package; import*; public class GIFBitInputStream extends InputStream{ private int buf; private int bitsAvail; protected boolean eof=false; protected int count,max; protected byte[] data=new byte[255]; protected InputStream in; public GIFBitInputStream(InputStream in){; } public int read()throws IOException{ if(count==max){; // read length of chunk if(max==0){return -1;} // empty chunk, no data anymore if((max<0)||(255<max)){throw new IOException(getClass().getName()+".read:\n\tGIF data chunk length out of bounds ["+max+"]");} int,0,max); // read chunk max 255 bytes if(len!=max){throw new IOException(getClass().getName()+".read:\n\tGIF data chunk missing.");} count=0; } return data[count++]&0x00FF; } public int readBits(int bitcount)throws IOException{ // read "count" bit if(eof && (bitsAvail==0)){return -1;} needBits(bitcount); int bits=getBits(bitcount); clrBits(bitcount); return bits; } protected void needBits(int bitcount)throws IOException{ // Assert(bitcount<32); while((eof==false)&&(bitsAvail < bitcount)){ int; if(b==-1){eof=true; break;} buf |= (b<<bitsAvail); bitsAvail += 8; } } protected void clrBits(int bitcount){ bitsAvail -= bitcount; buf >>= bitcount; } protected int getBits(int bitcount){ return ((int)buf & ((1<<bitcount)-1)); // mask lower x bits out } }