package; import*; import java.util.*; import; import; public class PDFFilter{ static public class PDFEncoder extends FilterOutputStream{ protected int len=0; public PDFEncoder(OutputStream out){ super(out); } public int getLength(){return len;} public void write(byte[] b,int off,int len)throws IOException{ for(int i=off;i<off+len;i++){ write(b[i]); } } public void write(int b)throws IOException{ super.write(b);len++; } } static public class PDFLineEncoder extends PDFEncoder{ public PDFLineEncoder(OutputStream out){ super(out); } public void write(int b)throws IOException{ if((len%255)==254){super.write('\n');} super.write(b); } } static public class PDFASCIIHexEncoder extends PDFLineEncoder{ public PDFASCIIHexEncoder(OutputStream out){ super(out); } public void write(int b)throws IOException{ int hi = (b>>4) & 0x000F; int lo = b & 0x000F; hi = (hi<10)?'0'+hi:'A'+(hi-10); lo = (lo<10)?'0'+lo:'A'+(lo-10); super.write(hi);super.write(lo); } public void close()throws IOException{ super.write('>'); super.close(); } } static public class PDFASCII85Encoder extends PDFLineEncoder{ // [1] p.31 int i=0; long val=0; public PDFASCII85Encoder(OutputStream out){ super(out); } public void write(int b)throws IOException{ // ASCII character between 33 ('!') and 117 (u) val <<= 8; val |= (b&0x00FF); i++; if(i==4){ if(val==0){ super.write('z'); }else{ int c85=85*85*85*85; for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ super.write('!'+((int)(val/c85))); val%=c85; c85/=85; } } i=0;val=0; } } public void close()throws IOException{ if(i>0){ // if length of data not multiple of 4 for(int j=i;j<4;j++){val<<=8;} // append 4-i zero bytes int c85=85*85*85*85; // encode in usual way, but without z case for(int j=0;j<i+1;j++){ // write only first i+1 characters super.write('!'+((int)(val/c85))); val%=c85; c85/=85; } } super.write('~');super.write('>'); super.close(); } } /* static public class PDFDCTEncoder extends PDFEncoder{ public PDFDCTEncoder(OutputStream out)throws IOException{ super(out); } } */ static public class PDFCCITTFaxEncoder extends PDFEncoder{ RLEBit1OutputStream rlos; // byte = 8 black and white pixel ModModREADOutputStream mmros; // T.6 MMR int offLine,bytesPerLine; public PDFCCITTFaxEncoder(OutputStream out,int width)throws IOException{ super(out); bytesPerLine = (width+7)>>3; mmros = new ModModREADOutputStream(out,width); rlos = new RLEBit1OutputStream(mmros); out = rlos; rlos.setStartCodeWord(0x0001); // white run first mmros.writeEOL(); // T.6 does not really write EOL; only new line initialization offLine = 0; } public void write(int b)throws IOException{ if(offLine==bytesPerLine){ rlos.setStartCodeWord(0x0001); // white run first mmros.writeEOL(); // T.6 does not really write EOL; only new line initialization offLine=0; } super.write(b); offLine++; } public void close()throws IOException{ rlos.flush(); mmros.writeEOFB(); mmros.flush(); super.close(); } } static private PDFEncoder getEncoder( OutputStream out, PDFDictionary dict, String coderName )throws IOException{ if(coderName.equals("ASCIIHexDecode")){ return new PDFASCIIHexEncoder(out); }else if(coderName.equals("ASCII85Decode")){ return new PDFASCII85Encoder(out); }else if(coderName.equals("DCTDecode")){ /* This will be encoded before PDFStream.setInputStream see. PDFXObject.PDFImage.write */ return new PDFEncoder(out); }else if(coderName.equals("CCITTFaxDecode")){ int width = ((PDFObject.PDFInteger)dict.get("Width")).getValue(); //System.err.println("width = "+width); // return new PDFCCITTFaxEncoder(out,width); /* This will be encoded before PDFStream.setInputStream see. PDFXObject.PDFImage.write */ return new PDFEncoder(out); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } static private PDFEncoder getEncoder( OutputStream out, PDFDictionary dict, PDFArray filter, int i )throws IOException{ PDFObject.PDFName coder = (PDFObject.PDFName)filter.elementAt(i); String coderName = coder.getName(); PDFEncoder encoder = getEncoder(out,dict,coderName); try{ return getEncoder(encoder,dict,(PDFArray)filter,i+1); }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){ return encoder; } } static PDFEncoder getEncoder( OutputStream out, PDFDictionary dict, PDFObject filter )throws IOException{ if(filter instanceof PDFArray){ return getEncoder(out,dict,(PDFArray)filter,0); }else if(filter instanceof PDFObject.PDFName){ return getEncoder(out,dict,((PDFObject.PDFName)filter).getName()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public static void main(String[] argv){ try{ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PDFASCII85Encoder encoder = new PDFASCII85Encoder(baos); // FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 byte[] buf = {(byte)0xFF,(byte)0xD8,(byte)0xFF,(byte)0xE0,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x10,(byte)0xA4,(byte)0x46,(byte)0x49,(byte)0x46}; encoder.write(buf); encoder.close(); System.err.println(new String(baos.toByteArray())); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } /* [1] Portable Document Format Reference Manual ISBN 0-201-62628-4 1996 */