package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.HashMap; import com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp.ResidualCalculator; import com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp.StringToken; import com.sun.msv.grammar.*; import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.ExpressionWalker; import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.RefExpRemover; import com.sun.msv.grammar.relaxng.RELAXNGGrammar; import com.sun.msv.util.StringPair; import org.relaxng.datatype.Datatype; import org.xml.sax.Locator; class DefAttCompatibilityChecker extends CompatibilityChecker { DefAttCompatibilityChecker( RELAXNGCompReader _reader, Map _defaultedAttributes ) { super(_reader); this.defaultedAttributes = _defaultedAttributes; } protected void setCompatibility( boolean val ) { grammar.isDefaultAttributeValueCompatible = val; } private final Map defaultedAttributes; /** * used to abort the check. */ private static final class Abort extends RuntimeException {} private static final class DefAttMap { /** * the map from the attribute name (as StringPair) to the default value (as String). */ final Map defaultAttributes; /** * one of the ElementExps that have this particular element name. * used only for the error reporting. */ final ElementExp sampleDecl; DefAttMap( ElementExp sample, Map atts ) { this.sampleDecl=sample; this.defaultAttributes=atts; } } private final RefExpRemover refRemover = new RefExpRemover(reader.pool,false); /** * returns true if the exp is equivalent to <empty/> after * the simplification. */ private boolean isEpsilon( Expression exp ) { if(exp==Expression.epsilon) return true; return exp.visit(refRemover) == Expression.epsilon; } /** * tests the compatibility with the default attribute feature. */ public void test() { grammar.isDefaultAttributeValueCompatible = true; if( defaultedAttributes.size()==0 ) return; // no default attribute is used. no need for the check. Iterator itr = defaultedAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); ResidualCalculator resCalc = new ResidualCalculator(reader.pool); while( itr.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry item = (Map.Entry); AttributeExp exp = (AttributeExp)item.getKey(); String value = (String)item.getValue(); // tests if the name class is simple if(!(exp.nameClass instanceof SimpleNameClass)) reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_NAME_IS_NOT_SIMPLE); // tests if there is no context-dependent datatypes try { exp.exp.visit( contextDependentTypeChecker ); } catch( Abort a ) { continue; // abort further check. this error is already reported. } // tests if the default value matches the content model of this attribute StringToken token = new StringToken(resCalc,value,null,null); if(!resCalc.calcResidual( exp.exp, token ).isEpsilonReducible() ) { // the default value was rejected by the content model. reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_INVALID, new Object[]{value}); } } if( !grammar.isDefaultAttributeValueCompatible ) // if there already is an error, abort further check. return; // a map from element names to DefAttMap final Map name2value = new HashMap(); // a set of all ElementExps in the grammar. final Set elements = new HashSet(); // tests if defaulted attributes are optional and doesn't have // oneOrMoreAncestor. // also (element name,attribute name)->default value // map is created here. grammar.visit( new ExpressionWalker() { // in the first pass, the elements variable // is used to record visited ElementExps. // condition that has to be met for default attributes to be valid. private boolean inOneOrMore = false; private boolean inChoice = false; private boolean inOptionalChoice = false; private boolean inSimpleElement = false; /** * A map from attribute name to defaulted AttributeExps * of the current element. */ private Map currentAttributes = null; /** * name of the current ElementExp * within which we are currently processing. */ private SimpleNameClass currentElementName = null; public void onElement( ElementExp exp ) { if( !elements.add(exp) ) return; // this element is already checked. // otherwise check the content model of this element. // update the value of the isSimpleElement field. final boolean oldSE = inSimpleElement; final boolean oldOC = inOptionalChoice; final boolean oldC = inChoice; final boolean oldOOM = inOneOrMore; final SimpleNameClass prevElemName = currentElementName; final Map oldCA = currentAttributes; inSimpleElement = (exp.getNameClass() instanceof SimpleNameClass); inOptionalChoice = true; inChoice = false; inOneOrMore = false; StringPair en = null; if(inSimpleElement) { currentElementName = (SimpleNameClass)exp.getNameClass(); en = new StringPair(currentElementName); currentAttributes = new HashMap(); } else currentElementName = null; exp.contentModel.visit(this); if(en!