package quickml.supervised.crossValidation.lossfunctions.rankingLossFunctions; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import quickml.supervised.rankingModels.ItemToOutcomeMap; import quickml.supervised.rankingModels.LabelPredictionWeightForRanking; import quickml.supervised.rankingModels.RankingPrediction; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * Created by alexanderhawk on 8/13/15. */ public class NDCG implements RankingLossFunction { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RankingLossFunction.class); int k = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public NDCG(int k) { this.k = k; } public NDCG() { } /**normailized discounted cumulative gain*/ @Override public Double getLoss(List<LabelPredictionWeightForRanking> results) { double loss = 0; for (LabelPredictionWeightForRanking lpw : results) { loss+=nDCGForInstance(lpw); //"ndcg for instance {}", nDCGForInstance(lpw)); } return -loss; //need to change this to be negative NDCG } @Override public String getName() { return "NDCG"; } private double nDCGForInstance(LabelPredictionWeightForRanking lpw) { double dcg =dcg(lpw, k); double idcg = idcg(lpw, k); return lpw.getWeight()*dcg/idcg; } public static double dcg(LabelPredictionWeightForRanking lpw, int k) { ItemToOutcomeMap ito = lpw.getLabel(); RankingPrediction rp = lpw.getPrediction(); double dcg = 0; for (Serializable item : ito.getItems()) { double outcome = ito.getOutcome(item); int rank = rp.getRankOfItem(item); if (rank < k) { dcg += dcgSummand(outcome, rank); //"ranked + " +rank); } else{ // System.out.println("not ranked"); } } return dcg; } public static double dcgSummand(double outcome, int rank) { double numerator = Math.pow(2,outcome) -1; double denominator = Math.log(1+rank)/Math.log(2); return numerator/denominator; } public static double idcg(LabelPredictionWeightForRanking lpw, int k) { ItemToOutcomeMap ito = lpw.getLabel(); List<Double> outcomes = Lists.newArrayList(ito.getOutcomes()); //sort descending order if (outcomes.size()==1) { return dcgSummand(outcomes.get(0), 1); } Collections.sort(outcomes, new Comparator<Double>() { @Override public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) { return, o2); } }); double idcg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outcomes.size(); i++) { if (i>k) { break; } Double outcome = outcomes.get(i); int rank = i + 1; idcg += dcgSummand(outcome, rank); } return idcg; } }