package net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Test suite for {@link BitInputStream} and {@link BitOutputStream}. */ public class BitStreamTest { ByteArrayOutputStream a; BitOutputStream b; @Before public void setUp() { a = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); b = new BitOutputStream(a); } /** Tests that {@code writeBit(b)} is equivalent to {@code * writeBit(b? 1 : 0)}. */ @Test public void testWriteBool() throws IOException { b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(3); b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(-1); b.writeBit(0); b.writeBit(false); // 1011 100 0 <- last bit is padding b.close(); // 0xB8 byte[] bs = a.toByteArray(); assert(1 == bs.length); assert((byte)0xB8 == bs[0]); } /** The inverse of {@link #testWriteBool()}. */ @Test public void testReadBool() throws IOException { byte[] bs = new byte[] {(byte)0xB8}; BitInputStream c = new BitInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs)); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); } /** Tests writing more than one byte */ @Test public void testRollover() throws IOException { b.writeBit(true); // 1101 b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(false); // 0001 b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(true); // 1010 b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(true); b.writeBit(false); b.writeBit(true); // 1{000} b.close(); byte[] bs = a.toByteArray(); assert(2 == bs.length); assert((byte)0xD1 == bs[0]); assert((byte)0xA8 == bs[1]); } /** The inverse of {@link #testRollover()}. */ @Test public void testReadRollover() throws IOException { byte[] bs = new byte[] {(byte)0xD1, (byte)0xA8}; BitInputStream c = new BitInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs)); assert(true == c.readBit()); // 1101 assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); // 0001 assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); // 1010 assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); assert(false == c.readBit()); assert(true == c.readBit()); // 1{000} } /** Test multiple invocations of writeBits */ @Test public void testWriteBits() throws IOException { b.writeBits(0xCAFEBA, 24); // CA FE BA b.writeBits(0xFE8, 9); // {111} 1 1110 1000 b.writeBits(0xBEBF35, 24); // 1011 1110 1011 1111 0011 0101 // total of 57 bits written, = 8 bytes (7 bytes + 1 extra bit) b.close(); // 1111 0100 0101 1111 0101 1111 1001 1010 1{000} {0000} // F 4 5 F 5 F 9 A 8 0 byte[] bs = a.toByteArray(); assert(8 == bs.length); assert((byte)0xCA == bs[0]); assert((byte)0xFE == bs[1]); assert((byte)0xBA == bs[2]); assert((byte)0xF4 == bs[3]); assert((byte)0x5F == bs[4]); assert((byte)0x5F == bs[5]); assert((byte)0x9A == bs[6]); assert((byte)0x80 == bs[7]); } /** Inverse of testWriteBits */ @Test public void testReadBits() throws IOException { byte[] bs = new byte[] {(byte)0xCA, (byte)0xFE, (byte)0xBA, (byte)0xF4, (byte)0x5F, (byte)0x5F, (byte)0x9A, (byte)0x80}; BitInputStream c = new BitInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs)); assert(0xCAFEBA == c.readBits(24)); assert(0x1E8 == c.readBits(9)); assert(0xBEBF35 == c.readBits(24)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new BitStreamTest().testReadBits(); System.out.println("Ok"); } /** It should be okay to call writeBits with ā€˜nā€™ set to zero. */ @Test public void testWriteNoBits() throws IOException { b.writeBits(0xCAFE, 0); b.close(); byte[] bs = a.toByteArray(); assert(0 == bs.length); } @Test public void testWriteMultipleOfEight() throws IOException { b.writeBits(0xABC, 9); // 101{0 1011 1100} b.writeBits(0xDEF, 7); // 1101 1{110 1111} byte[] bs = a.toByteArray(); // 0101 1110 0110 1111 = 5E 6F assert(2 == bs.length); assert(0x5E == bs[0]); assert(0x6F == bs[1]); } /** Test the mask-making helper function. */ @Test public void testMask() { assert(0x000 == BitOutputStream.mask(0)); assert(0x00F == BitOutputStream.mask(4)); assert(0x01F == BitOutputStream.mask(5)); assert(0x3FF == BitOutputStream.mask(10)); assert(0x0FFFFFFF == BitOutputStream.mask(28)); assert(0x1FFFFFFF == BitOutputStream.mask(29)); assert(0x3FFFFFFF == BitOutputStream.mask(30)); assert(0x7FFFFFFF == BitOutputStream.mask(31)); } }