package org.kohsuke.bali.automaton.builder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.kohsuke.bali.automaton.*; import org.kohsuke.bali.datatype.DatatypeImpl; import org.relaxng.datatype.Datatype; import com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.StringType; import com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.TokenType; import com.sun.msv.grammar.*; import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.NameClassCollisionChecker; import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.NameClassSimplifier; /** * Builds a BinaryTreeAutomaton object from a Grammar object. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi ( */ public final class TreeAutomatonBuilder { /** Builds a binary tree automaton from a grammar. */ public static TreeAutomaton build( Grammar grammar, boolean optimizeIgnorableAttribute, boolean useEpsilonTransition, boolean optimizeMixed ) throws TooComplicatedException { return new TreeAutomatonBuilder( grammar, optimizeIgnorableAttribute, useEpsilonTransition, optimizeMixed ).doBuild(); } private TreeAutomaton doBuild() throws TooComplicatedException { // set the first job in the queue getState( grammar.getTopLevel().getExpandedExp(pool) ); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Expression e = (Expression)queue.pop(); State st = (State)states.get(e); // Finds all transition from the given state. // if(st.nextState!=null) // ((SequenceExp)e).exp1.visit(new TransitionBuilder(st)); // else e.visit(new TransitionBuilder(st)); } return result; } private TreeAutomatonBuilder( Grammar grammar, boolean optimizeIgnorableAttribute, boolean useEpsilonTransition, boolean optimizeMixed ) throws TooComplicatedException { this.grammar = grammar; this.optimizeIgnorableAttribute = optimizeIgnorableAttribute; this.useEpsilonTransition = useEpsilonTransition; this.optimizeMixed = optimizeMixed; pool = grammar.getPool(); nameClassEncoder =; result = new TreeAutomaton(nameClassEncoder.literals); nullChecker = new NullabilityChecker(optimizeIgnorableAttribute); allNegative = new NameSignature(AnyNameClass.theInstance, 0,0, this.nameClassEncoder ); } /** The grammar object from which we are building a binary tree automaton. */ private final Grammar grammar; private final ExpressionPool pool; /** Optimizes ignorable attribute if true. */ private final boolean optimizeIgnorableAttribute; /** Reduce the number of transitions by sharing transitions across states. */ private final boolean useEpsilonTransition; /** Optimize <mixed> */ private final boolean optimizeMixed; /** The result automaton. */ private final TreeAutomaton result; /** Map from Expression to State. */ private final HashMap states = new HashMap(); /** NameClass Encoder */ private final NameClassEncoder nameClassEncoder; /** * Map from a State to a State. * Used for non-existent attribute transition from the head of a content model. * TODO: better documentation */ private final HashMap headStates = new HashMap(); private final NullabilityChecker nullChecker; /** * Returns true if the state that corresponds to the given expression * can make use of an epsilon transition. */ private boolean isSplittable( Expression e ) { // don't perform this optimization unless it's turned on. if( useEpsilonTransition && e instanceof SequenceExp ) { SequenceExp se = (SequenceExp)e; if( se.getChildren()[0].visit(nullChecker) ) return true; } return false; } private Expression getSequenceTail( SequenceExp e ) { Expression[] exps = e.getChildren(); Expression r = Expression.epsilon; for( int i=1; i<exps.length; i++ ) r = pool.createSequence(r,exps[i]); return r; } /** Gets or creates the State object corresponding to the given expression. */ private State getState( Expression e ) { if(e==null) throw new NullPointerException(); State st = (State)states.get(e); if(st==null) { if( isSplittable(e) ) { SequenceExp se = (SequenceExp)e; states.put( se, st=result.createState( e, e.visit(nullChecker), getState(getSequenceTail(se)) )); queue.push(e); } else { states.put( e, st=result.createState( e, e.visit(nullChecker), null) ); queue.push(e); } } return st; } /** * Returns true if the given state represents the given expression. */ private boolean isEqual( State s, Expression e ) { return states.get(e)==s; } /** Special NameSignature array that has "*:*" */ private final NameSignature allNegative; private final NameClassCollisionChecker collisionChecker = new NameClassCollisionChecker(); /** Combines all the name classes in the given collection. */ private NameClass combine( Collection col ) { NameClass nc = new NotNameClass(AnyNameClass.theInstance); for( Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { NameSignature ns = (NameSignature); nc = new ChoiceNameClass( nc, ns.nameClass ); } return NameClassSimplifier.simplify(nc); } private void refine( Set negatives, Set positives ) { // computes the sum of all positive names. NameClass pos = combine(positives); // refine negatives ArrayList unusedNegatives = new ArrayList(); for( Iterator itr = negatives.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { NameSignature ns = (NameSignature); if( new DifferenceNameClass( ns.nameClass, pos ).isNull() ) unusedNegatives.add(ns); // if ns is included in the positives, ns is not contributing // to the outcome. thus remove it. } negatives.removeAll(unusedNegatives); // computes the sum of all positive names. NameClass neg = combine(negatives); // refine positives ArrayList unusedPositives = new ArrayList(); for( Iterator itr = positives.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { NameSignature ns = (NameSignature); if( !collisionChecker.check( ns.nameClass, neg ) ) unusedPositives.add(ns); // if ns doesn't have any intersection with negatives, // it's not contributing. } positives.removeAll(unusedPositives); } /** * Computes the initial state for the content model of a given ElementExp. * * This method adds non-existent attribute transition at the top of * the content model if necessary. */ private State getContentModelHeadState( ElementExp exp ) { State contentModelTop = getState(exp.contentModel.getExpandedExp(pool)); Set neg = new HashSet(); neg.add(allNegative); Set pos = AttNameSigCollector.collect(exp.contentModel,nameClassEncoder); refine( neg, pos ); if(neg.isEmpty()) { return contentModelTop; } else { State st = (State)headStates.get(contentModelTop); if(st==null) { headStates.put( contentModelTop, st=result.createState(exp.contentModel.getExpandedExp(pool),false,null) ); st.addTransition( new NonExistentAttributeAlphabet(neg,pos), null, contentModelTop); } return st; } } /** List of unprocessed expressions. */ private final Stack queue = new Stack(); private static final DataAlphabet anyStringAlphabet = new DataAlphabet(new DatatypeImpl("","string",StringType.theInstance)); /** * Visits an expression (a state) and builds all transitions from it * by computing derivatives. */ private final class TransitionBuilder implements ExpressionVisitorVoid { TransitionBuilder( State st ) { this.state = st; this.tail = Expression.epsilon; } /** We are adding transitions that leaves this state. */ private final State state; private Expression tail; /** This method is true if we are inside <mixed>. */ private boolean inMixed; private State getState( Expression e ) { if( inMixed ) e = pool.createMixed(e); return TreeAutomatonBuilder.this.getState(e); } public void onAttribute(AttributeExp exp) { state.addTransition( new AttributeAlphabet( nameClassEncoder.getSignature(exp.nameClass),false), getState(exp.exp.getExpandedExp(pool)), getState(tail) ); } public void onChoice(ChoiceExp exp) { Expression t = tail; if( optimizeIgnorableAttribute ) { /* look for <choice> <empty/> <attribute> <text/> </attribute> </choice> and avoid generating transitions for them. */ if( Util.isIgnorableOptionalAttribute(exp) ) return; } // check attributes in the branch Set nc1a = AttNameSigCollector.collect( exp.exp1, nameClassEncoder ); Set nc2a = AttNameSigCollector.collect( exp.exp2, nameClassEncoder ); Set nc1b = new HashSet(nc1a); Set nc2b = new HashSet(nc2a); refine( nc1a, nc2a ); if( nc1a.isEmpty() ) { tail = t; exp.exp2.visit(this); } else { state.addTransition( new NonExistentAttributeAlphabet(nc1a,nc2a), null, getState(pool.createSequence(exp.exp2,t)) ); } refine( nc2b, nc1b ); if( nc2b.isEmpty() ) { tail = t; exp.exp1.visit(this); } else { state.addTransition( new NonExistentAttributeAlphabet(nc2b,nc1b), null, getState(pool.createSequence(exp.exp1,t)) ); } } public void onElement(ElementExp exp) { state.addTransition( new ElementAlphabet( nameClassEncoder.getSignature(exp.getNameClass())), getContentModelHeadState(exp), getState(tail) ); } public void onOneOrMore(OneOrMoreExp exp) { // find an attribute declaration AttributeExp attDecl = findAttDecl(exp.exp); if(attDecl==null) { tail = pool.createSequence( pool.createOptional(exp), tail ); exp.exp.visit(this); } else { // this is equivalent to deriv(exp,@attDecl); Expression deriv = pool.createOptional(exp); NameSignature sig = (NameSignature)nameClassEncoder.getSignature(attDecl.nameClass); Expression derivEndAtt = pool.createSequence( replace(deriv,attDecl,Expression.nullSet), tail); Expression expEndAtt = pool.createSequence( replace(exp, attDecl,Expression.nullSet), tail); if(derivEndAtt!