package de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.util; import; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.controller.BaseController; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.controller.Controller; import de.eisfeldj.augendiagnosefx.controller.MainController; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar; import javafx.scene.layout.Border; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderStroke; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderStrokeStyle; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderWidths; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; /** * Utility class for reading FXML files. */ public final class FxmlUtil { /** * Private constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private FxmlUtil() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Utility method to expand an FXML file, including internationalization. * * @param fxmlFile * The name of the FXML file. * @return The controller handling the expanded page. */ public static Controller getRootFromFxml(final String fxmlFile) { FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(); fxmlLoader.setResources(ResourceUtil.STRINGS_BUNDLE); Parent root; try { root = fxmlLoader.load(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("fxml/" + fxmlFile).openStream()); root.getStylesheets().add(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("css/application.css").toExternalForm()); return fxmlLoader.getController(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Utility method to expand an FXML file for a custom component. * * @param root * The custom component. * @param fxmlFile * The FXML file. */ public static void loadFromFxml(final Parent root, final String fxmlFile) { FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("fxml/" + fxmlFile)); fxmlLoader.setResources(ResourceUtil.STRINGS_BUNDLE); fxmlLoader.setController(root); fxmlLoader.setRoot(root); try { fxmlLoader.load(); root.getStylesheets().add(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("css/application.css").toExternalForm()); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Failed to load FXML file " + fxmlFile, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Utility method to expand and display an FXML file in the body as subpage. * * @param fxmlFile * The name of the FXML file. * @param paneIndex * The pane where to display it in case of multiple panes. * @param isClosable * Indicator if this is a closable page. (-1 means end) * @return the controller of the subpage. */ public static BaseController displaySubpage(final String fxmlFile, final int paneIndex, final boolean isClosable) { BaseController controller; controller = (BaseController) getRootFromFxml(fxmlFile); MainController.getInstance().addSubPage(controller, paneIndex, isClosable); return controller; } /** * Utility method to remove a node. In particular, a full pane can be removed. * * @param node * The node to be removed. */ public static void remove(final Node node) { if (node.getParent() != null && node.getParent() instanceof Pane) { ((Pane) node.getParent()).getChildren().remove(node); } } /** * Utility method to remove all panes from the stack. */ public static void removeAllSubpages() { MainController.getInstance().removeAllSubPages(); } /** * Utility method to expand and display the menu bar. * * @param fxmlFile * The name of the FXML file. */ public static void displayMenu(final String fxmlFile) { MenuBar root = (MenuBar) getRootFromFxml(fxmlFile).getRoot(); MainController.getInstance().setMenuBarContents(root); } /** * Utility method to temporarily add a visible border around a region. * * @param region * The region getting the border. * @param color * the color of the border. */ public static void addDummyBorder(final Region region, final Color color) { region.setBorder(new Border(new BorderStroke(color, BorderStrokeStyle.SOLID, null, new BorderWidths(5)))); // MAGIC_NUMBER } }