/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.io; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNContentHandler; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.ContentKeys; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.DataUtils; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.content.Link.LinkObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.VersioningProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.security.access.AccessControlManager; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.security.access.AccessDeniedException; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Exclude; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ExcludeComponent; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.KeyLocator; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.PublisherPublicKeyDigest; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.SignedInfo.ContentType; /** * This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an input stream of * bytes segmented and stored in CCN. * * @see SegmentationProfile for description of CCN segmentation */ public abstract class CCNAbstractInputStream extends InputStream implements CCNContentHandler { /** * Flags: * DONT_DEREFERENCE to prevent dereferencing in case we are attempting to read a link. */ protected CCNHandle _handle; /** * The Link we dereferenced to get here, if any. This may contain * a link dereferenced to get to it, and so on. */ protected LinkObject _dereferencedLink = null; public enum FlagTypes { DONT_DEREFERENCE }; protected EnumSet<FlagTypes> _flags = EnumSet.noneOf(FlagTypes.class); /** * The segment we are currently reading from. */ protected ContentObject _currentSegment = null; /** * first segment of the stream we are reading, which is the GONE segment (see ContentType) if content is deleted. * this cached first segment is used to supply certain information it contains, such as for computing digest only * when required */ private ContentObject _firstSegment = null; /** * Internal stream used for buffering reads. May include filters. */ protected InputStream _segmentReadStream = null; /** * The name prefix of the segmented stream we are reading, up to (but not including) * a segment number. */ protected ContentName _baseName = null; /** * The publisher we are looking for, either specified by querier on initial * read, or read from previous blocks (for now, we assume that all segments in a * stream are created by the same publisher). */ protected PublisherPublicKeyDigest _publisher = null; /** * The segment number to start with. If not specified, is SegmentationProfile#baseSegment(). */ protected Long _startingSegmentNumber = null; /** * The timeout to use for segment retrieval. */ protected int _timeout = SystemConfiguration.getDefaultTimeout(); /** * Encryption/decryption handler. */ protected Cipher _cipher; protected ContentKeys _keys; /** * If this content uses Merkle Hash Trees or other bulk signatures to amortize * signature cost, we can amortize verification cost as well by caching verification * data as follows: store the currently-verified root signature, so we don't have to re-verify it; * and the verified root hash. For each piece of incoming content, see if it aggregates * to the same root, if so don't reverify signature. If not, assume it's part of * a new tree and change the root. */ protected byte [] _verifiedRootSignature = null; protected byte [] _verifiedProxy = null; protected boolean _atEOF = false; /** * Used for mark(int) and reset(). */ protected int _readlimit = 0; protected int _markOffset = 0; protected long _markBlock = 0; protected ArrayList<ContentObject> inOrderSegments = new ArrayList<ContentObject>(); protected ArrayList<ContentObject> outOfOrderSegments = new ArrayList<ContentObject>(); protected long _nextPipelineSegment = -1; //this is the segment number of the next segment needed protected long _lastRequestedPipelineSegment = -1; //this is the segment number of the last interest we sent out protected long _lastInOrderSegment = -1; protected ContentName _basePipelineName = null; protected long _lastSegmentNumber = -1; protected ArrayList<Interest> _sentInterests = new ArrayList<Interest>(); private long waitingSegment; private long _holes = 0; private long _totalReceived = 0; private long _pipelineStartTime; private Object readerReadyObj = new Object(); private long readerReadyVal = -1; private double avgResponseTime = -1; private Object processingSegmentLock = new Object(); private long processingSegment = -1; private int processingDefer = 0; /** * Set up an input stream to read segmented CCN content under a given name. * Note that this constructor does not currently retrieve any * data; data is not retrieved until read() is called. This will change in the future, and * this constructor will retrieve the first block. * * @param baseName Name to read from. If contains a segment number, will start to read from that * segment. * @param startingSegmentNumber Alternative specification of starting segment number. If * unspecified, will be SegmentationProfile#baseSegment(). * @param publisher The key we require to have signed this content. If null, will accept any publisher * (subject to higher-level verification). * @param keys The keys to use to decrypt this content. Null if content unencrypted, or another * process will be used to retrieve the keys. * @param handle The CCN handle to use for data retrieval. If null, the default handle * given by CCNHandle#getHandle() will be used. * @throws IOException Not currently thrown, will be thrown when constructors retrieve first block. */ public CCNAbstractInputStream( ContentName baseName, Long startingSegmentNumber, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys, EnumSet<FlagTypes> flags, CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { super(); if (null == baseName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseName cannot be null!"); } _handle = handle; if (null == _handle) { _handle = CCNHandle.getHandle(); } _publisher = publisher; if (null != keys) { keys.requireDefaultAlgorithm(); _keys = keys; } if (null != flags) { _flags = flags; } // So, we assume the name we get in is up to but not including the sequence // numbers, whatever they happen to be. If a starting segment is given, we // open from there, otherwise we open from the leftmost number available. // We assume by the time you've called this, you have a specific version or // whatever you want to open -- this doesn't crawl versions. If you don't // offer a starting segment index, but instead offer the name of a specific // segment, this will use that segment as the starting segment. _baseName = baseName; if (SegmentationProfile.isSegment(baseName)) { _startingSegmentNumber = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(baseName); _baseName = baseName.parent(); } else { _startingSegmentNumber = SegmentationProfile.baseSegment(); } if (startingSegmentNumber != null) { _startingSegmentNumber = startingSegmentNumber; } //TODO this base name does not include the version!!!!!!!!! Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "CCNAbstractInputStream: {0} segment {1}", _baseName, _startingSegmentNumber); startPipeline(); } /** * Set up an input stream to read segmented CCN content starting with a given * ContentObject that has already been retrieved. * @param startingSegment The first segment to read from. If this is not the * first segment of the stream, reading will begin from this point. * We assume that the signature on this segment was verified by our caller. * @param keys The keys to use to decrypt this content. Null if content unencrypted, or another * process will be used to retrieve the keys. * @param any flags necessary for processing this stream; have to hand in in constructor in case * first segment provided, so can apply to that segment * @param handle The CCN handle to use for data retrieval. If null, the default handle * given by CCNHandle#getHandle() will be used. * @throws IOException */ public CCNAbstractInputStream(ContentObject startingSegment, ContentKeys keys, EnumSet<FlagTypes> flags, CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { super(); _handle = handle; if (null == _handle) { _handle = CCNHandle.getHandle(); } if (null != keys) { keys.requireDefaultAlgorithm(); _keys = keys; } if (null != flags) { _flags = flags; } _baseName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(startingSegment.name()); try { _startingSegmentNumber = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(startingSegment.name()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException("Stream starter segment name does not contain a valid segment number, so the stream does not know what content to start with."); } setFirstSegment(startingSegment); Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "CCNAbstractInputStream: {0} segment {1}", _baseName, _startingSegmentNumber); startPipeline(); } private void startPipeline() { synchronized (inOrderSegments) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: starting pipelining"); _pipelineStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_STATS) System.out.println("plot "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - _pipelineStartTime)+" inOrder: "+inOrderSegments.size() +" outOfOrder: "+outOfOrderSegments.size() + " interests: "+_sentInterests.size() +" holes: "+_holes + " received: "+_totalReceived+" ["+_baseName+"].1"+ "avgResponseTime "+avgResponseTime); long segmentToGet = -1; Interest interest = null; if(_basePipelineName == null) { _basePipelineName = _baseName.clone(); } Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: BaseName for pipeline: {0} base name: {1}", _basePipelineName, _baseName); if (_currentSegment!