package de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities; import android.Manifest; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.TextureView; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener; import android.view.animation.AnimationSet; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.SeekBar; import android.widget.SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.Application; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.R; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.OrganizeNewPhotosActivity.NextAction; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.components.OverlayPinchImageView; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.components.PinchImageView; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.Camera1Handler; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.Camera2Handler; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.CameraHandler; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.DialogUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.OrientationManager; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.OrientationManager.OrientationListener; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.OrientationManager.ScreenOrientation; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.PreferenceUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.SystemUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.TrackingUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.TrackingUtil.Category; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhoto; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhoto.RightLeft; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.FileUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.ImageUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.JpegMetadata; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.JpegSynchronizationUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.MediaStoreUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.PupilAndIrisDetector; import static android.view.View.GONE; import static android.view.View.INVISIBLE; import static android.view.View.VISIBLE; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.CameraActivity.Action.CANCEL_AND_VIEW_IMAGES; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.CameraActivity.Action.CHECK_PHOTO; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.CameraActivity.Action.FINISH_CAMERA; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.CameraActivity.Action.RE_TAKE_PHOTO; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.activities.CameraActivity.Action.TAKE_PHOTO; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhoto.RightLeft.LEFT; import static de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhoto.RightLeft.RIGHT; /** * An activity to take pictures with the camera. */ public class CameraActivity extends StandardActivity { /** * The resource key for the folder where to store the photos. */ private static final String STRING_EXTRA_PHOTOFOLDER = "de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.PHOTOFOLDER"; /** * The resource key for the file to be re-taken. */ private static final String STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_RIGHT = "de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.PHOTO_RIGHT"; /** * The resource key for the file to be re-taken. */ private static final String STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_LEFT = "de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.PHOTO_LEFT"; /** * The size of the circle overlay bitmap. */ private static final int CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE = OverlayPinchImageView.OVERLAY_SIZE; /** * The maximum circle size. */ private static final int MAX_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 512; /** * The minimum circle size. */ private static final int MIN_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 128; /** * The default circle size. */ private static final int DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 384; /** * Activity String used for tracking. */ private static final String CAMERA = "Camera"; /** * The available focus modes. */ private static List<FocusMode> mFocusModes; /** * The used flashlight modes. */ private static List<FlashMode> mFlashlightModes; /** * A flag indicating if zoom is available. */ private static boolean mIsZoomAvailable = false; /** * The current rightLeft in the activity. */ private Action mCurrentAction; /** * The current flashlight mode. */ private FlashMode mCurrentFlashlightMode; /** * The current focus mode. */ private FocusMode mCurrentFocusMode; /** * The current eye. */ private RightLeft mCurrentRightLeft; /** * The side of the last recorded eye. */ private RightLeft mLastRightLeft; /** * The temp file holding the right eye. */ @Nullable private File mRightEyeFile = null; /** * The temp file holding the next photo for the right eye. */ @Nullable private File mNewRightEyeFile = null; /** * The temp file holding the left eye. */ @Nullable private File mLeftEyeFile = null; /** * The temp file holding the next photo for the left eye. */ @Nullable private File mNewLeftEyeFile = null; /** * The folder where to store the