/* * @(#)$Id: REDocumentDeclaration.java,v 1.23 2001/11/19 19:56:41 kk122374 Exp $ * * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp; import com.sun.msv.verifier.Acceptor; import com.sun.msv.verifier.DocumentDeclaration; import com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp.ExpressionAcceptor; import com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression; import com.sun.msv.grammar.ExpressionPool; import com.sun.msv.grammar.Grammar; import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.RefExpRemover; import java.util.Map; /** * {@link DocumentDeclaration} implementation * * Grammar object can be shared among multiple threads, but this object * cannot be shared. * * <p> * REDocumentDeclaration always returns subclasses of {@link ExpressionAcceptor} * as the Acceptor implementation. * * @author <a href="mailto:kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com">Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI</a> */ public class REDocumentDeclaration implements DocumentDeclaration { /** start validation from this expression. */ protected final Expression topLevel; /** ExpressionPool object that this VGM uses. */ public final ExpressionPool pool; public REDocumentDeclaration( Grammar grammar ) { this( grammar.getTopLevel(), grammar.getPool() ); } /** * creates an object that validates the specified expression. */ public REDocumentDeclaration( Expression topLevel, ExpressionPool pool ) { this.topLevel = topLevel; this.pool = pool; resCalc = new ResidualCalculator(pool); attFeeder = new AttributeFeeder(this); attPicker = new AttributePicker(pool); attPruner = new AttributePruner(pool); attRemover = new AttributeRemover(pool); cccec = new CombinedChildContentExpCreator(pool); ecc = new ElementsOfConcernCollector(); attToken = new AttributeToken(this,null,null,null,null); } // thread local objects. // for these function objects, one per a thread is enough. protected final ResidualCalculator resCalc; protected final CombinedChildContentExpCreator cccec; protected final AttributeFeeder attFeeder; protected final AttributePruner attPruner; protected final AttributePicker attPicker; protected final AttributeRemover attRemover; protected final ElementsOfConcernCollector ecc; /** * the AttributeToken object which is re-used * * <p> * Only one AttributeToken object is used during the * {@link Acceptor#onAttribute} method. * So instead of creating new object every time the method is called, we can * kept using one copy. * * <p> * Note: other parts of the code may never rely on the fact that * the attribute token is cached and reused. * * <p> * Note: this field should be accessed <b>ONLY</b> by the * {@link ExpressionAcceptor#onAttribute} method. */ public final AttributeToken attToken; public Acceptor createAcceptor() { // top-level Acceptor cannot have continuation. return new SimpleAcceptor(this, topLevel, null, Expression.epsilon); } public String localizeMessage( String propertyName, Object[] args ) { String format = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( "com.sun.msv.verifier.regexp.Messages").getString(propertyName); return java.text.MessageFormat.format(format, args ); } public final String localizeMessage( String propName, Object arg1 ) { return localizeMessage(propName, new Object[]{arg1} ); } public final String localizeMessage( String propName, Object arg1, Object arg2 ) { return localizeMessage(propName, new Object[]{arg1,arg2} ); } public static final String DIAG_ELEMENT_NOT_ALLOWED = "Diagnosis.ElementNotAllowed"; public static final String DIAG_CONTENT_MODEL_IS_NULLSET = "Diagnosis.ContentModelIsNullset"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_GENERIC = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.Generic"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_WRAPUP = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.WrapUp"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_SEPARATOR = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.Separator"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_MORE = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.More"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_WRONG_NAMESPACE = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.WrongNamespace"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_TAGNAME_PROBABLY_WRONG_NAMESPACE = "Diagnosis.BadTagName.ProbablyWrongNamespace"; public static final String DIAG_UNDECLARED_ATTRIBUTE = "Diagnosis.UndeclaredAttribute"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_GENERIC = "Diagnosis.BadAttributeValue.Generic"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DATATYPE = "Diagnosis.BadAttributeValue.DataType"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_WRAPUP = "Diagnosis.BadAttributeValue.WrapUp"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "Diagnosis.BadAttributeValue.Separator"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MORE = "Diagnosis.BadAttributeValue.More"; public static final String DIAG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_SIMPLE = "Diagnosis.MissingAttribute.Simple"; public static final String DIAG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_GENERIC = "Diagnosis.MissingAttribute.Generic"; public static final String DIAG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_WRAPUP = "Diagnosis.MissingAttribute.WrapUp"; public static final String DIAG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR = "Diagnosis.MissingAttribute.Separator"; public static final String DIAG_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_MORE = "Diagnosis.MissingAttribute.More"; public static final String DIAG_UNCOMPLETED_CONTENT_WRAPUP = "Diagnosis.UncompletedContent.WrapUp"; public static final String DIAG_UNCOMPLETED_CONTENT_SEPARATOR = "Diagnosis.UncompletedContent.Separator"; public static final String DIAG_UNCOMPLETED_CONTENT_MORE = "Diagnosis.UncompletedContent.More"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_LITERAL_WRAPUP = // arg:1 "Diagnosis.BadLiteral.WrapUp"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_LITERAL_SEPARATOR = "Diagnosis.BadLiteral.Separator"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_LITERAL_MORE = "Diagnosis.BadLiteral.More"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_LITERAL_GENERIC = "Diagnosis.BadLiteral.Generic"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_LITERAL_INCORRECT_VALUE = // arg:1 "Diagnosis.BadLiteral.IncorrectValue"; public static final String DIAG_SIMPLE_NAMECLASS = "Diagnosis.SimpleNameClass"; public static final String DIAG_NAMESPACE_NAMECLASS = "Diagnosis.NamespaceNameClass"; public static final String DIAG_NOT_NAMESPACE_NAMECLASS = "Diagnosis.NotNamespaceNameClass"; public static final String DIAG_STRING_NOT_ALLOWED = "Diagnosis.StringNotAllowed"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_KEY_VALUE = // arg:1 "Diagnosis.BadKeyValue"; public static final String DIAG_BAD_KEY_VALUE2 = // arg:2 "Diagnosis.BadKeyValue2"; }