package de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.util; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.Application; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.controller.DialogController; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.controller.MessageDialogController; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.stage.Modality; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.stage.StageStyle; /** * Helper class to show standard dialogs. */ public abstract class DialogUtil { /** * Create a basic dialog window. * * @param fxmlString * The FXML resource. * * @param decorated a flag indicating if the dialog should have OS border. * @return The dialog controller. */ private static DialogController createDialog(final String fxmlString, final boolean decorated) { DialogController controller; controller = (DialogController) FxmlUtil.getRootFromFxml(fxmlString); Scene scene = new Scene(controller.getRoot()); Stage dialog = new Stage(); dialog.initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL); dialog.initStyle(decorated ? StageStyle.DECORATED : StageStyle.UNDECORATED); dialog.initOwner(Application.getStage()); dialog.setScene(scene); controller.setStage(dialog); return controller; } /** * Display a message and go back to the current activity. * * @param title * the title resource * @param resource * the error message resource * @param args * arguments for the error message */ public static void displayMessage(final String title, final String resource, final Object... args) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String message = String.format(ResourceUtil.getString(resource), args);"Dialog message: " + message); MessageDialogController controller = (MessageDialogController) createDialog(FxmlConstants.FXML_DIALOG_MESSAGE, false); controller.setHeading(ResourceUtil.getString(title)); controller.setMessage(message); controller.getBtnBack().setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent event) { controller.close(); } });; } }); } /** * Display an error and go back to the current activity. * * @param resource * the error message resource * @param args * arguments for the error message */ public static void displayError(final String resource, final Object... args) { displayMessage(ResourceConstants.TITLE_DIALOG_ERROR, resource, args); } /** * Display an information message and go back to the current activity. * * @param resource * the error message resource * @param args * arguments for the error message */ public static void displayInfo(final String resource, final Object... args) { displayMessage(ResourceConstants.TITLE_DIALOG_INFO, resource, args); } /** * Display a confirmation message asking for cancel or ok. * * @param listener * The listener waiting for the response * @param buttonResource * the display on the positive button * @param messageResource * the confirmation message * @param args * arguments for the confirmation message */ public static void displayConfirmationMessage( final ConfirmDialogListener listener, final String buttonResource, final String messageResource, final Object... args) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String message = String.format(ResourceUtil.getString(messageResource), args); MessageDialogController controller = (MessageDialogController) createDialog(FxmlConstants.FXML_DIALOG_CONFIRM, false); controller.setHeading(ResourceUtil.getString(ResourceConstants.TITLE_DIALOG_CONFIRMATION)); controller.setMessage(message); if (buttonResource != null) { String buttonText = String.format(ResourceUtil.getString(buttonResource)); controller.getBtnOk().setText(buttonText); } controller.getBtnCancel().setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent event) { controller.close(); listener.onDialogNegativeClick(); } }); controller.getBtnOk().setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent event) { controller.close(); listener.onDialogPositiveClick(); } });; } }); } /** * Display the settings dialog. */ public static void displayPreferencesDialog() { createDialog(FxmlConstants.FXML_PREFERENCES, true).show(); } /** * Display a progress dialog. * * @param messageResource * the displayed message * @param args * arguments for the displayed message * @return A reference to the dialog. */ public static ProgressDialog displayProgressDialog(final String messageResource, final Object... args) { String message = String.format(ResourceUtil.getString(messageResource), args); MessageDialogController controller = (MessageDialogController) createDialog(FxmlConstants.FXML_DIALOG_PROGRESS, false); controller.getStage().initStyle(StageStyle.UNDECORATED); controller.setHeading(ResourceUtil.getString(ResourceConstants.TITLE_DIALOG_PROGRESS)); controller.setMessage(message);; return new ProgressDialog(controller); } /** * A progress dialog. */ public static final class ProgressDialog { /** * The controller. */ private MessageDialogController mController; /** * Constructor setting the stage and the controller. * * @param controller * The controller. */ private ProgressDialog(final MessageDialogController controller) { this.mController = controller; setProgress(0); } /** * Getter for the controller. * * @return The controller. */ public MessageDialogController getController() { return mController; } /** * Close the dialog. */ public void close() { mController.close(); } /** * Set the progressBar on the progressBar bar. * * @param progress * The progressBar value. */ public void setProgress(final double progress) { mController.setProgress(progress); } } /** * The activity that creates an instance of this dialog listFoldersFragment must implement this interface in order * to receive event callbacks. Each method passes the DialogFragment in case the host needs to query it. */ public interface ConfirmDialogListener { /** * Callback method for positive click from the confirmation dialog. */ void onDialogPositiveClick(); /** * Callback method for negative click from the confirmation dialog. */ void onDialogNegativeClick(); } }