photos. */ @Nullable private File mPhotoFolder = null; /** * The right eye file coming as input to the activity. */ @Nullable private File mInputRightFile = null; /** * The left eye file coming as input to the activity. */ @Nullable private File mInputLeftFile = null; /** * An orientation manager used to track the orientation of the image. */ @Nullable private OrientationManager mOrientationManager = null; /** * The current screen orientation. */ private ScreenOrientation mCurrentScreenOrientation; /** * The handler operating the camera. */ @Nullable private CameraHandler mCameraHandler; /** * Timestamp for measuring the tracking duration. */ private long mTrackingTimestamp = 0; /** * Static helper method to start the activity for taking two photos to the input folder. * * @param activity The activity from which the activity is started. * @param photoFolder The folder where to store the photos. */ public static void startActivity(@NonNull final Activity activity, final String photoFolder) { Intent intent = new Intent(activity, CameraActivity.class); if (photoFolder != null) { intent.putExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTOFOLDER, photoFolder); } activity.startActivity(intent); } /** * Static helper method to start the activity for re-checking two images. * * @param activity The activity from which the activity is started. * @param photoRight The path of the right eye image * @param photoLeft The path of the left eye image */ public static void startActivity(@NonNull final Activity activity, final String photoRight, final String photoLeft) { Intent intent = new Intent(activity, CameraActivity.class); if (photoRight != null) { intent.putExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_RIGHT, photoRight); } if (photoLeft != null) { intent.putExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_LEFT, photoLeft); } activity.startActivity(intent); } @Override public final void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (isCreationFailed()) { return; } int permission = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.CAMERA); if (permission == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { setupActivity(); } // StandardActivity will request for permission. If permission is granted, then onRequestPermissionsResult will setup the activity. } /** * Do the basic setup of the activity. This is basically the key part of the onCreate method. */ private void setupActivity() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_camera); setCameraHandler(); configureMainButtons(); configureThumbButtons(); configureZoomCircleButton(); configureFlashlightButton(); // Focus button is configured after callback from CameraHandler. int screenAppearance = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceIntString(R.string.key_camera_screen_position, R.string.pref_default_camera_screen_position); if (screenAppearance > 0) { FrameLayout cameraOverallFrame = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; int offset = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MM, 8, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); // MAGIC_NUMBER if (screenAppearance == 1) { // value 1: left offset cameraOverallFrame.setPadding(offset, 0, 0, 0); } else { // value 2: right offset cameraOverallFrame.setPadding(0, 0, offset, 0); } } String photoFolderName = getIntent().getStringExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTOFOLDER); if (photoFolderName != null) { mPhotoFolder = new File(photoFolderName); } String inputRightFileName = getIntent().getStringExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_RIGHT); String inputLeftFileName = getIntent().getStringExtra(STRING_EXTRA_PHOTO_LEFT); // Handle the different scenarios based on input and based on existing temp files. if (inputLeftFileName != null || inputRightFileName != null) { if (inputRightFileName != null) { mInputRightFile = new File(inputRightFileName); } if (inputLeftFileName != null) { mInputLeftFile = new File(inputLeftFileName); } // Triggered by OrganizeNewPhotosActivity to update photos. mPhotoFolder = mInputRightFile == null ? mInputLeftFile.getParentFile() : mInputRightFile.getParentFile(); if (FileUtil.getTempCameraFolder().equals(mPhotoFolder)) { mPhotoFolder = null; } mLeftEyeFile = mInputLeftFile; if (mLeftEyeFile != null) { setThumbImage(mLeftEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), LEFT); } mRightEyeFile = mInputRightFile; if (mRightEyeFile != null) { setThumbImage(mRightEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), RIGHT); } if (mLeftEyeFile != null && mRightEyeFile != null) { setAction(RE_TAKE_PHOTO, null); } else if (mLeftEyeFile == null) { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, LEFT); } else { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, RIGHT); } } else { File[] existingFiles = getTempCameraFiles(); if (existingFiles == null || existingFiles.length == 0 || mPhotoFolder != null) { // This is the standard scenario. boolean leftEyeFirst = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_eye_sequence_choice); setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, leftEyeFirst ? LEFT : RIGHT); } else if (existingFiles.length == 1) { // one file already there. Assume