package; import cc.mallet.util.*; import cc.mallet.types.*; import cc.mallet.topics.*; import*; public class EvaluateTopics { static CommandOption.String evaluatorFilename = new CommandOption.String (EvaluateTopics.class, "evaluator", "FILENAME", true, null, "A serialized topic evaluator from a trained topic model.\n" + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be read.", null); static CommandOption.String inputFile = new CommandOption.String (EvaluateTopics.class, "input", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename from which to read the list of instances\n" + "for which topics should be inferred. Use - for stdin. " + "The instances must be FeatureSequence or FeatureSequenceWithBigrams, not FeatureVector", null); static CommandOption.String docProbabilityFile = new CommandOption.String (EvaluateTopics.class, "output-doc-probs", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename in which to write the inferred log probabilities\n" + "per document. " + "By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null); static CommandOption.String probabilityFile = new CommandOption.String (EvaluateTopics.class, "output-prob", "FILENAME", true, "-", "The filename in which to write the inferred log probability of the testing set\n" + "Use - for stdout, which is the default.", null); static CommandOption.Integer numParticles = new CommandOption.Integer (EvaluateTopics.class, "num-particles", "INTEGER", true, 10, "The number of particles to use in left-to-right evaluation.", null); static CommandOption.Boolean usingResampling = new CommandOption.Boolean (EvaluateTopics.class, "use-resampling", "TRUE|FALSE", false, false, "Whether to resample topics in left-to-right evaluation. Resampling is more accurate, but leads to quadratic scaling in the lenght of documents.", null); static CommandOption.Integer numIterations = new CommandOption.Integer (EvaluateTopics.class, "num-iterations", "INTEGER", true, 100, "The number of iterations of Gibbs sampling.", null); static CommandOption.Integer sampleInterval = new CommandOption.Integer (EvaluateTopics.class, "sample-interval", "INTEGER", true, 10, "The number of iterations between saved samples.", null); static CommandOption.Integer burnInIterations = new CommandOption.Integer (EvaluateTopics.class, "burn-in", "INTEGER", true, 10, "The number of iterations before the first sample is saved.", null); static CommandOption.Integer randomSeed = new CommandOption.Integer (EvaluateTopics.class, "random-seed", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The random seed for the Gibbs sampler. Default is 0, which will use the clock.", null); public static void main (String[] args) { // Process the command-line options CommandOption.setSummary (EvaluateTopics.class, "Estimate the marginal probability of new documents under "); CommandOption.process (EvaluateTopics.class, args); if (evaluatorFilename.value == null) { System.err.println("You must specify a serialized topic evaluator. Use --help to list options."); System.exit(0); } if (inputFile.value == null) { System.err.println("You must specify a serialized instance list. Use --help to list options."); System.exit(0); } try { PrintStream docProbabilityStream = null; if (docProbabilityFile.value != null) { docProbabilityStream = new PrintStream(docProbabilityFile.value); } PrintStream outputStream = System.out; if (probabilityFile.value != null && ! probabilityFile.value.equals("-")) { outputStream = new PrintStream(probabilityFile.value); } MarginalProbEstimator evaluator = File(evaluatorFilename.value)); InstanceList instances = InstanceList.load (new File(inputFile.value)); outputStream.println(evaluator.evaluateLeftToRight(instances, numParticles.value, usingResampling.value, docProbabilityStream)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } }