package; import org.hibernate.annotations.Generated; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenerationTime; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import javax.persistence.*; /** * Represents a group of diseases as defined by SEEG. This can be a disease cluster, disease microcluster, or a disease * itself. * * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery( name = "getDiseaseGroupIdsForAutomaticModelRuns", query = "select id from DiseaseGroup where automaticModelRunsStartDate is not null" ), @NamedQuery( name = "getDiseaseGroupsNeedingOccurrenceReviewByExpert", query = "select distinct do.diseaseGroup " + "from DiseaseOccurrence as do " + "where do.status='IN_REVIEW' " + "and not in (" + " select distinct " + " from DiseaseOccurrenceReview as r " + " where = :expertId" + ") " + "and do.diseaseGroup.automaticModelRunsStartDate is not null" ), @NamedQuery( name = "getDiseaseGroupsNeedingExtentReviewByExpert", query = "select distinct dec.diseaseGroup " + "from AdminUnitDiseaseExtentClass as dec " + "where coalesce(dec.adminUnitGlobal.gaulCode, dec.adminUnitTropical.gaulCode) not in (" + " select coalesce(r.adminUnitGlobalGaulCode, r.adminUnitGlobalGaulCode) " + " from AdminUnitReview as r " + " where r.createdDate >= dec.classChangedDate " + " and " + " and" + ") " + "and dec.diseaseGroup.automaticModelRunsStartDate is not null" ), @NamedQuery( name = "getDiseaseGroupNamesForHealthMapReport", query = "select name from DiseaseGroup where isPriorityDisease is TRUE order by name asc" ) }) @Entity @Table(name = "disease_group") public class DiseaseGroup { // The primary key. @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Integer id; // The parent disease group, or null if this is a top-level group (i.e. a cluster). @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "parent_id") private DiseaseGroup parentGroup; // The disease group name. @Column(nullable = false) private String name; // The disease group type. @Column(name = "group_type", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private DiseaseGroupType groupType; // The disease group public name (for display). @Column(name = "public_name") private String publicName; // The disease group short name (for display). @Column(name = "short_name") private String shortName; // The disease group abbreviated name. private String abbreviation; // True if the disease group is global, false if tropical, null if unknown. @Column(name = "is_global") private Boolean isGlobal; // True if the disease group is an ABRAID priority disease. @Column(name = "is_priority_disease", nullable = false) private boolean isPriorityDisease = false; // A link to a further grouping of diseases for use by experts in the Data Validator. @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "validator_disease_group_id") private ValidatorDiseaseGroup validatorDiseaseGroup; // The weighting, initially determined by group type. @Column private Double weighting; // The SDM model mode to use for this disease. @Column(name = "model_mode") private String modelMode; // The max number of days between model runs that are triggered by the Data Manager. @Column(name = "max_days_between_runs") private int maxDaysBetweenModelRuns; // The date on which the disease extent was last generated, whether a one-off action or preparation for a model run. @Column(name = "last_extent_generation_date") @Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime") private DateTime lastExtentGenerationDate; // The date on which the weightings were last updated, in preparation for a model run. @Column(name = "last_model_run_prep_date") @Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime") private DateTime lastModelRunPrepDate; // When the system was approved by an administrator to run the weekly model automatically, if yet. @Column(name = "automatic_model_runs_start_date") @Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime") private DateTime automaticModelRunsStartDate; // The minimum number of new distinct locations required to trigger a model run. @Column(name = "min_new_locations_trigger") private Integer minNewLocationsTrigger; @Column(name = "max_env_suitability") private Double maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering; @Column(name = "min_distance_from_extent") private Double minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering; // The minimum number of occurrences required for a model run to go ahead. // Default value is implicitly zero. @Column(name = "min_data_volume") private int minDataVolume; // The following parameters define the Minimum Data Spread conditions, which must be satisfied for a model run to // go ahead: There must be at least one occurrence in [minDistinctCountries] and more than [highFrequencyThreshold] // occurrences in [minHighFrequencyCountries]. @Column(name = "min_distinct_countries") private Integer minDistinctCountries; @Column(name = "high_frequency_threshold") private Integer highFrequencyThreshold; @Column(name = "min_high_frequency_countries") private Integer minHighFrequencyCountries; // If true, only the subset of countries (determined by forMinDataSpread flag on a