package; import java.util.Vector; import; public class TwainSourceManager implements TwainConstants{ private TwainSource source; private boolean is20; TwainSourceManager(long hwnd, boolean isTwain20){ source=new TwainSource(this,hwnd,false); source.getDefault(); is20 = isTwain20; System.out.println(getClass().getName()+".<init>:\t\nTwain 2.0 compatible : true"); } boolean isTwain20Manager(){ return is20; } int getConditionCode()throws TwainIOException{ // [1] 7-219 byte[] status=new byte[4]; // TW_STATUS int rc =jtwain.callSourceManager(DG_CONTROL,DAT_STATUS,MSG_GET,status); if(rc!=TWRC_SUCCESS){ throw new TwainResultException("Cannot retrieve twain source manager's status.",rc); } return jtwain.getINT16(status,0); } public void call(int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainIOException{ int rc=jtwain.callSourceManager(dg,dat,msg,data); switch(rc){ case TWRC_SUCCESS: return; case TWRC_FAILURE: throw new TwainFailureException(getConditionCode()); case TWRC_CHECKSTATUS: throw new TwainResultException.CheckStatus(); case TWRC_CANCEL: throw new TwainResultException.Cancel(); case TWRC_DSEVENT: return; case TWRC_NOTDSEVENT: throw new TwainResultException.NotDSEvent(); case TWRC_XFERDONE: throw new TwainResultException.TransferDone(); case TWRC_ENDOFLIST: throw new TwainResultException.EndOfList(); // case TWRC_INFONOTSUPPORTED: throw new TwainResultException.InfoNotSupported(); // case TWRC_DATANOTAVAILABLE: throw new TwainResultException.DataNotAvailable(); default: throw new TwainResultException("Failed to call source manager.",rc); } } TwainSource getSource(){return source;} TwainSource selectSource()throws TwainIOException{ source.checkState(3); source.setBusy(true); // tell TwainPanel to disable GUI try{ source.userSelect(); // new source in state 3 return source; }catch(TwainResultException.Cancel trec){ return source; // }catch(ThreadDeath e){ // Applet: Select dialog enabled while user reloads webpage. // Happens only first time. }finally{ source.setBusy(false); // tell TwainPanel to enable GUI } } void getIdentities(Vector<TwainIdentity> identities)throws ScannerIOException{ source.checkState(3); source.setBusy(true); // tell TwainPanel to disable GUI try{ TwainIdentity identity=new TwainIdentity(this); identity.getFirst(); // get first identity identities.add(identity); while(true){ // while(not EndOfList Exception thrown) identity=new TwainIdentity(this); identity.getNext(); // get next identity identities.add(identity); } }catch(TwainResultException.EndOfList treeol){ }catch(TwainIOException tioe){ System.out.println(getClass().getName()+".getIdentities:\n\t"+tioe); }finally{ source.setBusy(false); // tell TwainPanel to enable GUI } } TwainSource selectSource(String name)throws ScannerIOException{ source.checkState(3); source.setBusy(true); // tell TwainPanel to disable GUI try{; // new source in state 3 return source; }finally{ source.setBusy(false); // tell TwainPanel to enable GUI } } TwainSource openSource()throws TwainIOException{ source.checkState(3); // old source not enabled source.setBusy(true); // tell TwainPanel to disable GUI try{; if(!source.isDeviceOnline()){ source.close(); throw new TwainIOException("Selected twain source is not online."); } source.setState(4); return source; }catch(TwainResultException.Cancel trec){ source.setBusy(false); // tell TwainPanel to enable GUI return source; }catch(TwainIOException tioe){ source.setBusy(false); // tell TwainPanel to enable GUI throw tioe; } } }