=null) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we already have the first segment... start from there: {0}", _currentSegment.name()); //we already have the starting segment... //is the first segment the last one? if (SegmentationProfile.isLastSegment(_currentSegment)) { //this is the last segment... don't pipeline Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we already have the last segment... don't need to pipeline (returning)"); return; } else { //this isn't the last segment, start up pipelining... only ask for next segment to start Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this isn't the last segment... need to start up pipelining"); } } else { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: need to get the first segment: startingSegmentNumber={0}",_startingSegmentNumber); } segmentToGet = nextSegmentNumber(); _nextPipelineSegment = segmentToGet; //check here if it is an instance of a versioned stream. if so, and the basename doesn't have a version in it, do not send the interest if (this instanceof CCNVersionedInputStream && !VersioningProfile.hasTerminalVersion(_basePipelineName)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "this is a versioned stream without a terminal version, skip sending non-versioned interest"); } else { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "this is not a versioned stream or it is a versioned stream without the version set in the base name, go ahead and get the first segment"); interest = SegmentationProfile.segmentInterest(_basePipelineName, segmentToGet, _publisher); try { interest.userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _handle.expressInterest(interest, this); _sentInterests.add(interest); _lastRequestedPipelineSegment = segmentToGet; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: expressed interest for segment {0} in startPipeline(): {1}", segmentToGet, interest); } catch(IOException e) { //could not express interest for next segment... logging the error Log.warning(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "Failed to express interest for pipelining segments in CCNAbstractInputStream: Interest = {0}", interest.name()); } } } } private void receivePipelineContent(ContentObject co) { long returnedSegment = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()); ArrayList<Interest> toRemove = new ArrayList<Interest>(); //are we at the last segment? synchronized(inOrderSegments) { if (SegmentationProfile.isLastSegment(co)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we just got the last segment..."); _lastSegmentNumber = returnedSegment; _lastRequestedPipelineSegment = returnedSegment; } //} long segNum; //synchronized (_sentInterests) { for(Interest i: _sentInterests) { segNum = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); if(segNum == returnedSegment || (_lastSegmentNumber > -1 && segNum > _lastSegmentNumber)) { if(Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: cancelling interest for segment "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name())+" Interest: "+i); } _handle.cancelInterest(i, this); toRemove.add(i); } } _sentInterests.removeAll(toRemove); toRemove.clear(); //_lastRequestedPipelineSegment = returnedSegment; //no good reason to release the lock here... //} //synchronized(inOrderSegments) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: received pipeline segment: {0}", co.name()); if (returnedSegment == _nextPipelineSegment) { _totalReceived++; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we got the segment ({0}) we were expecting!", returnedSegment); if(waitingSegment!=-1) if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: someone is waiting for segment: {0}", waitingSegment); //this is the next segment in order inOrderSegments.add(co); _lastInOrderSegment = returnedSegment; //do we have any out of order segments to move over? if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: before checking ooos:" ); printSegments(); } if (outOfOrderSegments.size() > 0 ) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we have out of order segments to check"); //this was a hole.. cancel its other interests while (outOfOrderSegments.size() > 0 ) { if(SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(outOfOrderSegments.get(0).name()) == nextInOrderSegmentNeeded()) { _lastInOrderSegment = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(outOfOrderSegments.get(0).name()); inOrderSegments.add(outOfOrderSegments.remove(0)); } else { //the first one isn't what we wanted.. if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we have "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(outOfOrderSegments.get(0).name())+" but need "+nextInOrderSegmentNeeded()+" breaking from loop, we don't have the one we need"); } break; } } } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: after checking ooos: "); printSegments(); } //if we had out of order segments, we might still want to advance the pipeline... } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we got segment {0} an Out of Order segment... we were expecting segment {1}", returnedSegment, _nextPipelineSegment); //this segment is out of order //make sure it wasn't a segment that we don't need any more... if (_nextPipelineSegment > returnedSegment || returnedSegment > _lastRequestedPipelineSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this is an out of range segment... drop"); returnedSegment = -1; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this is a pipeline segment, add to outOfOrderSegment queue"); _totalReceived++; _holes++; int i = 0; for (ContentObject c:outOfOrderSegments) { if(returnedSegment < SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(c.name())) break; i++; } outOfOrderSegments.add(i, co); //now we have a hole to fill if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we got a segment out of order, need to fill a hole at "+nextInOrderSegmentNeeded()); attemptHoleFilling(_nextPipelineSegment); } } _nextPipelineSegment = nextInOrderSegmentNeeded(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: the next segment needed is {0}", _nextPipelineSegment); synchronized(processingSegmentLock) { processingSegment = -1; } if(returnedSegment == waitingSegment) { inOrderSegments.notifyAll(); } } } private void advancePipeline() { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { //first check if we have tokens to spend on interests... boolean doneAdvancing = false; //check outstanding interests if(Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { String s = "have interests out for segments: ["; for(Interest i: _sentInterests) s = s + " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); s = s + " ]"; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: "+s); for(Interest i: _sentInterests) if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: {0}", i.name()); } Interest i = null; while (_sentInterests.size() + inOrderSegments.size() + outOfOrderSegments.size() + processingDefer < SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_SIZE && !doneAdvancing) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: _sentInterests.size() = {0} inOrderSegments.size() = {1} outOfOrderSegments.size() = {2} processingDefer = {3} total = {4}", _sentInterests.size(), inOrderSegments.size(), outOfOrderSegments.size(), processingDefer, (_sentInterests.size() + inOrderSegments.size() + outOfOrderSegments.size() + processingDefer) ); //we have tokens to use i = null; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: _lastSegmentNumber = {0}", _lastSegmentNumber); //if we haven't gotten a valid base segment, we do not want to advance the pipeline. if (_lastRequestedPipelineSegment == SegmentationProfile.baseSegment()) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: the last segment number is the base segment, need to make sure we have received the base segment before we press on"); //the last thing we asked for was the base segment... have we gotten it yet? if (_lastInOrderSegment == -1) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: _lastInOrderSegment == -1, we have not received the base segment, do not advance the pipeline"); return; } else { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: _lastInOrderSegment == {0}, we have received the base segment, we can advance the pipeline!", _lastInOrderSegment); } } if (_lastSegmentNumber == -1 || _lastRequestedPipelineSegment < _lastSegmentNumber) { //we don't have the last segment already... i = SegmentationProfile.segmentInterest(_basePipelineName, _lastRequestedPipelineSegment + 1, _publisher); //have we already expressed this interest? Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in advancePipeline _lastRequestedPipelineSegment {0}", _lastRequestedPipelineSegment); try { i.userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _handle.expressInterest(i, this); _sentInterests.add(i); _lastRequestedPipelineSegment++; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: requested segment "+_lastRequestedPipelineSegment +" ("+(SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_SIZE - _sentInterests.size())+" tokens)"); } catch (IOException e) { // This could happen if the handle got closed underneath us - maybe that's OK? // For now will leave it as a warning if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.WARNING)) Log.warning(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "failed to express interest for CCNAbstractInputStream pipeline: {0}"); break; } } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: setting doneAdvancing to true"); doneAdvancing = true; } } } } private void attemptHoleFilling() { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { if(outOfOrderSegments.size() > 0) { long firstOOO = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(outOfOrderSegments.get(0).name()); long holeCheck = _nextPipelineSegment; while (holeCheck < firstOOO) { attemptHoleFilling(holeCheck); holeCheck++; } } } } private void attemptHoleFilling(long hole) { //holes... just ask for the next segment we are expecting if we haven't already if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: checking for a hole at segment: {0}", hole); //first check the incoming segment to see if it is here already synchronized (processingSegmentLock) { if(processingSegment != -1 && hole == processingSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: the segment is being processed... not a hole."); return; } } Interest i = SegmentationProfile.segmentInterest(_basePipelineName, hole, _publisher); boolean notRequested = true; int index = -1; int index2 = -1; long elapsed1 = -1; long elapsed2 = -1; long newUserTime = -1; Interest expressed; try { synchronized (inOrderSegments) { // see if this interest is already there index = _sentInterests.indexOf(i); if (index > -1) { expressed = _sentInterests.get(index); elapsed1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - expressed.userTime; newUserTime = expressed.userTime; if(elapsed1 == -1) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: base segment is there, but the express time is -1, it must be getting processed"); return; } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: base interest is already there, try adding excludes elapsed time = {0} interest: {1}", elapsed1, expressed); notRequested = false; } else { // base interest isn't there, the the exclude could be. } //for (int attempt = 1; attempt < SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_SEGMENTATTEMPTS; attempt++) { int attempt = 1; Exclude ex = new Exclude(); ex.add(new byte[][]{SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(hole+attempt)}); i.exclude(ex); Interest toDelete = null; index2 = 0; long excludedSegment = -1; ExcludeComponent ec = null; long tempseg = -1; for(Interest expInt: _sentInterests) { tempseg = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(expInt.name()); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: checking if this interest {0} is for our hole at {1}", tempseg, hole); if (tempseg == hole) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this is a match! does it have excludes?"); notRequested = false; //this is the interest we want to look at if(expInt.exclude()!=null) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: yep! it is a holefilling attempt"); ec = (ExcludeComponent)expInt.exclude().value(0); excludedSegment = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(ec.getBytes()); attempt = (int) (excludedSegment - hole); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this is attempt: {0}", attempt); if (attempt < SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_SEGMENTATTEMPTS) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we have more attempts that we can try... "); toDelete = expInt; ex = new Exclude(); ex.add(new byte[][]{SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(hole+attempt+1)}); i.exclude(ex); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: going to express the next attempt: {0}", i); newUserTime = expInt.userTime; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we have tried as many times as we can... break here"); return; } } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: this isn't a holefilling attempt, must be the base interest"); } break; } else { //if this is for a segment after ours, break if (tempseg > hole) break; } index2++; } if(toDelete!=null) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we can try again to fill the hole!"); expressed = toDelete; if(expressed.userTime == -1) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: hole filling segment is there, but the express time is -1, it must be getting processed"); return; } else { elapsed2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - expressed.userTime; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: elapsed2 time {0}", elapsed2); if(elapsed2 > avgResponseTime * SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_RTTFACTOR && avgResponseTime > -1) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: expressing the next interest! {0} old express time {1} new express time {2}", i, expressed.userTime, newUserTime); //i.userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); i.userTime = newUserTime; _handle.expressInterest(i, this); _sentInterests.add(index2, i); _handle.cancelInterest(toDelete, this); _sentInterests.remove(toDelete); adjustAvgResponseTimeForHole(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: expressed: {0} deleted: {1}", i, toDelete); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: current expressed interests: "); for(Interest p: _sentInterests) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: {0}", p); } return; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: need to give the earlier attempt a chance to work"); return; } } } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we don't have any holefilling attempts... for {0}", hole); if (index == -1) { // the base interest wasn't even there (neither was the hole filling one) i.exclude(null); } } if((elapsed1 > avgResponseTime * 2 && avgResponseTime > -1) || (avgResponseTime == -1 && elapsed1 > SystemConfiguration.INTEREST_REEXPRESSION_DEFAULT) || notRequested) { //long userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { if (notRequested) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we don't have any holefilling interests pending for {0}, need to express one. might need to reset pipeline state", hole); if(i.exclude() == null) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: adding the base interest or the first holefilling attempt!!! {0}", i); else { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: adding the first holefilling attempt! {0}", i); //need to use the previous user time for this expression //userTime = userTime - elapsed1; } } //i.userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (newUserTime == -1) newUserTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); i.userTime = newUserTime; _handle.expressInterest(i, this); if (index != -1) _sentInterests.add(index, i); else _sentInterests.add(i); // remove the first instance after we express and insert the new // interest if (index != -1) { _handle.cancelInterest(_sentInterests.remove(index+1), this); adjustAvgResponseTimeForHole(); } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: requested segment {0} to fill hole: {1} with Interest: {2}", hole, i.name(), i); return; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we need to wait longer to see if the original interest will return the segment: avgResponseTime: {0}", avgResponseTime); } } //} } catch (IOException e) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.WARNING)) Log.warning(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "failed to express interest for CCNAbstractInputStream pipeline"); } } private void adjustAvgResponseTimeForHole() { synchronized (processingSegmentLock) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: before adjusting avgResponseTime for hole. avgResponseTime = {0}", avgResponseTime); avgResponseTime = 0.9 * avgResponseTime + 0.1 * (SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_RTTFACTOR * avgResponseTime); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: after adjusting avgResponseTime for hole. avgResponseTime = {0}", avgResponseTime); } } private void printSegments() { String s = "inOrder: ["; for(ContentObject c: inOrderSegments) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(c.name()); s += " ] outOrder: ["; for(ContentObject c: outOfOrderSegments) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(c.name()); s += "]"; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: " + s); } private long nextInOrderSegmentNeeded() { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { //removing all access to _currentSegment from the delivery thread //if (_currentSegment==null) // Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: current segment: - lastInOrderSegment number {0} _startingSegmentNumber {1}", _lastInOrderSegment, _startingSegmentNumber); //else // Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: current segment: "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(_currentSegment.name()) + " lastInOrderSegment number "+_lastInOrderSegment + " _startingSegmentNumber "+_startingSegmentNumber); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: lastInOrderSegment number {0} _startingSegmentNumber {1}", _lastInOrderSegment, _startingSegmentNumber); if (outOfOrderSegments.size() > 0) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we have out of order segments..."); printSegments(); } } } if (_lastInOrderSegment != -1) return _lastInOrderSegment +1; else return _startingSegmentNumber; } } private boolean haveSegmentBuffered(long segmentNumber) { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { ContentObject co = null; for (int i = 0; i < inOrderSegments.size(); i++) { co = inOrderSegments.get(i); if (SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) == segmentNumber) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: have segment {0} in iOS, return true.", segmentNumber); return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < outOfOrderSegments.size(); i++) { co = outOfOrderSegments.get(i); if (SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) == segmentNumber) { //this is the segment we wanted if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: segment {0} is in our oOOS queue, return true", segmentNumber); return true; } else { if(SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) > segmentNumber) { //we have a hole to fill... if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: our out of order segments are past the requested segment... we have a hole - not attempting to fill it at this time"); //attemptHoleFilling(segmentNumber); break; } } } return false; } } private ContentObject getPipelineSegment(long segmentNumber) throws IOException{ synchronized(inOrderSegments) { ContentObject co = null; while (inOrderSegments.size() > 0) { co = inOrderSegments.remove(0); if (SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) == segmentNumber) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: had segment {0} in iOS, setting current.", segmentNumber); _currentSegment = co; if (inOrderSegments.size() > 0 || segmentNumber == 1) advancePipeline(); else advancePipeline(); return co; } } while (outOfOrderSegments.size() > 0) { co = outOfOrderSegments.get(0); if (SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) == segmentNumber) { //this is the segment we wanted if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: segment {0} was in our oOOS queue", segmentNumber); outOfOrderSegments.remove(0); _currentSegment = co; return co; } else { if(SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(co.name()) > segmentNumber) { //we have a hole to fill... if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: our out of order segments are past the requested segment... we have a hole"); break; } else { outOfOrderSegments.remove(0); } } } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we do not have the segment yet... was it requested?"); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: need segment: {0} _lastRequestedPipelineSegment: {1}", segmentNumber, _lastRequestedPipelineSegment); String s = "current interests out for segments: ["; for(Interest i: _sentInterests) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); s += "]"; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: "+s); } //need to actually get the requested segment if it hasn't been asked for //this is needed for seek, skip, etc //if we haven't requested the segment... should we ditch everything we have? probably if (requestedSegment(segmentNumber)) { //we already requested it. just wait for it to come in attemptHoleFilling(segmentNumber); } else { //we haven't requested it... send request and ditch what we have if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)){ Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: detected a pipeline jump!!!!"); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump adjustment conditions"); printSegments(); String s = "pre-pipeline jump interests: ["; for(Interest i: _sentInterests) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); s += "]"; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: "+s); } Interest interest = SegmentationProfile.segmentInterest(_basePipelineName, segmentNumber, _publisher); try { //probably could just clear out some pipeline state instead of clearing all of it... interest.userTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _handle.expressInterest(interest, this); ArrayList<Object> toRemove = new ArrayList<Object>(); long maxExpress = segmentNumber + SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_SIZE-1; long lastExpressed = segmentNumber; long segNum; for (Interest i: _sentInterests) { segNum = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); if (segNum > maxExpress) { _handle.cancelInterest(i, this); toRemove.add(i); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: canceling interest: {0}", i); } else { lastExpressed = segNum; } } //cancelInterests(); _sentInterests.removeAll(toRemove); _sentInterests.add(0, interest); //resetPipelineState(); //_lastRequestedPipelineSegment = segmentNumber; _nextPipelineSegment = segmentNumber; //now check our received segments for (ContentObject segment : inOrderSegments) { segNum = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(segment.name()); if (segNum > maxExpress) { toRemove.add(segment); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: removing segment past buffer limit after pipeline jump in inOrderSegments: {0}", segment); } else if (segNum < segmentNumber) { toRemove.add(segment); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: removing segment before requested segment pipeline jump in inOrderSegments: {0}", segment); } else { if (lastExpressed < segNum) { lastExpressed = segNum; } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump - will move segment in inOrderSegments: {0} to outOfOrderSegments", segment); } } inOrderSegments.removeAll(toRemove); toRemove.clear(); for (ContentObject segment : outOfOrderSegments) { segNum = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(segment.name()); if (segNum > maxExpress) { toRemove.add(segment); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: removing segment past buffer limit after pipeline jump in outOfOrderSegments: {0}", segment); } else if (segNum < segmentNumber) { toRemove.add(segment); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: removing segment before requested segment pipeline jump in outOfOrderSegments: {0}", segment); } else if (lastExpressed < segNum) { lastExpressed = segNum; } } outOfOrderSegments.removeAll(toRemove); long segNum2; //now move segments from in order to out of order... if (outOfOrderSegments.size() == 0) { outOfOrderSegments.addAll(inOrderSegments); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump - moving segments from inOrderSegments to outOfOrderSegments"); } else { ContentObject segX; for (int x = 0 ; x < inOrderSegments.size(); x++) { segX = (ContentObject)inOrderSegments.get(x); segNum = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(segX.name()); for (int y = 0 ; y < inOrderSegments.size(); y++) { segNum2 = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(((ContentObject)outOfOrderSegments.get(y)).name()); if (segNum < segNum2) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump - moving segment {0} to position {1} in outOfOrderSegments", segNum, y); outOfOrderSegments.add(y, segX); } } Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump - check buffered segments"); printSegments(); } } inOrderSegments.clear(); //resetting some of the state... _lastRequestedPipelineSegment = lastExpressed; _lastInOrderSegment = segmentNumber - 1; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump - we have now reset the state... now we can try asking for the next segments - advance pipeline with holefilling"); advancePipeline(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we hadn't asked for segment {0} asking now... {1}", segmentNumber, interest); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump _lastRequestedPipelineSegment {0} _lastInOrderSegment {1}", _lastRequestedPipelineSegment, _lastInOrderSegment); Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: pipeline jump adjustment results"); printSegments(); String s = "post-pipeline jump interests: ["; for(Interest i: _sentInterests) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); s += "]"; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: "+s); } } catch (IOException e) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.WARNING)) Log.warning(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "failed to express interest for CCNAbstractInputStream pipeline: {0}", e.getMessage()); } } //check outstanding interests if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) { String s = "have interests out for segments: ["; for(Interest i: _sentInterests) s += " "+SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()); s += "]"; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: "+s); } } return null; } private void cancelInterests() { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { for (Interest i: _sentInterests) { _handle.cancelInterest(i, this); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: canceling interest: {0}", i); } _sentInterests.clear(); } } private void resetPipelineState() { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { inOrderSegments.clear(); outOfOrderSegments.clear(); _nextPipelineSegment = -1; _lastRequestedPipelineSegment = -1; _lastInOrderSegment = -1; _lastSegmentNumber = -1; _currentSegment = null; } } private boolean requestedSegment(long number) { synchronized(processingSegmentLock) { if (processingSegment!