package cc.mallet.topics; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import*; import cc.mallet.types.*; import cc.mallet.util.Randoms; import gnu.trove.*; public class HierarchicalLDA { InstanceList instances; InstanceList testing; NCRPNode rootNode, node; int numLevels; int numDocuments; int numTypes; double alpha; // smoothing on topic distributions double gamma; // "imaginary" customers at the next, as yet unused table double eta; // smoothing on word distributions double etaSum; int[][] levels; // indexed < doc, token > NCRPNode[] documentLeaves; // currently selected path (ie leaf node) through the NCRP tree int totalNodes = 0; String stateFile = "hlda.state"; Randoms random; boolean showProgress = true; int displayTopicsInterval = 50; int numWordsToDisplay = 10; public HierarchicalLDA () { alpha = 10.0; gamma = 1.0; eta = 0.1; } public void setAlpha(double alpha) { this.alpha = alpha; } public void setGamma(double gamma) { this.gamma = gamma; } public void setEta(double eta) { this.eta = eta; } public void setStateFile(String stateFile) { this.stateFile = stateFile; } public void setTopicDisplay(int interval, int words) { displayTopicsInterval = interval; numWordsToDisplay = words; } /** * This parameter determines whether the sampler outputs * shows progress by outputting a character after every iteration. */ public void setProgressDisplay(boolean showProgress) { this.showProgress = showProgress; } public void initialize(InstanceList instances, InstanceList testing, int numLevels, Randoms random) { this.instances = instances; this.testing = testing; this.numLevels = numLevels; this.random = random; if (! (instances.get(0).getData() instanceof FeatureSequence)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input must be a FeatureSequence, using the --feature-sequence option when impoting data, for example"); } numDocuments = instances.size(); numTypes = instances.getDataAlphabet().size(); etaSum = eta * numTypes; // Initialize a single path NCRPNode[] path = new NCRPNode[numLevels]; rootNode = new NCRPNode(numTypes); levels = new int[numDocuments][]; documentLeaves = new NCRPNode[numDocuments]; // Initialize and fill the topic pointer arrays for // every document. Set everything to the single path that // we added earlier. for (int doc=0; doc < numDocuments; doc++) { FeatureSequence fs = (FeatureSequence) instances.get(doc).getData(); int seqLen = fs.getLength(); path[0] = rootNode; rootNode.customers++; for (int level = 1; level < numLevels; level++) { path[level] = path[level-1].select(); path[level].customers++; } node = path[numLevels - 1]; levels[doc] = new int[seqLen]; documentLeaves[doc] = node; for (int token=0; token < seqLen; token++) { int type = fs.getIndexAtPosition(token); levels[doc][token] = random.nextInt(numLevels); node = path[ levels[doc][token] ]; node.totalTokens++; node.typeCounts[type]++; } } } public void estimate(int numIterations) { for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= numIterations; iteration++) { for (int doc=0; doc < numDocuments; doc++) { samplePath(doc, iteration); } for (int doc=0; doc < numDocuments; doc++) { sampleTopics(doc); } if (showProgress) { System.out.print("."); if (iteration % 50 == 0) { System.out.println(" " + iteration); } } if (iteration % displayTopicsInterval == 0) { printNodes(); } } } public void samplePath(int doc, int iteration) { NCRPNode[] path = new NCRPNode[numLevels]; NCRPNode node; int level, token, type, topicCount; double weight; node = documentLeaves[doc]; for (level = numLevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) { path[level] = node; node = node.parent; } documentLeaves[doc].dropPath(); TObjectDoubleHashMap<NCRPNode> nodeWeights = new TObjectDoubleHashMap<NCRPNode>(); // Calculate p(c_m | c_{-m}) calculateNCRP(nodeWeights, rootNode, 0.0); // Add weights for p(w_m | c, w_{-m}, z) // The path may have no further customers and therefore // be unavailable, but it should still exist since we haven't // reset documentLeaves[doc] yet... TIntIntHashMap[] typeCounts = new TIntIntHashMap[numLevels]; int[] docLevels; for (level = 0; level < numLevels; level++) { typeCounts[level] = new TIntIntHashMap(); } docLevels = levels[doc]; FeatureSequence fs = (FeatureSequence) instances.get(doc).getData(); // Save the counts of every word at each level, and remove // counts from the current path for (token = 0; token < docLevels.length; token++) { level = docLevels[token]; type = fs.getIndexAtPosition(token); if (! typeCounts[level].containsKey(type)) { typeCounts[level].put(type, 1); } else { typeCounts[level].increment(type); } path[level].typeCounts[type]--; assert(path[level].typeCounts[type] >= 0); path[level].totalTokens--; assert(path[level].totalTokens >= 0); } // Calculate the weight for a new path at a given level. double[] newTopicWeights = new double[numLevels]; for (level = 1; level < numLevels; level++) { // Skip the root... int[] types = typeCounts[level].keys(); int totalTokens = 0; for (int t: types) { for (int i=0; i<typeCounts[level].get(t); i++) { newTopicWeights[level] += Math.log((eta + i) / (etaSum + totalTokens)); totalTokens++; } } //if (iteration > 1) { System.out.println(newTopicWeights[level]); } } calculateWordLikelihood(nodeWeights, rootNode, 0.0, typeCounts, newTopicWeights, 0, iteration); NCRPNode[] nodes = nodeWeights.keys(new NCRPNode[] {}); double[] weights = new double[nodes.length]; double sum = 0.0; double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // To avoid underflow, we're using log weights and normalizing the node weights so that // the largest weight is always 1. for (int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { if (nodeWeights.get(nodes[i]) > max) { max = nodeWeights.get(nodes[i]); } } for (int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { weights[i] = Math.exp(nodeWeights.get(nodes[i]) - max); /* if (iteration > 1) { if (nodes[i] == documentLeaves[doc]) { System.out.print("* "); } System.out.println(((NCRPNode) nodes[i]).level + "\t" + weights[i] + "\t" + nodeWeights.get(nodes[i])); } */ sum += weights[i]; } //if (iteration > 1) {System.out.println();} node = nodes[ random.nextDiscrete(weights, sum) ]; // If we have picked an internal node, we need to // add a new path. if (! node.isLeaf()) { node = node.getNewLeaf(); } node.addPath(); documentLeaves[doc] = node; for (level = numLevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) { int[] types = typeCounts[level].keys(); for (int t: types) { node.typeCounts[t] += typeCounts[level].get(t); node.totalTokens += typeCounts[level].get(t); } node = node.parent; } } public void calculateNCRP(TObjectDoubleHashMap<NCRPNode> nodeWeights, NCRPNode node, double weight) { for (NCRPNode child: node.children) { calculateNCRP(nodeWeights, child, weight + Math.log((double) child.customers / (node.customers + gamma))); } nodeWeights.put(node, weight + Math.log(gamma / (node.customers + gamma))); } public void calculateWordLikelihood(TObjectDoubleHashMap<NCRPNode> nodeWeights, NCRPNode node, double weight, TIntIntHashMap[] typeCounts, double[] newTopicWeights, int level, int iteration) { // First calculate the likelihood of the words at this level, given // this topic. double nodeWeight = 0.0; int[] types = typeCounts[level].keys(); int totalTokens = 0; //if (iteration > 1) { System.out.println(level + " " + nodeWeight); } for (int type: types) { for (int i=0; i<typeCounts[level].get(type); i++) { nodeWeight += Math.log((eta + node.typeCounts[type] + i) / (etaSum + node.totalTokens + totalTokens)); totalTokens++; /* if (iteration > 1) { System.out.println("(" +eta + " + " + node.typeCounts[type] + " + " + i + ") /" + "(" + etaSum + " + " + node.totalTokens + " + " + totalTokens + ")" + " : " + nodeWeight); } */ } } //if (iteration > 1) { System.out.println(level + " " + nodeWeight); } // Propagate that weight to the child nodes for (NCRPNode child: node.children) { calculateWordLikelihood(nodeWeights, child, weight + nodeWeight, typeCounts, newTopicWeights, level + 1, iteration); } // Finally, if this is an internal node, add the weight of // a new path level++; while (level < numLevels) { nodeWeight += newTopicWeights[level]; level++; } nodeWeights.adjustValue(node, nodeWeight); } /** Propagate a topic weight to a node and all its children. weight is assumed to be a log. */ public void propagateTopicWeight(TObjectDoubleHashMap<NCRPNode> nodeWeights, NCRPNode node, double weight) { if (! nodeWeights.containsKey(node)) { // calculating the NCRP prior proceeds from the // root down (ie following child links), // but adding the word-topic weights comes from // the bottom up, following parent links and then // child links. It's possible that the leaf node may have // been removed just prior to this round, so the current // node may not have an NCRP weight. If so, it's not // going to be sampled anyway, so ditch it. return; } for (NCRPNode child: node.children) { propagateTopicWeight(nodeWeights, child, weight); } nodeWeights.adjustValue(node, weight); } public void sampleTopics(int doc) { FeatureSequence fs = (FeatureSequence) instances.get(doc).getData(); int seqLen = fs.getLength(); int[] docLevels = levels[doc]; NCRPNode[] path = new NCRPNode[numLevels]; NCRPNode node; int[] levelCounts = new int[numLevels]; int type, token, level; double sum; // Get the leaf node = documentLeaves[doc]; for (level = numLevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) { path[level] = node; node = node.parent; } double[] levelWeights = new double[numLevels]; // Initialize level counts for (token = 0; token < seqLen; token++) { levelCounts[ docLevels[token] ]++; } for (token = 0; token < seqLen; token++) { type = fs.getIndexAtPosition(token); levelCounts[ docLevels[token] ]--; node = path[ docLevels[token] ]; node.typeCounts[type]--; node.totalTokens--; sum = 0.0; for (level=0; level < numLevels; level++) { levelWeights[level] = (alpha + levelCounts[level]) * (eta + path[level].typeCounts[type]) / (etaSum + path[level].totalTokens); sum += levelWeights[level]; } level = random.nextDiscrete(levelWeights, sum); docLevels[token] = level; levelCounts[ docLevels[token] ]++; node = path[ level ]; node.typeCounts[type]++; node.totalTokens++; } } /** * Writes the current sampling state to the file specified in <code>stateFile</code>. */ public void printState() throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { printState(new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(stateFile)))); } /** * Write a text file describing the current sampling state. */ public void printState(PrintWriter out) throws IOException { int doc = 0; Alphabet alphabet = instances.getDataAlphabet(); for (Instance instance: instances) { FeatureSequence fs = (FeatureSequence) instance.getData(); int seqLen = fs.getLength(); int[] docLevels = levels[doc]; NCRPNode node; int type, token, level; StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); // Start with the leaf, and build a string describing the path for this doc node = documentLeaves[doc]; for (level = numLevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) { path.append(node.nodeID + " "); node = node.parent; } for (token = 0; token < seqLen; token++) { type = fs.getIndexAtPosition(token); level = docLevels[token]; // The "" just tells java we're not trying to add a string and an int out.println(path + "" + type + " " + alphabet.lookupObject(type) + " " + level + " "); } doc++; } } public void printNodes() { printNode(rootNode, 0); } public void printNode(NCRPNode node, int indent) { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) { out.append(" "); } out.append(node.totalTokens + "/" + node.customers + " "); out.append(node.getTopWords(numWordsToDisplay)); System.out.println(out); for (NCRPNode child: node.children) { printNode(child, indent + 1); } } /** For use with empirical likelihood evaluation: * sample a path through the tree, then sample a multinomial over * topics in that path, then return a weighted sum of words. */ public double empiricalLikelihood(int numSamples, InstanceList testing) { NCRPNode[] path = new NCRPNode[numLevels]; NCRPNode node; double weight; path[0] = rootNode; FeatureSequence fs; int sample, level, type, token, doc, seqLen; Dirichlet dirichlet = new Dirichlet(numLevels, alpha); double[] levelWeights; double[] multinomial = new double[numTypes]; double[][] likelihoods = new double[ testing.size() ][ numSamples ]; for (sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) { Arrays.fill(multinomial, 0.0); for (level = 1; level < numLevels; level++) { path[level] = path[level-1].selectExisting(); } levelWeights = dirichlet.nextDistribution(); for (type = 0; type < numTypes; type++) { for (level = 0; level < numLevels; level++) { node = path[level]; multinomial[type] += levelWeights[level] * (eta + node.typeCounts[type]) / (etaSum + node.totalTokens); } } for (type = 0; type < numTypes; type++) { multinomial[type] = Math.log(multinomial[type]); } for (doc=0; doc<testing.size(); doc++) { fs = (FeatureSequence) testing.get(doc).getData(); seqLen = fs.getLength(); for (token = 0; token < seqLen; token++) { type = fs.getIndexAtPosition(token); likelihoods[doc][sample] += multinomial[type]; } } } double averageLogLikelihood = 0.0; double logNumSamples = Math.log(numSamples); for (doc=0; doc<testing.size(); doc++) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) { if (likelihoods[doc][sample] > max) { max = likelihoods[doc][sample]; } } double sum = 0.0; for (sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) { sum += Math.exp(likelihoods[doc][sample] - max); } averageLogLikelihood += Math.log(sum) + max - logNumSamples; } return averageLogLikelihood; } /** * This method is primarily for testing purposes. The {@link} * class has a more flexible interface for command-line use. */ public static void main (String[] args) { try { InstanceList instances = InstanceList.load(new File(args[0])); InstanceList testing = InstanceList.load(new File(args[1])); HierarchicalLDA sampler = new HierarchicalLDA(); sampler.initialize(instances, testing, 5, new Randoms()); sampler.estimate(250); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } class NCRPNode { int customers; ArrayList<NCRPNode> children; NCRPNode parent; int level; int totalTokens; int[] typeCounts; public int nodeID; public NCRPNode(NCRPNode parent, int dimensions, int level) { customers = 0; this.parent = parent; children = new ArrayList<NCRPNode>(); this.level = level; //System.out.println("new node at level " + level); totalTokens = 0; typeCounts = new int[dimensions]; nodeID = totalNodes; totalNodes++; } public NCRPNode(int dimensions) { this(null, dimensions, 0); } public NCRPNode addChild() { NCRPNode node = new NCRPNode(this, typeCounts.length, level + 1); children.add(node); return node; } public boolean isLeaf() { return level == numLevels - 1; } public NCRPNode getNewLeaf() { NCRPNode node = this; for (int l=level; l<numLevels - 1; l++) { node = node.addChild(); } return node; } public void dropPath() { NCRPNode node = this; node.customers--; if (node.customers == 0) { node.parent.remove(node); } for (int l = 1; l < numLevels; l++) { node = node.parent; node.customers--; if (node.customers == 0) { node.parent.remove(node); } } } public void remove(NCRPNode node) { children.remove(node); } public void addPath() { NCRPNode node = this; node.customers++; for (int l = 1; l < numLevels; l++) { node = node.parent; node.customers++; } } public NCRPNode selectExisting() { double[] weights = new double[children.size()]; int i = 0; for (NCRPNode child: children) { weights[i] = (double) child.customers / (gamma + customers); i++; } int choice = random.nextDiscrete(weights); return children.get(choice); } public NCRPNode select() { double[] weights = new double[children.size() + 1]; weights[0] = gamma / (gamma + customers); int i = 1; for (NCRPNode child: children) { weights[i] = (double) child.customers / (gamma + customers); i++; } int choice = random.nextDiscrete(weights); if (choice == 0) { return(addChild()); } else { return children.get(choice - 1); } } public String getTopWords(int numWords) { IDSorter[] sortedTypes = new IDSorter[numTypes]; for (int type=0; type < numTypes; type++) { sortedTypes[type] = new IDSorter(type, typeCounts[type]); } Arrays.sort(sortedTypes); Alphabet alphabet = instances.getDataAlphabet(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { out.append(alphabet.lookupObject(sortedTypes[i].getID()) + " "); } return out.toString(); } } }