/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl.repo; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.DataUtils; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.CommandMarker; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.SegmentationProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.VersioningProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Exclude; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; /** * Creates a tree structure to track the data stored within a LogStructRepoStore RepositoryStore. * * Implements binary tree based algorithms to store and retrieve data based on interests and * NameEnumeration * */ public class ContentTree { public interface ContentGetter { public ContentObject get(ContentRef ref); } /** * TreeNode is the data structure representing one * node of a tree which may have children and/or content. * Every child has a distinct name (it's component) but * there may be multiple content objects ending with the * same component (i.e. having same content digest at end * but presumably different publisher etc. that is not * visible in this tree) */ public class TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode>{ byte[] component; // name of this node in the tree, null for root only // oneChild is special case when there is only // a single child (to save obj overhead). // either oneChild or children should be null TreeNode oneChild; SortedMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> children; // oneContent is special case when there is only // a single content object here (to save obj overhead). // either oneContent or content should be null ContentRef oneContent; List<ContentRef> content; long timestamp; boolean interestFlag = false; boolean neSent = false; // NE response sent since last insert public boolean compEquals(byte[] other) { return DataUtils.compare(other, this.component) == 0; } public TreeNode getChild(byte[] component) { if (null != oneChild) { if (oneChild.compEquals(component)) { return oneChild; } } else if (null != children) { TreeNode child = new TreeNode(); child.component = component; return children.get(child); } return null; } public String toString(){ String s = ""; if(component==null) s = "root"; else{ s = ContentName.componentPrintURI(component); } if(oneChild!=null){ //there is only one child s+= " oneChild: "+ContentName.componentPrintURI(component); } else if(children!=null){ s+= " children: "; int i = 0; for(TreeNode c: children.keySet()){ //append each child to string s+=" "+ContentName.componentPrintURI(c.component); //s+=new String(t.component)+" "; if (++i > 50) { s+= "..."; break; } } } else s+=" oneChild and children were null"; return s; } public int compareTo(TreeNode o1) { return DataUtils.compare(component, o1.component); } } /** * Prescreen candidates against elements of an interest that we can so * we don't need to consider candidates that have no chance of matching. * Currently we prescreen for matching the exclude filter if there is one * and that the candidate has the correct number of components. */ protected static class InterestPreScreener { protected int _minComponents = 0; protected int _maxComponents = 32767; protected Exclude _exclude; protected int _excludeLevel; protected InterestPreScreener(Interest interest, int excludeLevel, int startLevel) { if (null != interest.minSuffixComponents()) _minComponents = interest.minSuffixComponents() + startLevel; if (null != interest.maxSuffixComponents()) _maxComponents = interest.maxSuffixComponents() + startLevel; _exclude = interest.exclude(); _excludeLevel = excludeLevel; } /** * Run the prescreen * @param level the level within the hierarchy in which this prescreen was called. Used to * decide when to run the exclude test. * @return -1 => reject all entries below this * 0 => reject this entry but keep searching * 1 => keep this entry */ protected int preScreen(TreeNode node, int level) { if (level > _maxComponents) return -1; if (level == _excludeLevel && null != _exclude) { if (_exclude.match(node.component)) return -1; } return (level < _minComponents) ? 