/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNInterestHandler; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.ConfigurationException; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.InterestTable.Entry; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.MalformedContentNameStringException; /** * This class implements an input buffer for interests and an output buffer * for content objects. * * ccnd will not accept data (content objects) except in response to an * interest. This class allows data sources such as output streams to * generate content objects speculatively, and buffers them until interests * arrive from ccnd. Equally when interests come in from ccnd before the * content has been generated this class will buffer the interests until * the content is generated. * * Implements a capacity limit in the holding buffer. If the buffer consumption * reaches the specified capacity, any subsequent put will block until there is more * room in the buffer. Note that this means that the buffer may hold as many objects as the * capacity value, and the object held by any later blocked put is extra, meaning the total * number of objects waiting to be sent is not bounded by the capacity alone. * Currently this is only per "flow controller". There * is nothing to stop multiple streams writing to the repo for instance to * independently all fill their buffers and cause a lot of memory to be used. * * Also implements a limited capacity for held interests. * * The buffer emptying policy in "afterPutAction" can be overridden by * subclasses to implement a different way of draining the buffer. */ public class CCNFlowControl implements CCNInterestHandler { public enum Shape { STREAM("STREAM"); Shape(String str) { this._str = str; } public String value() { return _str; } private final String _str; } public enum SaveType { RAW ("RAW"), REPOSITORY ("REPOSITORY"), LOCALREPOSITORY("LOCALREPOSITORY"); SaveType(String str) { this._str = str; } public String value() { return _str; } private final String _str; } protected CCNHandle _handle = null; // Designed to allow a CCNOutputStream to flush its current output once without // causing the over-capacity blocking to be triggered protected static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = CCNSegmenter.HOLD_COUNT + 1; protected static final int DEFAULT_INTEREST_CAPACITY = 40; // Temporarily default to very high timeout so that puts have a good // chance of going through. We actually may want to keep this. protected int _timeout = SystemConfiguration.FC_TIMEOUT; protected int _capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY; // Value used to determine whether the buffer is draining in waitForPutDrain protected long _nOut = 0; // Unmatched interests are purged from our table if they have remained there longer than this protected static final int PURGE = 4000; protected TreeMap<ContentName, ContentObject> _holdingArea = new TreeMap<ContentName, ContentObject>(); protected InterestTable<UnmatchedInterest> _unmatchedInterests = new InterestTable<UnmatchedInterest>(); // The namespaces served by this flow controller protected HashSet<ContentName> _filteredNames = new HashSet<ContentName>(); private static class UnmatchedInterest { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private boolean _flowControlEnabled = true; /** * @param name automatically handles this namespace * @param handle CCNHandle - created if null * @throws IOException if handle can't be created */ public CCNFlowControl(ContentName name, CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { this(handle); if (name != null) { if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "adding namespace: " + name); // don't call full addNameSpace, in order to allow subclasses to // override. just do minimal part _filteredNames.add(name); _handle.registerFilter(name, this); } } /** * @param name automatically handles this namespace * @param handle CCNHandle - created if null * @throws MalformedContentNameStringException if namespace is malformed * @throws IOException if handle can't be created */ public CCNFlowControl(String name, CCNHandle handle) throws MalformedContentNameStringException, IOException { this(ContentName.fromNative(name), handle); } /** * @param handle CCNHandle - created if null * @throws IOException if handle can't be created */ public CCNFlowControl(CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { if (null == handle) { try { handle = CCNHandle.open(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "Got ConfigurationException attempting to create a handle. Rethrowing it as an IOException. Message: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("ConfigurationException creating a handle: " + e.getMessage()); } } _handle = handle; _unmatchedInterests.setCapacity(DEFAULT_INTEREST_CAPACITY); } /** * Filter