package; import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; import static java.util.Map.Entry; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue; /** * Return the set of occurrences to be used in the model run, satisfying Minimum Data Volume and Spread conditions. * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ public class ModelRunOccurrencesSelectorHelper { // Log messages private static final String NOT_REQUESTING_EMAIL_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Not requesting a model run for disease group %d (%s) because "; private static final String NOT_REQUESTING_EMAIL_SUBJECT = "Minimum Data Volume/Spread Not Satisfied"; private static final String MDV_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Volume is satisfied: %d occurrence(s) exceeds threshold of %d"; private static final String MDV_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Volume is not satisfied: %d occurrence(s) does not exceed threshold of %d"; private static final String MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Spread is not satisfied: no occurrences in any countries of interest"; private static final String AFRICAN_COUNTRY_CLAUSE = "at least 1 occurrence in %d countries, and at least %d occurrence(s) in %d countries"; private static final String AFRICAN_MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Spread is not satisfied: " + "should have " + AFRICAN_COUNTRY_CLAUSE + ", but only has " + AFRICAN_COUNTRY_CLAUSE; private static final String OTHER_COUNTRY_CLAUSE = "at least 1 occurrence in %d distinct countries"; private static final String OTHER_MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Spread is not satisfied: " + OTHER_COUNTRY_CLAUSE + " does not exceed threshold of %d countries"; private static final String MDS_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Minimum Data Spread is satisfied: "; private static final String SKIPPING_MDS_CALCULATION = "Skipping Minimum Data Spread calculation; at least one parameter is not defined"; // Exception messages (these are displayed in the user interface via the Bad Request response text) private static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Model cannot run because "; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ModelRunOccurrencesSelectorHelper.class); private DiseaseService diseaseService; private GeometryService geometryService; private EmailService emailService; // Minimum Data Spread parameters for the disease group private List<DiseaseOccurrence> allOccurrences; private DiseaseGroup diseaseGroup; private int minDataVolume; private Integer minDistinctCountries; private Integer highFrequencyThreshold; private Integer minHighFrequencyCountries; private Boolean occursInAfrica; // Reference structures used to compare values against in MDS checks private List<Integer> countriesOfInterest; private Set<Integer> countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence; // For disease groups using all countries private Map<Integer, Integer> occurrenceCountPerCountry; // For disease groups using only the African countries public ModelRunOccurrencesSelectorHelper(DiseaseService diseaseService, GeometryService geometryService, EmailService emailService, int diseaseGroupId, boolean onlyUseGoldStandardOccurrences) { this.diseaseService = diseaseService; this.geometryService = geometryService; this.emailService = emailService; initialise(diseaseGroupId, onlyUseGoldStandardOccurrences); } // Set the MDS calculation parameters for the specified disease group. private void initialise(int diseaseGroupId, boolean onlyUseGoldStandardOccurrences) { allOccurrences = diseaseService.getDiseaseOccurrencesForModelRunRequest(diseaseGroupId, onlyUseGoldStandardOccurrences); diseaseGroup = diseaseService.getDiseaseGroupById(diseaseGroupId); minDataVolume = diseaseGroup.getMinDataVolume(); minDistinctCountries = diseaseGroup.getMinDistinctCountries(); highFrequencyThreshold = diseaseGroup.getHighFrequencyThreshold(); minHighFrequencyCountries = diseaseGroup.getMinHighFrequencyCountries(); occursInAfrica = diseaseGroup.occursInAfrica(); } /** * Gets the list of occurrences to be used in the model run. * @return The list of occurrences with which to run the model, * @throws ModelRunWorkflowException if the model should not run because the required thresholds have not been * reached. */ public List<DiseaseOccurrence> selectModelRunDiseaseOccurrences() throws ModelRunWorkflowException { List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences = null; // Minimum Data Volume must always be satisfied if (minDataVolumeSatisfied()) {, allOccurrences.size(), minDataVolume)); if (diseaseGroup.isAutomaticModelRunsEnabled()) { // If automatic model runs are enabled, select the subset of occurrences provided by the Minimum // Data Volume, then add occurrences until the Minimum Data Spread is achieved. These are selected // most recent first, to keep the model input data contemporary. occurrences = selectSubset(); if (occursInAfrica != null) { occurrences = occursInAfrica ? refineSubsetForAfricanDiseaseGroup(occurrences) : refineSubsetForOtherDiseaseGroup(occurrences); } } else { // If automatic model runs are disabled, all occurrences are sent to the model occurrences = allOccurrences; } } else { handleCannotRunModel(String.format(MDV_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE, allOccurrences.size(), minDataVolume) ); } return occurrences; } private boolean minDataVolumeSatisfied() { return (allOccurrences.size() >= minDataVolume); } // Select subset of n most recent occurrences (allOccurrences list is sorted by occurrence date) // N.B. Occurrences must be added to a new list, instead of returning a subList. The latter only provides a view to // allOccurrences, so adding to occurrences also adds to allOccurrences, leading to OutOfMemoryError. private List<DiseaseOccurrence> selectSubset() { List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < minDataVolume; i++) { occurrences.add(allOccurrences.get(i)); } return occurrences; } // If MDS is not met, continue to select points until it does, unless we run out of points. private List<DiseaseOccurrence> refineSubsetForAfricanDiseaseGroup(List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences) { if (parametersNotNull(minDistinctCountries, highFrequencyThreshold, minHighFrequencyCountries)) { countriesOfInterest = geometryService.getCountriesForMinDataSpreadCalculation(); constructOccurrenceCountPerCountryMap(occurrences); while (!minDataSpreadCheckForAfricanDiseaseGroup()) { int n = occurrences.size(); if (n == allOccurrences.size()) { handleCannotRunModel(buildAfricanMDSNotSatisfiedLogMessage()); } DiseaseOccurrence nextOccurrence = allOccurrences.get(n); occurrences.add(nextOccurrence); addCountryToOccurrenceCountMap(nextOccurrence.getLocation().getCountryGaulCode()); } handleCanRunModel(); } else {; } return occurrences; } private List<DiseaseOccurrence> refineSubsetForOtherDiseaseGroup(List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences) { if (minDistinctCountries != null) { extractDistinctGaulCodes(occurrences); while (!minDataSpreadCheckForOtherDiseaseGroup()) { int n = occurrences.size(); if (n == allOccurrences.size()) { handleCannotRunModel(buildOtherMDSNotSatisfiedLogMessage()); } DiseaseOccurrence nextOccurrence = allOccurrences.get(n); occurrences.add(nextOccurrence); countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence.add(nextOccurrence.getLocation().getCountryGaulCode()); } handleCanRunModel(); } else {; } return occurrences; } private static boolean parametersNotNull(Integer... args) { List<Integer> values = Arrays.asList(args); List<Integer> notNullValues = filter(notNullValue(), values); return (values.size() == notNullValues.size()); } private void constructOccurrenceCountPerCountryMap(List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences) { occurrenceCountPerCountry = new HashMap<>(); for (DiseaseOccurrence occurrence : occurrences) { Integer countryGaulCode = occurrence.getLocation().getCountryGaulCode(); addCountryToOccurrenceCountMap(countryGaulCode); } } // Only "Countries of Interest" are added to the map - with their corresponding occurrence count private void addCountryToOccurrenceCountMap(Integer gaulCode) { if (countriesOfInterest.contains(gaulCode)) { int value = (occurrenceCountPerCountry.containsKey(gaulCode)) ? occurrenceCountPerCountry.get(gaulCode) : 0; occurrenceCountPerCountry.put(gaulCode, value + 1); } } private boolean minDataSpreadCheckForAfricanDiseaseGroup() { Set<Integer> distinctCountries = occurrenceCountPerCountry.keySet(); boolean distinctCountriesCheck = (distinctCountries.size() >= minDistinctCountries); Set<Integer> highFrequencyOccurrenceCountries = extractHighFrequencyCountries(); boolean highFrequencyCountriesCheck = (highFrequencyOccurrenceCountries.size() >= minHighFrequencyCountries); return (distinctCountriesCheck & highFrequencyCountriesCheck); } private Set<Integer> extractHighFrequencyCountries() { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : occurrenceCountPerCountry.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() >= highFrequencyThreshold) { set.add(entry.getKey()); } } return set; } private void extractDistinctGaulCodes(List<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences) { countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence = new HashSet<>( extract(occurrences, on(DiseaseOccurrence.class).getLocation().getCountryGaulCode()) ); } private boolean minDataSpreadCheckForOtherDiseaseGroup() { return (countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence.size() >= minDistinctCountries); } private String buildAfricanMDSNotSatisfiedLogMessage() { int n = occurrenceCountPerCountry.keySet().size(); return (n == 0) ? MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE : String.format(AFRICAN_MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE, minDistinctCountries, highFrequencyThreshold, minHighFrequencyCountries, occurrenceCountPerCountry.keySet().size(), highFrequencyThreshold, extractHighFrequencyCountries().size()); } private String buildOtherMDSNotSatisfiedLogMessage() { int n = countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence.size(); return (n == 0) ? MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE : String.format(OTHER_MDS_NOT_SATISFIED_LOG_MESSAGE, countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence.size(), minDistinctCountries); } private void handleCannotRunModel(String message) { // Log so it's in the logs. Send an e-mail to the default address so that the message is visible to the user // (particularly relevant if this was triggered by Data Manager). Throw an exception so that the transaction // rolls back, and to send a message back to the user if it was triggered manually. String logMessage = String.format(NOT_REQUESTING_EMAIL_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message, diseaseGroup.getId(), diseaseGroup.getName()); LOGGER.warn(logMessage); try { emailService.sendEmail(NOT_REQUESTING_EMAIL_SUBJECT, logMessage); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // And throw an exception throw new ModelRunWorkflowException(EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message); } private void handleCanRunModel() { String message; if (occursInAfrica) { message = String.format(AFRICAN_COUNTRY_CLAUSE, occurrenceCountPerCountry.keySet().size(), highFrequencyThreshold, extractHighFrequencyCountries().size()); } else { message = String.format(OTHER_COUNTRY_CLAUSE, countriesWithAtLeastOneOccurrence.size()); } + message); } }