0 : 1; } } /** * Implements the generic pieces of both left and right searches */ protected abstract class Search { protected Interest _interest; protected InterestPreScreener _ips; protected SortedMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> _children = null; protected Search(Interest interest, InterestPreScreener ips) { _interest = interest; _ips = ips; } /** * Do the actual search. Use abstract method to decide how to traverse the tree * * @param node the node rooting a subtree to search * @param nodeName the full name of this node from the root up to and its component * @param getter a handler to pull actual ContentObjects for final match testing * @param depth the length of name of node including its component (number of components) * @param leftSearch true if we should search down the left side of the tree at this level * @return ContentObject matching the interest or null if not found */ protected ContentObject search(TreeNode node, ContentName nodeName, ContentGetter getter, int depth, boolean leftSearch) { if( Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE) ) Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "Searching for: {0}", nodeName); int res = _ips.preScreen(node, depth); if (res < 0) return null; if (res > 0) { if (null != node.oneContent || null != node.content) { ContentObject result = getContent(_interest, node, nodeName, getter); if (null != result) return result; } } synchronized(node) { if (null != node.oneChild) { _children = new TreeMap<TreeNode, TreeNode>(); // Don't bother with comparator, will only hold one element _children.put(node.oneChild, node.oneChild); } else { _children = node.children; } } if (null != _children) { byte[] interestComp = _interest.name().component(depth); Iterator<TreeNode>it = initIterator(leftSearch, interestComp); while(it.hasNext()) { TreeNode child = it.next(); int comp = DataUtils.compare(child.component, interestComp); if (leftSearch || comp >= 0) { ContentObject result = null; result = search(child, new ContentName(nodeName, child.component), getter, depth + 1, true); if (null != result) { return result; } } } } // No match found return null; } /** * Return an iterator through children at this level. * * @param anyOK leftSearch only - if false must go "left by one" at this level * @param interestComp component to start search with * @return the iterator */ protected abstract Iterator<TreeNode> initIterator(boolean leftSearch, byte[] interestComp); /** * */ protected abstract boolean continueSearch(boolean leftSearch, TreeNode child, byte[] component); } /** * Search for data matching an interest that specifies either the leftmost (canonically smallest) match or * doesn't specify a specific way to match data within several pieces of matching data. */ protected class LeftSearch extends Search { protected LeftSearch(Interest interest, InterestPreScreener ips) { super(interest, ips); } @Override protected Iterator<TreeNode> initIterator(boolean leftSearch, byte[] interestComp) { TreeNode testNode = new TreeNode(); testNode.component = interestComp; SortedMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> map = leftSearch || null == interestComp ? _children : _children.tailMap(testNode); return map.keySet().iterator(); } @Override protected boolean continueSearch(boolean leftSearch, TreeNode child, byte[] component) { int comp = DataUtils.compare(child.component, component); return (leftSearch || comp >= 0); } } /** * Search for data matching an interest in which the rightmost (canonically largest) data among several * matching pieces should be returned. */ protected class RightSearch extends Search { protected RightSearch(Interest interest, InterestPreScreener ips) { super(interest, ips); } @Override protected Iterator<TreeNode> initIterator(boolean leftSearch, byte[] interestComp) { if (leftSearch) return _children.keySet().iterator(); return new RightIterator(_children); } @Override protected boolean continueSearch(boolean leftSearch, TreeNode child, byte[] component) { return true; } } /** * Create an iterator that goes backwards through the candidates for right search */ protected static class RightIterator implements Iterator<TreeNode> { protected SortedMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> _map; protected RightIterator(SortedMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> map) { _map = map; } public boolean hasNext() { return _map.size() > 0; } public TreeNode next() { TreeNode node = _map.lastKey(); _map = _map.subMap(_map.firstKey(), _map.lastKey()); return node; } public void remove() {} } protected TreeNode _root; public ContentTree() { _root = new TreeNode(); _root.component = null; // Only the root has a null value } /** * Insert entry for the given ContentObject. * * Inserts at a parent with the interest flag set create a NameEnumerationResponse object * to send out in response to a name enumeration request that was not answered do to no new * information existing. If the interest flag is not set at the parent, a name enumeration * response is not written. * * @param content the data to insert * @param ref pointer to position of data in the file storage * @param ts last modification time of the data * @param getter to retrieve previous content to check for duplication * @param ner NameEnumerationResponse object to populate if the insert occurs at a parent * with the