that this is already taken and we only have to take the other one if (mLeftEyeFile != null) { setThumbImage(mLeftEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), LEFT); setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, RIGHT); } else { setThumbImage(mRightEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), RIGHT); setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, LEFT); } } else { // both files are already there - switch to Organize. OrganizeNewPhotosActivity.startActivity(this, FileUtil.getTempCameraFolder().getAbsolutePath(), mLastRightLeft == RIGHT, NextAction.VIEW_IMAGES); finish(); return; } } setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); int overlayCircleSize = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_circle_size, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS); drawOverlayCircle(overlayCircleSize); mOrientationManager = new OrientationManager(this, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, new OrientationListener() { @Override public void onOrientationChange(final ScreenOrientation screenOrientation) { mCurrentScreenOrientation = screenOrientation; } }); mOrientationManager.enable(); } @Override public final void onDestroy() { cleanupTempFolder(); // mCameraHandler.stopPreview(); if (mOrientationManager != null) { mOrientationManager.disable(); } super.onDestroy(); } @Override public final void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (mCameraHandler != null) { mCameraHandler.startPreview(); } mTrackingTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public final void onPause() { if (mCameraHandler != null) { mCameraHandler.stopPreview(); } super.onPause(); TrackingUtil.sendTiming(Category.TIME_USAGE, CAMERA, null, System.currentTimeMillis() - mTrackingTimestamp); } @Override protected final int getHelpResource() { return 0; } /** * Configure the main buttons of this activity. */ private void configureMainButtons() { // Add a listener to the capture button final Button captureButton = (Button) findViewById(; captureButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { // get an image from the camera captureButton.setEnabled(false); mCameraHandler.takePicture(); TrackingUtil.sendEvent(Category.EVENT_USER, CAMERA, "Capture"); } }); // Add listeners to the accept/decline button Button acceptButton = (Button) findViewById(; acceptButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { // Analyze next required step if (mCurrentRightLeft == RIGHT) { if (mRightEyeFile != null && mRightEyeFile.exists()) { // noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored mRightEyeFile.delete(); } mRightEyeFile = mNewRightEyeFile; mNewRightEyeFile = null; mLastRightLeft = RIGHT; if (mLeftEyeFile == null) { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, LEFT); PupilAndIrisDetector.determineAndStoreIrisPosition(mRightEyeFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { setAction(FINISH_CAMERA, null); } } else { if (mLeftEyeFile != null && mLeftEyeFile.exists()) { // noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored mLeftEyeFile.delete(); } mLeftEyeFile = mNewLeftEyeFile; mNewLeftEyeFile = null; mLastRightLeft = LEFT; if (mRightEyeFile == null) { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, RIGHT); PupilAndIrisDetector.determineAndStoreIrisPosition(mLeftEyeFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { setAction(FINISH_CAMERA, null); } } TrackingUtil.sendEvent(Category.EVENT_USER, CAMERA, "Accept"); } }); Button declineButton = (Button) findViewById(; declineButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (mCurrentAction == CHECK_PHOTO) { if (mCurrentRightLeft == RIGHT) { if (mNewRightEyeFile != null && mNewRightEyeFile.exists()) { // noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored mNewRightEyeFile.delete(); } mNewRightEyeFile = null; if (mRightEyeFile != null && mRightEyeFile.exists()) { setThumbImage(mRightEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), RIGHT); } else { setThumbImage(null, RIGHT); } } else { if (mNewLeftEyeFile != null && mNewLeftEyeFile.exists()) { // noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored mNewLeftEyeFile.delete(); } mNewLeftEyeFile = null; } if (mLeftEyeFile != null && mLeftEyeFile.exists()) { setThumbImage(mLeftEyeFile.getAbsolutePath(), LEFT); } else { setThumbImage(null, LEFT); } setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, mCurrentRightLeft); } TrackingUtil.sendEvent(Category.EVENT_USER, CAMERA, "Decline"); } }); Button returnButton = (Button) findViewById(; returnButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { setAction(FINISH_CAMERA, null); } }); // Add a listener to the view image button Button viewImagesButton = (Button) findViewById(; viewImagesButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { setAction(CANCEL_AND_VIEW_IMAGES, null); } }); // Hide application specific buttons TypedArray hiddenButtons = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.hidden_camera_buttons); for (int i = 0; i < hiddenButtons.length(); i++) { int id = hiddenButtons.getResourceId(i, 0); if (id != 0) { View view = findViewById(id); if (view != null) { view.setVisibility(GONE); view.setEnabled(false); } } } hiddenButtons.recycle(); } /** * Configure configuration buttons in this activity. */ private void configureThumbButtons() { LinearLayout cameraThumbRight = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; cameraThumbRight.