource source){ super(source); } public void initiate()throws TwainIOException{ super.initiate();,DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER,MSG_GET,imageHandle); } public void finish()throws TwainIOException{ long handle=jtwain.getPtr(imageHandle,0); // System.err.println("Handle = 0x"+Long.toHexString(handle)); jtwain.transferNativeImage(handle); // convert DIB into BufferedImage and tell listeners about image } } public static class FileTransfer extends TwainTransfer{ protected File file; public FileTransfer(TwainSource source){ super(source); file=null; } protected int getImageFileFormat(){return source.getImageFileFormat();} public void setFile(File f){file=f;} public File getFile(){ if(file==null){ // make sure we have a valid file name String ext = ImageFileFormatExts[getImageFileFormat()]; try{ File dir=new File(System.getProperty("user.home"),"mmsc/tmp");dir.mkdirs(); file=File.createTempFile("mmsctwain",ext,dir); }catch(Exception e){ file=new File("c:\\mmsctwain."+ext); } } // System.err.println(file.getPath()); return file; } public void initiate()throws TwainIOException{ super.initiate(); String file = getFile().getPath(); int iff = getImageFileFormat(); byte[] setup=new byte[260]; // TW_SETUPFILEXFER jtwain.setString(setup,0,file); // file path for new image jtwain.setINT16(setup,256,iff); // setup.Format = i.e. TWFF_BMP; jtwain.setINT16(setup,258,0); // setup.VRefNum = 0; Mac only,DAT_SETUPFILEXFER,MSG_SET,setup); // tell source file path and image type,DAT_IMAGEFILEXFER,MSG_GET,null); // tranfer data } public void finish()throws TwainIOException{ jtwain.transferFileImage(file); // tell listeners about new image file } public void cancel()throws TwainIOException{ if((file!=null)&&file.exists()){ file.delete(); // delete file if it exists } } public void cleanup()throws TwainIOException{ setFile(null); // default behaviour is to setup new temp file every time } } public static class MemoryTransfer extends TwainTransfer{ private byte[] imx = new byte[(jtwain.getPtrSize()==4)?38:42]; // TW_IMAGEMEMXFER 32bit: 38; 64bit: 42 private Info info; protected int minBufSize=-1; // default -1 don't care: accept sources preferred buffer size protected int maxBufSize=-1; protected int preferredSize=-1; public MemoryTransfer(TwainSource source){ super(source); } protected void retrieveBufferSizes()throws TwainIOException{ byte[] setup=new byte[12]; // TW_SETUPMEMXFER jtwain.setINT32(setup,0,minBufSize); jtwain.setINT32(setup,4,maxBufSize); jtwain.setINT32(setup,8,preferredSize);,DAT_SETUPMEMXFER,MSG_GET,setup); // get preferred buffer size minBufSize=jtwain.getINT32(setup,0); maxBufSize=jtwain.getINT32(setup,4); preferredSize=jtwain.getINT32(setup,8); } public void initiate()throws TwainIOException{ super.initiate(); retrieveBufferSizes(); // jtwain.nnew(imx,preferredSize); // allocate native memory buffer byte[] buf = new byte[preferredSize]; info = new Info(imx,buf); while(true){ // while(call does not throw TwainIOException){,DAT_IMAGEMEMXFER,MSG_GET,imx); // tranfer data int bytesWritten = jtwain.getINT32(imx,22); int bytesCopied = jtwain.ncopy(buf,imx,bytesWritten); // copy from native buffer to java buffer if(bytesCopied==bytesWritten){ jtwain.transferMemoryBuffer(info); // and tell listeners about new image buffer } } } public void finish()throws TwainIOException{ int bytesWritten = jtwain.getINT32(imx,22); int bytesCopied = jtwain.ncopy(info.getBuffer(),imx,bytesWritten); // copy from native buffer to java buffer if(bytesCopied==bytesWritten){ jtwain.transferMemoryBuffer(info); // and tell listeners about new image data buffer } } public void cleanup()throws TwainIOException{ jtwain.ndelete(imx); } public static class Info{ private byte[] imx; private byte[] buf; private int len; Info(byte[] imx,byte[] buf){this.imx=imx;this.buf=buf;} public byte[] getBuffer(){return buf;} public int getCompression(){return jtwain.getINT16(imx,0);} public int getBytesPerRow(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,2);} public int getWidth(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,6);} // columns public int getHeight(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,10);} // rows public int getLeft(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,14);} // xoffset public int getTop(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,18);} // yoffset public int getLength(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,22);} // bytesWritten public int getMemFlags(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,26);} public int getMemLength(){return jtwain.getINT32(imx,30);} public long getMemPtr(){return jtwain.getPtr(imx,34);} public String toString(){ String s=getClass().getName()+"\n"; s+="\tcompression = "+getCompression()+"\n"; s+="\tbytes per row = "+getBytesPerRow()+"\n"; s+="\ttop = "+getTop()+" left = "+getLeft()+" width = "+getWidth()+" height = "+getHeight()+"\n"; s+="\tbytes = "+getLength()+"\n"; s+="\tmemory flags = 0x"+Integer.toHexString(getMemFlags())+"\n"; s+="\tmemory length = "+getMemLength()+"\n"; s+="\tmemory pointer = 0x"+Long.toHexString(getMemPtr())+"\n"; return s; } } } } /* System.err.println("min: "+jtwain.getINT32(setup,0)); System.err.println("max: "+jtwain.getINT32(setup,4)); System.err.println("preferred: "+preferred); */ /* System.err.println("compression "+jtwain.getINT16(imx,0)); System.err.println("bytesPerRow "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,2)); System.err.println("columns "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,6)); System.err.println("rows "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,10)); System.err.println("xoffset "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,14)); System.err.println("yoffset "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,18)); System.err.println("bytes written "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,22)); System.err.println("imx flags 0x"+Integer.toHexString(jtwain.getINT32(imx,26))); System.err.println("imx len "+jtwain.getINT32(imx,30)); System.err.println("imx theMem 0x"+Integer.toHexString(jtwain.getPTR(imx,34))); */