/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.impl.repo; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNHandle; import org.ccnx.ccn.CCNInterestHandler; import org.ccnx.ccn.config.SystemConfiguration; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.QueuedContentHandler; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.repo.RepositoryInfo.RepositoryInfoObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.content.ContentEncodingException; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.CommandMarker; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.nameenum.NameEnumerationResponse; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.repo.RepositoryOperations; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentObject; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.Interest; /** * Handles interests matching the repository's namespace. * * @see RepositoryServer * @see RepositoryFlowControl * @see RepositoryDataListener */ public class RepositoryInterestHandler extends QueuedContentHandler<Interest> implements Runnable, CCNInterestHandler { private final RepositoryServer _server; private final CCNHandle _handle; private boolean _shutdown = false; public RepositoryInterestHandler(RepositoryServer server) { _server = server; _handle = server.getHandle(); } public boolean handleInterest(Interest interest) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterest); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_REPO, "Queueing interest: {0}", interest.name()); add(interest); return true; // In the repository we never want to service an interest again } /** * Parse incoming interests for type and dispatch those dedicated to some special purpose. * Interests can be to start a write or a name enumeration request. * If the interest has no special purpose, its assumed that it's to actually read data from * the repository and the request is sent to the RepositoryStore to be processed. */ @Override public void process(Interest interest) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "Saw interest: {0}", interest.name()); try { if (interest.name().startsWith(CommandMarker.COMMAND_PREFIX)) { if (RepositoryOperations.isStartWriteOperation(interest)) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCommands); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWriteReceived); if (allowGenerated(interest)) { startWrite(interest); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWriteProcessed); } else _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWriteIgnored); } else if (RepositoryOperations.isNameEnumerationOperation(interest)) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCommands); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestNameEnumReceived); // Note - we are purposely allowing requests with allowGenerated turned off // for NE for now. Disallowing it potentially causes problems. nameEnumeratorResponse(interest); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestNameEnumProcessed); } else if (RepositoryOperations.isCheckedWriteOperation(interest)) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCommands); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCheckedWriteReceived); if (allowGenerated(interest)) { startWriteChecked(interest); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCheckedWriteProcessed); } else _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCheckedWriteIgnored); } else if (RepositoryOperations.isBulkImportOperation(interest)) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestCommands); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestBulkImportReceived); if (allowGenerated(interest)) { addBulkDataToRepo(interest); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestBulkImportReceived); } else _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestBulkImportIgnored); } } _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestUncategorized); ContentObject content = _server.getRepository().getContent(interest); if (content != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINEST)) Log.finest(Log.FAC_REPO, "Satisfying interest: {0} with content {1}", interest, content.name()); _handle.put(content); } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "Unsatisfied interest: {0}", interest); } } catch (Exception e) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestErrors); Log.logStackTrace(Level.WARNING, e); e.printStackTrace(); } } protected boolean _checkShutdown() { return _shutdown; } protected boolean allowGenerated(Interest interest) { if (null != interest.answerOriginKind() && (interest.answerOriginKind() & Interest.ANSWER_GENERATED) == 0) return false; // Request to not answer else return true; } /** * Handle start write requests * * @param interest */ private void startWrite(Interest interest) { if (_server.isWriteSuspended(interest)) return; // Create the name for the initial interest to retrieve content from the client that it desires to // write. Strip from the write request name (in the incoming Interest) the start write command component // and the nonce component to get the prefix for the content to be written. ContentName listeningName = new ContentName(interest.name().count() - 2, interest.name().components()); try { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "Processing write request for {0}", listeningName); // Create the initial read interest. Set maxSuffixComponents = 2 to get only content with one // component past the prefix, plus the implicit digest. This is designed to retrieve segments // of a stream and avoid other content more levels below in the name space. We do not ask for // a specific segment initially so as to support arbitrary starting segment numbers. // TODO use better exclude filters to ensure we're only getting segments. Interest readInterest = Interest.constructInterest(listeningName, _server.getExcludes(), null, 2, null, null); RepositoryInfoObject rio = _server.getRepository().getRepoInfo(interest.name(), null, null); if (null == rio) return; // Should have logged an error in getRepoInfo // Hand the object the outstanding interest, so it can put its first block immediately. rio.save(interest); // Check for special case file written to repo ContentName globalPrefix = _server.getRepository().getGlobalPrefix(); if (BasicPolicy.getPolicyName(globalPrefix).isPrefixOf(listeningName)) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWritePolicyHandlers); new