package de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.fragments; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.R; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.DialogUtil; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhoto; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.EyePhotoPair; import de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.util.imagefile.ImageUtil; /** * Base listFoldersFragment to display the pictures in an eye photo folder (in pairs) Abstract class - child classes * determine the detailed actions. */ public abstract class ListPicturesForNameBaseFragment extends Fragment { /** * The resource key of the name. */ private static final String STRING_NAME = "de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.NAME"; /** * The resource key of the parent folder. */ private static final String STRING_PARENTFOLDER = "de.jeisfeld.augendiagnoselib.PARENTFOLDER"; /** * The parent folder. */ @Nullable private String mParentFolder; /** * The name for which the eye photos should be displayed. */ @Nullable private String mName; /** * The list view showing the pictures. */ private ListView mListView; /** * The array of eye photo pairs. */ private EyePhotoPair[] mEyePhotoPairs; /** * Initialize the listFoldersFragment with parentFolder and name. * * @param initialParentFolder The parent folder * @param initialName the name */ public final void setParameters(final String initialParentFolder, final String initialName) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(STRING_PARENTFOLDER, initialParentFolder); args.putString(STRING_NAME, initialName); setArguments(args); } @Override public final void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Bundle args = getArguments(); mName = args.getString(STRING_NAME); mParentFolder = args.getString(STRING_PARENTFOLDER); } // OVERRIDABLE @Override public void onActivityCreated(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); if (getView() == null) { return; } TextView headerNameView = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; headerNameView.setText(mName); createAndStoreEyePhotoList(); mListView = (ListView) getView().findViewById(; // prevent highlighting mListView.setCacheColorHint(Color.TRANSPARENT); mListView.setSelector(new StateListDrawable()); } /** * Create the list of eye photo pairs for display. Photos are arranged in pairs (right-left) by date. * * @param folder the folder where the photos are located. * @return The list of eye photo pairs. */ @NonNull private EyePhotoPair[] createEyePhotoList(@NonNull final File folder) { Map<Date, EyePhotoPair> eyePhotoMap = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(@NonNull final Date lhs, @NonNull final Date rhs) { return rhs.compareTo(lhs); } }); File[] files = folder.listFiles(new ImageUtil.ImageFileFilter()); if (files == null) { return new EyePhotoPair[0]; } for (File f : files) { EyePhoto eyePhoto = new EyePhoto(f); if (eyePhoto.isFormatted()) { Date date = eyePhoto.getDate(); if (eyePhotoMap.containsKey(date)) { EyePhotoPair eyePhotoPair = eyePhotoMap.get(date); eyePhotoPair.setEyePhoto(eyePhoto); } else { EyePhotoPair eyePhotoPair = new EyePhotoPair(); eyePhotoPair.setEyePhoto(eyePhoto); eyePhotoMap.put(date, eyePhotoPair); } } else { DialogUtil.displayError(getActivity(), R.string.message_dialog_unformatted_file, false, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } return eyePhotoMap.values().toArray(new EyePhotoPair[eyePhotoMap.size()]); } /** * Create the list of eye photo pairs and store them. * * @return true if there are still eye photos remaining. */ protected final boolean createAndStoreEyePhotoList() { mEyePhotoPairs = createEyePhotoList(new File(mParentFolder, mName)); if (mEyePhotoPairs == null) { mEyePhotoPairs = new EyePhotoPair[0]; } getActivity().findViewById( == 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); return mEyePhotoPairs.length > 0; } @Nullable public final String getParentFolder() { return mParentFolder; } @Nullable public final String getName() { return mName; } protected final ListView getListView() { return mListView; } protected final EyePhotoPair[] getEyePhotoPairs() { return mEyePhotoPairs; } }