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, RIGHT); } }); LinearLayout cameraThumbLeft = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; cameraThumbLeft.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { setAction(TAKE_PHOTO, LEFT); } }); } /** * Configure the button for setting the overlay circle size. */ private void configureZoomCircleButton() { Button overlayCircleButton = (Button) findViewById(; overlayCircleButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { boolean isVisible = !PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_internal_camera_zoom_circle_seekbar_visibility); PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_internal_camera_zoom_circle_seekbar_visibility, isVisible); findViewById( ? VISIBLE : GONE); if (mIsZoomAvailable) { findViewById( ? VISIBLE : GONE); } } }); boolean isVisible = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_internal_camera_zoom_circle_seekbar_visibility); findViewById( ? VISIBLE : GONE); if (mIsZoomAvailable) { findViewById( ? VISIBLE : GONE); } SeekBar overlayCircleSeekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById(; overlayCircleSeekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() { @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onProgressChanged(final SeekBar seekBar, final int progress, final boolean fromUser) { int size = (int) ((float) progress / seekBar.getMax() * MAX_CIRCLE_RADIUS); if (size < MIN_CIRCLE_RADIUS) { size = 0; } if (fromUser) { PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_circle_size, size); } drawOverlayCircle(size); } }); int overlayCircleSize = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_circle_size, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS); overlayCircleSeekbar.setProgress((int) ((float) overlayCircleSize / MAX_CIRCLE_RADIUS * overlayCircleSeekbar.getMax())); SeekBar zoomSeekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById(; zoomSeekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() { @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onProgressChanged(final SeekBar seekBar, final int progress, final boolean fromUser) { PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_zoom_seekbar_progress, progress); float relativeProgress = (float) progress / seekBar.getMax(); mCameraHandler.setRelativeZoom(relativeProgress); } }); zoomSeekbar.setProgress(PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_zoom_seekbar_progress, 0)); } /** * Configure the button for setting flashlight. */ private void configureFlashlightButton() { Button flashlightButton = (Button) findViewById(; if (SystemUtil.hasFlashlight()) { determineAvailableFlashlightModes(); String storedFlashlightString = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_flashlight_mode); FlashMode storedFlashlightMode; try { storedFlashlightMode = FlashMode.valueOf(storedFlashlightString); } catch (Exception e) { storedFlashlightMode = FlashMode.OFF; PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_flashlight_mode, storedFlashlightMode.toString()); } if (!mFlashlightModes.contains(storedFlashlightMode)) { storedFlashlightMode = FlashMode.OFF; PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_flashlight_mode, storedFlashlightMode.toString()); } setFlashlightMode(storedFlashlightMode); flashlightButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (mFlashlightModes.size() > 0) { int flashlightModeIndex = mFlashlightModes.indexOf(mCurrentFlashlightMode); flashlightModeIndex = (flashlightModeIndex + 1) % mFlashlightModes.size(); FlashMode newFlashlightMode = mFlashlightModes.get(flashlightModeIndex); PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_flashlight_mode, newFlashlightMode.toString()); setFlashlightMode(newFlashlightMode); } } }); } else { setFlashlightMode(null); flashlightButton.setVisibility(GONE); } } /** * Configure the button for setting focus. */ private void configureFocusButton() { String storedFocusModeString = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode); FocusMode storedFocusMode; try { storedFocusMode = FocusMode.valueOf(storedFocusModeString); } catch (Exception e) { storedFocusMode = FocusMode.MACRO; PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode, storedFocusMode.toString()); } if (!mFocusModes.contains(storedFocusMode)) { if (mFocusModes.contains(FocusMode.AUTO)) { storedFocusMode = FocusMode.AUTO; PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode, storedFocusMode.toString()); } else if (mFocusModes.size() > 0) { storedFocusMode = mFocusModes.get(0); PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode, storedFocusMode.toString()); } else { storedFocusMode = null; PreferenceUtil.removeSharedPreference(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode); } } setFocusMode(storedFocusMode); Button focusButton = (Button) findViewById(; if (mFocusModes.size() < 2) { focusButton.setVisibility(GONE); return; } focusButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (mFocusModes.size() > 0) { int