Country) should be considered. // Otherwise, all countries are considered. @Column(name = "occurs_in_africa") private Boolean occursInAfrica; @OneToOne(mappedBy = "diseaseGroup", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private DiseaseExtent diseaseExtentParameters; // True if machine learning should be used to determine whether or not to send a disease occurrence to the Data // Validator, otherwise false @Column(name = "use_machine_learning") private boolean useMachineLearning = true; // If useMachineLearning is false, occurrences whose environmental suitability is less than this value will be // sent to the Data Validator @Column(name = "max_env_suitability_without_ml") private Double maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML; // The agent type of this disease. @Column(name = "agent_type") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private DiseaseGroupAgentType agentType; // True if non-bespoke sample bias data sets for this disease should be filtered by agent type, otherwise false. @Column(name = "filter_bias_data_by_agent_type") private boolean filterBiasDataByAgentType = false; // The database row creation date. @Column(name = "created_date", insertable = false, updatable = false) @Generated(value = GenerationTime.INSERT) @Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime") private DateTime createdDate; public DiseaseGroup() { } public DiseaseGroup(String name) { = name; } public DiseaseGroup(Integer id) { = id; } public DiseaseGroup(Integer id, String name) { = id; = name; } public DiseaseGroup(DiseaseGroup parentGroup, String name, DiseaseGroupType groupType) { this.parentGroup = parentGroup; = name; this.groupType = groupType; } public DiseaseGroup(Integer id, DiseaseGroup parentGroup, String name, DiseaseGroupType groupType) { = id; this.parentGroup = parentGroup; = name; this.groupType = groupType; } public DiseaseGroup(String name, ValidatorDiseaseGroup validatorDiseaseGroup) { = name; this.validatorDiseaseGroup = validatorDiseaseGroup; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public DiseaseGroup getParentGroup() { return parentGroup; } public void setParentGroup(DiseaseGroup parentGroup) { this.parentGroup = parentGroup; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public DiseaseGroupType getGroupType() { return groupType; } public void setGroupType(DiseaseGroupType groupType) { this.groupType = groupType; } public String getPublicName() { return publicName; } public void setPublicName(String publicName) { this.publicName = publicName; } /** * Gets the disease group's public name for display, if it exists. * @return The disease group's public name for display. */ public String getPublicNameForDisplay() { return (StringUtils.hasText(getPublicName())) ? getPublicName() : getName(); } public String getShortName() { return shortName; } public void setShortName(String shortName) { this.shortName = shortName; } /** * Gets the disease group's short name for display, if it exists. * This should only be used in dropdown menus, as the HTML formatting that may be present in the public name * cannot be displayed in dropdowns. * @return The disease group's short name for display. */ public String getShortNameForDisplay() { return StringUtils.hasText(getShortName()) ? getShortName() : getName(); } public String getAbbreviation() { return abbreviation; } public void setAbbreviation(String abbreviation) { this.abbreviation = abbreviation; } public Boolean isGlobal() { return isGlobal; } public void setGlobal(Boolean isGlobal) { this.isGlobal = isGlobal; } public boolean isPriorityDisease() { return isPriorityDisease; } public void setPriorityDisease(boolean isPriorityDisease) { this.isPriorityDisease = isPriorityDisease; } public ValidatorDiseaseGroup getValidatorDiseaseGroup() { return validatorDiseaseGroup; } public void setValidatorDiseaseGroup(ValidatorDiseaseGroup validatorDiseaseGroup) { this.validatorDiseaseGroup = validatorDiseaseGroup; } public Double getWeighting() { return weighting; } public void setWeighting(Double weighting) { this.weighting = weighting; } public String getModelMode() { return modelMode; } public void setModelMode(String modelMode) { this.modelMode = modelMode; } public int getMaxDaysBetweenModelRuns() { return maxDaysBetweenModelRuns; } public void setMaxDaysBetweenModelRuns(int maxDaysBetweenModelRuns) { this.maxDaysBetweenModelRuns = maxDaysBetweenModelRuns; } public DateTime getLastExtentGenerationDate() { return lastExtentGenerationDate; } public void setLastExtentGenerationDate(DateTime lastExtentGenerationDate) { this.lastExtentGenerationDate = lastExtentGenerationDate; } public DateTime getLastModelRunPrepDate() { return lastModelRunPrepDate; } public void setLastModelRunPrepDate(DateTime lastModelRunPrepDate) { this.lastModelRunPrepDate = lastModelRunPrepDate; } public boolean isAutomaticModelRunsEnabled() { return (automaticModelRunsStartDate != null); } public DateTime getAutomaticModelRunsStartDate() { return automaticModelRunsStartDate; } public void setAutomaticModelRunsStartDate(DateTime automaticModelRunsStartDate) { this.automaticModelRunsStartDate = automaticModelRunsStartDate; } public Integer getMinNewLocationsTrigger() { return minNewLocationsTrigger; } public void setMinNewLocationsTrigger(Integer minNewLocations) { this.minNewLocationsTrigger = minNewLocations; } public Double getMaxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering() { return maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering; } public void setMaxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering(Double maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering) { this.