package net.contrapunctus.rngzip; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.BaliAutomaton; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.ErrorReporter; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.SchemaFormatException; import org.kohsuke.bali.automaton.*; import org.kohsuke.bali.datatype.Value; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; class GenericCompressor extends Compressor { private static final boolean DEBUG = System.getProperty("DEBUG_Compressor") != null; private static final PrintStream dbg = System.err; private final BaliAutomaton au; private ChoiceEncoder[] ces; public GenericCompressor (String filename, ErrorReporter err, RNGZOutputInterface out) throws FileNotFoundException, SchemaFormatException { this(BaliAutomaton.fromRNG(new File(filename)), err, out); } public GenericCompressor (BaliAutomaton _au, ErrorReporter err, RNGZOutputInterface out) { super(err, out); au = _au; ces = new ChoiceEncoder[au.countStates()]; for(int i = 0; i < au.countStates(); i++) { int n = au.countChoices(i); if(n > 1) { ces[i] = out.makeChoiceEncoder(n, i); } } } protected SingletonState initialState() { return new CState(au.initialState()); } public int encodeName(String ns, String lname) { int r = au.encodeName(ns, lname); return r; } public String decodeName(int e) { String s = au.decodeName(e); return s; } private abstract class GenericVisitor implements AlphabetVisitor { protected StringBuilder expecting = new StringBuilder(); protected Vector<Integer> matches; protected int numTrans, stateID, transID; protected GenericVisitor(int id) { stateID = id; numTrans = au.countTransitions(id); matches = new Vector<Integer>(numTrans+1); } protected void run() { for(transID = 0; transID < numTrans; transID++) { if(au.visitAlphabet(stateID, transID, this) == Boolean.TRUE) { matches.add(transID); } } } protected final void move(SequentialStates st, int si, int tj) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("Visitor: leaving state #%d via transition %d%n", si, tj); } st.push(makeState(au.siblingOf(si, tj), false)); int k = au.childOf(si, tj); if(k >= 0) { st.push(makeState(k, true)); } } protected SingletonState makeState(int id, boolean child_p) { return new CState(id); } private void move(SequentialStates st, int j) { if(j < numTrans) { move(st, stateID, j); } else if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("Visotor: leaving state #%d as a FINAL state (transition %d)%n", stateID, j); } } protected void write(SequentialStates st) throws IOException { } protected boolean exec(SequentialStates st) throws IOException { int n = matches.size(); if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("GenericVisitor: %d match(es)%n", n); } if(n == 0) { return false; } st.pop(); if(ces[stateID] == null) { /* this is not a choice point */ assert n == 1; move(st, matches.get(0)); } else if(n == 1) { /* this is a choice point, but there was only one match */ int j = matches.get(0); st.writeChoice(ces[stateID], j); move(st, j); } else { /* there was more than one match: need to fork. */ SequentialStates alt = null; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* EXCEPT for last time through loop: */ if(i+1 < n) { alt = st.fork(); } int j = matches.get(i); st.writeChoice(ces[stateID], j); move(st, j); st = alt; } } write(st); return true; } public Object element(ElementAlphabet a) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object attribute( AttributeAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object nonExistentAttribute( NonExistentAttributeAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object interleave( InterleaveAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object list( ListAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object data( DataAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } public Object value( ValueAlphabet a ) { expecting.append('|'); expecting.append(a); return Boolean.FALSE; } } // end class GenericVisitor private class AttributeTracer extends GenericVisitor { protected Map<Integer,String> atts; protected String attr, value, content; protected boolean top_p; protected AttributeTracer(Map<Integer,String> as, int id, String at, String val) { super(id); atts = as; attr = at; value = val; top_p = at == null; run(); } protected SingletonState makeState(int id, boolean child_p) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("AttributeTracer: making %s state #%d: @%s='%s' [%s]%n", child_p? "CHILD" : "SIBLING", id, attr, value, top_p? "TOP" : "NESTED"); } /* attribute values themselves should not have children, so either we're at the top level or this is NOT introducing a child state. */ assert top_p || !child_p; if(top_p == child_p) { return new CState(id, attr, value); } else { return new CState(id, null, null); } } protected void write(SequentialStates st) throws IOException { if(content != null) { st.writeContent(elts, content); } } public Object attribute(AttributeAlphabet a) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("AttributeTracer: attr: '%s'%n", a); } for(Integer k : atts.keySet()) { if( { attr = decodeName(k); value = atts.get(k); return Boolean.TRUE; } } return super.attribute(a); } public Object nonExistentAttribute(NonExistentAttributeAlphabet a) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("AttributeTracer: non-exist attr: '%s'%n", a); } for(Integer k : atts.keySet()) { if(a.accepts(k)) { return super.nonExistentAttribute(a); } } return Boolean.TRUE; } public Object data(DataAlphabet a) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("AttributeTracer: data value '%s'%n", value); } if(value == null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if(value.length() == 0) { if(au.isFinal(stateID)) { matches.add(numTrans); } return Boolean.FALSE; } content = value; value = ""; return Boolean.TRUE; } public Object value(ValueAlphabet a) { if(value == null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } Value goal = (Value) a.value; if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("AttributeTracer: testing value '%s' alphabet '%s': ", value, goal.value); } if(value.equals(goal.value)) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.println("yes"); } value = ""; return Boolean.TRUE; } else { if(DEBUG) { dbg.println("no"); } return Boolean.FALSE; } } } // end class AttributeTracer private class ElementFinder extends GenericVisitor { protected int elt; protected ElementFinder(int _elt, int id) { super(id); elt = _elt; run(); } public Object element( ElementAlphabet a ) { boolean p =; if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("ElementFinder: alpha '%s' -> %b%n", a, p); } if(p) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return super.element(a); } } // end class ElementFinder private class CharMatcher extends GenericVisitor { protected char[] buf; protected int start, length; protected String str; protected boolean const_p = false; protected CharMatcher(char[] _buf, int _start, int _length, int id) { super(id); buf = _buf; start = _start; length = _length; str = new String(buf, start, length); run(); } protected void write(SequentialStates st) throws IOException { if( ! const_p ) { st.writeContent(elts, buf, start, length); } } public Object data(DataAlphabet a) { const_p = false; return Boolean.TRUE; } public Object value(ValueAlphabet a) { Value v = (Value) a.value; String expected = v.value; if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("CharMatcher: testing value '%s' alphabet '%s'%n", str, expected); } if( str.equals(expected) ) { const_p = true; return Boolean.TRUE; } else { const_p = false; return Boolean.FALSE; } } } // end class CharMatcher private class CState extends SingletonState { private int id; private String attr, value; public String toString() { String s = "#"+id; if(value != null) { s += "@"+attr+((value.length() == 0)? "_" : "~"); } if(next != null) { s += ","+next; } return s; } private CState(int id) { = id; } private CState(int id, String at, String val) { this(id); attr = at; value = val; } public void start(SequentialStates st, int elt) throws IOException { ElementFinder ef = new ElementFinder(elt, id); if(!ef.exec(st)) { if(ef.expecting.length() > 0) { dieStart(ef.expecting.substring(1), decodeName(elt)); } else { die("not expecting <*>, saw <"+decodeName(elt)+">"); } } } public boolean attrs(SequentialStates st, Map<Integer,String> atts) throws IOException { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf ("%s <> ATTRS (epsilon=%b; final=%b; elts=...%s; atts=", this, au.isEpsilon(id), au.isFinal(id), elts.peek()); for(int k : atts.keySet()) { dbg.printf("@%s ", decodeName(k)); } dbg.printf(")%n"); } if(attr != null && au.isEpsilon(id)) { st.pop(); return true; //return false; } else { return new AttributeTracer(atts, id, attr, value).exec(st); } } public void chars(SequentialStates st, char[] buf, int start, int length) throws IOException { new CharMatcher(buf, start, length, id).exec(st); } public void end(SequentialStates st) throws IOException { if(!au.isFinal(id)) super.end(st); st.pop(); int n = au.countChoices(id); if(n > 1) { st.writeChoice(ces[id], n-1); } } } // end class CState public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { VerboseOutput out = new VerboseOutput(System.err); //RNGZOutputInterface out = new RNGZOutputStream // (System.out, RNGZOutputStream.Encoder.HUFFMAN); ErrorReporter err = new ErrorReporter(); GenericCompressor gc = new GenericCompressor(args[0], err, out); XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); xr.setContentHandler(gc); xr.setErrorHandler(err); xr.parse(args[1]); out.close(); } }