handler constructor -- an Interest has already come in, and * we are writing a stream in response. So we can write out the first * matching block that we get as soon as we get it (in response to this * preexisting interest). Caller has the responsibilty to ensure that * this Interest is only handed to one CCNFlowControl to emit a block. * @param name an initial namespace to handle * @param outstandingInterest an Interest we have already received; the * flow controller will immediately emit the first matching block * @param handle the handle to use. May need to be the same handle * that the Interest was received on. */ public CCNFlowControl(ContentName name, Interest outstandingInterest, CCNHandle handle) throws IOException { this(name, handle); handleInterest(outstandingInterest); } /** * Add a new namespace to the controller. The controller will register a filter with ccnd to receive * interests in this namespace. * @param name * @throws IOException */ public void addNameSpace(ContentName name) throws IOException { if (!_flowControlEnabled) return; Iterator<ContentName> it = _filteredNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ContentName filteredName = it.next(); if (filteredName.isPrefixOf(name)) { if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "addNameSpace: not adding name: " + name + " already monitoring prefix: " + filteredName); return; // Already part of filter } if (name.isPrefixOf(filteredName)) { _handle.unregisterFilter(filteredName, this); it.remove(); } } _filteredNames.add(name); _handle.registerFilter(name, this); if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "Flow controller addNameSpace: added namespace: " + name); } /** * Convenience method. * @see #addNameSpace(ContentName) * @param name Namespace to be added in string form. */ public void addNameSpace(String name) throws MalformedContentNameStringException, IOException { addNameSpace(ContentName.fromNative(name)); } /** * Filter handler method, add a namespace and respond to an existing Interest. * @throws IOException */ public void addNameSpace(ContentName name, Interest outstandingInterest) throws IOException { addNameSpace(name); handleInterest(outstandingInterest); } /** * Convenience method. * @see #startWrite(ContentName, Shape) * @throws MalformedContentNameStringException if name is malformed */ public void startWrite(String name, Shape shape) throws MalformedContentNameStringException, IOException { startWrite(ContentName.fromNative(name), shape); } /** * This is used to indicate that it should start a write for a stream with this * name, and should do any stream-specific setup. * @param name * @param shape currently unused and may be deprecated in the future. Can only be Shape.STREAM * @throws MalformedContentNameStringException if name is malformed * @throws IOException used by subclasses */ public void startWrite(ContentName name, Shape shape) throws IOException {} /** * Remove a namespace from those we are listening for interests within. * * For now we don't have any way to remove a part of a registered namespace from * buffering so we only allow removal of a namespace if it actually matches something that was * registered * * @param name */ public void removeNameSpace(ContentName name) { removeNameSpace(name, false); } private void removeNameSpace(ContentName name, boolean all) { Iterator<ContentName> it = _filteredNames.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ContentName filteredName = it.next(); if (all || filteredName.equals(name)) { _handle.unregisterFilter(filteredName, this); it.remove(); if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "removing namespace: " + name); break; } } } /** * Stop attending to all namespaces. */ public void removeAllNamespaces() { removeNameSpace(null, true); } /** * Helper method to clean up and close. */ public void close() { removeAllNamespaces(); } /** * Someone needs to do the deregistration if nobody else did */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { close(); // Do the deregistration } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * Test if this flow controller is currently serving a particular namespace. * * @param childName ContentName of test space * @return The actual namespace the flow controller is using if it does serve the child * namespace. null otherwise. */ public ContentName getNameSpace(ContentName childName) { ContentName prefix = null; for (ContentName nameSpace : _filteredNames) { if (nameSpace.isPrefixOf(childName)) { // is this the only one? if (null == prefix) { prefix = nameSpace; } else if (nameSpace.count() > prefix.count()) { prefix = nameSpace; } } } return prefix; } /** * Add multiple content objects to this flow controller. * @see #put(ContentObject) * * @param cos ArrayList of ContentObjects