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering = maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering; } public Double getMinDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering() { return minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering; } public void setMinDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering(Double minDistanceFromDiseaseExtent) { this.minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering = minDistanceFromDiseaseExtent; } public int getMinDataVolume() { return minDataVolume; } public void setMinDataVolume(int minDataVolume) { this.minDataVolume = minDataVolume; } public Integer getMinDistinctCountries() { return minDistinctCountries; } public void setMinDistinctCountries(Integer minDistinctCountries) { this.minDistinctCountries = minDistinctCountries; } public Integer getHighFrequencyThreshold() { return highFrequencyThreshold; } public void setHighFrequencyThreshold(Integer highFrequencyThreshold) { this.highFrequencyThreshold = highFrequencyThreshold; } public Integer getMinHighFrequencyCountries() { return minHighFrequencyCountries; } public void setMinHighFrequencyCountries(Integer minHighFrequencyCountries) { this.minHighFrequencyCountries = minHighFrequencyCountries; } public DiseaseExtent getDiseaseExtentParameters() { return diseaseExtentParameters; } public void setDiseaseExtentParameters(DiseaseExtent diseaseExtentParameters) { this.diseaseExtentParameters = diseaseExtentParameters; } /** * Whether the disease group is known to occur in Africa. * @return True if the disease group occurs in Africa. */ public Boolean occursInAfrica() { return occursInAfrica; } public void setOccursInAfrica(Boolean occursInAfrica) { this.occursInAfrica = occursInAfrica; } /** * Whether to use machine learning for sending occurrences to the Data Validator. * @return True if machine learning should be used for sending occurrences to the Data Validator. */ public boolean useMachineLearning() { return useMachineLearning; } public void setUseMachineLearning(boolean useMachineLearning) { this.useMachineLearning = useMachineLearning; } public Double getMaxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML() { return maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML; } public void setMaxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML(Double maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML) { this.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML = maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML; } /** * Should non-bespoke sample bias data sets for this disease should be filtered by agent type. * @return True if non-bespoke sample bias data sets for this disease should be filtered by agent type, * otherwise false. */ public boolean shouldFilterBiasDataByAgentType() { return filterBiasDataByAgentType; } public void setFilterBiasDataByAgentType(boolean filterBiasDataByAgentType) { this.filterBiasDataByAgentType = filterBiasDataByAgentType; } public DiseaseGroupAgentType getAgentType() { return agentType; } public void setAgentType(DiseaseGroupAgentType agentType) { this.agentType = agentType; } public DateTime getCreatedDate() { return createdDate; } ///COVERAGE:OFF - generated code ///CHECKSTYLE:OFF AvoidInlineConditionalsCheck|LineLengthCheck|MagicNumberCheck|NeedBracesCheck - generated code @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DiseaseGroup that = (DiseaseGroup) o; if (filterBiasDataByAgentType != that.filterBiasDataByAgentType) return false; if (isPriorityDisease != that.isPriorityDisease) return false; if (maxDaysBetweenModelRuns != that.maxDaysBetweenModelRuns) return false; if (minDataVolume != that.minDataVolume) return false; if (useMachineLearning != that.useMachineLearning) return false; if (abbreviation != null ? !abbreviation.equals(that.abbreviation) : that.abbreviation != null) return false; if (agentType != that.agentType) return false; if (automaticModelRunsStartDate != null ? !automaticModelRunsStartDate.equals(that.automaticModelRunsStartDate) : that.automaticModelRunsStartDate != null) return false; if (createdDate != null ? !createdDate.equals(that.createdDate) : that.createdDate != null) return false; if (diseaseExtentParameters != null ? !diseaseExtentParameters.equals(that.diseaseExtentParameters) : that.diseaseExtentParameters != null) return false; if (groupType != that.groupType) return false; if (highFrequencyThreshold != null ? !highFrequencyThreshold.equals(that.highFrequencyThreshold) : that.highFrequencyThreshold != null) return false; if (id != null ? !id.equals( : != null) return false; if (isGlobal != null ? !isGlobal.equals(that.isGlobal) : that.isGlobal != null) return false; if (lastExtentGenerationDate != null ? !lastExtentGenerationDate.equals(that.lastExtentGenerationDate) : that.lastExtentGenerationDate != null) return false; if (lastModelRunPrepDate != null ? !lastModelRunPrepDate.equals(that.lastModelRunPrepDate) : that.lastModelRunPrepDate != null) return false; if (maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering != null ? !maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering.equals(that.