=-1 && processingSegment == number) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: someone is processing it right now!"); return true; } } synchronized(inOrderSegments) { for (Interest i: _sentInterests) if(SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(i.name()) == number) return true; return false; } } private void setPipelineName(ContentName n) { //we need to set the base name for pipelining... we might not have had the version (or the full name) _basePipelineName = n.clone(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: setting _basePipelineName {0}", _basePipelineName); synchronized(inOrderSegments) { //need to remove interest for first segment of old name ArrayList<Interest> remove = new ArrayList<Interest>(); for(Interest i: _sentInterests) { if(SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(i.name()).equals(_basePipelineName)) { //the name matches, keep it } else { //name doesn't match... remove it remove.add(i); } } for(Interest i: remove) { _handle.cancelInterest(i,this); _sentInterests.remove(i); } } } public boolean readerReadyCheck(long nextSegment) { synchronized(inOrderSegments) { //is there a reader ready? long rr; synchronized(readerReadyObj) { rr = readerReadyVal; } if(rr > -1) { //there is a reader waiting if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: there is a reader waiting, we should wait unless we have their segment"); if (nextSegment == rr) { //this is the segment they want, we should just finish if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we are working on their segment... we should finish!"); return false; //break; } else { if (haveSegmentBuffered(rr)) { //we have their segment //this isn't their segment, but the one they want is here. we should defer if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we are deferring until they are done"); return true; } else { //we don't have their segment, we should keep going if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we don't have their segment, keep processing this one."); return false; } } } return false; } } public Interest handleContent(ContentObject result, Interest interest) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in handleContent for {0} at {1}", result.name(), System.currentTimeMillis()); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); IncomingSegment is; synchronized(processingSegmentLock) { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: before adjusting avgResponseTime after reception. avgResponseTime = {0} elapsed time {1}", avgResponseTime, (starttime - interest.userTime)); if (avgResponseTime == -1) { avgResponseTime = starttime - interest.userTime; } else { //do not include hole filling responses, they will be extra fast //if (interest.exclude()==null) //TODO: find true cause of this bug, temporary fix to get seek/skip fix merged long newResponseTime = starttime - interest.userTime; if (newResponseTime < 100 * avgResponseTime) avgResponseTime = 0.9 * avgResponseTime + 0.1 * newResponseTime; else { //do not include this response time for now. Will be fixed in bug 100478 Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: did not use response time for calculation... would have been incorrect. will be fixed in a new branch for 100478 {0}", newResponseTime); } } Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: after adjusting avgResponseTime after reception. avgResponseTime = {0}", avgResponseTime); interest.userTime = -1; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in handleContent after reading {0} avgResponseTime {1}", result.name(), avgResponseTime); is = new IncomingSegment(result, interest); processingSegment = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(is.content.name()); } synchronized(inOrderSegments){ //was this a content object we were looking for? //synchronized(inOrderSegments) { if (SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_STATS) System.out.println("plot "+(System.currentTimeMillis() - _pipelineStartTime)+" inOrder: "+inOrderSegments.size() +" outOfOrder: "+outOfOrderSegments.size() + " interests: "+_sentInterests.size() +" holes: "+_holes + " received: "+_totalReceived+" ["+_baseName+"].2" + " avgResponseTime "+avgResponseTime); if (_sentInterests.remove(is.interest)) { //we had this interest outstanding... if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we were expecting this data! we had outstanding interests: {0}", is.interest); } else { //we must have canceled the interest... drop content object if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we must have canceled the interest, dropping ContentObject(s). old interest: {0}", is.interest); //does this match one of our other interests? Interest checkInterest; is.interest = null; for (int i = 0; i < _sentInterests.size(); i++) { checkInterest = _sentInterests.get(i); if (checkInterest.matches(is.content)) { //we found a match! if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: the incoming packet's interest is gone, but it matches another interest, using that"); is.interest = checkInterest; break; } } if (is.interest == null) { is = null; synchronized(processingSegmentLock) { processingSegment = -1; } } } if (is != null) { // verify the content object if (_handle.defaultVerifier().verify(is.content)) { // this content verified receivePipelineContent(is.content); } else { // content didn't verify, don't hand it up... // TODO content that fails verification needs to be handled better. need to express a new interest if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.WARNING)) Log.warning(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "Dropping content object due to failed verification: {0} Need to add interest re-expression with exclude", is.content.name()); _sentInterests.remove(is.interest); } } advancePipeline(); }//try holding lock more consistently to control how notify is done attemptHoleFilling(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: {0} done with handleContent after reading {1}", (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime), result.name()); return null; } /** * Set the timeout that will be used for all content retrievals on this stream. * Default is 5 seconds. * @param timeout Milliseconds */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { _timeout = timeout; } /** * Add flags to this stream. Adds to existing flags. */ public void addFlags(EnumSet<FlagTypes> additionalFlags) { _flags.addAll(additionalFlags); } /** * Add a flag to this stream. Adds to existing flags. */ public void addFlag(FlagTypes additionalFlag) { _flags.add(additionalFlag); } /** * Set flags on this stream. Replaces existing flags. */ public void setFlags(EnumSet<FlagTypes> flags) { if (null == flags) { _flags.clear(); } else { _flags = flags; } } /** * Clear the flags on this stream. */ public void clearFlags() { _flags.clear(); } /** * Remove a flag from this stream. */ public void removeFlag(FlagTypes flag) { _flags.remove(flag); } /** * Check whether this stream has a particular flag set. */ public boolean hasFlag(FlagTypes flag) { return _flags.contains(flag); } /** * @return The name used to retrieve segments of this stream (not including the segment number). */ public ContentName getBaseName() { return _baseName; } /** * @return The version of the stream being read, if its name is versioned. */ public CCNTime getVersion() { if (null == _baseName) return null; return VersioningProfile.getTerminalVersionAsTimestampIfVersioned(_baseName); } /** * Returns the digest of the first segment of this stream. * Together with firstSegmentNumber() and getBaseName() this method may be used to * identify the stream content unambiguously. * * @return The digest of the first segment of this stream * @throws NoMatchingContentException if no content available * @throws IOException on communication error */ public byte[] getFirstDigest() throws NoMatchingContentFoundException, IOException { if (null == _firstSegment) { ContentObject firstSegment = getFirstSegment(); setFirstSegment(firstSegment); // sets _firstSegment, does link dereferencing } return _firstSegment.digest(); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { byte [] b = new byte[1]; if (read(b, 0, 1) < 0) { return -1; } return (0x000000FF & b[0]); } @Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); } @Override public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (null == buf) throw new NullPointerException("Buffer cannot be null!"); return readInternal(buf, offset, len); } /** * Actual mechanism used to trigger segment retrieval and perform content reads. * Subclasses define different schemes for retrieving content across segments. * @param buf As in read(byte[], int, int). * @param offset As in read(byte[], int, int). * @param len As in read(byte[], int, int). * @return As in read(byte[], int, int). * @throws IOException if a segment cannot be retrieved, or there is an error in lower-level * segment retrieval mechanisms. Uses subclasses of IOException to help provide * more information. In particular, throws NoMatchingContentFoundException when * no content found within the timeout given. */ protected abstract int readInternal(byte [] buf, int offset, int len) throws IOException; /** * Called to set the first segment when opening a stream. This does initialization * and setup particular to the first segment of a stream. Subclasses should not override * unless they really know what they are doing. Calls #setCurrentSegment(ContentObject) * for the first segment. If the content is encrypted, and keys are not provided * for this stream, they are looked up according to the namespace. Note that this * assumes that all segments of a given piece of content are either encrypted or not. * @param newSegment Must not be null * @throws IOException If newSegment is null or decryption keys set up incorrectly */ protected void setFirstSegment(ContentObject newSegment) throws IOException { if (null == newSegment) { throw new NoMatchingContentFoundException("Cannot find first segment of " + getBaseName()); } LinkObject theLink = null; while (newSegment.isType(ContentType.LINK) && (!hasFlag(FlagTypes.DONT_DEREFERENCE))) { // Automated dereferencing. Want to make a link object to read in this link, then // dereference it to get the segment