package quickml.supervised.ensembles.randomForest.randomDecisionForest; import; import; import; import; import; import quickml.supervised.classifier.AbstractClassifier; import quickml.supervised.ensembles.randomForest.RandomForest; import quickml.supervised.tree.decisionTree.DecisionTree; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: ian * Date: 4/18/13 * Time: 4:17 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class RandomDecisionForest extends AbstractClassifier implements RandomForest<PredictionMap, DecisionTree> { static final long serialVersionUID = 56394564395638954L; public final List<DecisionTree> decisionTrees; private Set<Serializable> classifications = new HashSet<>(); private boolean binaryClassification = true; protected RandomDecisionForest(List<DecisionTree> decisionTrees, Set<Serializable> classifications) { Preconditions.checkArgument(decisionTrees.size() > 0, "We must have at least one oldTree"); this.decisionTrees = decisionTrees; this.classifications = classifications; if (classifications.size() > 2) { binaryClassification = false; } else if (classifications.size() < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("no classes listed in classifications"); } } @Override public double getProbability(AttributesMap attributes, Serializable classification) { double total = 0; for (DecisionTree decisionTree : decisionTrees) { final double probability = decisionTree.getProbability(attributes, classification); if (Double.isInfinite(probability) || Double.isNaN(probability)) { throw new RuntimeException("Probability must be a normal number, not "+probability); } total += probability; } return total / decisionTrees.size(); } public double getProbabilityWithoutAttributes(AttributesMap attributes, Serializable classification, Set<String> attributesToIgnore) { double total = 0; for (DecisionTree decisionTree : decisionTrees) { final double probability = decisionTree.getProbabilityWithoutAttributes(attributes, classification, attributesToIgnore); if (Double.isInfinite(probability) || Double.isNaN(probability)) { throw new RuntimeException("Probability must be a normal number, not "+probability); } total += probability; } return total / decisionTrees.size(); } @Override public PredictionMap predict(final AttributesMap attributes) { if (binaryClassification) { return getPredictionForTwoClasses(attributes); } else { return getPredictionForNClasses(attributes); } } private PredictionMap getPredictionForNClasses(AttributesMap attributes) { PredictionMap sumsByClassification = new PredictionMap(new HashMap<Serializable, Double>()); for (DecisionTree decisionTree : decisionTrees) { final PredictionMap treeProbs = decisionTree.predict(attributes); for (Map.Entry<Serializable, Double> tpe : treeProbs.entrySet()) { Double sum = sumsByClassification.get(tpe.getKey()); if (sum == null) sum = 0.0; sum += tpe.getValue(); sumsByClassification.put(tpe.getKey(), sum); } } PredictionMap probsByClassification = new PredictionMap(new HashMap<Serializable, Double>()); for (Map.Entry<Serializable, Double> sumEntry : sumsByClassification.entrySet()) { probsByClassification.put(sumEntry.getKey(), sumEntry.getValue() / decisionTrees.size()); } return probsByClassification; } @Override public PredictionMap predictWithoutAttributes(AttributesMap attributes, Set<String> attributesToIgnore) { PredictionMap sumsByClassification = new PredictionMap(new HashMap<Serializable, Double>()); for (DecisionTree decisionTree : decisionTrees) { final PredictionMap treeProbs = decisionTree.predictWithoutAttributes(attributes, attributesToIgnore); for (Map.Entry<Serializable, Double> tpe : treeProbs.entrySet()) { Double sum = sumsByClassification.get(tpe.getKey()); if (sum == null) sum = 0.0; sum += tpe.getValue(); sumsByClassification.put(tpe.getKey(), sum); } } PredictionMap probsByClassification = new PredictionMap(new HashMap<Serializable, Double>()); for (Map.Entry<Serializable, Double> sumEntry : sumsByClassification.entrySet()) { probsByClassification.put(sumEntry.getKey(), sumEntry.getValue() / decisionTrees.size()); } return probsByClassification; } private PredictionMap getPredictionForTwoClasses(AttributesMap attributes) { PredictionMap probsByClassification = PredictionMap.newMap(); Iterator<Serializable> classIterator = classifications.iterator(); if (!classIterator.hasNext()) { throw new RuntimeException("no class labels present in classification set"); } Serializable firstClassification =; double firstProbability = getProbability(attributes, firstClassification); probsByClassification.put(firstClassification, firstProbability); if (classIterator.hasNext()) { Serializable secondClassification =; probsByClassification.put(secondClassification, 1.0 - firstProbability); } return probsByClassification; } @Override public Serializable getClassificationByMaxProb(AttributesMap attributes) { Map<Serializable, AtomicDouble> probTotals = Maps.newHashMap(); for (DecisionTree decisionTree : decisionTrees) { PredictionMap predictionMap = decisionTree.predict(attributes); for (Serializable key : predictionMap.keySet()) { if (probTotals.containsKey(key)) { probTotals.put(key, new AtomicDouble(probTotals.get(key).getAndAdd(predictionMap.get(key)))); } else { probTotals.put(key, new AtomicDouble(predictionMap.get(key))); } } } Serializable bestClassification = null; double bestClassificationTtlProb = 0; for (Map.Entry<Serializable, AtomicDouble> classificationProb : probTotals.entrySet()) { if (bestClassification == null || classificationProb.getValue().get() > bestClassificationTtlProb) { bestClassification = classificationProb.getKey(); bestClassificationTtlProb = classificationProb.getValue().get(); } } return bestClassification; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final RandomDecisionForest that = (RandomDecisionForest) o; if (!decisionTrees.equals(that.decisionTrees)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return decisionTrees.hashCode(); } }