package; /** * Describes how precise a location is. * * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ public enum LocationPrecision { /** * The location is the centroid of a country (also known as "admin 0"). */ COUNTRY("c", null, 0), /** * The location is the centroid of a first-level administrative unit (e.g. state, province). */ ADMIN1("l", '1', 1), /** * The location is the centroid of a second-level administrative unit. */ ADMIN2(null, '2', 2), /** * The location is a point, or the centroid of an area, that is equal to or smaller than "admin 3" level * (for that area). */ PRECISE("p", null, -999); /** * The location precision string used by HealthMap (where it is called "place basic type"). */ private String healthMapPlaceBasicType; /** * The administrative level as specified in the shapefile tables (e.g. admin_unit). */ private Character shapefileTableAdminLevel; /** * The value to be sent to the model, to be used in the model run. */ private Integer modelValue; private LocationPrecision(String healthMapPlaceBasicType, Character shapefileTableAdminLevel, Integer modelValue) { this.healthMapPlaceBasicType = healthMapPlaceBasicType; this.shapefileTableAdminLevel = shapefileTableAdminLevel; this.modelValue = modelValue; } public String getHealthMapPlaceBasicType() { return healthMapPlaceBasicType; } public char getShapefileTableAdminLevel() { return shapefileTableAdminLevel; } public Integer getModelValue() { return modelValue; } /** * Finds the location precision that has the specified HealthMap place basic type. * @param healthMapPlaceBasicType The HealthMap place basic type. * @return The first matching location precision, or null if not found. */ public static LocationPrecision findByHealthMapPlaceBasicType(String healthMapPlaceBasicType) { for (LocationPrecision precision : values()) { String placeBasicType = precision.getHealthMapPlaceBasicType(); if (placeBasicType != null && placeBasicType.equals(healthMapPlaceBasicType)) { return precision; } } return null; } }