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering) : that.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering != null) return false; if (maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML != null ? !maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML.equals(that.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML) : that.maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML != null) return false; if (minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering != null ? !minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering.equals(that.minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering) : that.minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering != null) return false; if (minDistinctCountries != null ? !minDistinctCountries.equals(that.minDistinctCountries) : that.minDistinctCountries != null) return false; if (minHighFrequencyCountries != null ? !minHighFrequencyCountries.equals(that.minHighFrequencyCountries) : that.minHighFrequencyCountries != null) return false; if (minNewLocationsTrigger != null ? !minNewLocationsTrigger.equals(that.minNewLocationsTrigger) : that.minNewLocationsTrigger != null) return false; if (modelMode != null ? !modelMode.equals(that.modelMode) : that.modelMode != null) return false; if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false; if (occursInAfrica != null ? !occursInAfrica.equals(that.occursInAfrica) : that.occursInAfrica != null) return false; if (parentGroup != null ? !parentGroup.equals(that.parentGroup) : that.parentGroup != null) return false; if (publicName != null ? !publicName.equals(that.publicName) : that.publicName != null) return false; if (shortName != null ? !shortName.equals(that.shortName) : that.shortName != null) return false; if (validatorDiseaseGroup != null ? !validatorDiseaseGroup.equals(that.validatorDiseaseGroup) : that.validatorDiseaseGroup != null) return false; if (weighting != null ? !weighting.equals(that.weighting) : that.weighting != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (parentGroup != null ? parentGroup.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (groupType != null ? groupType.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (publicName != null ? publicName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (shortName != null ? shortName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (abbreviation != null ? abbreviation.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (isGlobal != null ? isGlobal.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (isPriorityDisease ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (validatorDiseaseGroup != null ? validatorDiseaseGroup.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (weighting != null ? weighting.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (modelMode != null ? modelMode.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + maxDaysBetweenModelRuns; result = 31 * result + (lastExtentGenerationDate != null ? lastExtentGenerationDate.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (lastModelRunPrepDate != null ? lastModelRunPrepDate.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (automaticModelRunsStartDate != null ? automaticModelRunsStartDate.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (minNewLocationsTrigger != null ? minNewLocationsTrigger.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering != null ? maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityForTriggering.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering != null ? minDistanceFromDiseaseExtentForTriggering.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + minDataVolume; result = 31 * result + (minDistinctCountries != null ? minDistinctCountries.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (highFrequencyThreshold != null ? highFrequencyThreshold.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (minHighFrequencyCountries != null ? minHighFrequencyCountries.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (occursInAfrica != null ? occursInAfrica.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (diseaseExtentParameters != null ? diseaseExtentParameters.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (useMachineLearning ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML != null ? maxEnvironmentalSuitabilityWithoutML.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (agentType != null ? agentType.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (filterBiasDataByAgentType ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (createdDate != null ? createdDate.hashCode() : 0); return result; } ///CHECKSTYLE:ON ///COVERAGE:ON }