interest flag set * @return - true if content is not exact duplicate of existing content. */ public boolean insert(ContentObject content, ContentRef ref, long ts, ContentGetter getter, NameEnumerationResponse ner) { final ContentName name = content.fullName(); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) { Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "inserting content: {0}", name); } TreeNode node = _root; // starting point assert(null != _root); boolean added = false; for (byte[] component : name.components()) { synchronized(node) { //Library.finest("getting node for component: "+new String(component)); TreeNode child = node.getChild(component); if (null == child) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINEST)) { Log.finest(Log.FAC_REPO, "child was null: adding here"); } // add it added = true; child = new TreeNode(); child.component = component; if (null == node.oneChild && null == node.children) { // This is first and only child of current node node.oneChild = child; } else if (null == node.oneChild) { // Multiple children already, just add this one to current node node.children.put(child, child); } else { // Second child in current node, need to switch to list node.children = new TreeMap<TreeNode, TreeNode>(); node.children.put(node.oneChild, node.oneChild); node.children.put(child, child); node.oneChild = null; } if (node.neSent && (node.timestamp == ts)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.WARNING)) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_REPO, "WARNING - info inserted at {0} since last NE without timestamp update - could cause NE miss", name); } } node.neSent = false; node.timestamp = ts; if (node.interestFlag && (ner != null && ner.getPrefix()==null)){ //we have added something to this node and someone was interested //we need to get the child names and the prefix to send back if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "we added at least one child, need to send a name enumeration response"); } ContentName prefix = name.cut(component); prefix = new ContentName(prefix, CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()); //prefix = VersioningProfile.addVersion(prefix, new CCNTime(node.timestamp)); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "prefix for FastNEResponse: {0}", prefix); Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "response name will be: {0}", VersioningProfile.addVersion( new ContentName(prefix, CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()), new CCNTime(node.timestamp))); } ArrayList<ContentName> names = new ArrayList<ContentName>(); // the parent has children we need to return ContentName c = new ContentName(); if (node.oneChild != null) { names.add(new ContentName(c, node.oneChild.component)); } else { if (node.children != null) { for (TreeNode ch : node.children.keySet()) names.add(new ContentName(c, ch.component)); } } ner.setPrefix(prefix); ner.setNameList(names); ner.setTimestamp(new CCNTime(node.timestamp)); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "resetting interestFlag to false"); } node.interestFlag = false; } } //Library.finest("child was not null: moving down the tree"); node = child; } } // Check for duplicate content if (!added) { if (null != node.oneContent) { ContentObject prev = getter.get(node.oneContent); if (null != prev && content.equals(prev)) return false; } else if (null != node.content) { for (ContentRef oldRef : node.content) { ContentObject prev = getter.get(oldRef); if (null != prev && content.equals(prev)) return false; } } } // At conclusion of this loop, node must be holding the last node for this name // so we insert the ref there if (null == node.oneContent && null == node.content) { // This is first and only content at this leaf node.oneContent = ref; } else if (null == node.oneContent) { // Multiple content already at this node, add this one node.content.add(ref); } else { // Second content at current node, need to switch to list node.content = new ArrayList<ContentRef>(); node.content.add(node.oneContent); node.content.add(ref); node.oneContent = null; } if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) { Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "Inserted: {0}", content.name()); } return true; } /** * Find the node for the given name * * @param name ContentName to search for * @param count depth to search * @return node containing the name */ protected TreeNode lookupNode(ContentName name, int count) { TreeNode node = _root; // starting point assert(null != _root); if (count < 1) { return node; } for (byte[] component : name.components()) { synchronized(node) { TreeNode child = node.getChild(component); if (null == child) { // Mismatch, no child for the given component so