focusModeIndex = mFocusModes.indexOf(mCurrentFocusMode); focusModeIndex = (focusModeIndex + 1) % mFocusModes.size(); FocusMode newFocusMode = mFocusModes.get(focusModeIndex); PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceString(R.string.key_internal_camera_focus_mode, newFocusMode.toString()); setFocusMode(newFocusMode); } } }); SeekBar focusSeekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById(; focusSeekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() { @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(final SeekBar seekBar) { // do nothing. } @Override public void onProgressChanged(final SeekBar seekBar, final int progress, final boolean fromUser) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && isCamera2()) { Camera2Handler cameraHandler = (Camera2Handler) mCameraHandler; PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_focal_distance_seekbar_progress, progress); float relativeProgress = (float) progress / seekBar.getMax(); cameraHandler.setRelativeFocalDistance(1 - relativeProgress); } } }); focusSeekbar.setProgress(PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_focal_distance_seekbar_progress, 0)); } /** * Change to the given action. * * @param action The new action. * @param rightLeft the next eye side. */ private void setAction(@NonNull final Action action, final RightLeft rightLeft) { mCurrentAction = action; mCurrentRightLeft = rightLeft; LinearLayout cameraThumbRight = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; LinearLayout cameraThumbLeft = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; Button buttonCapture = (Button) findViewById(; Button buttonAccept = (Button) findViewById(; Button buttonDecline = (Button) findViewById(; Button buttonReturn = (Button) findViewById(; Button buttonViewImages = (Button) findViewById(; ImageView imageViewReview = (ImageView) findViewById(; FrameLayout cameraPreviewFrame = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; LinearLayout cameraSettingsLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; switch (action) { case TAKE_PHOTO: updateFlashlight(); mCameraHandler.startPreview(); buttonCapture.setVisibility(VISIBLE); buttonCapture.setEnabled(true); buttonAccept.setVisibility(GONE); buttonDecline.setVisibility(GONE); buttonReturn.setVisibility(mLeftEyeFile == null && mRightEyeFile == null ? GONE : VISIBLE); if (buttonViewImages.isEnabled() && buttonReturn.getVisibility() == GONE) { buttonViewImages.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } cameraSettingsLayout.setVisibility(VISIBLE); imageViewReview.setVisibility(GONE); cameraPreviewFrame.setVisibility(VISIBLE); cameraThumbLeft.setEnabled(true); cameraThumbRight.setEnabled(true); if (rightLeft == RIGHT) { cameraThumbRight.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background_highlighted); cameraThumbLeft.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background); } else { cameraThumbRight.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background); cameraThumbLeft.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background_highlighted); } break; case CHECK_PHOTO: buttonCapture.setVisibility(GONE); buttonAccept.setVisibility(VISIBLE); buttonDecline.setVisibility(VISIBLE); buttonReturn.setVisibility(GONE); buttonViewImages.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); cameraSettingsLayout.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); imageViewReview.setVisibility(VISIBLE); cameraPreviewFrame.setVisibility(GONE); cameraThumbLeft.setEnabled(false); cameraThumbRight.setEnabled(false); updateFlashlight(); break; case RE_TAKE_PHOTO: buttonCapture.setVisibility(GONE); buttonAccept.setVisibility(GONE); buttonDecline.setVisibility(VISIBLE); buttonReturn.setVisibility(VISIBLE); buttonViewImages.setVisibility(GONE); cameraSettingsLayout.setVisibility(VISIBLE); imageViewReview.setVisibility(GONE); cameraPreviewFrame.setVisibility(VISIBLE); cameraThumbLeft.setEnabled(true); cameraThumbRight.setEnabled(true); cameraThumbLeft.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background); cameraThumbRight.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.camera_thumb_background); updateFlashlight(); break; case FINISH_CAMERA: mCameraHandler.stopPreview(); cleanupTempFolder(); // move files to their target position if (mInputLeftFile != null || mInputRightFile != null) { if (mLeftEyeFile != null && !mLeftEyeFile.equals(mInputLeftFile)) { File newLeftFile = mInputLeftFile == null ? new File(mInputRightFile.getParentFile(), mLeftEyeFile.getName()) : mInputLeftFile; FileUtil.moveFile(mLeftEyeFile, newLeftFile); // prevent cleanup mLeftEyeFile = newLeftFile; MediaStoreUtil.deleteThumbnail(newLeftFile.getAbsolutePath()); MediaStoreUtil.addPictureToMediaStore(newLeftFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (mRightEyeFile != null && !mRightEyeFile.equals(mInputRightFile)) { File newRightFile = mInputRightFile == null ? new File(mInputLeftFile.getParentFile(), mRightEyeFile.getName()) : mInputRightFile; FileUtil.moveFile(mRightEyeFile, newRightFile); // prevent cleanup mRightEyeFile = newRightFile; MediaStoreUtil.deleteThumbnail(newRightFile.getAbsolutePath()); MediaStoreUtil.addPictureToMediaStore(newRightFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else