/* Copyright (C) 2005 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept. This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit). http://www.cs.umass.edu/~mccallum/mallet This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License, version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */ package cc.mallet.topics.tui; import cc.mallet.util.CommandOption; import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger; import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList; import cc.mallet.types.FeatureSequence; import cc.mallet.topics.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.io.*; /** Create a simple LDA topic model, with some reporting options. */ public class TopicTrainer { // Input options static CommandOption.String inputFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "input", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename from which to read the list of training instances. Use - for stdin. " + "The instances must be FeatureSequence or FeatureSequenceWithBigrams, not FeatureVector", null); static CommandOption.String inputModelFilename = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "input-model", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename from which to read the binary topic model. The --input option is ignored. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be read.", null); static CommandOption.String inputStateFilename = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "input-state", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename from which to read the gzipped Gibbs sampling state created by --output-state. " + "The original input file must be included, using --input. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be read.", null); // Model output options static CommandOption.String outputModelFilename = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "output-model", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the binary topic model at the end of the iterations. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String stateFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "output-state", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the Gibbs sampling state after at the end of the iterations. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.Integer outputModelInterval = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "output-model-interval", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The number of iterations between writing the model (and its Gibbs sampling state) to a binary file. " + "You must also set the --output-model to use this option, whose argument will be the prefix of the filenames.", null); static CommandOption.Integer outputStateInterval = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "output-state-interval", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The number of iterations between writing the sampling state to a text file. " + "You must also set the --output-state to use this option, whose argument will be the prefix of the filenames.", null); // Tools static CommandOption.String inferencerFilename = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "inferencer-filename", "FILENAME", true, null, "A topic inferencer applies a previously trained topic model to new documents. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String evaluatorFilename = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "evaluator-filename", "FILENAME", true, null, "A held-out likelihood evaluator for new documents. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); // Reports static CommandOption.String topicKeysFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "output-topic-keys", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the top words for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.Integer topWords = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "num-top-words", "INTEGER", true, 20, "The number of most probable words to print for each topic after model estimation.", null); static CommandOption.Integer showTopicsInterval = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "show-topics-interval", "INTEGER", true, 50, "The number of iterations between printing a brief summary of the topics so far.", null); static CommandOption.String topicWordWeightsFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "topic-word-weights-file", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write unnormalized weights for every topic and word type. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String wordTopicCountsFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "word-topic-counts-file", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write a sparse representation of topic-word assignments. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String diagnosticsFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "diagnostics-file", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write measures of topic quality, in XML format. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String topicReportXMLFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "xml-topic-report", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the top words for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters in XML format. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String topicPhraseReportXMLFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "xml-topic-phrase-report", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the top words and phrases for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters in XML format. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String docTopicsFile = new CommandOption.String (TopicTrainer.class, "output-doc-topics", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the topic proportions per document, at the end of the iterations. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.Double docTopicsThreshold = new CommandOption.Double (TopicTrainer.class, "doc-topics-threshold", "DECIMAL", true, 0.0, "When writing topic proportions per document with --output-doc-topics, " + "do not print topics with proportions less than this threshold value.", null); static CommandOption.Integer docTopicsMax = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "doc-topics-max", "INTEGER", true, -1, "When writing topic proportions per document with --output-doc-topics, " + "do not print more than INTEGER number of topics. "+ "A negative value indicates that all topics should be printed.", null); // Model parameters static CommandOption.Integer numTopics = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "num-topics", "INTEGER", true, 10, "The number of topics to fit.", null); static CommandOption.Integer numThreads = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "num-threads", "INTEGER", true, 1, "The number of threads for parallel training.", null); static CommandOption.Integer numIterations = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "num-iterations", "INTEGER", true, 1000, "The number of iterations of Gibbs sampling.", null); static CommandOption.Boolean noInference = new CommandOption.Boolean (TopicTrainer.class, "no-inference", "true|false", false, false, "Do not perform inference, just load a saved model and create a report. Equivalent to --num-iterations 0.", null); static CommandOption.Integer randomSeed = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "random-seed", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The random seed for the Gibbs sampler. Default is 0, which will use the clock.", null); // Hyperparameters and hyperparameter optimization static CommandOption.Integer optimizeInterval = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "optimize-interval", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The number of iterations between reestimating dirichlet hyperparameters.", null); static CommandOption.Integer optimizeBurnIn = new CommandOption.Integer (TopicTrainer.class, "optimize-burn-in", "INTEGER", true, 200, "The number of iterations to run before first estimating dirichlet hyperparameters.", null); static CommandOption.Boolean useSymmetricAlpha = new CommandOption.Boolean (TopicTrainer.class, "use-symmetric-alpha", "true|false", false, false, "Only optimize the concentration parameter of the prior over document-topic distributions. This may reduce the number of very small, poorly estimated topics, but may disperse common words over several topics.", null); static CommandOption.Double alpha = new CommandOption.Double (TopicTrainer.class, "alpha", "DECIMAL", true, 50.0, "Alpha parameter: smoothing over topic distribution.",null); static CommandOption.Double beta = new CommandOption.Double (TopicTrainer.class, "beta", "DECIMAL", true, 0.01, "Beta parameter: smoothing over unigram distribution.",null); private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(TopicTrainer.class.getName()); public static void main (String[] args) throws java.io.IOException { // Process the command-line options CommandOption.setSummary (TopicTrainer.class, "A tool for estimating, saving and printing diagnostics for topic models, such as LDA."); try { CommandOption.process (TopicTrainer.class, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.warning(""); logger.warning(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } ParallelTopicModel topicModel = null; if (inputModelFilename.value != null) { if (inputFile.value != null) { logger.warning("The --input option is not compatible with --input-model."); } if (inputStateFilename.value != null) { logger.warning("The --input-state option is not compatible with --input-model."); } try { topicModel = ParallelTopicModel.read(new File(inputModelFilename.value)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Unable to restore saved topic model " + inputModelFilename.value + ": " + e); System.exit(1); } } else { InstanceList training = InstanceList.load (new File(inputFile.value)); logger.info("Data loaded."); if (training.size() > 0 && training.get(0) != null) { Object data = training.get(0).getData(); if (! (data instanceof FeatureSequence)) { logger.warning("Topic modeling currently only supports feature sequences: use --keep-sequence option when importing data."); System.exit(1); } } topicModel = new ParallelTopicModel (numTopics.value, alpha.value, beta.value); if (randomSeed.value != 0) { topicModel.setRandomSeed(randomSeed.value); } topicModel.addInstances(training); if (inputStateFilename.value != null) { logger.info("Initializing from saved state."); topicModel.initializeFromState(new File(inputStateFilename.value)); } } topicModel.setTopicDisplay(showTopicsInterval.value, topWords.value); topicModel.setNumIterations(numIterations.value); topicModel.setOptimizeInterval(optimizeInterval.value); topicModel.setBurninPeriod(optimizeBurnIn.value); topicModel.setSymmetricAlpha(useSymmetricAlpha.value); if (outputStateInterval.value != 0) { topicModel.setSaveState(outputStateInterval.value, stateFile.value); } if (outputModelInterval.value != 0) { topicModel.setSaveSerializedModel(outputModelInterval.value, outputModelFilename.value); } topicModel.setNumThreads(numThreads.value); if (! noInference.value()) { topicModel.estimate(); } if (topicKeysFile.value != null) { topicModel.printTopWords(new File(topicKeysFile.value), topWords.value, false); } if (diagnosticsFile.value != null) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(diagnosticsFile.value); TopicModelDiagnostics diagnostics = new TopicModelDiagnostics(topicModel, topWords.value); out.println(diagnostics.toXML()); out.close(); } if (topicReportXMLFile.value != null) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(topicReportXMLFile.value); topicModel.topicXMLReport(out, topWords.value); out.close(); } if (topicPhraseReportXMLFile.value != null) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(topicPhraseReportXMLFile.value); topicModel.topicPhraseXMLReport(out, topWords.value); out.close(); } if (stateFile.value != null && outputStateInterval.value == 0) { topicModel.printState (new File(stateFile.value)); } if (docTopicsFile.value != null) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter ((new File(docTopicsFile.value)))); topicModel.printDocumentTopics(out, docTopicsThreshold.value, docTopicsMax.value); out.close(); } if (topicWordWeightsFile.value != null) { topicModel.printTopicWordWeights(new File (topicWordWeightsFile.value)); } if (wordTopicCountsFile.value != null) { topicModel.printTypeTopicCounts(new File (wordTopicCountsFile.value)); } if (outputModelFilename.value != null) { assert (topicModel != null); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outputModelFilename.value)); oos.writeObject (topicModel); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Couldn't write topic model to filename " + outputModelFilename.value); } } if (inferencerFilename.value != null) { try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(inferencerFilename.value)); oos.writeObject(topicModel.getInferencer()); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Couldn't create inferencer: " + e.getMessage()); } } if (evaluatorFilename.value != null) { try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(evaluatorFilename.value)); oos.writeObject(topicModel.getProbEstimator()); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Couldn't create evaluator: " + e.getMessage()); } } } }