package cc.mallet.util.tests; import*; import junit.framework.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: pereira * Date: Jun 19, 2005 * Time: 2:36:10 PM * Test A* search. */ public class TestAStar extends TestCase { private class State implements AStarState { private double to; private State next[]; private double cost[]; private int id; private boolean sink; private State(int id, int numEdges, double to, boolean sink) { = id; next = new State[numEdges]; cost = new double[numEdges]; = to; this.sink = sink; } public boolean isFinal() { return sink; } public double completionCost() { return to; } private class NextStates extends SearchState.NextStateIterator { private int i; private NextStates() { i = 0; } public boolean hasNext() { return i < next.length; } public SearchState nextState() { return next[i++]; } public double cost() { return cost[i-1]; } } public SearchState.NextStateIterator getNextStates() { return new NextStates(); } public String toString() { return "node " + id; } } public TestAStar(String name) { super(name); } public void testSmall() { State node5 = new State(5, 0, 0, true); State node6 = new State(6, 0, 0, true); State node2 = new State(2, 1, 6, false);[0] = node5; node2.cost[0] = 6; State node3 = new State(3, 2, 2, false);[0] = node5; node3.cost[0] = 4;[1] = node6; node3.cost[1] = 2; State node4 = new State(4, 1, 6, false);[0] = node6; node4.cost[0] = 6; State node0 = new State(0, 2, 4, false);[0] = node2; node0.cost[0] = 2;[1] = node3; node0.cost[1] = 2; State node1 = new State(1, 2, 3, false);[0] = node3; node1.cost[0] = 1;[1] = node4; node1.cost[1] = 1; State[][] paths = new State[6][]; double[] costs = new double[6]; paths[0] = new State[] { node6, node3, node1 }; costs[0] = 3; paths[1] = new State[] { node6, node3, node0 }; costs[1] = 4; paths[2] = new State[] { node5, node3, node1 }; costs[2] = 5; paths[3] = new State[] { node5, node3, node0 }; costs[3] = 6; paths[4] = new State[] { node6, node4, node1 }; costs[4] = 7; paths[5] = new State[] { node5, node2, node0 }; costs[5] = 8; AStar s = new AStar(new State[] {node0, node1}, 7); int i = 0; while (s.hasNext()) { assertTrue("number of answers > " + i, i < 6); SearchNode n = s.nextAnswer(); assertEquals("costs[" + i + "] != " + n.getPriority(), costs[i], n.getPriority(), 1e-5); int j = 0; while (n != null) { assertTrue("path length > " + j, j < 3); assertTrue("path[" + i + "][" + j + "] != " + n, paths[i][j] == n.getState()); j++; n = (SearchNode)n.getParent(); } assertTrue("path length != " + j, j == 3); i++; } assertTrue("number of answers != " + i, i == 6); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(TestAStar.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } }