/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.SignatureException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.ConfigurationException; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.CCNAggregatedSigner; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.CCNMerkleTree; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.CCNMerkleTreeSigner; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.ContentKeys; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.UnbufferedCipherInputStream; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.content.ContentEncodingException; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile.SegmentNumberType; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.KeyLocator; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.PublisherPublicKeyDigest; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Signature; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.SignedInfo; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.SignedInfo.ContentType; /** * Combines segmentation, signing and encryption. This is used * to prepare data for writing out to ccnd. The intent is to provide a user-friendly, * efficient, minimum-copy interface, with some support for extensibility. * * <ul> * <li> * Segmentation is the division of a large piece of content into multiple * smaller content objects. A segment component is appended to the content * name to distinguish different segments. * @see org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile * * This class currently supports a range of quite complex * segmentation options. At this point, only a subset of these are supported * by the higher level org.ccnx.ccn.io interfaces. * * Contiguous blocks (fixed or variable size), or sparse blocks, e.g. at various * time offsets. Configurations set the numbering scheme. The two interfaces * are either contiguous writes, or (for the sparse case), writes of individual * segments specified by offset (can be multi-buffered, as may be multiple KB). * * Simplest way to handle might be to expect contiguous blocks (either * increments or byte count) and remember what we last wrote, so next * call gets next value. Clients writing sparse blocks (only byte count * or scaled byte count makes sense for this) can override by setting * counter on a call.</li> * * <li>Signing Control -- per ContentObject signing with a choice of signature algorithm, * or amortized signing. The default is Merkle Hash Tree based amortization, later * there will be other options. * @see org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.CCNMerkleTreeSigner</li> * * <li>Stock low-level encryption. -- * Given a key K, an IV, and a chosen encryption algorithm segment content so as * to meet a desired net data length with potential block expansion, and encrypt. * * For this, we use the standard Java encryption mechanisms, augmented by * alternative providers (e.g. BouncyCastle for AES-CTR). We just need * a Cipher, a SecretKeySpec, and an IvParameterSpec holding the relevant * key data. * * For block ciphers, we require a certain amount of extra space in the * blocks to accommodate padding (a minimum of 1 bytes for PKCS5 padding, * for example). * DKS TODO -- deal with the padding and length expansion * For the moment, until we deal with padding we use only AES-CTR.</li> * </ul> * * Overall this class attempts to minimize copying of data. Data must be copied into final * ContentObjects returned by the signing operations. On the way, it may need * to pass through a block encrypter, which may perform local copies. Higher-level * constructs, such as streams, may buffer it above. */ public class CCNSegmenter { /** * Number of content objects we keep around prior to signing and outputting to the flow controller * Note that the flow controller also uses this value to determine its default high water mark. */ public static final int HOLD_COUNT = 128; public static final long LAST_SEGMENT = Long.valueOf(-1); protected int _blockSize = SegmentationProfile.DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE; protected int _blockIncrement = SegmentationProfile.DEFAULT_INCREMENT; protected int _byteScale = SegmentationProfile.DEFAULT_SCALE; protected SegmentNumberType _sequenceType = SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_FIXED_INCREMENT; protected ArrayList<ContentObject> _blocks = new ArrayList<ContentObject>(HOLD_COUNT + 1); protected CCNHandle _handle; /** * Eventually may not contain this; callers may access it exogenously. */ protected CCNFlowControl _flowControl; /** * Handle multi-block amortized signing. If null, default to single-block signing. */ protected CCNAggregatedSigner _bulkSigner; /** * The first segment, useful for obtaining starting segment number and digest to characterize * set of segmented content. */ protected ContentObject _firstSegment = null; /** * Create a segmenter with default (Merkle hash tree) bulk signing * behavior, making a new handle for it to use. * @throws ConfigurationException if there is a problem creating the handle * @throws IOException if there is a problem creating the handle */ public CCNSegmenter() throws ConfigurationException, IOException { this(CCNHandle.open()); } /** * Create a segmenter with default (Merkle hash tree) bulk signing * behavior. * @param handle the handle to use, will open a new one if null * @throws IOException if there is a problem creating the handle */ public CCNSegmenter(CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { this(new CCNFlowControl(handle)); } /** * Create a segmenter with default (Merkle hash tree) bulk signing * behavior. * @param flowControl the specified flow controller to use */ public CCNSegmenter(CCNFlowControl flowControl) { this(flowControl, null); } /** * Create a segmenter, specifying the signing behavior to use. * @param flowControl the specified flow controller to use * @param signer the bulk signer to use. If null, will use default Merkle hash tree behavior. */ public CCNSegmenter(CCNFlowControl flowControl, CCNAggregatedSigner signer) { if ((null == flowControl) || (null == flowControl.getHandle())) { // Tries to get a library or make a flow control, yell if we fail. throw new IllegalArgumentException("CCNSegmenter: must provide a valid library or flow controller."); } _flowControl = flowControl; _handle = _flowControl.getHandle(); if (null == signer) { _bulkSigner = new CCNMerkleTreeSigner(); } else { _bulkSigner = signer; // if null, default to merkle tree } _blockSize = SystemConfiguration.BLOCK_SIZE; } /** * Factory method to create a standard segmenter that generates blocks of fixed length in bytes. * @param blockSize number of bytes to put in each block (the last block will have an odd number of * bytes) * @param flowControl the flow controller to use * @return the new segmenter */ public static CCNSegmenter getBlockSegmenter(int blockSize, CCNFlowControl flowControl) { CCNSegmenter segmenter = new CCNSegmenter(flowControl); segmenter.useFixedIncrementSequenceNumbers(1); segmenter.setBlockSize(blockSize); return segmenter; } /** * Factory method to create a standard segmenter that generates blocks of variable length in bytes, * whose segment numbers are scaled by a fixed increment. This could be used, for example to generate * segments that had variable number of bytes in each, and naming them by scaling the byte * offset by a scale useful to the application - e.g. to end up with millisecond offsets * for a video or audio stream, etc. * NOTE: the reader infrastructure currently expects incrementing segment numbers; a special * stream class is necessary to read data generated this way. That would not be difficult to * write. * @param scale multiplier to apply to the byte count before recording it as a sequence number * @param flowControl the flow controller to use * @return the new segmenter */ public static CCNSegmenter getScaledByteCountSegmenter(int scale, CCNFlowControl flowControl) { CCNSegmenter segmenter = new CCNSegmenter(flowControl); segmenter.useScaledByteCountSequenceNumbers(scale); return segmenter; } /** * Factory method to create a standard segmenter that generates blocks of variable length in bytes, * whose segment numbers are scaled by a fixed increment. This could be used, for example to generate * segments that had variable number of bytes in each, and naming them by byte offset. * NOTE: This is used by CCNBlockInputStream and CCNBlockOutputStream; the other stream classes * will not read data generated this way. * @param flowControl the flow controller to use * @return the new segmenter */ public static CCNSegmenter getByteCountSegmenter(CCNFlowControl flowControl) { return getScaledByteCountSegmenter(1, flowControl); } public CCNHandle getLibrary() { return _handle; } public CCNFlowControl getFlowControl() { return _flowControl; } /** * Return the first segment. * @return The first segment or null if no segments generated yet */ public ContentObject getFirstSegment() { return _firstSegment; } /** * Sets the segmentation block size to use * @param blockSize block size in bytes */ public void setBlockSize(int blockSize) { _blockSize = blockSize; } /** * Gets the current block size * @return block size in bytes */ public int getBlockSize() { return _blockSize; } public void useByteCountSequenceNumbers() { setSequenceType(SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_BYTE_COUNT); setByteScale(1); } public void useFixedIncrementSequenceNumbers(int increment) { setSequenceType(SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_FIXED_INCREMENT); setBlockIncrement(increment); } public void useScaledByteCountSequenceNumbers(int scale) { setSequenceType(SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_BYTE_COUNT); setByteScale(scale); } public void setSequenceType(SegmentNumberType seqType) { _sequenceType = seqType; } /** * Sets the increment between block numbers. * @param blockIncrement */ public void setBlockIncrement(int blockIncrement) { _blockIncrement = blockIncrement; } /** * Gets the increment between block numbers. * @return */ public int getBlockIncrement() { return _blockIncrement; } public void setByteScale(int byteScale) { _byteScale = byteScale; } public int getByteScale() { return _byteScale; } /** * Puts a complete data item, segmenting it if necessary. The * assumption of this method is that this single call puts * all the blocks of the item; if multiple calls to the * segmenter will be required to output an item, use other * methods to manage segment identifiers. * * If the data is small enough this doesn't fragment. Otherwise, does. * If multi-fragment, uses the naming profile and specified * bulk signer (default: Merkle Hash Tree) to generate names and signatures. * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @return ContentObject of the data that was put (in the case * of fragmented data, the first fragment is returned). This way the * caller can then easily link to the data if * they need to, or put again with a different name. * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException **/ public long put( ContentName name, byte [] content, int offset, int length, boolean lastSegments, SignedInfo.ContentType type, Integer freshnessSeconds, KeyLocator locator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (null == content) { throw new IOException("Content cannot be null!"); } if (null == publisher) { publisher = _handle.keyManager().getDefaultKeyID(); } if (null == locator) locator = _handle.keyManager().getKeyLocator(publisher); if (null == type) { type = ContentType.DATA; } // Remove existing segmentation markers on end of name, at point right // before put. If do it sooner, have to re-do it just to be sure. if (SegmentationProfile.isSegment(name)) { Log.info("Asked to store fragments under fragment name: " + name + ". Stripping fragment information"); } // DKS TODO -- take encryption overhead into account // DKS TODO -- hook up last segment if (outputLength(length, keys) >= getBlockSize()) { return fragmentedPut(name, content, offset, length, (lastSegments ? CCNSegmenter.LAST_SEGMENT : null), type, freshnessSeconds, locator, publisher, keys); } else { try { // We should only get here on a single-fragment object, where the lastBlocks // argument is false (omitted). return putFragment(name, SegmentationProfile.baseSegment(), content, offset, length, type, null, freshnessSeconds, Long.valueOf(SegmentationProfile.baseSegment()), locator, publisher, keys); } catch (IOException e) { Log.warning("This should not happen: put failed with an IOException."); Log.warningStackTrace(e); throw e; } } } /** * Segments content, builds segment names and ContentObjects, signs * them, and writes them to the flow controller to go out to the network. * Low-level segmentation interface. Assume arguments have been cleaned * prior to arrival -- name is not already segmented, type is set, etc. * * Starts segmentation at segment SegmentationProfile().baseSegment(). * @param name name prefix to use for the segments * @param content content buffer containing content to put * @param offset offset into buffer at which to start reading content to put * @param length number of bytes of buffer to put * @param finalSegmentIndex the expected segment number of the last segment of this stream, * null to omit, Long(-1) to set as the last segment of this put, whatever * its number turns out to be * @param type the type for the content * @param freshnessSeconds the number of seconds this content should be considered fresh, or null * to leave unset * @param locator the key locator to use * @param publisher the publisher to use * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @return returns the segment identifier for the next segment to be written, if any. * If the caller doesn't want to override this, they can hand this number back * to a subsequent call to fragmentedPut. * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws SignatureException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException */ public long fragmentedPut( ContentName name, byte [] content, int offset, int length, Long finalSegmentIndex, SignedInfo.ContentType type, Integer freshnessSeconds, KeyLocator locator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { return fragmentedPut(name, SegmentationProfile.baseSegment(), content, offset, length, getBlockSize(), type, null, freshnessSeconds, finalSegmentIndex, locator, publisher, keys); } /** * Segments content, builds segment names and ContentObjects, signs * them, and writes them to the flow controller to go out to the network. * NOTE - ControlFlow.addNameSpace must be done before calling this * * @param name name prefix to use for the segments * @param baseSegmentNumber the segment number to start this batch with * @param content content buffer containing content to put * @param offset offset into buffer at which to start reading content to put * @param length number of bytes of buffer to put * @param blockWidth the block size to use * @param type the type for the content * @param timestamp the timestamp for the content * @param freshnessSeconds the number of seconds this content should be considered fresh, or null * to leave unset * @param finalSegmentIndex the expected segment number of the last segment of this stream, * null to omit, Long(-1) to set as the last segment of this put, whatever * its number turns out to be * @param locator the key locator to use * @param publisher the publisher to use * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @return returns the segment identifier for the next segment to be written, if any. * If the caller doesn't want to override this, they can hand this number back * to a subsequent call to fragmentedPut. * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws SignatureException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException * @see fragmentedPut(ContentName, byte[], int, int, Long, ContentType, Integer, KeyLocator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest) * Starts segmentation at segment SegmentationProfile().baseSegment(). */ public long fragmentedPut( ContentName name, long baseSegmentNumber, byte [] content, int offset, int length, int blockWidth, ContentType type, CCNTime timestamp, Integer freshnessSeconds, Long finalSegmentIndex, KeyLocator locator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // This will call into CCNBase after picking appropriate credentials // take content, blocksize (static), divide content into array of // content blocks, call hash fn for each block, call fn to build merkle // hash tree. Build header, for each block, get authinfo for block, // (with hash tree, block identifier, timestamp -- SQLDateTime) // insert header using mid-level insert, low-level insert for actual blocks. if (length == 0) return baseSegmentNumber; if (null == publisher) { publisher = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getDefaultKeyID(); } PrivateKey signingKey = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getSigningKey(publisher); if (null == locator) locator = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getKeyLocator(publisher); ContentName rootName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(name); if (null == type) { type = ContentType.DATA; } byte [] finalBlockID = null; if (null != finalSegmentIndex) { if (finalSegmentIndex.longValue() == CCNSegmenter.LAST_SEGMENT) { // compute final segment number // compute final segment number; which might be this one if blockCount == 1 int blockCount = CCNMerkleTree.blockCount(length, blockWidth); finalBlockID = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent( lastSegmentIndex(baseSegmentNumber, (blockCount-1)*blockWidth, blockCount)); } else { finalBlockID = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(finalSegmentIndex); } } long nextSegmentIndex = buildBlocks(rootName, baseSegmentNumber, new SignedInfo(publisher, timestamp, type, locator, freshnessSeconds, finalBlockID), content, offset, length, blockWidth, keys, signingKey, null != finalSegmentIndex); if (_blocks.size() >= HOLD_COUNT || null != finalSegmentIndex) { outputCurrentBlocks(signingKey); } return nextSegmentIndex; } /** * Takes pre-segmented content, builds segment names and ContentObjects, signs * them, and writes them to the flow controller to go out to the network. * @param name name prefix to use for the segments * @param baseSegmentNumber the segment number to start this batch with * @param contentBlocks content buffers containing content to put, one buffer per ContentObject * @param blockCount the number of these content buffers to write * @param firstBlockIndex the index into the content buffer array to start writing blocks * @param lastBlockLength the number of bytes of the last block to be written to use -- this * allows a fixed set of byte [] to be used to buffer content for segmentation, and still cope * with variable-length last blocks * @param type the type for the content * @param timestamp the timestamp for the content * @param freshnessSeconds the number of seconds this content should be considered fresh, or null * to leave unset * @param finalSegmentIndex the expected segment number of the last segment of this stream, * null to omit, Long(-1) to set as the last segment of