RepositoryPolicyHandler(interest, readInterest, _server); return; } RepositoryDataListener listener = null; synchronized (_server.getDataListeners()) { if (_server.isDuplicateRequest(interest)) return; listener = new RepositoryDataListener(interest, readInterest, _server); _server.addListener(listener); listener.getInterests().add(readInterest, null); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWriteExpressInterest); // Get the keys also _server.getDataHandler().addKeyCheck(readInterest.name()); } _handle.expressInterest(readInterest, listener); } catch (Exception e) { _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestStartWriteErrors); Log.logStackTrace(Level.WARNING, e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Handle requests to check for specific stream content and read and store it if not * already present. * @param interest the interest containing the request * @throws RepositoryException * @throws ContentEncodingException * @throws IOException */ private void startWriteChecked(Interest interest) { if (_server.isDuplicateRequest(interest)) return; if (_server.isWriteSuspended(interest)) return; try { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "Repo checked write request: {0}", interest.name()); if (!RepositoryOperations.verifyCheckedWrite(interest)) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_REPO, "Repo checked write malformed request {0}", interest.name()); return; } ContentName target = RepositoryOperations.getCheckedWriteTarget(interest); boolean verified = false; RepositoryInfoObject rio = null; ContentName unverifiedKeyLocator = null; ContentName digestFreeTarget = new ContentName(target.count()-1, target.components()); if (_server.getRepository().hasContent(target)) { unverifiedKeyLocator = _server.getKeyTarget(digestFreeTarget); if (null == unverifiedKeyLocator) { // First impl, no further checks, if we have first segment, assume we have (or are fetching) // the whole thing // TODO: add better verification: // find highest segment in the store (probably a new internal interest seeking rightmost) // getContent(): need full object in this case, verify that last segment matches segment name => verified = true verified = true; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "Checked write not confirmed due to key {0} not saved", unverifiedKeyLocator); } } } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.INFO)) { Log.info(Log.FAC_REPO, "Checked write not confirmed due to original file {0} not saved", digestFreeTarget); } } if (verified) { // Send back a RepositoryInfoObject that contains a confirmation that content is already in repo if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "Checked write confirmed"); ArrayList<ContentName> target_names = new ArrayList<ContentName>(); target_names.add(target); rio = _server.getRepository().getRepoInfo(interest.name(), null, target_names); } else { // Send back response that does not confirm content if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "Checked write not confirmed"); rio = _server.getRepository().getRepoInfo(interest.name(), null, null); } if (null == rio) return; // Should have logged an error in getRepoInfo // Hand the object the outstanding interest, so it can put its first block immediately. rio.save(interest); if (!verified) { Interest readInterest; // If we have an unverifiedKeyLocator here, we need to sync a key, but not the file itself // Otherwise we have to start by syncing the file and we will check the keys later (in the // DataHandler). if (null != unverifiedKeyLocator) { interest = Interest.constructInterest(target, _server.getExcludes(), null, 2, null, null); readInterest = interest; } else { // Create the initial read interest. Set maxSuffixComponents = minSuffixComponents = 1 // because in this SPECIAL CASE we have the complete name of the first segment. // Note: We could in theory just request the digest too, since we have it, but that can // confuse the DataHandler because in some cases it can confuse the digest with a segment ID. readInterest = Interest.constructInterest(digestFreeTarget, _server.getExcludes(), null, 1, 1, null); } _server.getDataHandler().addKeyCheck(digestFreeTarget); _server.doSync(interest, readInterest); } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINER)) Log.finer(Log.FAC_REPO, "Repo checked write content verified for {0}", interest.name()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.logStackTrace(Level.WARNING, e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Add to the repository via file based on interest request * @param interest * @throws IOException * @throws ContentEncodingException * @throws RepositoryException * @throws IOException * @throws ContentEncodingException */ private void addBulkDataToRepo(Interest interest) throws ContentEncodingException, IOException { int i = CommandMarker.COMMAND_MARKER_REPO_ADD_FILE.findMarker(interest.name()); if (i >= 0) { String[] args = CommandMarker.getArguments(interest.name().component(i)); String result = "OK"; if (null != args && args.length > 0) { try { if (!_server.getRepository().bulkImport(args[0])) return; // reexpression - ignore } catch (RepositoryException e) { Log.warning(Log.FAC_REPO, "Bulk import error : " + e.getMessage()); result = e.getMessage(); } RepositoryInfoObject rio = _server.getRepository().getRepoInfo(interest.name(), result, null); rio.save(interest); } } } /** * Handle name enumeration requests. NE responses can potentially take a long time so don't hog the queue - dispatch * these separately. * * @param interest */ public void nameEnumeratorResponse(Interest interest) { SystemConfiguration._systemThreadpool.execute(new NEResponse(interest)); } protected class NEResponse implements Runnable { protected Interest _interest; protected NEResponse(Interest interest) { _interest = interest; } public void run() { NameEnumerationResponse ner = _server.getRepository().getNamesWithPrefix(_interest, _server.getResponseName()); if (ner!=null && ner.hasNames()) { _server.sendEnumerationResponse(ner); _server._stats.increment(RepositoryServer.StatsEnum.HandleInterestNameEnumResponses); if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "sending back name enumeration response {0}", ner.getPrefix()); } else { if (Log.isLoggable(Log.FAC_REPO, Level.FINE)) Log.fine(Log.FAC_REPO, "we are not sending back a response to the name enumeration interest (interest.name() = {0})", _interest.name()); } } } public void shutdown() { _shutdown = true; } }