nothing under this name return null; } node = child; count--; if (count < 1) { break; } } } return node; } /** * Return the content objects with exactly the given name * * @param name ContentName to lookup * @return node containing the name */ protected final List<ContentRef> lookup(ContentName name) { TreeNode node = lookupNode(name, name.count()); if (null != node) { if (null != node.oneContent) { ArrayList<ContentRef> result = new ArrayList<ContentRef>(); result.add(node.oneContent); return result; } else { return node.content; } } else { return null; } } /** * Dump current names to an output file for debugging * * @param output the output file * @param maxNodeLen max characters to include in a component name in the output */ public void dumpNamesTree(PrintStream output, int maxNodeLen) { assert(null != _root); assert(null != output); output.println("Dumping tree of names of indexed content at " + new Date().toString()); if (maxNodeLen > 0) { output.println("Node names truncated to max " + maxNodeLen + " characters"); } dumpRecurse(output, _root, "", maxNodeLen); } // Note: this is not thread-safe against everything else going on. protected void dumpRecurse(PrintStream output, TreeNode node, String indent, int maxNodeLen) { String myname = null; if (null == node.component) { // Special case of root myname = "/"; } else { myname = ContentName.componentPrintURI(node.component); if (maxNodeLen > 0 && myname.length() > (maxNodeLen - 3)) { myname = "<" + myname.substring(0,maxNodeLen-4) + "...>"; } } int mylen = myname.length(); output.print(myname); if (null != node.oneChild) { output.print("---"); dumpRecurse(output, node.oneChild, String.format("%s%" + mylen + "s ", indent, ""), maxNodeLen); } else if (null != node.children) { int count = 1; int last = node.children.size(); for (TreeNode child : node.children.values()) { if (1 == count) { // First child output.print("-+-"); dumpRecurse(output, child, String.format("%s%" + mylen + "s | ", indent, ""), maxNodeLen); } else if (last == count) { // Last child output.println(); output.printf("%s%" + mylen + "s +-", indent, ""); dumpRecurse(output, child, String.format("%s%" + mylen + "s ", indent, ""), maxNodeLen); } else { // Interior child delimiter output.println(); output.printf("%s%" + mylen + "s |-", indent, ""); dumpRecurse(output, child, String.format("%s%" + mylen + "s | ", indent, ""), maxNodeLen); } count++; } } } /** * Return content at this level if there is matching content * * @param interest - interest to match against * @param node - the node * @param nodeName - name of node as a ContentName * @param getter - getter to get actual data for final match and return if matches * @return matching ContentObject if matches, null otherwise */ private ContentObject getContent(Interest interest, TreeNode node, ContentName nodeName, ContentGetter getter) { // Since the name INCLUDES digest component and the Interest.matches() convention for name // matching is that the name DOES NOT include digest component (conforming to the convention // for ContentObject.name() that the digest is not present) we must REMOVE the content // digest first or this test will not always be correct ContentName digestFreeName = new ContentName(nodeName.count()-1, nodeName.components()); Interest publisherFreeInterest = interest.clone(); publisherFreeInterest.publisherID(null); boolean initialMatch = publisherFreeInterest.matches(digestFreeName, null); if (initialMatch) { synchronized(node) { if (null != node.oneContent) { ContentObject cand = getter.get(node.oneContent); if (interest.matches(cand)) { return cand; } } else { assert(null != node.content); for (ContentRef ref : node.content) { ContentObject cand = getter.get(ref); if (interest.matches(cand)) { return cand; } } } } } return null; } /** * Return all names with a prefix matching the name within the interest for name enumeration. * * The current implementation of name enumeration in the repository uses the object save dates * to determine whether there is new information to send back. If the name matches the incoming * interest, the child names are collected from the tree and sent back in a NameEnumerationResponse * object. If there is not any new information under the prefix, an interest flag is set. This will * trigger a NameEnumerationResponse when a new child is added to the prefix. Interests attempting * to enumerate under a prefix that does not exist on the repo are dropped. * * @param interest the interest to base the enumeration on using the rules of name enumeration * @return the name enumeration response containing the list of matching names */ public final NameEnumerationResponse getNamesWithPrefix(Interest interest, ContentName responseName) { ArrayList<ContentName> names = new ArrayList<ContentName>(); //first chop off NE marker ContentName prefix = interest.name().cut(CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) { Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "checking for content names under: {0}", prefix); } TreeNode parent = lookupNode(prefix, prefix.count()); if (parent!=null) { //first add the NE marker CCNTime timestamp = new CCNTime(parent.timestamp); // I think we want to use the earliest possible timestamp here - if there are duplicates // NE can straighten it out - worse to miss somethingf ContentName potentialCollectionName = new ContentName(prefix, CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()); //now add the response id potentialCollectionName = new ContentName(potentialCollectionName, responseName.components()); //now finish up with version and segment potentialCollectionName = VersioningProfile.addVersion(potentialCollectionName, timestamp); potentialCollectionName = SegmentationProfile.segmentName(potentialCollectionName, SegmentationProfile.baseSegment()); //check if we should respond... if (interest.matches(potentialCollectionName, null)) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "the new version is a match with the interest! we should respond: interest = {0} potentialCollectionName = {1}", interest, potentialCollectionName); } } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "the new version doesn't match, no response needed: interest = {0} would be collection name: {1}", interest, potentialCollectionName); } //I am not supposed to respond... is that because of the version or because I am specifically excluded? if (responseName.count() > 0 && interest.exclude().match(responseName.components().get(0))) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "my repo is explicitly excluded! not setting interestFlag to true"); //do not set interest flag! I wasn't supposed to respond } else { if (interest.exclude().match(timestamp.toBinaryTime())) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "my version is just excluded, setting interestFlag to true"); parent.interestFlag = true; } } return null; } //the parent has children we need to return synchronized (parent) { // Make sure especially that nobody changes from oneChild to children behind our back if (parent.oneChild!=null) { names.add(new ContentName(ContentName.ROOT, parent.oneChild.component)); } else { if (parent.children!=null) { for (TreeNode ch:parent.children.keySet()) names.add(new ContentName(ContentName.ROOT, ch.component)); } } if (names.size()>0) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) { Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "sending back {0} names in the enumeration response for prefix {1}", names.size(), prefix); } } parent.interestFlag = false; parent.neSent = true; } return new NameEnumerationResponse( new ContentName(prefix, CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_BASIC_ENUMERATION.getBytes()), names, timestamp); } return null; } /** * Retrieve the data from the store that best matches the given interest * * @param interest the interest to match * @param getter used to read a possible match for final matching * @return the matching ContentObject or null if none */ public final ContentObject get(Interest interest, ContentGetter getter) { Integer addl = interest.maxSuffixComponents(); int ncc = interest.name().count(); if (null != addl && addl.intValue() == 0) { // Query is for exact match to full name with digest, no additional components List<ContentRef> found = lookup(interest.name()); if (found!=null) { for (ContentRef ref : found) { ContentObject cand = getter.get(ref); if (null != cand) { if (interest.matches(cand)) { return cand; } } } } } else { // Traverse to find latest match TreeNode prefixRoot = lookupNode(interest.name(), ncc); if (prefixRoot == null) { return null; } InterestPreScreener ips = new InterestPreScreener(interest, ncc + 1, ncc); if (null != interest.childSelector() && ((interest.childSelector() & (Interest.CHILD_SELECTOR_RIGHT)) == (Interest.CHILD_SELECTOR_RIGHT))) { return new RightSearch(interest, ips).search(prefixRoot, new ContentName(ncc, interest.name().components()), getter, ncc, false); } else { return new LeftSearch(interest, ips).search(prefixRoot, new ContentName(ncc, interest.name().components()), getter, ncc, false); } } return null; } /** * Determine if there is data with exactly the given name. * @param name to match, including explicit digest as final component * @return true if there is data with the given complete name, false otherwise */ public boolean matchContent(ContentName name) { // Query is for exact match to full name with digest, no additional components return (lookup(name) != null); } }