package net.contrapunctus.rngzip; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.BaliAutomaton; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.ErrorReporter; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.SchemaFormatException; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.SimpleXMLWriter; import net.contrapunctus.rngzip.util.PrettyXMLWriter; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new Driver().run(args); } private static final String myname = "rngzip"; Options opt = new Options(myname); private BaliAutomaton automaton; private long checksum; static PrintStream err = System.err; void run(String[] args) throws Exception { int first = opt.process(args); if( opt.identify_p ) { for( int i = first; i < args.length; i++) { identify(args[i]); } } if( opt.compress_p || opt.decompress_p ) { if( opt.schema != null ) { loadAutomaton(opt.schema); } Task task = opt.compress_p? new Zip() : new Unzip(); if( first < args.length ) { for( int i = first; i < args.length; i++ ) { applyToFile(task, new File(args[i])); } } else { applyToStdIO(task); } } } private HashMap<URL, BaliAutomaton> autoMap = new HashMap<URL, BaliAutomaton>(); private void loadAutomaton (URL url) throws SchemaFormatException { automaton = autoMap.get(url); if( automaton == null ) { info("loading %s%n", url); info("building automaton... "); long start = 0; if( opt.timings_p ) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } automaton = BaliAutomaton.fromRNG(url); checksum = automaton.checksum(); if( opt.timings_p ) { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; err.printf("%5d%s", elapsed, opt.verbosity > 1? "ms\n" : ","); } else { info("done%n"); } autoMap.put(url, automaton); } } private void loadAutomaton (File file) throws FileNotFoundException, SchemaFormatException { if(!file.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException(file.toString()); URL url = null; try { url = file.toURI().toURL(); } catch(MalformedURLException x) { assert false : x; } loadAutomaton(url); } private void loadAutomaton (String spec) throws FileNotFoundException, SchemaFormatException { try { loadAutomaton(new URL(spec)); } catch(MalformedURLException x) { loadAutomaton(new File(spec)); } } private void identify(String name) { RNGZInputStream zin = null; long len = -1; try { File file = new File(name); len = file.length(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); zin = new RNGZInputStream(in, opt.settings); } catch(FileNotFoundException x) { System.out.println(x.getMessage()); } catch(IOException x) { System.out.printf("%s (%s)%n", name, x.getMessage()); } if( zin != null ) { System.out.printf("%s: %d bytes %s", name, len, opt.settings); URL url = zin.getSchemaURL(); if( opt.verbosity > 1 && url != null ) { System.out.printf(" %s(%016x)%n", url, zin.getSchemaSum()); } else { System.out.println(); } try { zin.close(); } catch(IOException x) { } } } private void error(String fmt, Object... args) { if(opt.verbosity >= 0) { System.err.printf("%s: error: ", myname); System.err.printf(fmt, args); System.err.println(); } } private void info(String fmt, Object... args) { if(opt.verbosity > 1) { err.printf(fmt, args); } } private void applyToStdIO (Task task) throws IOException, SAXException { task.setInput(; task.setOutput(System.out); task.prepare();; } private void applyToFile (Task task, File infile) throws IOException, SAXException { task.setInput(infile); if( opt.stdout_p ) { task.setOutput(System.out); task.prepare();; if( opt.timings_p ) { err.printf("%5d%s", task.getTime(), opt.verbosity > 1? "ms\n" : ","); } return; } File outfile = task.getOutput(); try { if(!outfile.createNewFile() && !opt.force_p) { error("%s already exists; use --force (-f) to overwrite.", outfile); return; } } catch(IOException x) { error("cannot create %s: %s", outfile, x.getMessage()); return; } OutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(outfile); task.setOutput(outstream); task.prepare(); info("%-25s ", infile);; task.closeInput(); outstream.close(); if( opt.timings_p ) { err.printf("%5d%s", task.getTime(), opt.verbosity > 1? "ms\n" : ","); } float ratio = task.computeRatio(); boolean del_p = false; // did we delete the input file? if( !opt.keep_p ) { del_p = infile.delete(); } info("%.2f%% -- %s %s%n", ratio, del_p? "replaced with" : "created", outfile); if(!opt.keep_p && !del_p) { error("could not remove %s", infile); } } private abstract class Task { protected File infile; protected File outfile; protected OutputStream outstream; private long elapsed; abstract void setInput (File file) throws FileNotFoundException; abstract void setInput (InputStream in); abstract File getOutput (); abstract void execute() throws IOException, SAXException; abstract float computeRatio (long insize, long outsize); void setOutput (OutputStream out) { outstream = out; } float computeRatio() { assert infile != null && outfile != null; long insize = infile.length(); long outsize = outfile.length(); return computeRatio (insize, outsize); } void prepare() throws IOException { } void run() throws IOException, SAXException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); execute(); elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; } void closeInput() throws IOException { } long getTime() { return elapsed; } } // end class Task private class Zip extends Task { private InputSource insource; void setInput (File file) { infile = file; insource = new InputSource(file.getPath()); } void setInput (InputStream in) { insource = new InputSource(in); } File getOutput() { assert infile != null; String name = infile.getPath() + opt.suffix; outfile = new File (name); return outfile; } float computeRatio (long insize, long outsize) { return (insize - outsize) / (float)insize * 100; } void execute() throws IOException, SAXException { assert insource != null && outstream != null; RNGZOutputInterface rnz = opt.debug_p? new VerboseOutput(System.err) : new RNGZOutputStream(outstream, opt.settings, automaton); ErrorReporter err = new ErrorReporter(); GenericCompressor gc = new GenericCompressor(automaton, err, rnz); XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); xr.setFeature("", false); xr.setFeature("", false); xr.setContentHandler(gc); xr.setErrorHandler(err); xr.parse(insource); rnz.close(); } } // end class Zip private class Unzip extends Task { private InputStream instream; private RNGZInputInterface zin; private ContentHandler ch; void setInput (File file) throws FileNotFoundException { infile = file; instream = new FileInputStream(infile); } void setInput (InputStream in) { instream = in; } File getOutput() { assert infile != null; String name = infile.getPath(); if( opt.suffix.length() > 0 && name.endsWith(opt.suffix) ) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - opt.suffix.length()); } else { name += ".xml"; } outfile = new File (name); return outfile; } float computeRatio (long insize, long outsize) { return (outsize - insize) / (float)outsize * 100; } void prepare() throws IOException { assert instream != null && outstream != null; if( opt.debug_p ) { zin = new InteractiveInput(instream, System.err); } else { RNGZInputStream zis = new RNGZInputStream(instream, opt.settings); if( zis.getSchemaURL() != null ) { // input stream has schema ref embedded if( opt.schema == null ) { loadAutomaton(zis.getSchemaURL()); } if( zis.getSchemaSum() != checksum ) { error("MISMATCH %08X <> %08X", zis.getSchemaSum(), checksum); error("Schema was %s", zis.getSchemaURL()); throw new IOException("SUMS DO NOT MATCH"); // FIX } } else if( opt.schema == null ) { throw new IOException("NO SCHEMA SPECIFIED"); // FIX } zin = zis; } ch = (opt.pretty_p? new PrettyXMLWriter(outstream, opt.pretty_tab) : new SimpleXMLWriter(outstream)); } void execute() throws IOException, SAXException { assert zin != null && ch != null; new GenericDecompressor(automaton, zin, ch); outstream.write('\n'); } void closeInput() throws IOException { instream.close(); } } // end class Unzip }