package cc.mallet.fst; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer.State; import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer.TransitionIterator; import cc.mallet.types.DenseVector; import cc.mallet.types.LabelAlphabet; import cc.mallet.types.LabelVector; import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps; import cc.mallet.types.Sequence; import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger; /** Default, full dynamic programming implementation of the Forward-Backward "Sum-(Product)-Lattice" algorithm */ public class SumLatticeDefault implements SumLattice { private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(SumLatticeDefault.class.getName()); //{logger.setLevel(Level.FINE);} // Static variables acting as default values for the correspondingly-named instance variables. // Can be overridden sort of like named parameters, like this: // SumLattice lattice = new SumLatticeDefault(transducer, input) {{ saveXis=true; }} protected static boolean saveXis = false; // "ip" == "input position", "op" == "output position", "i" == "state index" Transducer t; double totalWeight; Sequence input, output; LatticeNode[][] nodes; // indexed by ip,i int latticeLength; double[][] gammas; // indexed by ip,i double[][][] xis; // indexed by ip,i,j; saved only if saveXis is true; LabelVector labelings[]; // indexed by op, created only if "outputAlphabet" is non-null in constructor // Ensure that instances cannot easily be created by a zero arg constructor. protected SumLatticeDefault() { } protected LatticeNode getLatticeNode (int ip, int stateIndex) { if (nodes[ip][stateIndex] == null) nodes[ip][stateIndex] = new LatticeNode (ip, t.getState (stateIndex)); return nodes[ip][stateIndex]; } public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input) { this (trans, input, null, (Transducer.Incrementor)null, saveXis, null); } public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, boolean saveXis) { this (trans, input, null, (Transducer.Incrementor)null, saveXis, null); } public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor) { this (trans, input, null, incrementor, saveXis, null); } public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output) { this (trans, input, output, (Transducer.Incrementor)null, saveXis, null); } // You may pass null for output, meaning that the lattice // is not constrained to match the output public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor) { this (trans, input, output, incrementor, saveXis, null); } public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor, LabelAlphabet outputAlphabet) { this (trans, input, output, incrementor, saveXis, outputAlphabet); } // You may pass null for output, meaning that the lattice // is not constrained to match the output public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor, boolean saveXis) { this (trans, input, output, incrementor, saveXis, null); } // If outputAlphabet is non-null, this will create a LabelVector // for each position in the output sequence indicating the // probability distribution over possible outputs at that time // index public SumLatticeDefault (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor, boolean saveXis, LabelAlphabet outputAlphabet) { assert (output == null || input.size() == output.size()); if (false && logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) { logger.fine ("Starting Lattice"); logger.fine ("Input: "); for (int ip = 0; ip < input.size(); ip++) logger.fine (" " + input.get(ip)); logger.fine ("\nOutput: "); if (output == null) logger.fine ("null"); else for (int op = 0; op < output.size(); op++) logger.fine (" " + output.get(op)); logger.fine ("\n"); } // Initialize some structures this.t = trans; this.input = input; this.output = output; // xxx Not very efficient when the lattice is actually sparse, // especially when the number of states is large and the // sequence is long. latticeLength = input.size()+1; int numStates = t.numStates(); nodes = new LatticeNode[latticeLength][numStates]; // xxx Yipes, this could get big; something sparse might be better? gammas = new double[latticeLength][numStates]; if (saveXis) xis = new double[latticeLength][numStates][numStates]; double outputCounts[][] = null; if (outputAlphabet != null) outputCounts = new double[latticeLength][outputAlphabet.