package quickml.supervised.PredictiveModelsFromPreviousVersionsToBenchMarkAgainst.oldTree; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; public abstract class OldNode implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8713974861744567620L; public abstract void dump(int indent, Appendable ap); public final OldNode parent; public OldNode(OldNode parent) { this.parent = parent; } public abstract double getProbabilityWithoutAttributes(AttributesMap attributes, Serializable classification, Set<String> attribute); /** * Writes a textual representation of this oldTree to a PrintStream * * @param ap */ public void dump(final Appendable ap) { dump(0, ap); } /** * Get a label for a given set of HashMapAttributes * * @param attributes * @return */ public abstract OldLeaf getLeaf(AttributesMap attributes); /** * Return the mean depth of leaves in the oldTree. A lower number generally * indicates that the decision oldTree learner has done a better job. * * @return */ public double meanDepth() { final LeafDepthStats stats = new LeafDepthStats(); calcLeafDepthStats(stats); return (double) stats.ttlDepth / stats.ttlSamples; } public double medianDepth() { LeafDepthStats leafDepthStats = new LeafDepthStats(); calcLeafDepthStats(leafDepthStats); long counts = 0; int depth = 0; while (counts < leafDepthStats.ttlSamples/2) { if (leafDepthStats.depthDistribution.containsKey(depth)) { counts += leafDepthStats.depthDistribution.get(depth); } if (counts < leafDepthStats.ttlSamples/2) { depth++; } } return depth; } /* public double medianDepth() { final LeafDepthStats stats = new LeafDepthStats(); calcLeafDepthStats(stats); Collections.sort(stats.sampleDepths); return stats.sampleDepths.get(stats.sampleDepths.size()/2); } */ /** * Return the number of nodes in this decision oldTree. * * @return */ public abstract int size(); @Override public abstract boolean equals(final Object obj); @Override public abstract int hashCode(); protected abstract void calcLeafDepthStats(LeafDepthStats stats); protected static class LeafDepthStats { int ttlDepth = 0; int ttlSamples = 0; public TreeMap<Integer, Long> depthDistribution = Maps.newTreeMap(); } }