=Expression.nullSet) state.addTransition(new AttributeAlphabet(sig,true), getState(attDecl.exp), getState(derivEndAtt)); if(expEndAtt!=Expression.nullSet) state.addTransition(new NonExistentAttributeAlphabet( new NameSignature[]{sig},new NameSignature[0]), null, getState(expEndAtt)); } } public void onMixed(MixedExp exp) { if( optimizeMixed ) { // optimize <mixed> by eagerly extend <interleave> final boolean oldInMixed = inMixed; inMixed = true; // add a loop-back transition. state.addTransition( anyStringAlphabet, getState(Expression.nullSet), state ); exp.exp.visit(this); inMixed = oldInMixed; } else { // this is the normal mode pool.createInterleave( exp.exp, Expression.anyString ).visit(this); } } public void onList(ListExp exp) { state.addTransition( ListAlphabet.theInstance, getState(exp.exp), getState(tail) ); } public void onRef(ReferenceExp exp) { exp.exp.visit(this); } public void onOther(OtherExp exp) { exp.exp.visit(this); } public void onEpsilon() { ; } public void onNullSet() { ; // no transition from nullSet } public void onAnyString() { State target; if( isEqual(state,tail) ) // optimization. // if d(P) = <text/>,P then // d(<text/>,P) \supseteq d(P) target = getState(tail); else // normal case -- derivative of <text/> is still <text/> target = getState(pool.createSequence(Expression.anyString,tail)); state.addTransition( anyStringAlphabet, getState(Expression.nullSet), target ); } public void onSequence(SequenceExp exp) { Expression t = tail; Expression stail = getSequenceTail(exp); if( useEpsilonTransition && state.nextState!=null && states.get(stail)==state.nextState ) { //don't visit the tail of the sequence. tail = pool.createSequence(stail,t); exp.getChildren()[0].visit(this); } else { if( exp.exp1.visit(nullChecker) ) exp.exp2.visit(this); tail = pool.createSequence( exp.exp2, t ); exp.exp1.visit(this); } } public void onData(DataExp exp) { Expression except = exp.except; if(except==null) except = Expression.nullSet; state.addTransition( new DataAlphabet(exp.dt), getState(except), getState(tail) ); } public void onValue(ValueExp exp) { // MSV uses TokenType if <value> doesn't have @type. // replace it with our DatatypeImpl. Datatype dt = exp.dt; if( dt instanceof TokenType ) dt = new DatatypeImpl("","token",TokenType.theInstance); state.addTransition( new ValueAlphabet(dt,exp.value), null, getState(tail) ); } public void onConcur(ConcurExp exp) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("<concur> is not supported"); } public void onInterleave(InterleaveExp exp) { state.addTransition( new InterleaveAlphabet( getState(tail), AttNameCombiner.collect(exp.exp1), AttNameCombiner.collect(exp.exp2), TextFinder.find(exp.exp1) ), getState(exp.exp1), getState(exp.exp2) ); } } /** * Finds one attribute declaration in the given expression, or null. */ private AttributeExp findAttDecl( Expression exp ) { return (AttributeExp)exp.visit(new ExpressionVisitorExpression() { public Expression onAttribute(AttributeExp exp) { return exp; } public Expression onChoice(ChoiceExp exp) { Expression e = exp.exp1.visit(this); if(e!=null) return e; return exp.exp2.visit(this); } public Expression onElement(ElementExp exp) { return null; } public Expression onOneOrMore(OneOrMoreExp exp) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onMixed(MixedExp exp) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onList(ListExp exp) { return null; } public Expression onRef(ReferenceExp exp) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onOther(OtherExp exp) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onEpsilon() { return null; } public Expression onNullSet() { return null; } public Expression onAnyString() { return null; } public Expression onSequence(SequenceExp exp) { // since this method can be only used inside <oneOrMore>, if we see // <group> then there's no chance that we'll see <attribute>. return null; } public Expression onData(DataExp exp) { return null; } public Expression onValue(ValueExp exp) { return null; } public Expression onConcur(ConcurExp exp) { throw new InternalError(); } public Expression onInterleave(InterleaveExp exp) { return null; // the same reason as the onSequence method. } }); } /** * Replaces the occurence of "from" inside "exp" to "to". */ private Expression replace( Expression exp, final AttributeExp from, final Expression to ) { return exp.visit(new ExpressionCloner(pool){ public Expression onRef( ReferenceExp exp ) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onOther( OtherExp exp ) { return exp.exp.visit(this); } public Expression onAttribute( AttributeExp exp ) { if(exp==from) return to; else return exp; } public Expression onElement( ElementExp exp ) { return exp; } }); } }