if (mPhotoFolder != null && mPhotoFolder.isDirectory()) { if (mLeftEyeFile != null) { FileUtil.moveFile(mLeftEyeFile, new File(mPhotoFolder, mLeftEyeFile.getName())); } if (mRightEyeFile != null) { FileUtil.moveFile(mRightEyeFile, new File(mPhotoFolder, mRightEyeFile.getName())); } } File organizeFolder = mPhotoFolder == null ? FileUtil.getTempCameraFolder() : mPhotoFolder; OrganizeNewPhotosActivity.startActivity(this, organizeFolder.getAbsolutePath(), mLastRightLeft == RIGHT, NextAction.VIEW_IMAGES); finish(); return; case CANCEL_AND_VIEW_IMAGES: mCameraHandler.stopPreview(); cleanupTempFolder(); ListFoldersForDisplayActivity.startActivity(this); finish(); break; default: break; } } /** * Update the flashlight mode. * * @param flashlightMode The new flashlight mode. */ private void setFlashlightMode(final FlashMode flashlightMode) { mCurrentFlashlightMode = flashlightMode; updateFlashlight(); } /** * Update the focus mode. * * @param focusMode The new focus mode. */ private void setFocusMode(final FocusMode focusMode) { mCurrentFocusMode = focusMode; SeekBar seekbarCameraFocus = (SeekBar) findViewById(; seekbarCameraFocus.setVisibility(mCurrentFocusMode == FocusMode.MANUAL ? VISIBLE : GONE); mCameraHandler.setFocusMode(mCurrentFocusMode); Button buttonCameraFocus = (Button) findViewById(; if (mCurrentFocusMode == null) { buttonCameraFocus.setVisibility(GONE); } else { buttonCameraFocus.setText(mCurrentFocusMode.toDisplayString()); } } /** * Remove unused files from the temp folder. */ private void cleanupTempFolder() { File[] tempFiles = FileUtil.getTempCameraFiles(); for (File file : tempFiles) { if (!file.equals(mRightEyeFile) & !file.equals(mLeftEyeFile)) { // noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.delete(); } } } /** * Get all temp camera files and link them to the app. * * @return The list of existing temp files. */ private File[] getTempCameraFiles() { File[] existingFiles = FileUtil.getTempCameraFiles(); boolean leftEyeFirst = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_eye_sequence_choice); RightLeft rightLeft = existingFiles.length == 0 ? null : new EyePhoto(existingFiles[0]).getRightLeft(); boolean firstFileIsLeftEye = rightLeft == LEFT || rightLeft == null && leftEyeFirst; if (existingFiles.length == 1) { if (firstFileIsLeftEye) { mLeftEyeFile = existingFiles[0]; } else { mRightEyeFile = existingFiles[0]; } } else if (existingFiles.length >= 2) { mRightEyeFile = firstFileIsLeftEye ? existingFiles[1] : existingFiles[0]; mLeftEyeFile = firstFileIsLeftEye ? existingFiles[0] : existingFiles[1]; } return existingFiles; } /** * Set the thumb image with a byte array. * * @param data The data representing the bitmap. */ private void setThumbImage(@NonNull final byte[] data) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(mCurrentRightLeft == RIGHT ? :; Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getImageBitmap(data, getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.camera_thumb_size)); imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } /** * Set the thumb image from a file. * * @param file The file to be put in the thumb. * @param rightLeft The side of the eye */ private void setThumbImage(@Nullable final String file, final RightLeft rightLeft) { ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(rightLeft == RIGHT ? :; if (file != null) { Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getImageBitmap(file, getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.camera_thumb_size)); imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } else { imageView.setImageResource(rightLeft == RIGHT ? R.drawable.icon_eye_right : R.drawable.icon_eye_left); } } /** * Show the captured image for preview as fixed image. * * @param data The data representing the image. */ private void setReviewImage(@NonNull final byte[] data) { PinchImageView imageView = (PinchImageView) findViewById(; Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtil.getImageBitmap(data, findViewById(; imageView.setImage(bitmap); } /** * Show a flashlight in the preview. */ private void animateFlash() { final View flashView = findViewById(; Animation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0); fadeOut.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); fadeOut.setDuration(500); // MAGIC_NUMBER fadeOut.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(final Animation animation) { // do nothing } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(final Animation animation) { // do nothing } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(final Animation animation) { flashView.setVisibility(GONE); } }); AnimationSet animation = new AnimationSet(false); animation.addAnimation(fadeOut); flashView.setVisibility(VISIBLE); flashView.startAnimation(animation); } /** * Draw the overlay circle. * * @param circleRadius The circle radius. */ private void drawOverlayCircle(final int circleRadius) { Bitmap overlayBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE, CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(overlayBitmap); if (circleRadius > 0) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); int overlayColor = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_overlay_color, Color.RED); paint.setColor(overlayColor); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(5); // MAGIC_NUMBER canvas.drawCircle(CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE / 2, CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE / 2, circleRadius, paint); } ImageView overlayView = (ImageView) findViewById(; overlayView.setImageBitmap(overlayBitmap); } /** * Update the flashlight button and set the flashlight mode. */ private void updateFlashlight() { Button flashlightButton = (Button) findViewById(; if (FlashMode.OFF.equals(mCurrentFlashlightMode)) { flashlightButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.circlebutton_noflash); } else if (FlashMode.ON.equals(mCurrentFlashlightMode)) { flashlightButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.circlebutton_flash); } else if (FlashMode.TORCH.equals(mCurrentFlashlightMode)) { flashlightButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.circlebutton_torch); } if (mCurrentFlashlightMode != null) { if (mCurrentAction != Action.TAKE_PHOTO && mCurrentFlashlightMode == FlashMode.TORCH) { mCameraHandler.setFlashlightMode(FlashMode.OFF); } else { mCameraHandler.setFlashlightMode(mCurrentFlashlightMode); } } } /** * Get the exif orientation to be applied. * * @return The orientation angle. */ private short getExifAngle() { if (mCurrentScreenOrientation == null) { return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL; } switch (mCurrentScreenOrientation) { case LANDSCAPE: return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL; case PORTRAIT: return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90; case REVERSED_LANDSCAPE: return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180; case REVERSED_PORTRAIT: return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270; default: return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL; } } /** * The callback called when pictures are taken. */ @Nullable private final CameraCallback mOnPictureTakenHandler = new CameraCallback() { @Override public void onTakingPicture() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { animateFlash(); } }); } @Override public void onPictureTaken(@NonNull final byte[] data) { short exifAngle = getExifAngle(); File imageFile = FileUtil.getTempJpegFile(); JpegMetadata metadata = null; if (mCurrentRightLeft == RIGHT) { mNewRightEyeFile = imageFile; if (mInputRightFile != null) { // Keep metadata from input metadata = JpegSynchronizationUtil.getJpegMetadata(mInputRightFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { mNewLeftEyeFile = imageFile; if (mInputLeftFile != null) { // Keep metadata from input metadata = JpegSynchronizationUtil.getJpegMetadata(mInputLeftFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (metadata == null) { metadata = new JpegMetadata(); metadata.setRightLeft(mCurrentRightLeft); metadata.setComment(""); metadata.setOrganizeDate(new Date()); } metadata.setOrientation(exifAngle); int overlayCircleRadius = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceInt(R.string.key_internal_camera_circle_size, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS); if (overlayCircleRadius > 0) { metadata.setXCenter(0.5f); // MAGIC_NUMBER metadata.setYCenter(0.5f); // MAGIC_NUMBER metadata.setOverlayScaleFactor(((float) overlayCircleRadius) / CIRCLE_BITMAP_SIZE * getDefaultOverlayScaleFactor()); metadata.addFlag(JpegMetadata.FLAG_OVERLAY_SET_BY_CAMERA_ACTIVITY); } // save photo new SavePhotoTask(data, mCurrentRightLeft, metadata).execute(imageFile); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setThumbImage(data); setReviewImage(data); setAction(CHECK_PHOTO, mCurrentRightLeft); } }); } @Override public void onCameraError(final String message, final String shortMessage, @Nullable final Throwable e) { String messageString = message; if (e == null) { Log.e(Application.TAG, message); } else { Log.e(Application.TAG, message, e); messageString += "\n" + e.toString(); } boolean isCamera2Api = mCameraHandler instanceof Camera2Handler; boolean wasCamera2Successful = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_internal_camera2_successful); if (isCamera2Api && !wasCamera2Successful) { // Reconfigure to Camera 1 API PreferenceUtil.setSharedPreferenceIntString(R.string.key_camera_api_version, 1); DialogUtil.displayError(CameraActivity.this, R.string.message_dialog_failed_to_use_camera2, true, messageString); } else { DialogUtil.displayError(CameraActivity.this, R.string.message_dialog_failed_to_access_camera, true, messageString); } if (e != null) { TrackingUtil.sendException(shortMessage, e); } } @Override public void updateAvailableModes(final List<FocusMode> focusModes) { mFocusModes = focusModes; configureFocusButton(); } @Override public void updateAvailableZoom(final boolean isZoomAvailable) { mIsZoomAvailable = isZoomAvailable; configureZoomCircleButton(); } }; /** * Get the default scale factor of the overlay (dependent on the surface). * * @return The default scale factor of the overlay. */ private float getDefaultOverlayScaleFactor() { View surfaceView = findViewById(; int height = surfaceView.getHeight(); int width = surfaceView.getWidth(); // Factor 8/3 