=null) { DefAttMap m = (DefAttMap)name2value.get(en); if(m==null) name2value.put(en, new DefAttMap(exp,currentAttributes)); else { // there was another ElementExp with the same name. // we need to check that their default attribute values // are consistent. if(!m.defaultAttributes.equals(currentAttributes)) { // TODO: provide better message reportCompError( new Locator[]{ reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(m.sampleDecl), reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_COMPETING_ELEMENTS, new Object[]{ ((SimpleNameClass)m.sampleDecl.getNameClass()).localName }); // make this element name fresh // so that the user won't see excessive error messages. name2value.remove(en); } } } inSimpleElement = oldSE; inOptionalChoice = oldOC; inChoice = oldC; inOneOrMore = oldOOM; currentElementName = prevElemName; currentAttributes = oldCA; } public void onOneOrMore( OneOrMoreExp exp ) { final boolean oldOOM = inOneOrMore; inOneOrMore = true; exp.exp.visit(this); inOneOrMore=oldOOM; } public void onChoice( ChoiceExp exp ) { final boolean oldOC = inOptionalChoice; final boolean oldC = inChoice; inChoice = true; if(!isEpsilon(exp.exp1) && !isEpsilon(exp.exp2)) inOptionalChoice = false; super.onChoice(exp); inOptionalChoice = oldOC; inChoice = oldC; } public void onAttribute( AttributeExp exp ) { if( defaultedAttributes.containsKey(exp) ) { // this attribute has a default value. if(!inOptionalChoice || !inChoice) { reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_NOT_OPTIONAL); return; // abort } if(inOneOrMore) { reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_REPEATABLE); return; // abort } if(!inSimpleElement) { reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_COMPLEX_ELEMENTNAME); return; // abort } String value = (String)defaultedAttributes.get(exp); String v = (String)currentAttributes.put( new StringPair((SimpleNameClass)exp.nameClass), value ); if(v!=null) { // make sure that this value and the previous value // are the same if(!v.equals(value)) reportCompError( new Locator[]{reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(exp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_DIFFERENT_VALUES, new Object[]{v,value, currentElementName.localName, ((SimpleNameClass)exp.nameClass).localName}); } } } public void onList( ListExp exp ) { // ListExp may never contain ElementExp nor AttributeExp, // so visiting its children is nothing but a waste of time. } }); // test that the competing elements also has the same default values. itr = elements.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { final ElementExp eexp = (ElementExp); NameClass nc = eexp.getNameClass(); if(!(nc instanceof SimpleNameClass)) { // if the element has a complex name class, // it cannot have a default attribute value. // (this is checked within the first pass. // so in this case, we just need to make sure that // any competing elements do not have defaulted attributes. Iterator jtr = name2value.entrySet().iterator(); while(jtr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); if(nc.accepts((StringPair)e.getKey())) { // this element competes with this eexp. DefAttMap defAtts = (DefAttMap)e.getValue(); if(defAtts.defaultAttributes.size()>0) { // TODO: what should the error message be? reportCompError( new Locator[]{ reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(defAtts.sampleDecl), reader.getDeclaredLocationOf(eexp)}, CERR_DEFVALUE_COMPETING_ELEMENTS, new Object[]{ ((SimpleNameClass)defAtts.sampleDecl.getNameClass()).localName }); return; // abort the check } } } } /* else { if the element has a simple name, then all checks are done in the 1st pass. } */ } } /** * checks if the expression contains context-dependent datatypes. * If so, it reports an error and throws an Abort exception. */ private ExpressionWalker contextDependentTypeChecker = new ExpressionWalker(){ public void onData( DataExp exp ) { check(exp.dt,; } public void onValue( ValueExp exp ) { check(exp.dt,; } private void check( Datatype dt, StringPair name ) { if(dt.isContextDependent()) { reportCompError( null, CERR_DEFVALUE_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_TYPE, new Object[]{name.localName}); throw new Abort(); } } }; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_NAME_IS_NOT_SIMPLE = // arg:0 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.NameIsNotSimple"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_INVALID = // arg:1 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.Invalid"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_NOT_OPTIONAL = // arg:0 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.NotOptional"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_REPEATABLE = // arg:0 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.Repeatable"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_COMPLEX_ELEMENTNAME = // arg:0 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.ComplexElementName"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_DIFFERENT_VALUES = // arg:4 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.DifferentValues"; // public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_POSSIBLY_UNCOMPATIBLE_TYPE = // arg:1 // "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.PossiblyUncompatibleType"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_TYPE = // arg:1 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.ContextDependentType"; public static final String CERR_DEFVALUE_COMPETING_ELEMENTS = // arg:1 "RELAXNGReader.Compatibility.DefaultValue.CompetingElements"; }