this put, whatever * its number turns out to be * @param locator the key locator to use * @param publisher the publisher to use * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @return returns the segment identifier for the next segment to be written, if any. * If the caller doesn't want to override this, they can hand this number back * to a subsequent call to fragmentedPut. * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws SignatureException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException * @see fragmentedPut(ContentName, byte[], int, int, Long, ContentType, Integer, KeyLocator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest) * Starts segmentation at segment SegmentationProfile().baseSegment(). */ public long fragmentedPut( ContentName name, long baseSegmentNumber, byte contentBlocks[][], int blockCount, int firstBlockIndex, int lastBlockLength, ContentType type, CCNTime timestamp, Integer freshnessSeconds, Long finalSegmentIndex, KeyLocator locator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (blockCount == 0) return baseSegmentNumber; if (null == publisher) { publisher = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getDefaultKeyID(); } PrivateKey signingKey = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getSigningKey(publisher); if (null == locator) locator = getFlowControl().getHandle().keyManager().getKeyLocator(publisher); ContentName rootName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(name); if (null == type) { type = ContentType.DATA; } byte [] finalBlockID = null; if (null != finalSegmentIndex) { if (finalSegmentIndex.longValue() == CCNSegmenter.LAST_SEGMENT) { long length = 0; for (int j = firstBlockIndex; j < firstBlockIndex + blockCount - 1; j++) { length += contentBlocks[j].length; } // don't include last block length; want intervening byte count before the last block // compute final segment number finalBlockID = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent( lastSegmentIndex(baseSegmentNumber, length, blockCount)); } else { finalBlockID = SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(finalSegmentIndex); } } long nextIndex = baseSegmentNumber; for (int i = firstBlockIndex; i < firstBlockIndex + blockCount; i++) { nextIndex = newBlock(rootName, nextIndex, new SignedInfo(publisher, timestamp, type, locator, freshnessSeconds, finalBlockID), contentBlocks[i], 0, (i < firstBlockIndex + blockCount - 1) ? contentBlocks[i].length : lastBlockLength, keys); if (_blocks.size() >= HOLD_COUNT) { outputCurrentBlocks(signingKey); } } if (null != finalSegmentIndex) { outputCurrentBlocks(signingKey); } return nextIndex; } /** * Sign and output all outstanding blocks to the flow controller. This is done when the number of * blocks reaches HOLD_COUNT (see above) or we are doing a final flush of a file. * * There are 2 cases: * 1) we're flushing a single block and can put it out with a straight signature (includes * 0-length file case) * 2) we're flushing more than one block, and need to use a bulk signer. * * All code is capable of handling any mix of these types of blocks but internal mixing should not * happen anymore unless we decide to add a higher level capability to allow an immediate flush all * the way to the flow controller. Normally we would see groups of bulk signatures followed by a * straight signature block in rare cases where only a single block is left over for the flush * after a bulk signing pass. * * @param signingKey * @param finalFlush sign and dump everything if true * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws SignatureException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException */ protected void outputCurrentBlocks(PrivateKey signingKey) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { if (_blocks.size() == 0) return; if (_blocks.size() == 1) { ContentObject co = _blocks.get(0); co.sign(signingKey); if( Log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) Log.finer("CCNSegmenter: putting " + co.name() + " (timestamp: " + co.signedInfo().getTimestamp() + ", length: " + co.contentLength() + ")"); _flowControl.put(co); } else { // Digest of complete contents // If we're going to unique-ify the block names // (or just in general) we need to incorporate the names // and signedInfos in the MerkleTree blocks. // For now, this generates the root signature too, so can // ask for the signature for each block. ContentObject[] blocks = new ContentObject[_blocks.size()]; _blocks.toArray(blocks); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "flush: putting merkle tree to the network, name starts with " + blocks[0].name() + "; " + _blocks.size() + " blocks"); _bulkSigner.signBlocks(blocks, signingKey); getFlowControl().put(blocks); } _blocks.clear(); } /** * Puts a single block of content of arbitrary length using a segment naming convention. The only * current use of this is to allow a Segmenter.put of less than a blocksize. * I'm not quite sure why that needs to use this and it would be nice to get rid of this since its * mostly superfluous and duplicating other code at this point but for now I'll leave it in. * * @param name name prefix to use for the object, without the segment number * @param segmentNumber the segment number to use for this object * @param content content buffer containing content to put * @param offset offset into buffer at which to start reading content to put * @param length number of bytes of buffer to put * @param type the type for the content * @param timestamp the timestamp for the content * @param freshnessSeconds the number of seconds this content should be considered fresh, or null * to leave unset * @param finalSegmentIndex the expected segment number of the last segment of this stream, * null to omit, Long(-1) to set as the last segment of this put, whatever * its number turns out to be * @param locator the key locator to use * @param publisher the publisher to use * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @return returns the segment identifier for the next segment to be written, if any. * If the caller doesn't want to override this, they can hand this number back * to a subsequent call to fragmentedPut. * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws SignatureException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException */ public long putFragment( ContentName name, long segmentNumber, byte [] content, int offset, int length, ContentType type, CCNTime timestamp, Integer freshnessSeconds, Long finalSegmentIndex, KeyLocator locator, PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisher, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (null == publisher) { publisher = _handle.keyManager().getDefaultKeyID(); } PrivateKey signingKey = _handle.keyManager().getSigningKey(publisher); if (null == locator) locator = _handle.keyManager().getKeyLocator(publisher); if (null == type) { type = ContentType.DATA; } ContentName rootName = SegmentationProfile.segmentRoot(name); _flowControl.addNameSpace(rootName); byte [] finalBlockID = ((null == finalSegmentIndex) ? null : ((finalSegmentIndex.longValue() == LAST_SEGMENT) ? SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(segmentNumber) : SegmentationProfile.getSegmentNumberNameComponent(finalSegmentIndex))); SignedInfo signedInfo = new SignedInfo(publisher, timestamp, type, locator,freshnessSeconds, finalBlockID); segmentNumber = newBlock(rootName, segmentNumber, signedInfo, content, offset, length, keys); if (_blocks.size() >= HOLD_COUNT + 1 || null != finalSegmentIndex) outputCurrentBlocks(signingKey); return segmentNumber; } /** * Helper method to build ContentObjects for segments out of a contiguous buffer. * @param rootName * @param baseSegmentNumber * @param signedInfo * @param content * @param offset * @param length * @param blockWidth * @param keys the keys to use for encrypting this segment, or null if unencrypted. The * specific Key/IV used for this segment will be obtained by calling keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(). * @param signingKey * @return * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws SignatureException */ protected long buildBlocks(ContentName rootName, long baseSegmentNumber, SignedInfo signedInfo, byte[] content, int offset, int length, int blockWidth, ContentKeys keys, PrivateKey signingKey, boolean finalFlush) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, IOException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { int blockCount = CCNMerkleTree.blockCount(length, blockWidth); long nextSegmentIndex = baseSegmentNumber; for (int i=0; i < blockCount; ++i) { InputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content, offset, length); if (null != keys) { // DKS TODO -- move to streaming version to cut down copies. Here using input // streams, eventually push down with this at the end of an output stream. // Make a separate cipher, so this segmenter can be used by multiple callers at once. Cipher thisCipher = keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(rootName, signedInfo.getPublisherKeyID(), nextSegmentIndex); if (Log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) Log.finest("Created new encryption cipher "+thisCipher); // Override content type to mark encryption. // Note: we don't require that writers use our facilities for encryption, so // content previously encrypted may not be marked as type ENCR. So on the decryption // side we don't require that encrypted data be marked ENCR -- if you give us a // decryption key, we'll try to decrypt it. signedInfo.setType(ContentType.ENCR); dataStream = new UnbufferedCipherInputStream(dataStream, thisCipher); } ContentObject co = new ContentObject( SegmentationProfile.segmentName(rootName, nextSegmentIndex), signedInfo, dataStream, blockWidth); _blocks.add(co); if (null == _firstSegment) { _firstSegment = co; } nextSegmentIndex = nextSegmentIndex(nextSegmentIndex, co.contentLength()); offset += blockWidth; length -= blockWidth; if (_blocks.size() >= HOLD_COUNT + 1 || finalFlush) { outputCurrentBlocks(signingKey); } } return nextSegmentIndex; } /** * Create a ContentObject, encrypt it if requested, and add it to the list of ContentObjects * awaiting signing and output to the flow controller. Also creates the segmented name for the CO. * * @param rootName * @param segmentNumber * @param signedInfo * @param contentBlock * @param offset * @param blockLength * @param keys * @return next segment number to use * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException * @throws ContentEncodingException */ protected long newBlock(ContentName rootName, long segmentNumber, SignedInfo signedInfo, byte contentBlock[], int offset, int blockLength, ContentKeys keys) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, ContentEncodingException { int length = blockLength; if (null != keys) { try { // Make a separate cipher, so this segmenter can be used by multiple callers at once. Cipher thisCipher = keys.getSegmentEncryptionCipher(rootName, signedInfo.getPublisherKeyID(), segmentNumber); // TODO -- incurs an extra copy contentBlock = thisCipher.doFinal(contentBlock, offset, blockLength); length = contentBlock.length; offset = 0; // Override content type to mark encryption. // Note: we don't require that writers use our facilities for encryption, so // content previously encrypted may not be marked as type ENCR. So on the decryption // side we don't require that encrypted data be marked ENCR -- if you give us a // decryption key, we'll try to decrypt it. signedInfo.setType(ContentType.ENCR); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { Log.warning("Unexpected IllegalBlockSizeException for an algorithm we have already used!"); throw new InvalidKeyException("Unexpected IllegalBlockSizeException for an algorithm we have already used!", e); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { Log.warning("Unexpected BadPaddingException for an algorithm we have already used!"); throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Unexpected BadPaddingException for an algorithm we have already used!", e); } } ContentObject co = new ContentObject( SegmentationProfile.segmentName(rootName, segmentNumber), signedInfo,contentBlock, offset, length,(Signature)null); _blocks.add(co); if (null == _firstSegment) { _firstSegment = co; } int contentLength = co.contentLength(); long nextSegment = nextSegmentIndex(segmentNumber, contentLength); return nextSegment; } /** * Increment segment number according to the numbering profile in force. * @param lastSegmentNumber the last segment number we emitted * @param lastSegmentLength the length of the last segment we emitted * @return */ public long nextSegmentIndex(long lastSegmentNumber, long lastSegmentLength) { if (SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_FIXED_INCREMENT == _sequenceType) { return lastSegmentNumber + getBlockIncrement(); } else if (SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_BYTE_COUNT == _sequenceType) { return lastSegmentNumber + (getByteScale() * lastSegmentLength); } else { Log.warning("Unknown segmentation type: " + _sequenceType); return lastSegmentNumber + 1; } } /** * Compute the index of the last block of a set of segments, according to the * numbering profile. * @param currentSegmentNumber * @param bytesIntervening * @param blocksRemaining * @return */ public Long lastSegmentIndex(long currentSegmentNumber, long bytesIntervening, int blocksRemaining) { if (SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_FIXED_INCREMENT == _sequenceType) { return currentSegmentNumber + (getBlockIncrement() * (blocksRemaining - 1)); } else if (SegmentNumberType.SEGMENT_BYTE_COUNT == _sequenceType) { // don't want this, want number of bytes prior to last block return currentSegmentNumber + (getByteScale() * bytesIntervening); } else { Log.warning("Unknown segmentation type: " + _sequenceType); return currentSegmentNumber + (blocksRemaining - 1); } } /** * Set the timeout on the contained flow controller. * @param timeout */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { getFlowControl().setTimeout(timeout); } /** * How many content bytes will it take to represent content of length * length, including any padding incurred by encryption? * @param inputLength * @return the output length */ public long outputLength(int inputLength, ContentKeys keys) { if (null == keys) { return inputLength; } else { return keys.getCipher().getOutputSize(inputLength); } } }