due to 75% size of base overlay circle. // Math/min factor due to strange implementation in OverlayPinchImageView. return ((float) Math.min(width, height)) / Math.max(width, height) * 8 / 3; // MAGIC_NUMBER } /** * Get the list of available flashlight modes. */ private void determineAvailableFlashlightModes() { boolean enableFlashlight = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceBoolean(R.string.key_enable_flash); if (enableFlashlight) { mFlashlightModes = Arrays.asList(FlashMode.OFF, FlashMode.ON, FlashMode.TORCH); } else { mFlashlightModes = Arrays.asList(FlashMode.OFF, FlashMode.TORCH); } } /** * Set the camera handler. */ private void setCameraHandler() { SurfaceView camera1View = (SurfaceView) findViewById(; TextureView camera2View = (TextureView) findViewById(; if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && isCamera2()) { mCameraHandler = new Camera2Handler(this, (FrameLayout) findViewById(, camera2View, mOnPictureTakenHandler); camera1View.setVisibility(GONE); camera2View.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } else { mCameraHandler = new Camera1Handler((FrameLayout) findViewById(, camera1View, mOnPictureTakenHandler); camera1View.setVisibility(VISIBLE); camera2View.setVisibility(GONE); } } /** * Get information if Camera2 API is used. * * @return true if Camera2 API is used. */ private boolean isCamera2() { int cameraApiVersion = PreferenceUtil.getSharedPreferenceIntString(R.string.key_camera_api_version, null); return cameraApiVersion == 2; } @Override protected final String[] getRequiredPermissions() { return new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.CAMERA}; } @Override protected final int getPermissionInfoResource() { return R.string.message_dialog_confirm_need_camera_permission; } @Override public final void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_PERMISSION) { // If request is cancelled, the result arrays are empty. if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { setupActivity(); } else { finish(); } } } /** * The task responsible for saving the picture. */ private final class SavePhotoTask extends AsyncTask<File, String, File> { /** * The data to be saved. */ private final byte[] mImageData; /** * The side of the eye to be saved. */ private final RightLeft mRightLeft; /** * The metadata to be stored. */ private final JpegMetadata mMetadata; /** * Constructor, passing the data to be saved. * * @param data The data to be saved. * @param rightLeft The side of the eye to be saved. * @param metadata Metadata to be stored in the photo. */ private SavePhotoTask(final byte[] data, final RightLeft rightLeft, final JpegMetadata metadata) { this.mImageData = data; this.mRightLeft = rightLeft; this.mMetadata = metadata; } @Override protected File doInBackground(final File... imageFiles) { File imageFile = imageFiles[0]; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(imageFile.getAbsolutePath()); fos.write(mImageData); fos.close(); if (mMetadata != null) { JpegSynchronizationUtil.storeJpegMetadata(imageFile.getAbsolutePath(), mMetadata); } } catch ( e) { Log.e(Application.TAG, "Exception when saving photo", e); } return imageFile; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(@NonNull final File imageFile) { Log.d(Application.TAG, "Finished saving image " + imageFile.getName() + " - " + mRightLeft); } } /** * Handler called after the picture is taken. */ public interface CameraCallback { /** * Callback called just when the picture is taken. */ void onTakingPicture(); /** * Callback called after the picture is taken. * * @param data The image data. */ void onPictureTaken(byte[] data); /** * Callback called on fatal camera errors. * * @param message The error message as String * @param shortMessage a short form of the message (for analytics). * @param e The exception */ void onCameraError(String message, String shortMessage, Throwable e); /** * Give information which focus modes and flash modes are supported by the camera. * * @param focusModes The supported focus modes. */ void updateAvailableModes(List<FocusMode> focusModes); /** * Give information if zoom is available. * * @param isZoomAvailable true if zoom is available. */ void updateAvailableZoom(boolean isZoomAvailable); } /** * Enumeration for holding the current rightLeft that the activity is doing. */ enum Action { /** * Capture a photo. */ TAKE_PHOTO, /** * Check a photo. */ CHECK_PHOTO, /** * Finish the camera activity. */ FINISH_CAMERA, /** * Cancel and go to the view images activity. */ CANCEL_AND_VIEW_IMAGES, /** * Make an optional re-take of a photo. */ RE_TAKE_PHOTO } /** * Enumeration for modes of the camera flash. */ public enum FlashMode { /** * The flash is off. */ OFF, /** * The flash is used when taking picture. */ ON, /** * The flash is permanently on. */ TORCH } /** * Enumeration for modes of the camera focus. */ public enum FocusMode { /** * Continuous autofocus. */ CONTINUOUS, /** * Autofocus. */ AUTO, /** * Macro. */ MACRO, /** * Manual focus. */ MANUAL; /** * Convert into a display string, to be used in the GUI. * * @return the display string. */ public final String toDisplayString() { switch (this) { case CONTINUOUS: return "AUTO\n∞"; default: return toString(); } } } }