package quickml.utlities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import quickml.utlities.selectors.*; /** * Created by alexanderhawk on 10/2/14. */ /* This class converts the contents of a csv file into quickml instances. Defaults: 1. the column containing the instance label is assumed to be the first collumn in the csv file. 2. any variable that can be parsed to a number will be treated as numeric. Add an underscore to categorical variable values if they are numeric 3. all instances are assumed to have equal weight Options: 1. the column for an instances label can be specified by its name in the header in the function: columnNameForLabel. 2. the column for an instances weight can be specified by its name in the header in the function: columnNameForWeight. 2. One can specify which variables are categorical by providing either an instancet of a NumericSelector to numericSelector(), or a CategoricalSelector to categoricalSelector. Only one of the two needs to be provided. */ public class CSVToInstanceReader { private List<String> header; private String columnNameForLabel; private String columnNameForWeight; private boolean containsUnLabeledInstances = false; private Optional<CategoricalSelector> categoricalSelector = Optional.absent(); private Optional<NumericSelector> numericSelector = Optional.absent(); private char delimiter = ','; private boolean hasHeader = true; public CSVToInstanceReader() { } public CSVToInstanceReader(char delimiter, String columnNameForLabel, String columnNameForWeight, Optional<CategoricalSelector> categoricalSelector, Optional<NumericSelector> numericSelector, boolean hasHeader) { this.delimiter = delimiter; this.columnNameForLabel = columnNameForLabel; this.columnNameForWeight = columnNameForWeight; this.categoricalSelector = categoricalSelector; this.numericSelector = numericSelector; this.hasHeader = hasHeader; } public List<ClassifierInstance> readClassifierInstancesFromCsv(String fileName) throws Exception { CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileName), delimiter, '"'); return getInstancesFromReader(reader); } public List<RegressionInstance> readRegressionInstancesFromCsv(String fileName) throws Exception { List<ClassifierInstance> classifierInstances = readClassifierInstancesFromCsv(fileName); List<RegressionInstance> regressionInstances = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ClassifierInstance instance : classifierInstances ) { if (instance.getLabel() instanceof Double) { regressionInstances.add(new RegressionInstance(instance.getAttributes(), (Double) instance.getLabel(), instance.getWeight())); } } return regressionInstances; } public List<ClassifierInstance> readCsvFromReader(Reader reader) throws Exception { CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(reader, delimiter, '"'); return getInstancesFromReader(csvReader); } private List<ClassifierInstance> getInstancesFromReader(CSVReader reader) throws IOException { List<String[]> csvLines = reader.readAll(); List<ClassifierInstance> instances = Lists.newArrayList(); try { setHeader(csvLines); for (int i = 1; i < csvLines.size(); i++) { instances.add(instanceConverter(csvLines.get(i))); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } return instances; } private void setHeader(List<String[]> csvLines) { header = new ArrayList<>(); if (hasHeader) { Collections.addAll(header, csvLines.get(0)); } else { for (int i = 0; i< csvLines.get(0).length; i++) { header.add("x" + i); //variables named x1 through xn } } } private ClassifierInstance instanceConverter(String[] instanceArray) { AttributesMap attributesMap = AttributesMap.newHashMap(); Serializable label = null; double weight = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) { if (i >= instanceArray.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (instanceArray[i].isEmpty()) { continue; } boolean haveLabelInFirstCollumn = i == 0 && columnNameForLabel == null; boolean matchedCollumnToLabel = columnNameForLabel != null && columnNameForLabel.equals(header.get(i)); if (haveLabelInFirstCollumn || matchedCollumnToLabel) { label = convertToNumberOrCleanedString(header.get(i), instanceArray[i]); continue; } boolean matchedCollumnToWeight = columnNameForWeight != null && columnNameForWeight.equals(header.get(i)); if (matchedCollumnToWeight) { weight = (Double) convertToNumberOrCleanedString(header.get(i), instanceArray[i]); continue; } attributesMap.put(header.get(i), convertToNumberOrCleanedString(header.get(i), instanceArray[i])); } if (label == null) { label = "missing label"; containsUnLabeledInstances = true; } return new ClassifierInstance(attributesMap, label, weight); } private Serializable convertToNumberOrCleanedString(String varName, String varValue) { boolean categoricalOrNumericSelectorProvided = categoricalSelector.isPresent() || numericSelector.isPresent(); if (!categoricalOrNumericSelectorProvided) { return tryToConvertToNumeric(varValue); } else { //note: quoted values will be treated as categorical unless a selector indicates otherwise if (categoricalSelector.isPresent() && categoricalSelector.get().isCategorical(varName)) { return categoricalSelector.get().cleanValue(varValue); } else if (!numericSelector.isPresent() || numericSelector.get().isNumeric(varName)) { if (numericSelector.isPresent()) { varValue = numericSelector.get().cleanValue(varValue); } return tryToConvertToNumeric(varValue); } else { //now account for the case where a numeric selector is provided, but no categorical selector is. return varValue; } } } private Serializable tryToConvertToNumeric(String varValue) { if ((varValue.startsWith("\"") && varValue.endsWith("\"")) || (varValue.startsWith("\'") && varValue.endsWith("\'"))) { varValue = varValue.substring(1, varValue.length() - 1); } try { return Long.valueOf(varValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { return Double.valueOf(varValue); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { return varValue; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> catVariables = Sets.newHashSet(); catVariables.add("eap"); CSVToInstanceReaderBuilder csvReaderBuilder = new CSVToInstanceReaderBuilder().collumnNameForLabel("campaignId").categoricalSelector(new ExplicitCategoricalSelector(catVariables)); CSVToInstanceReader csvReader = csvReaderBuilder.buildCsvReader(); try { List<ClassifierInstance> instances = csvReader.readClassifierInstancesFromCsv("test3"); for (ClassifierInstance instance : instances) System.out.println("label: " + instance.getLabel() + "attributes: " + instance.getAttributes().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } }