package cc.mallet.fst; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable; import cc.mallet.types.FeatureSequence; import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVectorSequence; import cc.mallet.types.Instance; import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList; import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps; import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger; /** * Implements label likelihood gradient computations for batches of data, can be * easily parallelized. <p> * * The gradient computations are the same as that of * <tt>CRFOptimizableByLabelLikelihood</tt>. <p> * * *Note*: Expectations corresponding to each batch of data can be computed in * parallel. During gradient computation, the prior and the constraints are * incorporated into the expectations of the last batch (see * <tt>getBatchValue, getBatchValueGradient</tt>). * * *Note*: This implementation ignores instances with infinite weights (see * <tt>getExpectationValue</tt>). * * @author Gaurav Chandalia */ public class CRFOptimizableByBatchLabelLikelihood implements Optimizable.ByCombiningBatchGradient, Serializable { private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(CRFOptimizableByBatchLabelLikelihood.class.getName()); static final double DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE = 1.0; static final double DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SLOPE = 0.2; static final double DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SHARPNESS = 10.0; protected CRF crf; protected InstanceList trainingSet; // number of batches of training set protected int numBatches; // batch specific expectations protected List<CRF.Factors> expectations; // constraints over whole training set protected CRF.Factors constraints; // value and gradient for each batch, to avoid sharing protected double[] cachedValue; protected List<double[]> cachedGradient; boolean usingHyperbolicPrior = false; double gaussianPriorVariance = DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE; double hyperbolicPriorSlope = DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SLOPE; double hyperbolicPriorSharpness = DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SHARPNESS; public CRFOptimizableByBatchLabelLikelihood(CRF crf, InstanceList ilist, int numBatches) { // set up this.crf = crf; this.trainingSet = ilist; this.numBatches = numBatches; cachedValue = new double[this.numBatches]; cachedGradient = new ArrayList<double[]>(this.numBatches); expectations = new ArrayList<CRF.Factors>(this.numBatches); int numFactors = crf.parameters.getNumFactors(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numBatches; ++i) { cachedGradient.add(new double[numFactors]); expectations.add(new CRF.Factors(crf.parameters)); } constraints = new CRF.Factors(crf.parameters); gatherConstraints(ilist); } /** * Set the constraints by running forward-backward with the <i>output label * sequence provided</i>, thus restricting it to only those paths that agree with * the label sequence. */ protected void gatherConstraints(InstanceList ilist) {"Gathering constraints..."); assert (constraints.structureMatches(crf.parameters));; for (Instance instance : ilist) { FeatureVectorSequence input = (FeatureVectorSequence) instance.getData(); FeatureSequence output = (FeatureSequence) instance.getTarget(); double instanceWeight = ilist.getInstanceWeight(instance); Transducer.Incrementor incrementor = instanceWeight == 1.0 ? Incrementor() : WeightedIncrementor(instanceWeight); new SumLatticeDefault (this.crf, input, output, incrementor); } constraints.assertNotNaNOrInfinite(); } /** * Computes log probability of a batch of training data, fill in corresponding * expectations as well */ protected double getExpectationValue(int batchIndex, int[] batchAssignments) { // Reset expectations to zero before we fill them again CRF.Factors batchExpectations = expectations.get(batchIndex);; // count the number of instances that have infinite weight int numInfLabeledWeight = 0; int numInfUnlabeledWeight = 0; int numInfWeight = 0; double value = 0; double unlabeledWeight, labeledWeight, weight; for (int ii = batchAssignments[0]; ii < batchAssignments[1]; ii++) { Instance instance = trainingSet.get(ii); double instanceWeight = trainingSet.getInstanceWeight(instance); FeatureVectorSequence input = (FeatureVectorSequence) instance.getData(); FeatureSequence output = (FeatureSequence) instance.getTarget(); labeledWeight = new SumLatticeDefault (this.crf, input, output, null).getTotalWeight(); if (Double.isInfinite (labeledWeight)) { ++numInfLabeledWeight; } Transducer.Incrementor incrementor = instanceWeight == 1.0 ? Incrementor() : WeightedIncrementor (instanceWeight); unlabeledWeight = new SumLatticeDefault (this.crf, input, null, incrementor).getTotalWeight(); if (Double.isInfinite (unlabeledWeight)) { ++numInfUnlabeledWeight; } // weight is log(conditional probability correct label sequence) weight = labeledWeight - unlabeledWeight; if (Double.isInfinite(weight)) { ++numInfWeight; } else { // Weights are log probabilities, and we want to return a log probability value += weight * instanceWeight; } } batchExpectations.assertNotNaNOrInfinite(); if (numInfLabeledWeight > 0 || numInfUnlabeledWeight > 0 || numInfWeight > 0) { logger.warning("Batch: " + batchIndex + ", Number of instances with:\n" + "\t -infinite labeled weight: " + numInfLabeledWeight + "\n" + "\t -infinite unlabeled weight: " + numInfUnlabeledWeight + "\n" + "\t -infinite weight: " + numInfWeight); } return value; } /** * Returns the log probability of a batch of training sequence labels and the prior over * parameters, if last batch then incorporate the prior on parameters as well. */ public double getBatchValue(int batchIndex, int[] batchAssignments) { assert(batchIndex < this.numBatches) : "Incorrect batch index: " + batchIndex + ", range(0, " + this.numBatches + ")"; assert(batchAssignments.length == 2 && batchAssignments[0] <= batchAssignments[1]) : "Invalid batch assignments: " + Arrays.toString(batchAssignments); // Get the value of all the true labels for current batch, also filling in expectations double value = getExpectationValue(batchIndex, batchAssignments); if (batchIndex == numBatches-1) { if (usingHyperbolicPrior) // Hyperbolic prior value += crf.parameters.hyberbolicPrior(hyperbolicPriorSlope, hyperbolicPriorSharpness); else // Gaussian prior value += crf.parameters.gaussianPrior(gaussianPriorVariance); } assert(!(Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value))) : "Label likelihood is NaN/Infinite, batchIndex: " + batchIndex + "batchAssignments: " + Arrays.toString(batchAssignments); // update cache cachedValue[batchIndex] = value; return value; } public void getBatchValueGradient(double[] buffer, int batchIndex, int[] batchAssignments) { assert(batchIndex < this.numBatches) : "Incorrect batch index: " + batchIndex + ", range(0, " + this.numBatches + ")"; assert(batchAssignments.length == 2 && batchAssignments[0] <= batchAssignments[1]) : "Invalid batch assignments: " + Arrays.toString(batchAssignments); CRF.Factors batchExpectations = expectations.get(batchIndex); if (batchIndex == numBatches-1) { // crf parameters' check has to be done only once, infinite values are allowed crf.parameters.assertNotNaN(); // factor the constraints and the prior into the expectations of last batch // Gradient = (constraints - expectations + prior) = -(expectations - constraints - prior) // The minus sign is factored in combineGradients method after all gradients are computed batchExpectations.plusEquals(constraints, -1.0); if (usingHyperbolicPrior) batchExpectations.plusEqualsHyperbolicPriorGradient(crf.parameters, -hyperbolicPriorSlope, hyperbolicPriorSharpness); else batchExpectations.plusEqualsGaussianPriorGradient(crf.parameters, -gaussianPriorVariance); batchExpectations.assertNotNaNOrInfinite(); } double[] gradient = cachedGradient.get(batchIndex); // set the cached gradient batchExpectations.getParameters(gradient); System.arraycopy(gradient, 0, buffer, 0, gradient.length); } /** * Adds gradients from all batches. <p> * <b>Note:</b> assumes buffer is already initialized. */ public void combineGradients(Collection<double[]> batchGradients, double[] buffer) { assert(buffer.length == crf.parameters.getNumFactors()) : "Incorrect buffer length: " + buffer.length + ", expected: " + crf.parameters.getNumFactors(); Arrays.fill(buffer, 0); for (double[] gradient : batchGradients) { MatrixOps.plusEquals(buffer, gradient); } // -(...) from getBatchValueGradient MatrixOps.timesEquals(buffer, -1.0); } public int getNumBatches() { return numBatches; } public void setUseHyperbolicPrior (boolean f) { usingHyperbolicPrior = f; } public void setHyperbolicPriorSlope (double p) { hyperbolicPriorSlope = p; } public void setHyperbolicPriorSharpness (double p) { hyperbolicPriorSharpness = p; } public double getUseHyperbolicPriorSlope () { return hyperbolicPriorSlope; } public double getUseHyperbolicPriorSharpness () { return hyperbolicPriorSharpness; } public void setGaussianPriorVariance (double p) { gaussianPriorVariance = p; } public double getGaussianPriorVariance () { return gaussianPriorVariance; } public int getNumParameters () {return crf.parameters.getNumFactors();} public void getParameters (double[] buffer) { crf.parameters.getParameters(buffer); } public double getParameter (int index) { return crf.parameters.getParameter(index); } public void setParameters (double [] buff) { crf.parameters.setParameters(buff); crf.weightsValueChanged(); } public void setParameter (int index, double value) { crf.parameters.setParameter(index, value); crf.weightsValueChanged(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private static final int CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 0; private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeInt (CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION); out.writeObject(trainingSet); out.writeObject(crf); out.writeInt(numBatches); out.writeObject(cachedValue); for (double[] gradient : cachedGradient) out.writeObject(gradient); } private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.readInt (); trainingSet = (InstanceList) in.readObject(); crf = (CRF)in.readObject(); numBatches = in.readInt(); cachedValue = (double[]) in.readObject(); cachedGradient = new ArrayList<double[]>(numBatches); for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; ++i) cachedGradient.set(i, (double[]) in.readObject()); } public static class Factory { public Optimizable.ByCombiningBatchGradient newCRFOptimizable (CRF crf, InstanceList trainingData, int numBatches) { return new CRFOptimizableByBatchLabelLikelihood (crf, trainingData, numBatches); } } }