package quickml.supervised.regressionModel.IsotonicRegression; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import quickml.supervised.regressionModel.SingleVariableRealValuedFunction; import; import; import java.util.*; // TODO: This should be split out into a separate Builder rather than using the constructor, // so that it follows the same pattern as other PredictiveModels public class PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel implements SingleVariableRealValuedFunction { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 4389814244047503245L; private int size; ArrayList<Observation> calibrationList = Lists.newArrayList(); TreeSet<Observation> calibrationSet = Sets.newTreeSet(); TreeSet<Observation> preSmoothingSet = Sets.newTreeSet(); boolean reversed = false; private static Random rand = new Random(); private boolean interpolateThroughOrigin = true; private boolean extropolateOffUpperEnd = true; public PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel(final Iterable<Observation> predictions) { this(predictions, 1); } /** * @param predictions The input to the calibration function * @param minWeight The minimum weight of a point, used to pre-smooth the function */ public PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel(final Iterable<Observation> predictions, int minWeight) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(predictions); Preconditions.checkArgument(minWeight >= 1, "minWeight %s must be >= 1", minWeight); TreeSet<Observation> orderedCalibrations = Sets.newTreeSet(); Iterables.addAll(orderedCalibrations, predictions); if (minWeight > 1) { Observation toAdd = null; for (final Observation p : orderedCalibrations) { if (toAdd == null) { toAdd = p; continue; } if (toAdd.weight < minWeight) { toAdd = toAdd.mergeWith(p); continue; } calibrationList.add(toAdd); toAdd = p; } if (toAdd != null) calibrationList.add(toAdd); } else { calibrationList.addAll(orderedCalibrations); } preSmoothingSet.addAll(calibrationList); calibrationSet = createCalibrationSet(calibrationList); this.size = calibrationSet.size(); } public TreeSet<Observation> createCalibrationSet(List<Observation> inputOrderedList) { Observation currentObservation = null, preceedingObservation = null; int preceedingObservationIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i<inputOrderedList.size(); i++) { boolean currentObservationIsViolator = true; currentObservation = inputOrderedList.get(i); while (currentObservationIsViolator) { if (preceedingObservationIndex >= 0) { preceedingObservation = inputOrderedList.get(preceedingObservationIndex); } else { break; } if (!reversed) { currentObservationIsViolator = currentObservation.output < preceedingObservation.output; } else { currentObservationIsViolator = currentObservation.output > preceedingObservation.output; } if (currentObservationIsViolator) { currentObservation = preceedingObservation.mergeWith(currentObservation); preceedingObservationIndex--; } } inputOrderedList.set(preceedingObservationIndex+1, currentObservation); preceedingObservationIndex++; } TreeSet<Observation> localCalibrationSet = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i< preceedingObservationIndex+1; i++) { localCalibrationSet.add(inputOrderedList.get(i)); } return localCalibrationSet; } public PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel interpolateThroughOrigin(boolean interpolateThroughOrigin) { this.interpolateThroughOrigin = interpolateThroughOrigin; return this; } public PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel extropolateOffUpperEnd(boolean extropolateOffUpperEnd) { this.extropolateOffUpperEnd = extropolateOffUpperEnd; return this; } public TreeSet<Observation> getCalibrationSet(){ return calibrationSet; } public TreeSet<Observation> getPreSmoothingSet(){ return preSmoothingSet; } public void stripZeroOutputs() { while (!calibrationSet.isEmpty() && calibrationSet.first().output == 0) { calibrationSet.pollFirst(); } this.size = calibrationSet.size(); } public void addObservation(Observation observation) { calibrationSet.add(observation); } public boolean willExtrapolate(double input) { final Observation toCorrect = new Observation(input, 0); Observation floor = calibrationSet.floor(toCorrect); Observation ceil = calibrationSet.ceiling(toCorrect); if (floor == null || ceil ==null) return true; else return false; } @Override public Double predictWithoutAttributes(Double input, Set<String> attributesToIgnore) { //there is only one attribute in predict, therefore it does not make sense to drop anything return predict(input); } public double predictIfInterpolation(double input) { if (input < calibrationSet.first().input || input>calibrationSet.last().input) { return input; } else { return predict(input); } } @Override public Double predict(Double input) { Preconditions.checkState(!calibrationSet.isEmpty()); final double kProp; final Observation toCorrect = new Observation(input, 0); Observation floor = calibrationSet.floor(toCorrect); if (!interpolateThroughOrigin && floor == null && calibrationSet.higher(calibrationSet.first()) != null) { double upperXCoord = 0, upperYCoord = 0; if (calibrationSet.higher(calibrationSet.first()) != null) { upperXCoord = (calibrationSet.higher(calibrationSet.first())).input; upperYCoord = (calibrationSet.higher(calibrationSet.first())).output; } try { double slopeOffEnd = (upperYCoord - calibrationSet.first().output) / (upperXCoord - calibrationSet.first().input); double inputDistanceFromFirst = input - calibrationSet.first().input; return Math.max(0, calibrationSet.first().output + slopeOffEnd * inputDistanceFromFirst); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.warn("NoSuchElementException finding calibrationSet elements"); return calibrationSet.first().output; } } else if (floor ==null) { floor = new Observation(0, 0, calibrationSet.first().weight); } Observation ceiling = calibrationSet.ceiling(toCorrect); if (ceiling == null && extropolateOffUpperEnd) { double lowerXcoord = 0, lowerYCoord = 0; if (calibrationSet.lower(calibrationSet.last()) != null) { lowerXcoord = calibrationSet.lower(calibrationSet.last()).input; lowerYCoord = calibrationSet.lower(calibrationSet.last()).output; } else { return floor.output; } try { double slopeOffEnd = (calibrationSet.last().output - lowerYCoord) / (calibrationSet.last().input - lowerXcoord); double inputDistanceFromLast = input - calibrationSet.last().input; return calibrationSet.last().output + slopeOffEnd * inputDistanceFromLast; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.warn("NoSuchElementException finding ceiling or calibrationSet has no element calibrationSet.lower(calibrationSet.last()).input"); return floor.output; } } boolean inputOnAPointInTheCalibrationSet = input.equals(ceiling.input) || input.equals(floor.input); if (inputOnAPointInTheCalibrationSet) { return input.equals(ceiling.input) ? ceiling.output : floor.output; } //PAV has just one point in calibration set boolean ceilingInputEqualFloorInput = ceiling.input == floor.input; if (ceilingInputEqualFloorInput) return input.equals(ceiling.input) ? ceiling.output : floor.output; double floorWeight = (ceiling.input - input)*floor.weight; double ceilingWeight = (input - floor.input)*ceiling.weight; double corrected = (floor.output*floorWeight + ceiling.output*ceilingWeight)/(floorWeight + ceilingWeight); if (Double.isInfinite(corrected) || Double.isNaN(corrected)) {"corrected is NaN or inf"); return input; } else { return corrected; } } public double reverse(final double output) { double lowCPC = calibrationSet.first().input, highCPC = calibrationSet.last().input; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { final double tst = (lowCPC + highCPC) / 2.0; final double opt = predict(tst); if (opt < output) { lowCPC = tst; } else { highCPC = tst; } } return (lowCPC + highCPC) / 2.0; } public void dump(final Appendable ps) { for (final Observation p : calibrationSet) { try { ps.append(p + "\n"); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); dump(sb); return sb.toString(); } public int size() { return size; } public Observation minNonZeroObservation() { Observation minObs = null; for (final PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel.Observation observation : calibrationSet) { if (observation.input >= 0.0) { minObs = observation; break; } } return minObs; } public Observation maxObservation() { return calibrationSet.last(); } public static final class Observation implements Comparable<Observation>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5472613396250257288L; public final double input; public final double output; private final int seed; public final double weight; /** * This type of observation can be used to predict a previous observation. * So adding: * Observation(1, 0) and Observation.WEIGHTLESS(1, 2) * * Has the exact same effect as adding: * Observation(1, 1) * * @param input * @param output * @return */ public static Observation newWeightless(final double input, final double output) { return new Observation(input, output, 0); } public Observation(final double input, final double output) { this(input, output, 1); } public Observation(final double input, final double output, final double weight) { Preconditions.checkState(!(Double.isNaN(input) && Double.isNaN(output) && Double.isNaN((double) weight))); this.input = input; this.output = output; seed = PoolAdjacentViolatorsModel.rand.nextInt(); this.weight = weight; } @Override public int compareTo(final Observation o) { final int r =, o.input); if (r != 0) return r; return, o.seed); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o instanceof Observation) return ((Observation) o).seed == seed; else return false; } public Observation mergeWith(final Observation other) { if ((weight == 0 && other.weight == 0) || (weight + other.weight == 0)) { return Observation.newWeightless((input + other.input) / 2.0, (output + other.output) / 2.0); } else if (other.weight == 0) { return this;//other.mergeWith(this); } else if (weight == 0) { return other;//new Observation(other.input, // (this.output + other.output * other.weight) / (other.weight + 1), // other.weight); } return new Observation( (input * weight + other.input * other.weight) / (weight + other.weight), (output * weight + other.output * other.weight) / (weight + other.weight), weight + other.weight); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Observation [input="); builder.append(input); builder.append(", output="); builder.append(output); builder.append(", weight="); builder.append(weight); builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } } }