package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; /** * Acquires data from a generic CSV file. * * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ public class CsvDataAcquirer { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CsvDataAcquirer.class); private static final String CONVERTING_TO_UTF8_MESSAGE = "Detected character set %s, converting to UTF-8."; private static final String INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "CSV file has invalid format: %s."; private static final String LINE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Error in CSV file on line %d: %s."; private static final String CONVERSION_MESSAGE = "Found %d CSV file line(s) to convert."; private static final String SAVED_MESSAGE = "Saved %d disease occurrence(s) in %d location(s) (of which %d location(s) passed QC)."; private static final String SAVED_NO_OCCURRENCES_MESSAGE = "Did not save any disease occurrences."; private final CsvDiseaseOccurrenceConverter converter; private final DiseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer diseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer; private final CsvLookupData csvLookupData; private final ManualValidationEnforcer manualValidationEnforcer; public CsvDataAcquirer(CsvDiseaseOccurrenceConverter converter, DiseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer diseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer, CsvLookupData csvLookupData, ManualValidationEnforcer manualValidationEnforcer) { this.converter = converter; this.diseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer = diseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer; this.csvLookupData = csvLookupData; this.manualValidationEnforcer = manualValidationEnforcer; } /** * Acquires data from a generic CSV file. * @param csv The content of the CSV file. * @param isBias Whether or not this is a "bias" data set. * @param isGoldStandard Whether or not this is a "gold standard" data set (only relevant for non-bias data sets). * @param biasDisease The ID of the disease for which this is a bias data set (only relevant for bias data sets). * @return A list of messages resulting from the data acquisition. */ public List<String> acquireDataFromCsv( byte[] csv, boolean isBias, boolean isGoldStandard, DiseaseGroup biasDisease) { List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>(); List<CsvDiseaseOccurrence> csvDiseaseOccurrences = retrieveDataFromCsv(csv, messages); if (csvDiseaseOccurrences != null) { addConversionMessage(csvDiseaseOccurrences, messages); int initialMessageCount = messages.size(); Set<DiseaseOccurrence> convertedOccurrences = convert(csvDiseaseOccurrences, isBias, isGoldStandard, biasDisease, messages); if (!isBias && !isGoldStandard) { manualValidationEnforcer.addRandomSubsetToManualValidation(convertedOccurrences); } addCountMessage(convertedOccurrences, messages, initialMessageCount); csvLookupData.clearLookups(); } return messages; } private List<CsvDiseaseOccurrence> retrieveDataFromCsv(byte[] csv, List<String> messages) { try { String convertedCsv = convertToUTF8IfNecessary(csv, messages); return CsvDiseaseOccurrence.readFromCsv(convertedCsv); } catch (Exception e) { String message = String.format(INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR_MESSAGE, e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error(message, e); messages.add(message); return null; } } private String convertToUTF8IfNecessary(byte[] input, List<String> messages) { byte[] convertedInput; Charset fromCharset = CharacterSetUtils.detectCharacterSet(input); if (fromCharset != null && !fromCharset.equals(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { // We have detected that the input is not UTF-8, so convert it to UTF-8 String message = String.format(CONVERTING_TO_UTF8_MESSAGE,;; messages.add(message); convertedInput = CharacterSetUtils.convertToCharacterSet(input, fromCharset, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { convertedInput = input; } return new String(convertedInput, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private Set<DiseaseOccurrence> convert(List<CsvDiseaseOccurrence> csvDiseaseOccurrences, boolean isBias, boolean isGoldStandard, DiseaseGroup biasDisease, List<String> messages) { Set<DiseaseOccurrence> convertedOccurrences = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < csvDiseaseOccurrences.size(); i++) { CsvDiseaseOccurrence csvDiseaseOccurrence = csvDiseaseOccurrences.get(i); try { // Convert the CSV disease occurrence into an ABRAID disease occurrence DiseaseOccurrence occurrence = converter.convert(csvDiseaseOccurrence, isGoldStandard); if (isBias) { occurrence.setBiasDisease(biasDisease); } // Now acquire the ABRAID disease occurrence if (diseaseOccurrenceDataAcquirer.acquire(occurrence)) { convertedOccurrences.add(occurrence); } } catch (DataAcquisitionException e) { // This CSV disease occurrence could not be acquired. So add the exception message to the list of // messages that will be returned. The CSV line number includes the header row. String message = String.format(LINE_ERROR_MESSAGE, i + 2, e.getMessage()); LOGGER.warn(message); messages.add(message); } } return convertedOccurrences; } private void addConversionMessage(List<CsvDiseaseOccurrence> csvDiseaseOccurrences, List<String> messages) { String message = String.format(CONVERSION_MESSAGE, csvDiseaseOccurrences.size());; messages.add(message); } private void addCountMessage(Set<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences, List<String> messages, int initialMessageCount) { Set<Location> uniqueLocations = findUniqueLocations(occurrences); List<Location> locationsPassingQc = findLocationsPassingQc(uniqueLocations); String message; if (occurrences.size() > 0) { message = String.format(SAVED_MESSAGE, occurrences.size(), uniqueLocations.size(), locationsPassingQc.size()); } else { message = SAVED_NO_OCCURRENCES_MESSAGE; }; // Use initialMessageCount to ensure that the count message comes immediately after the initial messages messages.add(initialMessageCount, message); } private Set<Location> findUniqueLocations(Set<DiseaseOccurrence> occurrences) { return new HashSet<>(extract(occurrences, on(DiseaseOccurrence.class).getLocation())); } private List<Location> findLocationsPassingQc(Set<Location> locations) { return select(locations, having(on(Location.class).hasPassedQc(), IsEqual.equalTo(true))); } }