package; import org.apache.commons.mail.Email; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.InOrder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; /** * Tests the UploadCsvControllerHelper class. * * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ public class UploadCsvControllerHelperTest { private DataAcquisitionService dataAcquisitionService; private EmailService emailService; private DiseaseService diseaseService; private Email email; private UploadCsvControllerHelper helper; private static final String EMAIL_TEMPLATE_PATH = "PublicSite/src/uk/ac/ox/zoo/seeg/abraid/mp/publicsite/web/tools"; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { dataAcquisitionService = mock(DataAcquisitionService.class); emailService = createEmailService(); diseaseService = mock(DiseaseService.class); helper = new UploadCsvControllerHelper(dataAcquisitionService, diseaseService, emailService); DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisFixed(; } private EmailService createEmailService() throws Exception { // Create a real e-mail service with a mock Email class, and specifying the path to our e-mail template email = mock(Email.class); EmailFactory factory = mock(EmailFactory.class); when(factory.createEmail()).thenReturn(email); return new EmailServiceImpl(factory, "", "", mock(SmtpConfiguration.class), new Class[0], new File[] {new File(EMAIL_TEMPLATE_PATH)}); } @Test public void acquireCsvDataSendsCorrectEmail() throws Exception { // Arrange byte[] csv = "Test csv".getBytes(); boolean isBias = false; boolean isGoldStandard = false; DiseaseGroup biasDisease = mock(DiseaseGroup.class); when(biasDisease.getName()).thenReturn("name"); String userEmailAddress = ""; String filePath = "/path/to/test.csv"; String expectedSubject = "CSV upload results"; String expectedEmailEnd = "Found 10 CSV file line(s) to convert.\n" + "Saved 10 disease occurrence(s) in 8 location(s) (of which 7 location(s) passed QC).\n"; List<String> messages = Arrays.asList( "Found 10 CSV file line(s) to convert.", "Saved 10 disease occurrence(s) in 8 location(s) (of which 7 location(s) passed QC)." ); when(dataAcquisitionService.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease)).thenReturn(messages); // Act helper.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease, userEmailAddress, filePath); // Assert String nowString = DateTimeFormat.longDateTime().print(; verify(email).setMsg(argThat(equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace( "Here are the results of the CSV upload that you submitted.\n" + "\n" + "File: \"/path/to/test.csv\".\n" + "Gold standard: No\n" + "Submitted on: " + nowString + ".\n" + "Completed on: " + nowString + ".\n" + "\n" + expectedEmailEnd))); verify(email).setSubject(eq(expectedSubject)); verify(email).addTo(eq(userEmailAddress)); } @Test public void acquireCsvDataSendsCorrectBiasEmail() throws Exception { // Arrange byte[] csv = "Test csv".getBytes(); boolean isBias = true; boolean isGoldStandard = false; DiseaseGroup biasDisease = mock(DiseaseGroup.class); when(biasDisease.getName()).thenReturn("name"); String userEmailAddress = ""; String filePath = "/path/to/test.csv"; String expectedSubject = "CSV upload results"; String expectedEmailEnd = "Found 10 CSV file line(s) to convert.\n" + "Saved 10 disease occurrence(s) in 8 location(s) (of which 7 location(s) passed QC).\n"; List<String> messages = Arrays.asList( "Found 10 CSV file line(s) to convert.", "Saved 10 disease occurrence(s) in 8 location(s) (of which 7 location(s) passed QC)." ); when(dataAcquisitionService.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease)).thenReturn(messages); // Act helper.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease, userEmailAddress, filePath); // Assert String nowString = DateTimeFormat.longDateTime().print(; verify(email).setMsg(argThat(equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace( "Here are the results of the CSV upload that you submitted.\n" + "\n" + "File: \"/path/to/test.csv\".\n" + "Background dataset for: name\n" + "Submitted on: " + nowString + ".\n" + "Completed on: " + nowString + ".\n" + "\n" + expectedEmailEnd))); verify(email).setSubject(eq(expectedSubject)); verify(email).addTo(eq(userEmailAddress)); } @Test public void acquireCsvDataHandlesNonBiasCorrectly() throws Exception { // Act byte[] csv = "Test csv".getBytes(); boolean isBias = false; boolean isGoldStandard = false; DiseaseGroup biasDisease = mock(DiseaseGroup.class); when(biasDisease.getId()).thenReturn(1); // Act helper.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease, "a@b.c", "foo"); // Assert InOrder order = inOrder(dataAcquisitionService, diseaseService); order.verify(diseaseService, never()).deleteBiasDiseaseOccurrencesForDisease(biasDisease); order.verify(dataAcquisitionService).acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease); order.verifyNoMoreInteractions(); } @Test public void acquireCsvDataHandlesBiasCorrectly() throws Exception { // Act byte[] csv = "Test csv".getBytes(); boolean isBias = true; boolean isGoldStandard = false; DiseaseGroup biasDisease = mock(DiseaseGroup.class); when(biasDisease.getId()).thenReturn(1); // Act helper.acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease, "a@b.c", "foo"); // Assert InOrder order = inOrder(dataAcquisitionService, diseaseService); order.verify(diseaseService).deleteBiasDiseaseOccurrencesForDisease(biasDisease); order.verify(dataAcquisitionService).acquireCsvData(csv, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease); order.verifyNoMoreInteractions(); } }