we really want. We then fix up the _baseName, // and continue like nothing ever happened. theLink = new LinkObject(newSegment, _handle); pushDereferencedLink(theLink); // set _dereferencedLink to point to the new link, pushing // old ones down the stack if necessary // dereference will check for link cycles newSegment = _dereferencedLink.dereference(_timeout); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "CCNAbstractInputStream: dereferencing link {0} to {1}, resulting data {2}", theLink.getVersionedName(), theLink.link(), ((null == newSegment) ? "null" : newSegment.name())); Log.info(Log.FAC_SIGNING, "CCNAbstractInputStream: dereferencing link {0} to {1}, resulting data {2}", theLink.getVersionedName(), theLink.link(), ((null == newSegment) ? "null" : newSegment.name())); } if (newSegment == null) { // TODO -- catch error states. Do we throw exception or return null? // Set error states -- when do we find link cycle and set the error on the link? // Clear error state when update is successful. // Two cases -- link loop or data not found. if (_dereferencedLink.hasError()) { if (_dereferencedLink.getError() instanceof LinkCycleException) { // Leave the link set on the input stream, so that caller can explore errors. if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.WARNING)) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "Hit link cycle on link {0} pointing to {1}, cannot dereference. See this.dereferencedLink() for more information!", _dereferencedLink.getVersionedName(), _dereferencedLink.link().targetName()); } } // Might also cover NoMatchingContentFoundException here...for now, just return null // so can call it more than once. throw _dereferencedLink.getError(); } else { throw new NoMatchingContentFoundException("Cannot find first segment of " + getBaseName() + ", which is a link pointing to " + _dereferencedLink.link().targetName()); } } _baseName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(newSegment.name()); // go around again, } _firstSegment = newSegment; if (newSegment.isType(ContentType.GONE)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "setFirstSegment: got gone segment: {0}", newSegment.name()); } else if (newSegment.isType(ContentType.ENCR) && (null == _keys)) { // The block is encrypted and we don't have keys // Get the content name without the segment parent ContentName contentName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(newSegment.name()); // Attempt to retrieve the keys for this namespace _keys = AccessControlManager.keysForInput(contentName, newSegment.signedInfo().getPublisherKeyID(), _handle); if (_keys == null) throw new AccessDeniedException("Cannot find keys to decrypt content."); } setCurrentSegment(newSegment); } /** * Set up current segment for reading, including preparation for decryption if necessary. * Called after getSegment/getFirstSegment/getNextSegment, which take care of verifying * the segment for us. Assumes newSegment has been verified. * @throws IOException If decryption keys set up incorrectly */ protected void setCurrentSegment(ContentObject newSegment) throws IOException { _currentSegment = null; _segmentReadStream = null; if (null == newSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "FINDME: Setting current segment to null! Did a segment fail to verify?"); return; } _currentSegment = newSegment; // Should we only set these on the first retrieval? // getSegment will ensure we get a requested publisher (if we have one) for the // first segment; once we have a publisher, it will ensure that future segments match it. _publisher = newSegment.signedInfo().getPublisherKeyID(); if (deletionInformation() != newSegment) { // want pointer ==, not equals() here // if we're decrypting, then set it up now if (_keys != null) { // We only do automated lookup of keys on first segment. Otherwise // we assume we must have the keys or don't try to decrypt. try { // Reuse of current segment OK. Don't expect to have two separate readers // independently use this stream without state confusion anyway. // Assume getBaseName() returns name without segment information. // Log verification only on highest log level (won't execute on lower logging level). if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) { if (!SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(_currentSegment.name()).equals(getBaseName())) { Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "ASSERT: getBaseName()={0} does not match segmentless part of _currentSegment.name()={1}", getBaseName(), SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(_currentSegment.name())); } } _cipher = _keys.getSegmentDecryptionCipher(getBaseName(), _publisher, SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(_currentSegment.name())); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "InvalidKeyException: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("InvalidKeyException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: " + e.getMessage()); } // Let's optimize random access to this buffer (e.g. as used by the decoders) by // decrypting a whole ContentObject at a time. It's not a huge security risk, // and right now we can't rewind the buffers so if we do try to decode out of // an encrypted block we constantly restart from the beginning and redecrypt // the content. // Previously we used our own UnbufferedCipherInputStream class directly as // our _segmentReadStream for encrypted data, as Java's CipherInputStreams // assume block-oriented boundaries for decryption, and buffer incorrectly as a result. // If we want to go back to incremental decryption, putting a small cache into that // class to optimize going backwards would help. // Unless we use a compressing cipher, the maximum data length for decrypted data // is _currentSegment.content().length. But we might as well make something // general that will handle all cases. There may be a more efficient way to // do this; want to minimize copies. byte [] bodyData = _cipher.update(_currentSegment.content()); byte[] tailData; try { tailData = _cipher.doFinal(); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "IllegalBlockSizeException: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("IllegalBlockSizeException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "BadPaddingException: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("BadPaddingException: " + e.getMessage()); } if ((null == tailData) || (0 == tailData.length)) { _segmentReadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bodyData); } else if ((null == bodyData) || (0 == bodyData.length)) { _segmentReadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(tailData); } else { byte [] allData = new byte[bodyData.length + tailData.length]; // Still avoid 1.6 array ops System.arraycopy(bodyData, 0, allData, 0, bodyData.length); System.arraycopy(tailData, 0, allData, bodyData.length, tailData.length); _segmentReadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(allData); } } else { if (_currentSegment.signedInfo().getType().equals(ContentType.ENCR)) { // We only do automated lookup of keys on first segment. Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "Asked to read encrypted content, but not given a key to decrypt it. Decryption happening at higher level?"); } _segmentReadStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(_currentSegment.content()); } } } /** * Rewinds read buffers for current segment to beginning of the segment. * @throws IOException */ protected void rewindSegment() throws IOException { if (null == _currentSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "Cannot rewind null segment."); } if (null == _segmentReadStream) { setCurrentSegment(_currentSegment); } _segmentReadStream.reset(); // will reset to 0 if mark not called } /** * Retrieves a specific segment of this stream, indicated by segment number. * Three navigation options: get first (leftmost) segment, get next segment, * or get a specific segment. * Have to assume that everyone is using our segment number encoding. Probably * easier to ask raw streams to use that encoding (e.g. for packet numbers) * than to flag streams as to whether they are using integers or segments. * @param number Segment number to retrieve. See SegmentationProfile for numbering. * If we already have this segment as #currentSegmentNumber(), will just * return the current segment, and will not re-retrieve it from the network. * @throws IOException If no matching content found (actually throws NoMatchingContentFoundException) * or if there is an error at lower layers. **/ protected ContentObject getSegment(long number) throws IOException { long ttgl = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(readerReadyObj){ readerReadyVal = number; } synchronized (inOrderSegments) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: time to get lock in getSegment {0} for segment {1}",(System.currentTimeMillis() - ttgl), number); // check if the base name was updated (in case we didn't have the version) for pipelining if (_baseName.equals(_basePipelineName)) { // we already have the base name... if (SystemConfiguration.PIPELINE_STATS) System.out.println("plot " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - _pipelineStartTime) + " inOrder: " + inOrderSegments.size() + " outOfOrder: " + outOfOrderSegments.size() + " interests: " + _sentInterests.size() + " holes: " + _holes + " received: " + _totalReceived + " [" + _baseName + "].3" +" avgResponseTime "+avgResponseTime); } else { // we don't have the base name... set for pipelining. Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in getSegment and we detected a name change. _baseName: {0} _basePipelineName: {1}", _baseName, _basePipelineName); setPipelineName(_baseName); startPipeline(); } if (_currentSegment != null) { // what segment do we have right now? maybe we already have it Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: getSegment checking if currentSegment ({0}) is the one we want {1}", currentSegmentNumber(), number); if (currentSegmentNumber() == number) { // we already have this segment... just use it Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: currentSegment was the one we wanted, returning it!"); return _currentSegment; } } else { Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: getSegment currentSegment was null"); } ContentObject co = getPipelineSegment(number); if (co != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we had segment {0} already!!", number); advancePipeline(); synchronized(readerReadyObj) { //readerReady.notifyAll(); readerReadyVal = -1; inOrderSegments.notifyAll(); } return co; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we don't have segment {0} pipelined... blocking", number); //we don't have the segment... might just be that it isn't here yet, but this might be an out of order request if (number < _lastInOrderSegment) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we do not have segment {0} and the last in order segment was {1}, we must have had a skip/seek", number, _lastInOrderSegment); } // the segment was not available... we need to wait until the // pipeline gets it in synchronized(inOrderSegments) { long start = 0; long sleep = 0; long sleepCheck = 0; Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: _timeout = {0}", _timeout); waitingSegment = number; while (sleep < _timeout || _timeout == SystemConfiguration.NO_TIMEOUT) { try{ start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_timeout == SystemConfiguration.NO_TIMEOUT) sleepCheck = SystemConfiguration.EXTRA_LONG_TIMEOUT; else sleepCheck = _timeout - sleep; if(avgResponseTime > 0 && avgResponseTime < (long)SystemConfiguration.SHORT_TIMEOUT) { if(avgResponseTime > sleepCheck) inOrderSegments.wait(sleepCheck); else inOrderSegments.wait((long)avgResponseTime); } else { if((long)SystemConfiguration.SHORT_TIMEOUT > sleepCheck) inOrderSegments.wait(sleepCheck); else inOrderSegments.wait((long)SystemConfiguration.SHORT_TIMEOUT); } } catch(InterruptedException e1) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: awake: interrupted! {0}", sleep); //break; } sleep += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: slept for {0} ms total", sleep); if(haveSegmentBuffered(number)) break; else { attemptHoleFilling(number); } } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: awake: done sleeping {0}", sleep); waitingSegment = -1; co = getPipelineSegment(number); //} synchronized(readerReadyObj) { //readerReady.notifyAll(); readerReadyVal = -1; inOrderSegments.notifyAll(); } } if (co != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we had segment {0} already!!", number); return co; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: we don't have segment {0} pipelined... what happened?", number); } if(Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: Cannot get segment " + number + " of file {0} expected segment: {1}.", _baseName, SegmentationProfile.segmentName(_baseName, number)); throw new IOException("Cannot get segment " + number + " of file "+ _baseName + " expected segment: "+ SegmentationProfile.segmentName(_baseName, number)); } } /** * Checks whether we might have a next segment. * @return Returns false if this content is marked as GONE (see ContentType), or if we have * retrieved the segment marked as the last one, or, in a very rare case, if we're * reading content that does not have segment markers. */ protected boolean hasNextSegment() throws IOException { // We're looking at content marked GONE if (isGone()) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_IO, "getNextSegment: We have a gone segment, no next segment. Gone segment: {0}", _firstSegment.name()); return false; } if (null == _currentSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.SEVERE)) Log.severe(Log.FAC_IO, "hasNextSegment() called when we have no current segment!"); throw new IOException("hasNextSegment() called when we have no current segment!"); } // Check to see if finalBlockID is the current segment. If so, there should // be no next segment. (If the writer makes a mistake and guesses the wrong // value for finalBlockID, they won't put that wrong value in the segment they're // guessing itself -- unless they want to try to extend a "closed" stream. // Normally by the time they write that segment, they either know they're done or not. if (null != _currentSegment.signedInfo().getFinalBlockID()) { if (Arrays.equals(_currentSegment.signedInfo().getFinalBlockID(), _currentSegment.name().lastComponent())) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINER)) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_IO, "getNextSegment: there is no next segment. We have segment: " + DataUtils.printHexBytes(_currentSegment.name().lastComponent()) + " which is marked as the final segment."); } return false; } } if (!SegmentationProfile.isSegment(_currentSegment.name())) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "Unsegmented content: {0}. No next segment.", _currentSegment.name()); return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieve the next segment of the stream. Convenience method, uses #getSegment(long). * @return the next segment, if found. * @throws IOException */ protected ContentObject getNextSegment() throws IOException { if (null == _currentSegment) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_IO, "getNextSegment: no current segment, getting first segment."); ContentObject firstSegment = getFirstSegment(); setFirstSegment(firstSegment); return firstSegment; } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_IO, "getNextSegment: getting segment after {0}", _currentSegment.name()); // TODO: This should call setCurrentSegment, no? return getSegment(nextSegmentNumber()); } /** * Retrieves the first segment of the stream, based on specified startingSegmentNumber * (see #CCNAbstractInputStream(ContentName, Long, PublisherPublicKeyDigest, ContentKeys, CCNHandle)). * @return the first segment, if found. * @throws IOException If can't get a valid starting segment number */ public ContentObject getFirstSegment() throws IOException { if (null != _firstSegment) { return _firstSegment; } else if (null != _startingSegmentNumber) { ContentObject firstSegment = getSegment(_startingSegmentNumber); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINE)) { Log.fine(Log.FAC_IO, "getFirstSegment: segment number: " + _startingSegmentNumber + " got segment? " + ((null == firstSegment) ? "no " : firstSegment.name())); } // Do not call setFirstSegment() here because that should only be done when // we are initializing since it does one-time processing including changing the // current segment. Callers to this method may be simply needing the first segment // without changing current. return firstSegment; } else { throw new IOException("Stream does not have a valid starting segment number."); } } /** * Method to determine whether a retrieved block is the first segment of this stream (as * specified by startingSegmentNumber, (see #CCNAbstractInputStream(ContentName, Long, PublisherPublicKeyDigest, ContentKeys, CCNHandle)). * Overridden by subclasses to implement narrower constraints on names. Once first * segment is retrieved, further segments can be identified just by segment-naming * conventions (see SegmentationProfile). * * @param desiredName The expected name prefix for the stream. * For CCNAbstractInputStream, assume that desiredName contains the name up to but not including * segmentation information. * @param segment The potential first segment. * @return True if it is the first segment, false otherwise. */ protected boolean isFirstSegment(ContentName desiredName, ContentObject segment) { if ((null != segment) && (SegmentationProfile.isSegment(segment.name()))) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_IO, "is {0} a first segment of {1}", segment.name(), desiredName); // In theory, the segment should be at most a versioning component different from desiredName. // In the case of complex segmented objects (e.g. a KeyDirectory), where there is a version, // then some name components, then a segment, desiredName should contain all of those other // name components -- you can't use the usual versioning mechanisms to pull first segment anyway. if (!desiredName.equals(SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(segment.name()))) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_IO, "Desired name :{0} is not a prefix of segment: {1}",desiredName, segment.name()); return false; } if (null != _startingSegmentNumber) { return (_startingSegmentNumber.longValue() == SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(segment.name())); } else { return SegmentationProfile.isFirstSegment(segment.name()); } } return false; } /** * If we traversed a link to get this object, make it available. */ public synchronized LinkObject getDereferencedLink() { return _dereferencedLink; } /** * Use only if you know what you are doing. */ protected synchronized void setDereferencedLink(LinkObject dereferencedLink) { _dereferencedLink = dereferencedLink; } /** * Add a LinkObject to the stack we had to dereference to get here. */ protected synchronized void pushDereferencedLink(LinkObject