to put * @throws IOException if the put fails */ public void put(ArrayList<ContentObject> cos) throws IOException { for (ContentObject co : cos) { put(co); } } /** * Add multiple content objects to this flow controller. * @see #put(ContentObject) * * @param cos Array of ContentObjects * @throws IOException if the put fails */ public void put(ContentObject [] cos) throws IOException { for (ContentObject co : cos) { put(co); } } /** * Add namespace and multiple content at the same time. * @see #addNameSpace(ContentName) * @see #put(ArrayList) * * @param name ContentName of namespace * @param cos ArrayList of ContentObjects * @throws IOException if the put fails */ public void put(ContentName name, ArrayList<ContentObject> cos) throws IOException { addNameSpace(name); put(cos); } /** * Add namespace and content at the same time * @see #addNameSpace(ContentName) * @see #put(ContentObject) * * @param name ContentName of namespace * @param co ContentObject * @return the ContentObject put * @throws IOException if the put fails */ public ContentObject put(ContentName name, ContentObject co) throws IOException { addNameSpace(name); return put(co); } /** * Add a content object to this flow controller. It won't be sent to ccnd immediately unless * a currently waiting interest matches it. * * @param co ContentObject to put * @return the ContentObject put * @throws IOException if the put fails */ public ContentObject put(ContentObject co) throws IOException { if (_flowControlEnabled) { boolean found = false; for (ContentName name : _filteredNames) { if (name.isPrefixOf(co.name())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) throw new IOException("Flow control: co name \"" + co.name() + "\" is not in the flow control namespace"); } return waitForMatch(co); } /** * Hold a content object in buffer until a matching interest has been received. * @param co * @throws IOException */ private ContentObject waitForMatch(ContentObject co) throws IOException { if (_flowControlEnabled) { // Always place the object in the _holdingArea, even if it will be // transmitted immediately. The reason for always holding objects // is that there may be different buffer draining policies implemented by // subclasses. For example, a flow control may retain objects until it // has verified by separate communication that an intended recipient has // received them. if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Holding {0}", co.name()); // Must verify space in _holdingArea or block waiting for space int size = 0; int capacity = 0; synchronized (_holdingArea) { size = _holdingArea.size(); capacity = _capacity; } if (size >= capacity) { long ourTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // When we're going to be blocked waiting for a reader anyway, // purge old unmatched interests synchronized (_unmatchedInterests) { removeUnmatchedInterests(ourTime); } // Now wait for space to be cleared or timeout // Must guard against "spurious wakeup" so must check elapsed time directly if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Waiting for drain size is {0}", size); long elapsed = 0; synchronized (_holdingArea) { do { try { _holdingArea.wait(_timeout-elapsed); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // intentional no-op } elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - ourTime; size = _holdingArea.size(); } while (size >= capacity && elapsed < _timeout); } if (size >= capacity) { String names = ""; for (ContentName name : _filteredNames) { names += name + ","; } Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "Flow control buffer full for: " + names); throw new IOException("Flow control buffer full and not draining"); } } assert(size < capacity); // Space verified so now can hold object. See note above for reason to always hold. Entry<UnmatchedInterest> match = null; synchronized (_holdingArea) { _holdingArea.put(co.name(), co); // Check for pending interest match to allow immediate transmit match = _unmatchedInterests.removeMatch(co); } if (match != null) { Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Found pending matching interest for " + co.name() + ", putting to network."); _handle.put(co); // afterPutAction may immediately remove the object from _holdingArea or retain it // depending upon the buffer drain policy being implemented. synchronized (_holdingArea) { afterPutAction(co); } } } else // Flow control disabled entirely: put to network immediately _handle.put(co); return co; } /** * Function to remove expired interests from the flow controller. This is called when a content * object is received and when an interest is added to the buffer. * * Must be called with _unmatchedInterests locked * * @param ourTime current time for checking if interests are expired */ private void removeUnmatchedInterests(long