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength; ip++) gammas[ip][i] = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT; if (saveXis) for (int j = 0; j < numStates; j++) for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength; ip++) xis[ip][i][j] = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT; } // Forward pass logger.fine ("Starting Foward pass"); boolean atLeastOneInitialState = false; for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { double initialWeight = t.getState(i).getInitialWeight(); //System.out.println ("Forward pass initialCost = "+initialCost); if (initialWeight > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) { getLatticeNode(0, i).alpha = initialWeight; //System.out.println ("nodes[0][i].alpha="+nodes[0][i].alpha); atLeastOneInitialState = true; } } if (atLeastOneInitialState == false) logger.warning ("There are no starting states!"); for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength-1; ip++) for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { if (nodes[ip][i] == null || nodes[ip][i].alpha == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) // xxx if we end up doing this a lot, // we could save a list of the non-null ones continue; State s = t.getState(i); TransitionIterator iter = s.transitionIterator (input, ip, output, ip); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) logger.fine (" Starting Foward transition iteration from state " + s.getName() + " on input " + input.get(ip).toString() + " and output " + (output==null ? "(null)" : output.get(ip).toString())); while (iter.hasNext()) { State destination = iter.nextState(); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) logger.fine ("Forward Lattice[inputPos="+ip+"][source="+s.getName()+"][dest="+destination.getName()+"]"); LatticeNode destinationNode = getLatticeNode (ip+1, destination.getIndex()); destinationNode.output = iter.getOutput(); double transitionWeight = iter.getWeight(); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) logger.fine ("BEFORE update: destinationNode.alpha="+destinationNode.alpha); destinationNode.alpha = Transducer.sumLogProb (destinationNode.alpha, nodes[ip][i].alpha + transitionWeight); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) logger.fine ("transitionWeight="+transitionWeight+" nodes["+ip+"]["+i+"].alpha="+nodes[ip][i].alpha +" destinationNode.alpha="+destinationNode.alpha); //System.out.println ("destinationNode.alpha <- "+destinationNode.alpha); } } if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Forward Lattice:"); for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength; ip++) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) sb.append (" "+(nodes[ip][i] == null ? "<null>" : nodes[ip][i].alpha)); logger.fine(sb.toString()); } } // Calculate total weight of Lattice. This is the normalizer totalWeight = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT; for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) if (nodes[latticeLength-1][i] != null) { //System.out.println ("Ending alpha, state["+i+"] = "+nodes[latticeLength-1][i].alpha); //System.out.println ("Ending beta, state["+i+"] = "+t.getState(i).getFinalWeight()); totalWeight = Transducer.sumLogProb (totalWeight, (nodes[latticeLength-1][i].alpha + t.getState(i).getFinalWeight())); } logger.fine ("totalWeight="+totalWeight); // totalWeight is now an "unnormalized weight" of the entire Lattice // If the sequence has -infinite weight, just return. // Usefully this avoids calling any incrementX methods. // It also relies on the fact that the gammas[][] and .alpha (but not .beta) values // are already initialized to values that reflect -infinite weight // TODO Is it important to fill in the betas before we return? if (totalWeight == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) return; // Backward pass for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) if (nodes[latticeLength-1][i] != null) { State s = t.getState(i); nodes[latticeLength-1][i].beta = s.getFinalWeight(); gammas[latticeLength-1][i] = nodes[latticeLength-1][i].alpha + nodes[latticeLength-1][i].beta - totalWeight; if (incrementor != null) { double p = Math.exp(gammas[latticeLength-1][i]); // gsc: reducing from 1e-10 to 1e-6 // gsc: removing the isNaN check, range check will catch the NaN error as well // assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-10 && !Double.isNaN(p)) : "p="+p+" gamma="+gammas[latticeLength-1][i]; assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-6) : "p="+p+", gamma="+gammas[latticeLength-1][i]; incrementor.incrementFinalState (s, p); } } for (int ip = latticeLength-2; ip >= 0; ip--) { for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { if (nodes[ip][i] == null || nodes[ip][i].alpha == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) // Note that skipping here based on alpha means that beta values won't // be correct, but since alpha is infinite anyway, it shouldn't matter. continue; State s = t.getState(i); TransitionIterator iter = s.transitionIterator (input, ip, output, ip); while (iter.hasNext()) { State destination = iter.nextState(); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) logger.fine ("Backward Lattice[inputPos="+ip+"][source="+s.getName()+"][dest="+destination.getName()+"]"); int j = destination.getIndex(); LatticeNode destinationNode = nodes[ip+1][j]; if (destinationNode != null) { double transitionWeight = iter.getWeight(); assert (!Double.isNaN(transitionWeight)); double oldBeta = nodes[ip][i].beta; assert (!Double.isNaN(nodes[ip][i].beta)); nodes[ip][i].beta = Transducer.sumLogProb (nodes[ip][i].beta, destinationNode.beta + transitionWeight); assert (!Double.isNaN(nodes[ip][i].beta)) : "dest.beta="+destinationNode.beta+" trans="+transitionWeight+" sum="+(destinationNode.beta+transitionWeight) + " oldBeta="+oldBeta; double xi = nodes[ip][i].alpha + transitionWeight + nodes[ip+1][j].beta - totalWeight; if (saveXis) xis[ip][i][j] = xi; assert (!Double.isNaN(nodes[ip][i].alpha)); assert (!Double.isNaN(transitionWeight)); assert (!Double.isNaN(nodes[ip+1][j].beta)); assert (!Double.isNaN(totalWeight)); if (incrementor != null || outputAlphabet != null) { double p = Math.exp(xi); // gsc: reducing from 1e-10 to 1e-6 // gsc: removing the isNaN check, range check will catch the NaN error as well // assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-10 && !Double.isNaN(p)) : "xis["+ip+"]["+i+"]["+j+"]="+xi; assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-6) : "p="+p+", xis["+ip+"]["+i+"]["+j+"]="+xi; if (incrementor != null) incrementor.incrementTransition(iter, p); if (outputAlphabet != null) { int outputIndex = outputAlphabet.lookupIndex (iter.getOutput(), false); assert (outputIndex >= 0); // xxx This assumes that "ip" == "op"! outputCounts[ip][outputIndex] += p; //System.out.println ("CRF Lattice outputCounts["+ip+"]["+outputIndex+"]+="+p); } } } } gammas[ip][i] = nodes[ip][i].alpha + nodes[ip][i].beta - totalWeight; } } if (incrementor != null) for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { double p = Math.exp(gammas[0][i]); // gsc: reducing from 1e-10 to 1e-6 // gsc: removing the isNaN check, range check will catch the NaN error as well // assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-10 && !Double.isNaN(p)) : "p="+p; assert (p >= 0.0 && p <= 1.0+1e-6) : "p="+p; incrementor.incrementInitialState(t.getState(i), p); } if (outputAlphabet != null) { labelings = new LabelVector[latticeLength]; for (int ip = latticeLength-2; ip >= 0; ip--) { assert (Math.abs(1.0-MatrixOps.sum (outputCounts[ip])) < 0.000001);; labelings[ip] = new LabelVector (outputAlphabet, outputCounts[ip]); } } if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Lattice:"); for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength; ip++) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) sb.append (" "+gammas[ip][i]); logger.fine(sb.toString()); } } } public double[][][] getXis(){ return xis; } public double[][] getGammas(){ return gammas; } public double getTotalWeight () { assert (!Double.isNaN(totalWeight)); return totalWeight; } public double getGammaWeight(int inputPosition, State s) { return gammas[inputPosition][s.getIndex()]; } public double getGammaWeight(int inputPosition, int stateIndex) { return gammas[inputPosition][stateIndex]; } public double getGammaProbability (int inputPosition, State s) { return Math.exp (gammas[inputPosition][s.getIndex()]); } public double getGammaProbability (int inputPosition, int stateIndex) { return Math.exp (gammas[inputPosition][stateIndex]); } public double getXiProbability (int ip, State s1, State s2) { if (xis == null) throw new IllegalStateException ("xis were not saved."); int i = s1.getIndex (); int j = s2.getIndex (); return Math.exp (xis[ip][i][j]); } public double getXiWeight(int ip, State s1, State s2) { if (xis == null) throw new IllegalStateException ("xis were not saved."); int i = s1.getIndex (); int j = s2.getIndex (); return xis[ip][i][j]; } public int length () { return latticeLength; } public Sequence getInput() { return input; } public double getAlpha (int ip, State s) { LatticeNode node = getLatticeNode (ip, s.getIndex ()); return node.alpha; } public double getBeta (int ip, State s) { LatticeNode node = getLatticeNode (ip, s.getIndex ()); return node.beta; } public LabelVector getLabelingAtPosition (int outputPosition) { if (labelings != null) return labelings[outputPosition]; return null; } public Transducer getTransducer () { return t; } // A container for some information about a particular input position and state protected class LatticeNode { int inputPosition; // outputPosition not really needed until we deal with asymmetric epsilon. State state; Object output; double alpha = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT; double beta = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT; LatticeNode (int inputPosition, State state) { this.inputPosition = inputPosition; this.state = state; assert (this.alpha == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT); // xxx Remove this check } } public static class Factory extends SumLatticeFactory implements Serializable { public SumLattice newSumLattice (Transducer trans, Sequence input, Sequence output, Transducer.Incrementor incrementor, boolean saveXis, LabelAlphabet outputAlphabet) { return new SumLatticeDefault (trans, input, output, incrementor, saveXis, outputAlphabet); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private static final int CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 1; private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int version = in.readInt(); } } }