package net.contrapunctus.rngzip; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; class TentativeOutput implements RNGZOutputInterface, Comparable<TentativeOutput> { private RNGZOutputInterface out; private boolean tentative; private Event history; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final PrintStream dbg = System.err; public TentativeOutput(RNGZOutputInterface out) { assert out != null; this.out = out; this.tentative = false; this.history = null; assert invariants(); } private TentativeOutput(RNGZOutputInterface out, Event history) { assert out != null; this.out = out; this.tentative = true; this.history = history; assert invariants(); } private boolean invariants() { assert out != null : "This stream may have already been aborted."; assert history == null || tentative : "Non-tentative stream has a history."; assert !tentative || history != null : "Tentative stream lacks a history."; for(Event e = history; e != null; e = e.prev) { assert == null : "Part of history has already been committed."; } return true; } public ChoiceEncoder makeChoiceEncoder(int limit, Object id) { return out.makeChoiceEncoder(limit, id); } public TentativeOutput fork() { assert invariants(); tentative = true; if(history == null) { history = new Sentinel(); } return new TentativeOutput(out, history); } public void writeChoice(ChoiceEncoder ce, int choice) throws IOException { assert invariants(); if(tentative) { if(DEBUG) { dbg.printf("tentative choice: %s at %s on %s%n", choice, ce, this); } history = new ChoiceEvent(ce, choice, history); } else { out.writeChoice(ce, choice); } } public void writeContent(List<String> path, String s) throws IOException { assert invariants(); if(tentative) { history = new ContentStrEvent(path, s, history); } else { out.writeContent(path, s); } } public void writeContent(List<String> path, char[] buf, int start, int length) throws IOException { assert invariants(); if(tentative) { history = new ContentBufEvent(path, buf, start, length, history); } else { out.writeContent(path, buf, start, length); } } public void close() throws IOException { assert !tentative; assert invariants(); out.close(); } public void flush() throws IOException { assert !tentative; assert invariants(); out.flush(); } public int compareTo(TentativeOutput that) { int this_mag = this.history == null? 0 : this.history.magnitude; int that_mag = that.history == null? 0 : that.history.magnitude; return this_mag - that_mag; } private abstract class Event { private Event prev; private Event next = null; protected int magnitude = 0; private Event(Event prev) { this.prev = prev; if(prev != null) magnitude = prev.magnitude; } protected abstract void playback(RNGZOutputInterface out) throws IOException; } private class Sentinel extends Event { private Sentinel() { super(null); } protected void playback(RNGZOutputInterface out) { } } private class ChoiceEvent extends Event { private ChoiceEncoder enc; private int ch; private ChoiceEvent(ChoiceEncoder enc, int ch, Event prev) { super(prev); this.enc = enc; = ch; magnitude ++; } protected void playback(RNGZOutputInterface out) throws IOException { out.writeChoice(enc, ch); } } private class ContentStrEvent extends Event { private List<String> path; private String str; private ContentStrEvent(List<String> path, String str, Event prev) { super(prev); this.path = path; this.str = str; magnitude += str.length(); } protected void playback(RNGZOutputInterface out) throws IOException { out.writeContent(path, str); } } private class ContentBufEvent extends Event { private List<String> path; private char[] buf; private int start, length; private ContentBufEvent(List<String> path, char[] buf, int start, int length, Event prev) { super(prev); this.path = path; this.buf = buf; this.start = start; this.length = length; magnitude += length; } protected void playback(RNGZOutputInterface out) throws IOException { out.writeContent(path, buf, start, length); } } public void commit() throws IOException { assert invariants(); if(tentative) { /* History is recorded in reverse order, with prev links only. Go through and fill in the next links, so we can read it forward. */ Event start = null; for(Event e = history; e != null; e = e.prev) { /* If any of the next pointers are already set, another stream must have committed that event already. */ if(e.prev == null) start = e; else = e; } /* Now we can play it back. */ for(Event e = start; e != null; e = { e.playback(out); } tentative = false; history = null; assert invariants(); } } public void abort() { assert tentative; tentative = false; history = null; out = null; /* invariant will no longer hold; this object should never be used again. */ } // public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException // { // TentativeOutput a, b, c, d, e, f; // a = new TentativeOutput(new VerboseOutput(System.out)); // // a.writeContent(null, "Hello"); // b = a.fork(); // a.writeContent(null, "there"); // b.writeContent(null, "world"); // c = b.fork(); // b.writeContent(null, "one"); // c.writeContent(null, "two"); // // c.abort(); // // d = a.fork(); // e = b.fork(); // // a.writeContent(null, "dar"); // b.writeContent(null, "kd"); // d.writeContent(null, "ani"); // e.writeContent(null, "anne"); // // a.commit(); // // } }