package de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile; import java.util.HashMap; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import android.util.Log; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.Application; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.R; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.DialogUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.PreferenceUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.TrackingUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.TrackingUtil.Category; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.JpegMetadataUtil.ExifStorageException; /** * Utility class to help storing metadata in jpg files in a synchronized way, preventing to store the same file twice in * parallel. */ public final class JpegSynchronizationUtil { /** * Hide default constructor. */ private JpegSynchronizationUtil() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Storage for currently running save tasks. */ private static final HashMap<String, JpegMetadata> RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS = new HashMap<>(); /** * Storage for queued save tasks. */ private static final HashMap<String, JpegMetadata> QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS = new HashMap<>(); /** * The tag for logging. */ private static final String TAG = Application.TAG + ".JSU"; /** * This method handles a request to retrieve metadata for a file. If there is no running async task to update * metadata for this file, then the data is taken directly from the file. Otherwise, it is taken from the last * metadata to be stored for this file. * * @param pathname the path of the jpg file. * @return null for non-JPEG files. The metadata from the file if readable. Otherwise empty metadata. */ public static JpegMetadata getJpegMetadata(@NonNull final String pathname) { JpegMetadata cachedMetadata = null; try { JpegMetadataUtil.checkJpeg(pathname); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); return null; } synchronized (JpegSynchronizationUtil.class) { if (QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.containsKey(pathname)) { cachedMetadata = QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.get(pathname); } else if (RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.containsKey(pathname)) { cachedMetadata = RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.get(pathname); } } if (cachedMetadata != null) { Log.i(TAG, "Retrieve cached metadata for file " + pathname); return cachedMetadata; } else { try { return JpegMetadataUtil.getMetadata(pathname); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve metadata for file " + pathname, e); return new JpegMetadata(); } } } /** * This method handles a request to update metadata on a file. If no such request on the file is in process, then an * async task is started to update the metadata. Otherwise, it is put on the queue. * * @param pathname the path of the jpg file. * @param metadata the metadata. */ public static void storeJpegMetadata(@NonNull final String pathname, final JpegMetadata metadata) { try { JpegMetadataUtil.checkJpeg(pathname); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); return; } synchronized (JpegSynchronizationUtil.class) { if (RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.containsKey(pathname)) { QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.put(pathname, metadata); } else { triggerJpegSaverTask(pathname, metadata); } } } /** * Do cleanup from the last JpegSaverTask and trigger the next task on the same file, if existing. * * @param pathname The path of the jpg file. */ private static void triggerNextFromQueue(final String pathname) { synchronized (JpegSynchronizationUtil.class) { RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.remove(pathname); if (QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.containsKey(pathname)) { Log.i(TAG, "Executing queued store request for file " + pathname); JpegMetadata newMetadata = QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.get(pathname); QUEUED_SAVE_REQUESTS.remove(pathname); triggerJpegSaverTask(pathname, newMetadata); } } } /** * Utility method to start the JpegSaverTask so save a jpg file with metadata. * * @param pathname the path of the jpg file. * @param metadata the metadata. */ private static void triggerJpegSaverTask(final String pathname, final JpegMetadata metadata) { RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.put(pathname, metadata); JpegSaverTask task = new JpegSaverTask(pathname, metadata); task.execute(); PreferenceUtil.incrementCounter(R.string.key_statistics_countsave); TrackingUtil.sendEvent(Category.EVENT_USER, "Save image", null); } /** * Get information if there is an image in the process of being saved. * * @return true if an image is currently saved. */ public static boolean isSaving() { return RUNNING_SAVE_REQUESTS.size() > 0; } /** * Task to save a JPEG file asynchronously with changed metadata. */ private static final class JpegSaverTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Exception> { /** * The path of the jpg file. */ private final String mPathname; /** * The changed metadata. */ private final JpegMetadata mMetadata; /** * Constructor for the task. * * @param pathname the path of the jpg file. * @param metadata the metadata. */ private JpegSaverTask(final String pathname, final JpegMetadata metadata) { this.mPathname = pathname; this.mMetadata = metadata; } @Override protected void onPreExecute() { Log.d(TAG, "Starting thread to save file " + mPathname); } @Override protected Exception doInBackground(final Void... nothing) { try { JpegMetadataUtil.changeMetadata(mPathname, mMetadata); return null; } catch (Exception e) { return e; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(@Nullable final Exception e) { if (e != null) { if (e instanceof ExifStorageException) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to save file " + mPathname, e); DialogUtil.displayToast(Application.getAppContext(), R.string.message_dialog_failed_to_store_exif, mPathname); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to store EXIF data for file " + mPathname, e); DialogUtil.displayToast(Application.getAppContext(), R.string.message_dialog_failed_to_store_metadata, mPathname); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Successfully saved file " + mPathname); } triggerNextFromQueue(mPathname); } } }