ourTime) { Entry<UnmatchedInterest> removeIt; do { removeIt = null; for (Entry<UnmatchedInterest> uie : _unmatchedInterests.values()) { //TODO need to normalize this with refresh time in CCNNetworkManager and put in SystemConfiguration if ((ourTime - uie.value().timestamp) > PURGE) { removeIt = uie; break; } else { //we add interests at the end... so older interests are at the top break; } } if (removeIt != null) _unmatchedInterests.remove(removeIt.interest(), removeIt.value()); } while (removeIt != null); } /** * Match incoming interests with data in the buffer. If the interest doesn't match it is * buffered awaiting potential later incoming data which may match it. * * Note that this method is used for testing only, since the interest callback only takes one interest * */ public void handleInterests(ArrayList<Interest> interests) { for (Interest interest : interests) { handleInterest(interest); } } /** * Match an incoming interest with data in the buffer. If the interest doesn't match it is * buffered awaiting potential later incoming data which may match it. This method returns 0 * if the interest was null. * */ public boolean handleInterest(Interest i) { if (i == null) return false; if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_IO, "Flow controller {0}: got interest: {1}", this, i); ContentObject co; synchronized (_holdingArea) { co = getBestMatch(i); if (co == null) { //only check if we are adding the interest, and check before we add so we don't check the new interest if (_unmatchedInterests.size() > 0) removeUnmatchedInterests(System.currentTimeMillis()); Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "No content matching pending interest: {0}, holding.", i); _unmatchedInterests.add(i, new UnmatchedInterest()); return false; // XXX is this the right thing to do? } } if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Found content {0} matching interest: {1}",co.name(), i); try { _handle.put(co); synchronized (_holdingArea) { afterPutAction(co); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "IOException in handleInterests: " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); Log.warningStackTrace(e); } return true; } /** * Allow override of action after a ContentObject is sent to ccnd * * NOTE: Don't need to sync on holding area because this is only called within * holding area sync * NOTE: Any subclass overriding this method must either make sure to call it eventually (in a _holdingArea sync) * or understand the use of _nOut and update it appropriately. * * @param co ContentObject to remove from flow controller. * @throws IOException may be thrown by overriding subclasses */ public void afterPutAction(ContentObject co) throws IOException { remove(co); } /** * Must be called with _holdingArea locked * @param interest * @param set * @return */ private ContentObject getBestMatch(Interest interest) { ContentObject bestMatch = null; if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_IO, "Looking for best match to " + interest + " among " + _holdingArea.size() + " options."); for ( java.util.Map.Entry<ContentName, ContentObject> entry : _holdingArea.entrySet() ) { ContentName name = entry.getKey(); ContentObject result = entry.getValue(); // We only have to do something unusual here if the caller is looking for CHILD_SELECTOR_RIGHT if (null != interest.childSelector() && interest.childSelector() == Interest.CHILD_SELECTOR_RIGHT) { if (interest.matches(result)) { if (bestMatch == null) bestMatch = result; if (name.compareTo(bestMatch.name()) > 0) { bestMatch = result; } } } else if (interest.matches(result)) return result; } return bestMatch; } /** * Allow subclasses to override behavior before a flush * @throws IOException */ public void beforeClose() throws IOException { // default -- do nothing. } /** * Allow subclasses to override behavior after a flush * @throws IOException */ public void afterClose() throws IOException { waitForPutDrain(); } /** * Implements a wait until all outstanding data has been drained from the * flow controller. This is required on close to ensure that all data is actually * sent to ccnd. * * @throws IOException if the data has not been drained after a reasonable period */ protected void waitForPutDrain() throws IOException { synchronized (_holdingArea) { long startSize = _nOut; while (_holdingArea.size() > 0) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean keepTrying = true; do { try { long waitTime = _timeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (waitTime > 0) _holdingArea.wait(waitTime); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} if (_nOut != startSize || (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) >= _timeout) keepTrying = false; } while (keepTrying); if (_nOut == startSize) { for(ContentName co : _holdingArea.keySet()) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_IO, "FlowController: still holding: " + co.toString()); } // For now - dump the handlers stack if its active in case that may give a clue about what's wrong. // We may want to leave this in permanently. CCNNetworkManager cnm = _handle.getNetworkManager(); if (null != cnm) cnm.dumpHandlerStackTrace("waitForPutDrain"); throw new IOException("Put(s) with no matching interests - size is " + _holdingArea.size()); } startSize = _nOut; } } } /** * Set the time to wait for buffer to drain on close * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { _timeout = timeout; } /** * Get the current waiting time for the buffer to drain * @return timeout in milliseconds */ public int getTimeout() { return _timeout; } /** * Shutdown operation of this flow controller -- wait for all current * data to clear, and unregister all outstanding interests. Do *not* * shut down the handle; we might not own it. * @throws IOException if buffer doesn't drain within timeout */ public void shutdown() throws IOException { waitForPutDrain(); removeAllNamespaces(); } /** * Gets the CCNHandle used by this controller * @return a CCNHandle */ public CCNHandle getHandle() { return _handle; } /** * Remove any currently buffered unmatched interests */ public void clearUnmatchedInterests() { if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "Clearing " + _unmatchedInterests.size() + " unmatched interests."); _unmatchedInterests.clear(); } /** * Debugging function to log unmatched interests. */ public void logUnmatchedInterests(String logMessage) { if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, "{0}: {1} unmatched interest entries.", logMessage, _unmatchedInterests.size()); for (Entry<UnmatchedInterest> interestEntry : _unmatchedInterests.values()) { if (null != interestEntry.interest()) if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_IO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_IO, " Unmatched interest: {0}", interestEntry.interest()); } } /** * Re-enable disabled buffering. Buffering is enabled by default. */ public void enable() { _flowControlEnabled = true; } /** * Change the capacity for the maximum amount of data to buffer before * causing putters to block. The capacity value is the number of content objects * that will be buffered. * * @param value number of content objects. */ public void setCapacity(int value) { synchronized (_holdingArea) { _capacity = value; } } /** * Set the capacity to the maximum possible value, Integer.MAX_VALUE. */ public void setMaximumCapacity() { synchronized (_holdingArea) { _capacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } /** * Change the maximum number of unmatched interests to buffer. * @param value number of interests */ public void setInterestCapacity(int value) { _unmatchedInterests.setCapacity(value); } /** * What is the total capacity of this flow controller? * @return the total capacity of this flow controller; in other words the * number of segments that can be written to it before writes will block */ public int getCapacity() { synchronized (_holdingArea) { return _capacity; } } /** * Get the number of objects this flow controller is currently holding. * @return the number of objects (segments) in the buffer */ public int size() { synchronized (_holdingArea) { return _holdingArea.size(); } } /** * Get the amount of remaining space available in this flow controller's buffer. * @return the number of additional objects that can currently be written to this controller */ public int availableCapacity() { synchronized (_holdingArea) { return _capacity - _holdingArea.size(); // off by 1? } } /** * Remove a ContentObject from the set buffered by this flow controller, either * because we're done with it, or because we don't want to buffer it anymore. * Need a way to get the CO to remove; might want a remove(ContentName) or * something like it. */ public void remove(ContentObject co) { // do synchronize on _holdingArea as we may be called directly; if called // with lock on _holdingArea will be fine (reentrant locks), though // should evaluate performance cost synchronized(_holdingArea) { _nOut++; // do we need to do this, or only in afterPutAction? _holdingArea.remove(co.name()); _holdingArea.notify(); } } /** * Remove all the held objects from this buffer. */ public void clear() { synchronized(_holdingArea) { _nOut += size(); _holdingArea.clear(); _holdingArea.notify(); } } /** * Disable buffering * * Warning - calling this risks packet drops. It should only * be used for tests or other special circumstances in which * you "know what you are doing". */ public void disable() { removeNameSpace(null, true); _flowControlEnabled = false; } /** * Help users determine what type of flow controller this is. */ public SaveType saveType() { return SaveType.RAW; } }