dereferencedLink) { if (null == dereferencedLink) { return; } if (null != _dereferencedLink) { if (null != dereferencedLink.getDereferencedLink()) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.WARNING)) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "Merging two link stacks -- {0} already has a dereferenced link from {1}. Behavior unpredictable.", dereferencedLink.getVersionedName(), dereferencedLink.getDereferencedLink().getVersionedName()); } } dereferencedLink.pushDereferencedLink(_dereferencedLink); } setDereferencedLink(dereferencedLink); } /** * Returns the first segment number for this stream. * @return The index of the first segment of stream data. */ public long firstSegmentNumber() { return _startingSegmentNumber.longValue(); } /** * Returns the segment number for the next segment. * Default segmentation generates sequentially-numbered stream * segments but this method may be overridden in subclasses to * perform re-assembly on streams that have been segmented differently. * @return The index of the next segment of stream data. */ public long nextSegmentNumber() { if (null == _currentSegment) { return _startingSegmentNumber.longValue(); } else { return segmentNumber() + 1; } } /** * @return Returns the segment number of the current segment if we have one, otherwise * the expected startingSegmentNumber. */ public long segmentNumber() { if (null == _currentSegment) { return _startingSegmentNumber; } else { // This needs to work on streaming content that is not traditional fragments. // The segmentation profile tries to do that, though it is seeming like the // new segment representation means we will have to assume that representation // even for stream content. return SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumber(_currentSegment.name()); } } /** * @return Returns the segment number of the current segment if we have one, otherwise -1. */ protected long currentSegmentNumber() { if (null == _currentSegment) { return -1; // make sure we don't match inappropriately } return segmentNumber(); } /** * Checks to see whether this content has been marked as GONE (deleted). Will retrieve the first * segment if we do not already have it in order to make this determination. * @return true if stream is GONE. * @throws NoMatchingContentFound exception if no first segment found * @throws IOException if there is other difficulty retrieving the first segment. */ public boolean isGone() throws NoMatchingContentFoundException, IOException { // TODO: once first segment is always read in constructor this code will change if (null == _firstSegment) { ContentObject firstSegment = getFirstSegment(); setFirstSegment(firstSegment); // sets _firstSegment, does link dereferencing, // throws NoMatchingContentFoundException if firstSegment is null. // this way all retry behavior is localized in the various versions of getFirstSegment. // Previously what would happen is getFirstSegment would be called by isGone, return null, // and we'd have a second chance to catch it on the call to update if things were slow. But // that means we would get a more general update on a gone object. } if (_firstSegment.isType(ContentType.GONE)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return the single segment of a stream marked as GONE. This method * should be called only after checking isGone() == true otherwise it * may return the wrong result. * @return the GONE segment or null if state unknown or stream is not marked GONE */ public ContentObject deletionInformation() { if (null != _firstSegment && _firstSegment.isType(ContentType.GONE)) return _firstSegment; else return null; } /** * Callers may need to access information about this stream's publisher. * We eventually should (TODO) ensure that all the segments we're reading * match in publisher information, and cache the verified publisher info. * (In particular once we're doing trust calculations, to ensure we do them * only once per stream.) * But we do verify each segment, so start by pulling what's in the current segment. * @return the publisher of the data in the stream (either as requested, or once we have * data, as observed). */ public PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher() { return _publisher; } /** * @return the key locator for this stream's publisher. * @throw IOException if unable to obtain content (NoMatchingContentFoundException) */ public KeyLocator publisherKeyLocator() throws IOException { if (null == _firstSegment) { ContentObject firstSegment = getFirstSegment(); setFirstSegment(firstSegment); } return _firstSegment.signedInfo().getKeyLocator(); } /** * @return the name of the current segment held by this string, or "null". Used for debugging. */ public String currentSegmentName() { return ((null == _currentSegment) ? "null" : _currentSegment.name().toString()); } @Override public int available() throws IOException { if (null == _segmentReadStream) return 0; return _segmentReadStream.available(); } /** * @return Whether this stream believes it is at eof (has read past the end of the * last segment of the stream). */ public boolean eof() { //Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Checking eof: there yet? " + _atEOF); return _atEOF; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "CCNAbstractInputStream: close {0}: shutting down pipelining", _baseName); //now that we have pipelining, we need to cancel our interests and clean up //cancel our outstanding interests cancelInterests(); resetPipelineState(); } @Override public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in mark({0}) currentSegment {1}", readlimit, currentSegmentNumber()); // Shouldn't have a problem if we are GONE, and don't want to // deal with exceptions raised by a call to isGone. _readlimit = readlimit; _markBlock = segmentNumber(); if (null == _segmentReadStream) { _markOffset = 0; } else { try { _markOffset = _currentSegment.contentLength() - _segmentReadStream.available(); if (_segmentReadStream.markSupported()) { _segmentReadStream.mark(readlimit); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "mark: block: " + segmentNumber() + " offset: " + _markOffset); } @Override public boolean markSupported() { return true; } @Override public synchronized void reset() throws IOException { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in reset() currentSegment {0}", currentSegmentNumber()); if (isGone()) return; // TODO: when first block is read in constructor this check can be removed if (_currentSegment == null) { setFirstSegment(getFirstSegment()); setCurrentSegment(getSegment(_markBlock)); } else if (currentSegmentNumber() == _markBlock) { //already have the correct segment if (tell() == _markOffset){ //already have the correct offset } else { // Reset and skip. if (_segmentReadStream.markSupported()) { _segmentReadStream.reset(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "reset within block: block: " + segmentNumber() + " offset: " + _markOffset + " eof? " + _atEOF); return; } else { setCurrentSegment(_currentSegment); } } } else { // getSegment doesn't pull segment if we already have the right one setCurrentSegment(getSegment(_markBlock)); } _segmentReadStream.skip(_markOffset); _atEOF = false; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "reset: block: " + segmentNumber() + " offset: " + _markOffset + " eof? " + _atEOF); } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in skip({0}) currentSegment {1}", n, currentSegmentNumber()); if (isGone()) return 0; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_IO, "in skip("+n+")"); if (n < 0) { return 0; } return readInternal(null, 0, (int)n); } /** * @return Currently returns 0. Can be optionally overridden by subclasses. * @throws IOException */ protected int segmentCount() throws IOException { return 0; } /** * Seek a stream to a specific byte offset from the start. Tries to avoid retrieving * extra segments. * @param position * @throws IOException */ public void seek(long position) throws IOException { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in seek({0}) currentSegment {1}", position, currentSegmentNumber()); if (isGone()) return; // can't seek gone stream if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINER)) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_IO, "Seeking stream to {0}", position); } // TODO: when first block is read in constructor this check can be removed if ((_currentSegment == null) || (!SegmentationProfile.isFirstSegment(_currentSegment.name()))) { setFirstSegment(getFirstSegment()); skip(position); } else if (position > tell()) { // we are on the first segment already, just move forward skip(position - tell()); } else { // we are on the first segment already, just rewind back to the beginning rewindSegment(); skip(position); } } /** * @return Returns position in byte offset. For CCNAbstractInputStream, provide an inadequate * base implementation that returns the offset into the current segment (not the stream as * a whole). * @throws IOException */ public long tell() throws IOException { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_PIPELINE, "PIPELINE: in tell() currentSegment {0}", currentSegmentNumber()); if (isGone()) return 0; return _currentSegment.contentLength() - _segmentReadStream.available(); } /** * @return Total length of the stream, if known, otherwise -1. * @throws IOException */ public long length() throws IOException { return -1; } static private class IncomingSegment { public ContentObject content; public Interest interest; private IncomingSegment(ContentObject co, Interest i) { content = co; interest = i; } } }